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Elena Swan 8th Apr 2010 3:00 PM

students' rebellion

fthomas 8th Apr 2010 4:07 PM

Gorgeous-Ness (:

DollyRot 8th Apr 2010 4:08 PM

One of the greatest nights of my life, haha

PharaohHound 8th Apr 2010 4:40 PM

Nik Color Efex Pro.

Wartooth 8th Apr 2010 5:16 PM

Pooping into a hat (for a weird reason)

Ebonova 8th Apr 2010 6:32 PM

Toki looks like a skeleton.

fthomas 8th Apr 2010 6:41 PM

Spider Woman! XD.

Ebonova 8th Apr 2010 6:43 PM

Lady GaGa

Wartooth 8th Apr 2010 6:44 PM

Lady GaGa (because the curly hair and makeup)

Ebonova 8th Apr 2010 6:47 PM


Wartooth 8th Apr 2010 7:08 PM

True love.

Rabid 8th Apr 2010 8:34 PM


Wartooth 8th Apr 2010 8:57 PM

Someone trying to distract someone while a Picture is being taken.

Elena Swan 8th Apr 2010 9:32 PM

the fact that if I stare your avatar it looks go faster and faster....

Wartooth 8th Apr 2010 9:48 PM

Wow! You're right, it does seem to go faster!

Sims getting hit in the head with hail and dying. (I know, I'm so fun and unmorbid!!)

pandemonium 8th Apr 2010 9:50 PM

Some guy who should consider getting his hair cut for locks of love.

Wartooth 8th Apr 2010 9:57 PM


^Don't ask what that was. Actually, it was from a TV series I watched recently.

And he probably never wound - Skwisgaar is too vain to ever do anything like that.

pandemonium 9th Apr 2010 3:34 AM

FABIO! I don't know why, but the flowing hair. Yeah, it's the flowing hair. :]

DigitalSympathies 9th Apr 2010 4:27 AM

Don't. Say. A Word.


Wartooth 9th Apr 2010 4:53 AM

Twitlight because of the red eyes and bloodlust caption thingy.

Ebonova 9th Apr 2010 4:55 AM

SKWISSMAN :lovestruc

meggie272 9th Apr 2010 6:25 AM

Purple eyes...

Ebonova 9th Apr 2010 6:56 AM

Something I would say

lethifold 9th Apr 2010 2:56 PM

An avatar that hasn't been changed for as long as I can remember.

Rabid 9th Apr 2010 3:48 PM

Amy Adams. I know it's not, but something about the face is similar.

Wartooth 9th Apr 2010 6:11 PM

Italian men, for odd reason.

DollyRot 9th Apr 2010 6:38 PM

A guy I used to know, called Anthony (: except he had black hair.

Wartooth 9th Apr 2010 6:42 PM

That Lady GaGa concert I went to last winter, when I almost went deaf xD

jewaukeela 10th Apr 2010 12:13 AM

Triangle-shaped guitars!

lethifold 10th Apr 2010 1:42 AM

Small font that's hard to read Dx

jewaukeela 10th Apr 2010 5:24 AM

But it's funny!

pretty girls who don't realize it

lethifold 10th Apr 2010 5:37 AM

Effy definitely knows she's pretty.

Zachary Quinto as Spock.

Wartooth 10th Apr 2010 4:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jewaukeela
Triangle-shaped guitars!

It's V-shaped, but I guess the picture doesn't show it so well

Reminds meee offff... oddly enough, that girl who plays Bella Swan in those terrible movies.

Zinthos 10th Apr 2010 4:37 PM

Those really old Penelope Pitstop cartoons, with the dodgy guy that kept kidnapping her. I just remember he was about as dodgy as your avatar's mustache.

Wartooth 10th Apr 2010 6:05 PM

Lady GaGa and Disney: a collaboration that probably will never work.

jewaukeela 10th Apr 2010 6:57 PM

lol, quinto. They def did the best with him, he totally looks like Nimoy could have when he was young.

your hand=the size of your face

Wartooth 10th Apr 2010 8:40 PM

I think it's the perspective of the picture, actually.

Star Trek and arguing if it's a rock or if it's nots

jewaukeela 10th Apr 2010 9:58 PM

no, everyone's spread-out hand is the same size as their face up to right above their eyebrows. Go ahead, try it.
musceley men

My avatar's even funnier because in Star Trek, Spock (the one on the right, for those uneducated fools) is always saying how stupid McCoy (left) is, although he's a lot more witty about it. So that's where that came from.

Wartooth 10th Apr 2010 11:15 PM

I'm an uneducated fool haha

Reminds me offfff... I don't know why, but my two cousins arguin'

Raindrops757 10th Apr 2010 11:25 PM

Umm...Guitar heroes? and Wrestling for some reason.

Calline 10th Apr 2010 11:40 PM

Cookies, underwear and kisses.


Raindrops757 10th Apr 2010 11:43 PM

It kind of reminds me of something out of Vogue. Or a fashion shoot for America's Next Top Model. Possibly about eating 5 fruit and veg a day.

Wartooth 11th Apr 2010 1:02 AM

Those funny emo comics the guy who sits infront of me used to like.

Sims2Storywriter 11th Apr 2010 1:10 AM


Wartooth 11th Apr 2010 1:43 AM

Remind me to use the green crayon next time I see it.

lethifold 11th Apr 2010 1:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Torako-Tiger-Girl
Reminds meee offff... oddly enough, that girl who plays Bella Swan in those terrible movies.
:O NO!

Reminds me of the metalheads at my school.

Wartooth 11th Apr 2010 2:43 AM

Is there something wrong with liking metal? *wibble*

Reminds me of... short haired Barbie.

xhyleh 11th Apr 2010 3:32 AM

Reminds me of cram sessions.

lethifold 11th Apr 2010 3:32 AM

The sparkle that witches in TS2 get.

DollyRot 11th Apr 2010 4:28 AM

Naomi Campbell... the model.

Wartooth 11th Apr 2010 5:24 AM

Chicken noodle soup

(I thought I should give explanation: those thingies stacked there, kind of resembled crushed soup cans. Don't ask where I get my ideas.)

Ebonova 11th Apr 2010 6:22 AM

How much I hate Toki x Skwisgaar stuff

Wartooth 11th Apr 2010 4:17 PM

^ I don't mind it personally, but it gets irritating when that's all you see out there. Yeah... there's nothing wrong with it, except that it'd never happen (well it's more likely than DracoHarry or NaruSasu, but whatever) but if you look closely, it almost seems like the animators are hinting at it. Some examples: Toki and Skwisgaar ALWAYS sit together everywhere (except for in the opening), Toki goes to Skwisgaar for help when his dad is dying, Toki drinks out of a Skwisgaar mug when he's sick, Toki and Skwigaar tend to discuss things in private without the band there, Toki even offered to do it with Skwisgaar for Skwisgaar to stop hating him with the "I deleted your guitar tracks" thing, and Skwisgaar dreamed about Toki.

Onto the point... avatar reminds me of Tira from Soul Calibur 4. Because... it IS.

Ebonova 11th Apr 2010 5:48 PM

^Yeah. It's more likely than Draco x Harry, but still. I hate that stuff. Sitting together doesn't really mean 'Ooh! They're sitting together! It's LOOOOOVVEEEEE!!!'. After all, Pickles sits with Murderface. Maybe we should be talking about them :p

Skwisman's guitar is better!

Wartooth 11th Apr 2010 10:29 PM

Okay, but you can't deny that Toki does drink out of a Skwisgaar mug when he's sick. And Toki did offer to blow Skwisgaar so he could stay in the band. Skwisgaar defended Toki when Nathan suggested they kick Toki out of a band, then kill him. Skwisgaar said he wanted to teach Toki to play guitar, but Toki had a flashback to a lesson in which he played a scale wrong, Skwisgaar got mad, and he jumped on Skwisgaar after Skwisgaar dumped a bucket of pigs' blood on his head (for doing the scale wrong).

Reminds me that TOKI IS HOTTER THAN SKWISGAAR. Oh, and Toki is awesome. plus, Toki plays a Flying V. You can't get much better than THAT.

Ebonova 11th Apr 2010 10:53 PM

Reminds me that Tokis looks like a ladys :D

jewaukeela 12th Apr 2010 1:55 AM

Not really...

GIANT afro-esque hair.

And TTG, most people are. *sigh*

Wartooth 12th Apr 2010 1:58 AM

Most people are what?

reminds me of Star Trek. Obviously.

Because it is

jewaukeela 12th Apr 2010 2:16 AM

Gee, that was original.
Uneducated, at least in this sense.

You know, that weird squiggly mustache/beard thing is starting to grow on me...

Wartooth 12th Apr 2010 2:14 AM

Really, really original. Yet uneducated. Yup. I'm fun! (sorry, I'm really bored right now)

What do you mean, grow on you? O_o

Reminds me of someone casually yet quietly showing the other that they think that the other lacks brain power.

jewaukeela 12th Apr 2010 2:20 AM

"it's starting to grow on me" is a phrase that here means that it doesn't bother me as much any more due to exposure.

Reminds me of that weird spot of light on his arms near the elbow... WHAT IS THAT?

WARNING: I think I'll change my avatar in a few minutes. No worries, it will still be ST.

Wartooth 12th Apr 2010 2:32 AM

Okay, okay then... I was confused for a second. I've never heard that term be-fore.

I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THAT IS. OMGOMGOMG. *obsesses* No, but I need to know what it is, too.

Your avatar reminds me of something that is supposed to change but hasn't.

jewaukeela 12th Apr 2010 3:07 AM

It has, sillyhead. I changed it!

Your avatar reminds me of something that needs to change but won't.

Ebonova 12th Apr 2010 4:21 AM

Reminds me of the silly Star Trek suits and how jedi robes are much more pro

Wartooth 12th Apr 2010 5:10 AM

How you always love the Tall Blonde Dude, in this case Skwisgaar.

And jewaukeela - no, it'll never change. neeever.

KyleTheArtist 12th Apr 2010 5:17 AM

plastic hair.

Wartooth 12th Apr 2010 5:21 AM

It's real. I assure you.

Spongebob being a snot.

KyleTheArtist 12th Apr 2010 5:42 AM

I know it is :3

Cookie crumbs.

lethifold 12th Apr 2010 7:48 AM


jewaukeela 12th Apr 2010 1:15 PM

How much your avatar contrasts with with your siggy.

Quote: Originally posted by Ebonova
Reminds me of the silly Star Trek suits and how jedi robes are much more pro

Yes, Star Trek suits are fabulously horrible. They get a great update for The Next Generation (the first series after the original) but I still prefer the tight black shirt under the skintight sweater with black capris and giant black books for the men and the tiny dresses that show WAY too much when you bend over.




(same for both genders)

lethifold 12th Apr 2010 1:27 PM

When William Shatner was on Family Guy.

Wartooth 12th Apr 2010 4:32 PM

A pretty person.

jewaukeela 12th Apr 2010 11:25 PM

mustaches that give people character.... but still need to go.

Zinthos 12th Apr 2010 11:34 PM

Those dodgy old films where everyone looks orange and just goes all "Why, I'm the sexiest beast you've ever seen, and you ever will see, because I'm the only film star that ever gets any coverage, so you'd better get used to my sexy, sexy face" when they were never really ever that sexy anyway, but who my Grandma STILL declares is dishy.

Wartooth 13th Apr 2010 1:02 AM

Lady GaGa x Disney.

lethifold 13th Apr 2010 7:02 AM

Perverts :P

KyleTheArtist 13th Apr 2010 7:09 AM


Zinthos 13th Apr 2010 10:49 AM

When people that thing where you put your fingers on your cheeks and twist your hands up so you look like you're wearing sort of Batmanesque glasses.

lethifold 13th Apr 2010 10:53 AM

Don't call me Gaga...

jewaukeela 13th Apr 2010 12:49 PM

Shifty glances.

Quote: Originally posted by Zinthos
Those dodgy old films where everyone looks orange and just goes all "Why, I'm the sexiest beast you've ever seen, and you ever will see, because I'm the only film star that ever gets any coverage, so you'd better get used to my sexy, sexy face" when they were never really ever that sexy anyway, but who my Grandma STILL declares is dishy.

I know! Shatner is certainly not sexy now (he gained about a hundred pounds) and he never really was, but you just sort of accept it because there is literally almost no episodes where he does not a)take his shirt off, b)seduce a woman or c)kiss a woman. And yes, he does look kind of orange when he takes his shirt off:

Rabid 13th Apr 2010 9:55 PM

Shatnerian speech pauses.

KyleTheArtist 13th Apr 2010 10:13 PM


Zinthos 13th Apr 2010 10:29 PM

Angry faces


PharaohHound 13th Apr 2010 11:06 PM

My piano student who came to me desperately wanting to play "Beauty and the Beast". Took her a year, but she got there :D

KyleTheArtist 13th Apr 2010 11:13 PM

Fist shaking contest.

Zinthos 13th Apr 2010 11:19 PM

When someone mentions nits and everyone starts scratching...

jewaukeela 14th Apr 2010 1:42 AM

Rabid, is Shatnerian a word? If so, I am so adding it to my custom dictionary, along with an edited definition of the word "awesome", which says:
awe·some adj
1. so impressive or overwhelming as to inspire a strong feeling of admiration or fear
2. (slang) cool, modern, or used as a sign of enthusiastic approval
3. anything relating to or a influenced by Mr. Spock and/or bacon

EDIT: The original story of The Little Mermaid, as written by Hans Christian Anderson. At the end of which the Little Mermaid dies.

Rabid 14th Apr 2010 2:22 AM

The fact that I conducted an interview regarding the iPad and the interview subject told me that she thought the iPad was like Star Trek PADDs come to life.

Shatner seems like an utterly insufferable narcissist to me, so best not to stroke his ego by being one of many who turn his surname into a word. However, it seems the damage is already done.

traelia 14th Apr 2010 2:43 AM

I'm thinking about what he might be eating and how delicious Sylar was.. Mmmmm.

Sims2Storywriter 14th Apr 2010 2:42 AM

Banana bread... looks like my caterer

Zinthos 14th Apr 2010 7:32 AM

@Jewaukeela: I can now spell your name, I feel accomplished. And I know, I have all the Hans Christian Andersen fairytales in a big book. xD
Why, would you prefer it if Ariel was dead? (Though I think if Disney followed the books they turn into films word for word, no-one would let their kids watch them... ever)

Why the hell did they make the olive green crayon then? It's such a gross colour.
Your avatar reminds me of colouring in as a child.

KyleTheArtist 14th Apr 2010 8:25 AM


Zinthos 14th Apr 2010 8:27 AM

Ponytails, as it looks like he should have a ponytail sticking out of the back of his head.

KyleTheArtist 14th Apr 2010 8:58 AM

he actually does xD The only hair that fits his face shape(imho anyways) is shoulder length or ponytails.


Zinthos 14th Apr 2010 9:16 AM

My touch, Clopin has given it back to me.

Small hard-to-see necklaces. NOTHING GETS PAST ME.

KyleTheArtist 14th Apr 2010 9:28 AM

Oh clapity, something new to write about!


Zinthos 14th Apr 2010 10:29 AM

WTF am I doing here? This isn't TS2.

KyleTheArtist 14th Apr 2010 9:05 PM

*laughs hysterically, then suddenly all serious* Seriously?...

Rabid 14th Apr 2010 9:31 PM

Finally getting to see the uncovered face of a previously ambiguous sim.

Zinthos 14th Apr 2010 10:03 PM

I wonder if sucking brains through straws would be more effective in power-gaining than wasting my precious-ass time cutting the whole thing off. Much less messy, too.

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