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gummilutt 25th Apr 2016 4:27 PM

@AlilaD85 No, that's not how it works. If you opened your game with those in your downloads folder, you can not remove them, ever. If you do, your hoods will be corrupted. NPC-inducing CC is a lifetime commitment.

You can sell the copies on your lots, but you can't remove the files from your game. And like I said, it doesn't matter if you didn't place the objects anywhere in that hood. If the hood was in your game files and you ran the game then the NPCs exist in that hood. Doesn't even matter if you opened the hood or not.

There are a bunch of posts by Mootilda on the topic, from back in the day. If the NPC is things like PT or pollination technician it is possible to swap the active NPCs used for breeding, but you still have to keep the character files.

AndrewGloria 25th Apr 2016 4:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AliaD85
And if I want to remove them from the downloads folder, make sure none are in game first?

Don't ever remove any of Rebekah's animals from your Downloads folder. Not even if your not using them any more. Removing them corrupts your game. Stop using them by all means if you decide you don't want them any more, but leave them in the Downloads folder.

[EDIT]Ninja'd! gummilutt put it better than I did, but you get the message?! Once you put a CC item like this, with a hidden NPC, into your Downloads folder, it stays there -- for ever.

SingleClawDesigns 25th Apr 2016 4:40 PM

technically not sim2 related but still

anyone use a digital download version of simcity 4? I ask because apparently the reason my disc version wont run anymore is because a certain security update disabled the drm used in simcity 4 making the damn disc obsolete so now I have to repurchase it digitally so it will run so I can edit hoods but Ive never done a digital download like this before so i'm unsure of how to access the files if i do it through amazon.

caitawesome 25th Apr 2016 5:28 PM

I have a Steam copy of sc4, and it just created a folder in My Documents for the game, which is where the region files can be found. For Amazon game downloads it'll do the same thing, create a separate folder where the exe is located.

Diovanlestat 25th Apr 2016 6:21 PM

@AliaD - Nope.. NEVER remove from your downloads folder. This will corrupt your game.
You sell them if you don't want them on the lot no more,but you keep the option in your game forever.
opps - Ninja'd - Guess you got the point by now

AliaD85 25th Apr 2016 7:46 PM

@Diovanlestat @AndrewGloria @gummilutt *groans* Right. I guess I'll have to really think about that. That's the exact reason I didn't grab the chickens (I'm using the ones from Sun & Moon)! Thanks for the clarification. I'm not scared of commitment but I like having my options open!

I think I'll dig around the downloads little deeper first.

BoilingOil 25th Apr 2016 7:53 PM


I'm about to beat the dead horse (pun intended), hammering in the fine point that several others before me have already made.

There is only *ONE* circumstance in which you could delete such files: when you're prepared to lose all your current neighborhoods, and start over with totally new hoods. In that case, first delete the horses, and then delete your "Neighborhoods" folder, so the game can make fresh hoods without horses in them.
Otherwise, once these files are in your game, you do NOT get rid of them.

I have learned a thing or two about corruption, and have made mods to limit their destructive force somewhat, but I'm not even sure that I could ever undo what horror comes from deleting NPCs. So, please don't even try, if your current hoods are dear to you!

AliaD85 25th Apr 2016 8:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil

I'm about to beat the dead horse (pun intended), hammering in the fine point that several others before me have already made.

There is only *ONE* circumstance in which you could delete such files: when you're prepared to lose all your current neighborhoods, and start over with totally new hoods. In that case, first delete the horses, and then delete your "Neighborhoods" folder, so the game can make fresh hoods without horses in them.
Otherwise, once these files are in your game, you do NOT get rid of them.

I have learned a thing or two about corruption, and have made mods to limit their destructive force somewhat, but I'm not even sure that I could ever undo what horror comes from deleting NPCs. So, please don't even try, if your current hoods are dear to you!

I would break down in tears in I lost Blue Point or Sedona. Those two hoods are my babies! I think I'll just grab some horse statues for right now. My knights will have enough work to do anyway.

A.G.Doren 25th Apr 2016 9:35 PM

Rebekah's rideable bicycles also generate NPCs.

AndrewGloria 25th Apr 2016 10:12 PM

Saddle Horse "Thunder" -- cloned from a car!
You might be interested in this old horse by hexameter. It might not look as good as Rebekah's (no animations) but it's cloned from the hatchback car so it should be safe enough! The latest version even makes horse noises rather than car noises! Rideable bicycles by mickyss are also cloned from cars, though they unfortunately still make car noises. (mickyss has a couple of other bicycles here on MTS.) I can vouch for the bicycles from personal experience as some of my Sims use them, but none of my Sims has a horse (yet!).

Diovanlestat 25th Apr 2016 11:08 PM

Oh the horror - all me sims went strange, hoping and teleporting and funny stuff. I deleted PC sims Dr/Clinic stuff, and me beautiful terrible twins were lost forever.

joandsarah77 25th Apr 2016 11:18 PM

You deleted a piece of cc and it somehow deleted your twins? I'm lost.

@AliaD85 No you cannot remove them, ever. They are sims!

Edit: reading up I see you have already be warned. Hopefully you saw the warnings in time. When you look at the files one might be called a controller, that is the sim. Other parts can be removed, like recolours.

Same deal with all becks animals, tricycle, surfing mod, multi PT, Echos bumpercars,and Planstsim mods.

AliaD85 26th Apr 2016 12:23 AM

Quote: Originally posted by A.G.Doren
Rebekah's rideable bicycles also generate NPCs.

*sits horrified* OMG.... I DIDN'T KNOW....

*shrugs* Oh well. I don't even think I've placed them on any lots. *frantically double checks*

Zarathustra 26th Apr 2016 12:44 AM

Are there any issues that go along with uploading non-level lots other than not playing nicely with others (read- horrifying blue cracks in the fabric of spacetime) when placed right next to existing lots? One of my current early-stage projects is a mountainside lot that just wasn't working for me when I tried building it from flat, but I'm very pleased with the draft on a steeply sloped lot. If all I need to do is include a boldface warning about not placing it in already-designed areas of the neighborhood, that's great! If not, it'd be good to know before I get too far into it!

joandsarah77 26th Apr 2016 1:05 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AliaD85
*sits horrified* OMG.... I DIDN'T KNOW....

*shrugs* Oh well. I don't even think I've placed them on any lots. *frantically double checks*

Anything that moves smoothly around the lot is being moved by an NPC. You don't have to place them on a lot, if they are in your download folder you only need to load a hood and they are automatically part of the hood.
Exception are things that jump from square to square based on the roaches such as PBK chickens. Note the movement is not that of a fluid creature moving like Beks sheep or the tricycle, they are like statues that makes a sudden move to another tile. It's always best to get the creators say so that they are not NPC based though. Sun&moon were asked and they explained that no, they contain no NPC.

NPC based downloads are fine so long as you do not pull the NPC out of your download folder.

AliaD85 26th Apr 2016 1:26 AM

Well it's definitely there. Found it on my coffee shop/ hair salon lot. Better to know now than later. I didn't see anywhere when I downloaded it that it involved an NPC, but no use of crying over spilled milk. Maybe I just didn't see it.

I'll still consider statue horses rather than anything involving NPCs.

(I actually have a backup without said download. BACKUPS BE PRAISED!)

Thanks for all the help guys!

AndrewGloria 26th Apr 2016 1:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AliaD85
*sits horrified* OMG.... I DIDN'T KNOW....

*shrugs* Oh well. I don't even think I've placed them on any lots. *frantically double checks*
If you have, just leave them alone. It's taking these things out of your Downloads folder that causes the problem. Using them isn't a problem. Not using them isn't a problem either. But, if you've placed them in your Downloads folder, DON'T remove them. Not even if no Sims have ever used them.

There's no point in removing them from lots, as you have to leave them in the Downloads folder. As I see it, since you have to leave them in the Downloads folder, you might as well let your Sims use them. It's a good idea to put all these CC items with hidden NPCs in a special "DO NOT REMOVE" subfolder of your Downloads folder. It might be an idea to make the files Read-only too.

[EDIT] Did you see the Saddle Horse "Thunder" that I mentioned in my last post (#710)? Being cloned from a car, it doesn't contain a Sim, and your Sims can ride their horses to school/work and to community lots.

AliaD85 26th Apr 2016 1:43 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
If you have, just leave them alone. It's taking these things out of your Downloads folder that causes the problem. Using them isn't a problem. Not using them isn't a problem either. But, if you've placed them in your Downloads folder, DON'T remove them. Not even if no Sims have ever used them.

There's no point in removing them from lots, as you have to leave them in the Downloads folder. As I see it, since you have to leave them in the Downloads folder, you might as well let your Sims use them. It's a good idea to put all these CC items with hidden NPCs in a special "DO NOT REMOVE" subfolder of your Downloads folder. It might be an idea to make the files Read-only too.

[EDIT] Did you see the Saddle Horse "Thunder" that I mentioned in my last post (#710)? Being cloned from a car, it doesn't contain a Sim, and your Sims can ride their horses to school/work and to community lots.

I did see that one! It's very interesting! I'll add it to my growing medieval CC list. My people have to get around somehow.
(And thank you for that idea. A "DO NOT REMOVE" folder is a good idea for me. I forget easily.)

gummilutt 26th Apr 2016 1:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Zarathustra
If all I need to do is include a boldface warning about not placing it in already-designed areas of the neighborhood, that's great! If not, it'd be good to know before I get too far into it!

Creator guidelines state
If, for some reason, the design of the lot that you want to build absolutely requires an unlevel lot, you must make it VERY clear in the text of your post that it is an unlevel lot and thus should not be placed adjacent to any other lots, and that it can cause your neighborhood map to become unusable or have holes where it is placed.

So yes to the boldface warning, but don't forget to mention it could bork the terrain beyond easy repair. Perhaps a link to Mootilda's hood terrain replace program, if you want to be really nice. It lets you overwrite your terrain with a template terrain which is the only way I know of to fix rifts in the terrain.

Just a tip to anyone with a upload-related question, always consult the guidelines (found under the drop-down menu at the top of the site called Create, fourth column Creator Forum, third item in list Creator Guidelines). They are well-written and should cover most of the things you need to know

mdsb759 26th Apr 2016 1:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
How would looking at my custom content in clean installer show me if cc was causing the LTW? I suspect that dorm and all the broken sim references it must have brought. Or do you mean because it doesn't show in simpe that it's simply graphical from some mod?
I meant these things::
-sim parts

joandsarah77 26th Apr 2016 2:56 AM

I'm sorry I would need a step by step explanation since I don't know what you mean. You mention lots, do what with my lots? Characters, yes they are there, what should I do with them? I'm not seeing how these things relate to my child having a LTW or what you are saying to do with them. I already looked at the child in simpe and in there he looks normal.

mdsb759 26th Apr 2016 3:29 AM

clarification: ones you have downloaded and were/are in the neighborhood. check those in Clean Installer.

joandsarah77 26th Apr 2016 3:47 AM

Check for what? Clean Installer will show me the lot file and that is all. If you mean things like hacks well of course I don't install those with lots. I very rarely grab lots from any other place other than MTS (fool on me for grabbing that dorm off a Simblr) and lots here do not come with hacks. I upload lots here myself so I do know how to check if a lot is clean in CI. CI does not show if the creator moved in sims to test the lot and so contains sim references, you have to open the lot in simpe for that. CI wont show me anything to do with this issue but thanks for tying.

Justpetro 26th Apr 2016 9:05 AM

Perhaps the lot has nothing to do with the child showing a LTW? I admit to not knowing much about SimPE and how it works - I have, from time to time, opened it and had a look at stuff, but that is about that.

I, of course, may just play on and give the child a pleasure aspiration once he/she is a teen Come hell or high waters - since the LTW is correct in SimPE. Especially if the child is the only Sim with a weird LTW. (I remember that one hood I had to let go - each and every Sim, children, toddlers, teens, adults, elders, even YA's, suddenly rolled fortune wants). Until you can find out what exactly you have to do to solve it, you can just as well keep on playing.

joandsarah77 26th Apr 2016 9:41 AM

I just make backups, mop up with hood checker and try and check simpe for some things and keep playing on. The batbox and the memory checker in game items show nothing. Perhaps it only looks like he has a LTW since simpe shows 'grow up'. I don't see why the lot has anything to do with it, he lives in one of the lots that come with Elswehere by Plasticbox. I still suspect it could be that dorm, there has to be stray data from that, I just hoped hood checker fixed that, I am not sure what it fixes and not at all sure how to fix what it doesn't.

AndrewGloria 26th Apr 2016 10:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Bad news I have a child in Coral Bay with a LTW. :/ I ran Hood checker then I opened simpe and it said LTW grow up, so I clicked it to be sure, committed and saved but in game it still says 50 first dates. I'm worried it came from a dorm, when I installed it and went in there were well known dormie pictures on the doors *sigh* Is there anyway to remove this LTW and how come it shows grow up in simpe. I'm at a loss how to fix this.
I'm sorry to hear that Jo. Somehow I missed that post until I saw mdsb759's reply.

I feel diffident about suggesting anything to you as it seems a bit like teaching my granny to suck eggs -- you were an experienced Simmer when I was just starting. I suppose HoodChecker showed nothing amiss? Is it possible to set his LTW to "Grow Up" with the Batbox? It's how I usually change LTWs, but of course I don't change LTWs on children. I don't think I've ever had a child with an LTW, but, to be honest, I don't even look. I rather hoped the HoodChecker would highlight anything like that. It's very odd that he looks OK in SimPE but is wrong in-game. But it seems that even the writers of SimPE didn't understand everything about Maxis model for our Sims. (A few weeks ago in the Monopoly Contest I tried to change the name of a base game lot in SimPE. [Base game doesn't let you change lot names in-game.] I committed and saved, but when I opened the 'hood in AGS base game again, the lot still had the old name, which included a character that couldn't be saved as the name of a .SimtoPack file. [Eventually I changed its name by moving it to the Lot Bin and then back into the 'hood with a new name.])

I hope you're able to get this fixed and go on playing as I know you've invested a lot in Coral Bay. If all goes well in the end, I'd be tempted to take it as a pointer and make him either Pleasure or Romance when he grows up (though not necessarily with the "50 First Dates" LTW, which I reckon would be very hard to play for a Sim with any sort of moral integrity).

You might let us know what dorm this was, as a warning to the rest of us NOT to download it. It makes me think that it might be an idea to initially place any downloaded lot in a Sim-free building 'hood, and use SimPE to remove all Sim references there, before placing a fresh copy of it in a 'hood that's actually being played.

[EDIT] I wrote this before I read Justpetro's last post and your reply. That's the trouble with my very long posts -- they can be obsolescent by the time I actually press the "Submit" button.

joandsarah77 26th Apr 2016 10:41 AM

Thanks for taking the time to reply Andrew. I may be a long term player and know a lot of in game tricks but I know zilch about creating cc and not a lot about simpe, just the basics. Also I forget things. Hood checker fixed quite a few things, mainly invalid sims which I am guessing was from that dorm.

Apart from that the kid seems perfectly fine and I only know from noticing the LTW in his panel. I certainly will keep playing. It really is best to place new lots from unsure sources into a test hood and check in simpe first, clean it and delete the hood. I am not always the most careful over testing new cc or lots when I want to play. 50 first dates might not even be possible since I only have 8 dormies and I think 2 townies now? I should make a few more for my shops, they are generally much better shoppers than my playables.

iCad 26th Apr 2016 10:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AliaD85
I would break down in tears in I lost Blue Point or Sedona. Those two hoods are my babies! I think I'll just grab some horse statues for right now. My knights will have enough work to do anyway.

I just wanted to say this about the animated animals: You can remove most of the files associated with them if you decide not to use them anymore and want to save space. You can remove the meshes (Which are the largest files) and all the accessories and whatnot with no issues. What you can't remove is the controller file. Beck seemed to alternately name them "Controller" or "NPC." For the horses, the file you can't remove is named BecksFarmHorse-NPC. For the chickens, it's "Controller."

You can remove everything if you ever stop playing all your neighborhoods and before you start any new ones. Removing the NPC files will only corrupt neighborhoods; it won't hurt your game installation. So, it's really not that big of a deal. Just remember that you have them in your game, put the files in a folder called something glaring like "DON'T REMOVE," and you'll be fine. I really don't understand why people freak out about these kinds of things, at least not once they're informed about the fact that the NPC files can't be removed. Just, you know, don't remove them, and go on about enjoying them. As far as I'm concerned, they add a lot to the game. I wouldn't have agricultural subhoods without them.

joandsarah77 26th Apr 2016 11:36 AM

I agree, I love some of my NPC content, my medieval sims would not be without their goats. Just don't delete the npc part and it's fine. I see people freak out about them like just having them will spread the plague or something.
The only danger comes from installing NPC mods and not knowing they are NPC mods. That happened a lot some years back and creators often didn't say or realize they had to say anything. In fact creators still often don't mention it uses an NPC and they should, on here it should be part of the guidelines and made clear the upload contains an npc, do not remove. Also there seems to be a thing where people think it only matters if it's placed, they don't have to be used or placed, just opening the hood adds the npc to it. Test it in a test hood, if you don't like it delete the hood, exit the game and remove all the files.

Justpetro 26th Apr 2016 11:51 AM

So - I have had the chickens and the pigs for some time, but have not yet started using them. Now I want to make a farming area to be the closest place to my isolated military hood. Do I need anything else? (Rookie here when it comes to these animals )

joandsarah77 26th Apr 2016 12:19 PM

I always had trouble with the pigs, the NPC would show up in them so I never use them now. Otherwise they worked fine but it freaked me out. Just make sure to keep the troughs are not empty.

Justpetro 26th Apr 2016 1:37 PM

Ouch! Thanks, Jo - I thought of building two or three farms and add the chickens to one, the pigs to another, and some Sims to farm (it will be more for show, I think, and to have some non-military Sims in the hood). Will think about it still, the hood is brand new. (They are in my game in any case, so it is probably a matter of time, and maybe I will just use the chickens - no need to be freaked out by the NPC here )

joandsarah77 26th Apr 2016 1:44 PM

I don't think it happens to everyone who uses them, but I did see a picture once of someone else who had it.

iCad 26th Apr 2016 1:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
The only danger comes from installing NPC mods and not knowing they are NPC mods. That happened a lot some years back and creators often didn't say or realize they had to say anything. In fact creators still often don't mention it uses an NPC and they should, on here it should be part of the guidelines and made clear the upload contains an npc, do not remove. Also there seems to be a thing where people think it only matters if it's placed, they don't have to be used or placed, just opening the hood adds the npc to it. Test it in a test hood, if you don't like it delete the hood, exit the game and remove all the files.

This is all true, yes. Regarding determining if a download generates an NPC....Well, generally speaking, if something isn't a Sim or a pet and it randomly moves around from place to place within the lot all on its own (NOT just sitting in one spot and moving or moving in a set pattern like the vehicles' driving animations; that's merely animation, which is a totally different thing) and without teleporting, it will be controlled by an NPC, generally a clone of the game's radio-controlled car NPC if it moves around on the ground or the radio-controlled helicopter (Or perhaps the caged bird) if it flies around on its own. It's the NPC that allows for the random motion, so random motion is the hallmark of an invisible NPC Sim being "behind" the object in question.

In those cases, there will be a separate package file that goes with the object's mesh and that's required for the object to work That other file will be the controller-NPC and is the one you don't want to remove. (I keep only the controller files in my "Don't Remove" folder, personally. Less clutter in it that way.) If there isn't a separate file that is required to make the object work, then there's no NPC involved. So, it's pretty easy to tell all by yourself whether or not there's an NPC, really -- especially because most creators will name the file in question as "controller" or "NPC" or "runner" or something like that -- but I do agree that creators should warn about this. Thing is, a lot of older stuff was created before all of this stuff was known about neighborhood corruption, and if those creators have since retired (Like, say, Echo), then it's not like they're around to give warnings. So, best to just be aware of what you're downloading if you suspect an NPC and, if so, to look at the file names before you install anything.

I have all the animals and like them all, although the chickens, goats, and sheep are my favorites. I've personally not had an issue with the pigs, but sometimes when I use the horses the NPCs are visible. Not all the time, just occasionally. I like that the animals obey fences. There are other animated animals that don't generate NPCs and that just teleport around the lot; they'll teleport wherever they want, regardless of fencing, often ending up with part of their body projecting into the house. Kind of defeats the purpose, IMO.

Justpetro 26th Apr 2016 2:07 PM

Thanks, iCad - I should go and download the goats (I think I have the sheep). Since I stuffed the military area in one corner of the hood, I thought that a farm area on the other end may make sense. In fact, the real Rudyard Radar Station sits on top of the mountain, surrounded by one big farm. And then the food for the soldiers probably has to come from somewhere, and I am not planning on building an airport - I do want to add Tiffany's railway station later, but only later, when there are enough Sims to make a business hood plausible.

Mainly, I don't want to end up with such a big hood as the last one (that I still have, backed up) which became just too large to be any fun. This one, I hope, is for the long, long term. I even gave up my beloved townies for this one (ah, Goopy, how I miss thee!) - so it is a real effort on my part.

Duine 26th Apr 2016 6:24 PM

As per my post #674, I found the problem with my indecisive sims. I checked all their info I have written down, after checking a few in game, and the ones who I thought had a problem are actually lazy sims. My mind is full of stuff going on and the constant vibrations and sound of bass from some moron's car has me in a bit of a confused state. I'm happy though that my sims will be okay. I now have a locked want to move in with my sims. (:

Duine 26th Apr 2016 7:57 PM

Question, where can I find the fix for witch menu using english names for the spells. I've been searching and the only post I come up with is old and info says it can't be changed. I've used it before, so it does exist, it's just hiding from me. (:

AndrewGloria 26th Apr 2016 10:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Duine
I now have a locked want to move in with my sims. (:
Someone after my own heart! I'd just love to move to Veronaville. A beautiful old town, with mods to protect me from the nastier things that can afflict Sims, and the old Monty / Capp feud almost a thing of the past. Today it's just a wonderful place to live. And most of my best friends live there! :lovestruc

I think your last post really belongs in WCIF, but do you mean this mod (4th item down) on Pandora Sims? I think Pandora Sims may be a paysite (I've never used it), in which case it may be on the Booty too.

Now my own question: Is there a known bug with the title deeds when an owned community lot is sold back to the community? In New Desconia in the course of a programme to upgrade the community lots, all the public community lots were temporarily taken into private ownership and then sold back to the community. (The idea was to save the settings on some custom objects, so I don't have to set them every time I send Sims to the lot.) Two Sims, Cony Dickson Leggatt, one of the founders, and a friend, Joel Ferguson carried out the work. All went well except that they still have all the Title Deeds for the lots they sold back to the community in their inventories. Is his a known bug? I reckon I should just delete these title deeds since they no longer since they no longer own the properties.

Duine 26th Apr 2016 11:09 PM

I don't remember that menu, it's the menu on a witch to choose a spell to cast. Instead of Maxis titles, which are annoying to remember, they had a descriptive title.

I have a sim that still holds the deed, haven't deleted yet since I wasn't sure if it's safe. I'm wondering if you're supposed to place it on the wall, then sell, so it disappears.

Zarathustra 27th Apr 2016 3:54 AM

What's more likely to accidentally invite corruption?

A household that's full of living Sims who are never played?
Or a graveyard full of tombstones?

BoilingOil 27th Apr 2016 4:27 AM

@Duine: You can also place deeds on a surface like an end table, and sell them from there. That way, the lot is sold, and from what I remember, the deed disappears. But even if it doesn't disappear, nothing bad will come from deleting it.

@Zarathustra: There is *NO* inherent corruption in not playing certain sims. A lot full of unplayed sims does nothing bad to your game at all. Those sims may, however, still show up as visitors on comm lots, or as walkbys around your active residentials.
I know not enough about tombstones, but if you don't do stupid things with or to them, they *should* be reasonably safe. In my opinion, the safest bet, though, is still with a lot full of unplayed sims.

Edit: forgot the word *NO*. Now corrected.

RoxEllen1965 27th Apr 2016 7:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Duine
Question, where can I find the fix for witch menu using english names for the spells. I've been searching and the only post I come up with is old and info says it can't be changed. I've used it before, so it does exist, it's just hiding from me. (:

I think you want this:

Bubblebeam 27th Apr 2016 1:55 PM

Is it safe to put the NPC/townie maker in a sims inventory?

BoilingOil 27th Apr 2016 3:05 PM

@Snufflepaws: it shouldn't usually be a problem. But it's just as easy to just spawn a new one when needed. So I do not really see the point of giving your sim one to keep in inventory.

Now I can hear people say that it saves them from having to open testingcheats/debug mode next time the want the object. Perhaps so, but whether or not you need to open debug mode for it, using the object is already cheating anyway. So what's the difference?
And if you don't want the hassle, because that cheat is so hard to get right, use an alias. Add the following two lines to your UserStartup.cheat (in Documents/.../The Sims 2/Config):

alias t "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true" "Enable DEBUG mode (testing cheats)" ""
alias t- "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled false" "Disable DEBUG mode (testing cheats)" ""

And now you can simply start testingcheats with CTRL-SHIFT-C <enter> t <enter>, and close it with CTRL-SHIFT-C <enter> t- <enter>

But in short, yeah, I *think* it should be safe to put it in a sim's inventory, if you really feel the need to do that.

Justpetro 27th Apr 2016 3:18 PM

What to do when you are tired of the hairstyles in the game? Because I am. Even though there are around 200. CC hair, that is.

Duine 27th Apr 2016 4:30 PM

RoxEllen1965 Yes, that's it and thank you so much. Odd google didn't come up with that site. Having to look for my list to cast a spell was so annoying, I didn't bother with witches anymore until now. Maybe I'll unblock witches from community lots now and have fun with that evil witch. If there were a way to only block one, I could allow the good witch, but only found one that blocks both.

PenelopeT 27th Apr 2016 5:13 PM


Change them all out...seriously. Save your current hairs elsewhere on your computer and add some new ones to the game. It might be fun...well...that is once you get past having to change the hair of every sim that was wearing one of the removed hairs.

Steffyn 27th Apr 2016 5:23 PM

Why is decorating so damn tedious? I can't seem to get into it and my sim houses suffer because I can't really do it. I've tried looking through design tumblrs and pinterest boards but nothing really seems to work ;;

Duine 27th Apr 2016 5:52 PM

Although our sims have the ability to become a warlock, why are there none in the game already? It's always females, except one hood had a warlock in the neighborhood phone book. Other than that one instance, the book shows about 10 of each type females.

Peni Griffin 27th Apr 2016 6:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Steffyn
Why is decorating so damn tedious? I can't seem to get into it and my sim houses suffer because I can't really do it. I've tried looking through design tumblrs and pinterest boards but nothing really seems to work ;;

Because it's not what you're interested in. If you don't care about decorating, don't do it; or do it piecemeal, a little at a time, when you actually feel like it.

Nobody has to be happy with the way your houses look except you. Don't compare yourself to people you see online. They're playing their game their way and have nothing to do with you.

BoilingOil 27th Apr 2016 6:20 PM

I so agree with that, @Peni Griffin. I couldn't decorate/accessorise if my life depended on it, so I don't even try. Most of my surfaces have more than enough slots to put all kind of stuff in/on, but I'm not the clutterer. My sims' houses, compared to those of many others, are just uninteresting cube-shaped boxes. But as long as I can live with that, and it suits me to play that way, I see no need to desperately try to change anything, if that makes me uncomfortable.

SciBirg 27th Apr 2016 6:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
What to do when you are tired of the hairstyles in the game? Because I am. Even though there are around 200. CC hair, that is.

This. And how to easily delete the ones that suck, without laboriously scrolling and then being put back to the beginning again when you delete one.

Justpetro 27th Apr 2016 6:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PenelopeT

Change them all out...seriously. Save your current hairs elsewhere on you computer and add some new ones to the game. It might be fun...well...that is once you get past having to change the hair of every sim that was wearing one of the removed hairs.

Going to do just that!

gummilutt 27th Apr 2016 9:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SciBirg
This. And how to easily delete the ones that suck, without laboriously scrolling and then being put back to the beginning again when you delete one.

@SciBerg: Sounds like you need Cat's Filename tooltip adder (found here). Let's you add the filename as tooltip to bodyshop files. Add names to your files, and then open Bodyshop. Mouse over each hair style, and you get the a tooltip with the file name. Make a copy of your downloads, and search for the file in your downloads and delete the file instead. When you are done, replace the downloads in your user files with the cleaned one.

Doesn't work too well if you have unorganized files in many folders, since it gets annoying to rename all of them, and the searching may take a while, but if you are somewhat organized it's less annoying than flipping through pages endlessly.

joandsarah77 27th Apr 2016 11:35 PM

My sims houses are not overly decorated, but I tend to do shops with some deco items and then when I load a house I check the sims inventory to see what they have bought. Then if they have deco items I see if it would fit their house or if it would make a gift. I like imagining them buying things like that as gifts or deco for their own place.

mdsb759 27th Apr 2016 11:55 PM

in Object Data resources, I noticed Downtown sort & Vacation sort. do those refer to lot types specific to the sub-neighborhoods or to specific lot types?
what are the Buy Mode categories of those lots? and what are the individual SimPE values for those categories?

is the Build Mode catalog the same on each lot type Build Mode is available to? or are there any differences between those Build Mode catalogs?
if same, do all Build Mode things function the same or differently on those lots? if differences, what are those differences?

SciBirg 28th Apr 2016 12:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
@SciBerg: Sounds like you need Cat's Filename tooltip adder (found here). Let's you add the filename as tooltip to bodyshop files. Add names to your files, and then open Bodyshop. Mouse over each hair style, and you get the a tooltip with the file name. Make a copy of your downloads, and search for the file in your downloads and delete the file instead. When you are done, replace the downloads in your user files with the cleaned one.

Doesn't work too well if you have unorganized files in many folders, since it gets annoying to rename all of them, and the searching may take a while, but if you are somewhat organized it's less annoying than flipping through pages endlessly.

I have that, but it's a bit cumbersome to make a copy, clean it out and then overwrite. Will try once my dayjob calms down (if ever).

gummilutt 28th Apr 2016 2:23 AM

Alright I found it easier, but it's certainly not for everyone.

Is there a mod that tells you how many days a Sim has left until aging? My sim babies are babies for 8 days, and since I play rotations I can never remember how many days it's been. I have a household where I'm so totally bored of the baby being a baby, so it'd be great if I could check how many days are left so I can motivate myself to finish their rotation.

joandsarah77 28th Apr 2016 2:45 AM

Yes, there is a days left shrub. I think it's by simlogical.

Rinchan7 28th Apr 2016 4:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
To use the conflict detector with UC - make a copy of your The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection folder (Inside My Documents/EA Games) - rename it to The Sims 2. Leave both files there and run the HCDU - you can delete the copy after.

I tried that and it didn't seem to pick up anything the could be affecting bars, just that I seemed to have 2 of some objects. Thankfully, I've taken to placing mods in a specific mods folder so I don't have to sort through all my downloaded cc. Thanks for the help though guys and sorry for the late reply, been busy.

Batanau 28th Apr 2016 5:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Yes, there is a days left shrub. I think it's by simlogical.

You're right. It can be found here

Fearless Butterfly 28th Apr 2016 5:10 AM

Is it safe to delete clothes from CAS? I have a few that are missing the meshes and i dont know what they are and even looking at them with testingcheats i still cant work out what they are and i downloaded so long ago now that i soo cant remember where they came from either.

joandsarah77 28th Apr 2016 5:47 AM

Yes, but it's a slow way to do it.

Bubblebeam 28th Apr 2016 6:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
@Snufflepaws: it shouldn't usually be a problem. But it's just as easy to just spawn a new one when needed. So I do not really see the point of giving your sim one to keep in inventory.

Now I can hear people say that it saves them from having to open testingcheats/debug mode next time the want the object. Perhaps so, but whether or not you need to open debug mode for it, using the object is already cheating anyway. So what's the difference?
And if you don't want the hassle, because that cheat is so hard to get right, use an alias. Add the following two lines to your UserStartup.cheat (in Documents/.../The Sims 2/Config):

alias t "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true" "Enable DEBUG mode (testing cheats)" ""
alias t- "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled false" "Disable DEBUG mode (testing cheats)" ""

And now you can simply start testingcheats with CTRL-SHIFT-C <enter> t <enter>, and close it with CTRL-SHIFT-C <enter> t- <enter>

But in short, yeah, I *think* it should be safe to put it in a sim's inventory, if you really feel the need to do that.

Thanks for the detailed advice BO. I know it sounds ultra lazy, but I quit and reopen my game a lot sometimes so typing in the TCE cheat over and over gets a bit tedious. But I had no idea you could do aliases in the userstartup file. That sounds SUPER handy. Thank you!

BoilingOil 28th Apr 2016 7:34 AM

@Snufflepaws: Hey, I use such aliases all the time, too! Some of these cheats are very long and easy to mistype. And if you don't get them exactly right, they won't work and you need to retype them. That's very frustrating for clumsy idiots like me, who have fat sausages for fingers. So I use aliases too.

Therefor I'm not going to call you lazy.

gummilutt 28th Apr 2016 12:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Yes, there is a days left shrub. I think it's by simlogical.

Quote: Originally posted by Batanau
You're right. It can be found here

Thanks both of you! I don't understand how to use it though. I always check new mod objects in SimPE before adding, to see where they are categorized and at what price, since it's such a pain to find them otherwise, and it's not categorized in any category. I tried putting it in one, and it does not show up. There must be something I'm missing

For some reason I forgot you can use SimPE for babies as well, so I used SimPE for now, but it'd be nice with an in-game method as well.

joandsarah77 28th Apr 2016 12:54 PM

It's in the garden section and it costs 1 dollar. Very easy to find.

Justpetro 28th Apr 2016 2:01 PM

Decorating? I put the date flowers in a row outside, does that count?

Essa 28th Apr 2016 2:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
My sims houses are not overly decorated, but I tend to do shops with some deco items and then when I load a house I check the sims inventory to see what they have bought. Then if they have deco items I see if it would fit their house or if it would make a gift. I like imagining them buying things like that as gifts or deco for their own place.

I'm kind of doing the same thing but the items in the inventory serve as placeholder.
An art gallery and a pottery shop were recently opened in the hood so sims who bought those items are allowed to get those (same groups of objects) in their homes.

Justpetro 28th Apr 2016 6:25 PM

I actually don't mind decorating lots and will do so gladly for community lots and uploads. Yet it takes a lot of time to do it properly - and most Sims (in my game, at least) would be happier with a piano or a exercise bike than with a painting or a curtain in the exact shade of the bedding - Sims, you know, are probably colourblind anyway. If they buy stuff from shops, those will probably remain in their inventories until the Christmas season, when they will give those as gifts (because then at least, they have something to give )

Duine 28th Apr 2016 8:02 PM

@BoilingOil Could you please tell me if these things actually do conflict and if so, which do I keep. I didn't list Sim Manipulator conflicting with Sim Blender as it's been mentioned those are a false positive, also Twojeffs bed thingy with about 2 plug-ins. Also, your folder begins with zzz and I noticed two file in it also have them, is this wrong?

BoilingOil 28th Apr 2016 10:26 PM

@Duine: Dear, don't we know eachother from Simbology? It would have been easier on my aging eyes if you had zipped the report up and attached it to a post there... Also, now I can't copy & paste from the file. But never mind that... I'll try to make do.

Last question first: yes, I always recommend that to influence the order in which mods load, people adjust the names of the FOLDERS that they put those mods in. NOT the mods themselves. If you add letters to the name of a mod, you could later accidentally add another copy of the same mod, and not realise that you have a double. And having doubles is BAD, BAD, BAD! Also, if you were to add a different number of zzz's to one or more of the files (two to one file, three to another), you might accidentally disturb the order in which they load with respect to each other. In most cases that will not matter, but some of my mods are carefully named to be loaded after some of the others. So I suggest that you indeed add zzz to your BoilingOil folder, and restore the names of the mods in that folder.

Another point that is important: if you have multiple mods from the SAME author, that conflict with each other, the general rule is, that you read the descriptions of the author for those mods. Usually, they know of conflicts between their own mods, and can advise you best how to deal with it. If they don't say anything about it, you must assume that the conflict is not important. With my own mods, I always SAY if a conflict is important. If you check the page of my "Spawn Objects" mod, you'll notice that I explain there that *that* specific conflict is supposed to be there, and that you should not worry about it.
The same goes for TwoJeffs' mods: if two of his mods conflict, you can be sure that there will be no bad side effects from it. But if there *are*, he will have mentioned it somewhere on the page where you downloaded them.

I know not enough about Chaavik's mods, so I would advise that you check the descriptions for them at . But I think that most of them are fine the way they are.

The FIRST conflict in the list: you can safely DELETE the zNoAutonomousFollowParent mod, because my "Less Toddler Annoyance" already makes it so toddlers don't follow their parents around, UNLESS they are desperate for attention. Like their Social motive is deep in the red.

Now one last thing... My Music & Dance Fixes make it so that the hula, slap and smustle can only be done in a room where there is a working stereo. It doesn't tell sims to get closer to that stereo, though. I thought that the same room was good enough.

So, on balance, I think you shouldn't worry too much about any of these conflicts. In my game, I have about 20 conflicts which have been there for several years now. They don't always necessarily break stuff.
Just for more info about VC, I would really suggest that you come visit Simbology again soon. I know nothing about the VC, because I never use it. AH, ZZ and miros1 know stuff that I do not!

Hoping that the my response helps you,

Happy simming.

mdsb759 29th Apr 2016 12:53 AM

"Downtown" and "Vacation" in the Catalog placement section of Object Data resource; do those refer to lot types in the respective sub-neighborhood types or to specific lot types?
do those lots have the same categories as Community lots or different categories? if different, what are the game names?
found these values in the respective lines (decimal format)::
Downtown sort: 3,5,128,130,131,132
Vacation sort: 1,3,9,10,12,131
from those values I take there would be at least these individual values (decimal format)::
Downtown: 1,2,4,128
Vacation: 1,2,4,8,128
are those right?

Duine 29th Apr 2016 2:25 AM

Thanks, B.O. Sorry, I don't know how to zip a file, tried several times and can't get it right. Yes, you know me from simbology, I've posted questions or suggestions there before, also posted at Leefish a bit.

So, your folder already had zzz on it, now I'll just remove the few inside. Most often I read posts to mods several times to be sure I understand them and then I search the file folders to be sure I don't already have either the mod, meshes or files before adding them. It is tedious but much better than having to remove everything to find a problem later on. I knew your spawn objects didn't conflict with each other, but it appears twice and I kept searching folders thinking it meant I had doubles. Both of those 'possible conflicts detected' say exactly the same things, that's why I thought I had duplicates. Thanks for your info! (:

AliaD85 29th Apr 2016 4:00 AM

So I'm of two minds on something. I've heard of some people trying this.

I want to try a medieval neighborhood, but I don't think my downloads folder would appreciate that.

Should I try two different download folders? (One modern / One Medieval) Or just have a folder for medieval downloads and remove it when I don't intend to play that neighborhood.

(And yes, I do remember my new NPC DO NOT REMOVE FOLDER. It will be copied into the medieval folder if I decide on two separate folders.)

joandsarah77 29th Apr 2016 4:01 AM

Duine Right click and do 'add to archive'.

budwinys 29th Apr 2016 5:09 AM

So... I've had an interest in corruption lately. I've always had a fascination with glitches, unfinished content, and generally things that aren't meet to happen in games. If I was crazy enough to say, start an isolated 'hood I didn't care about and do everything I'm not supposed to do, would it affect my other neighborhoods? Or will they be fine? The only thing I obviously know not to do is download hidden npc objects and then take them out of the game. Is there anything else that's game corrupting, not just 'hood corrupting?

Peni Griffin 29th Apr 2016 5:53 AM

Lock your objects package files (make sure you get them for each EP) and don't do things with the Universal sims - Grim, Mrs. C, the Hula Zombies, the PT, the Ideal Plantsim, Bigfoot Bigfoot - and your installation should remain intact.

Corruption is primarily caused by missing data, and stray bits of unattached data. They tend to get together, with inappropriate results. Like human code grafting itself onto a pet sim, or adult code grafting itself onto a newborn.

A little bit of it may look amusing, like when a cat sim tries to behave in a human way, if you have a certain kind of sense of humor. But most of it is just annoying, random, and interferes with gameplay. But it's your hood, so if that's how you get your jollies, go for it.

BoilingOil 29th Apr 2016 8:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Duine
I knew your spawn objects didn't conflict with each other, but it appears twice and I kept searching folders thinking it meant I had doubles. Both of those 'possible conflicts detected' say exactly the same things, that's why I thought I had duplicates. (:

Nope, the first one is about instance ID 1000, the second about 1001. So they are slightly different. These two files have two internal resources in common. so they appear twice in the conflict report.

But it's good that you're careful, dear. You wouldn't want to break your game, if you can help it. :D

Zarathustra 29th Apr 2016 8:46 AM

Without resorting to CC elements, how do you get Sims to have facial features that you'd find in different ethnic backgrounds? I can do a variety of European faces (easiest, since that's what the game lends itself to most) and African ones aren't too difficult, but honestly, I have yet to create a Sim who I'm satisfied looks "properly" Asian or Native American... any ideas?

gummilutt 29th Apr 2016 9:38 AM

When I wanted to make an asian-ish Sim, I googled pictures of asian women, and tried to sort of fish out common traits. Combine all the faces into one face, by taking the median of everything. When I had a general look I liked, I choose a couple of pictures that had some part look like what I aimed for, and did some finishing touched based on those. I don't know if I succeeded, I think it looks asian-ish but I am biased. I uploaded her, so if you want to see what I did you could go check. I used CC wrinkles, because I was going for an elderly woman and it just doesn't look right without wrinkles (and the maxis ones look like dirt streaks), but I have pictures of her as an adult and as elder without the wrinkles.

fruitsymphony 29th Apr 2016 10:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Zarathustra
a variety of European faces (easiest, since that's what the game lends itself to most)

I once read a Sandman comic where there was supposed to be an old, wise Chinese man, but he did not look Chinese at all. He looked like an old Afro-american with pale skin.

I think the key features are cheek bones and eye sockets. They are different but I'm not sure how. I have tried to make Asian looking sims but they don't look good.

You can clone Ty Bubbler, because he looks Asian. And Xavier I think (the maid in Strangetown), he has the Maxis face template that is supposed to look Asian.

SciBirg 29th Apr 2016 3:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by fruitsymphony
I once read a Sandman comic where there was supposed to be an old, wise Chinese man, but he did not look Chinese at all. He looked like an old Afro-american with pale skin.

I think the key features are cheek bones and eye sockets. They are different but I'm not sure how. I have tried to make Asian looking sims but they don't look good.

You can clone Ty Bubbler, because he looks Asian. And Xavier I think (the maid in Strangetown), he has the Maxis face template that is supposed to look Asian.

I have gotten some decent Asian looking sims by accident/random using Lionpau's face templates.

smorbie1 29th Apr 2016 3:55 PM

Try these:

If you like them, thank RedSimmies. He directed me to them on the "Look at this awesome thing I found" thread

Sunbee 29th Apr 2016 5:02 PM

You all, Zara said WITHOUT cc.

I have the body shop sliders enabled in CAS, which gives me finer control. I'd suggest you start in bodyshop, since you don't do cc. See if you can get one feature right, then take two sims with one different right feature into a throwaway hood and use the CS pacifier until you get a good combination, make him/her an actual sim, extract, and start working on the next feature. I don't really know, I go with the cc templates.

To my eyes, the EA sim Ajay Loner looks Native American--the local tribes here are Shoshone and Bannock, so if that's what you're looking for, you might start with him as a base.

Essa 29th Apr 2016 7:40 PM

Are sims immune to disease on community lots?

omglo 29th Apr 2016 8:29 PM

This is for people who have the full game - can adults play tag with kids in your game? I haven't seen that interaction in years. I'm trying to find out if EA removed it and if so, to figure out a way to get it back.

Peni Griffin 29th Apr 2016 8:33 PM

Alas, no. That's why, in extreme cases, the Drama Acres Health Department not only quarantines certain families, it asks that they refrain from community lot visits. Flu epidemics play holy hell with my playstyle.

natboopsie 29th Apr 2016 8:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by omglo
This is for people who have the full game - can adults play tag with kids in your game? I haven't seen that interaction in years. I'm trying to find out if EA removed it and if so, to figure out a way to get it back.

Wow, you're right---I remember and loved that interaction from my NL+OFB game, but in my UC game it's just plain missing.

I confirmed it just now with two child siblings living with their adult parents. The children were each best friends with both parents. I figured that ought to do it, because I know tag is an unlockable interaction even between kids, requiring either friends or best friends. But no, the kids (who were also best friends with one another) could only play tag together. Neither the parents nor the kids could initiate tag across the two ages.

Would love to hear if you find out how to get it back! Wonder why it's gone in the first place.

AliaD85 29th Apr 2016 8:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Alas, no. That's why, in extreme cases, the Drama Acres Health Department not only quarantines certain families, it asks that they refrain from community lot visits. Flu epidemics play holy hell with my playstyle.

Yes, and the visitors after school and work make it so much worse!

Charmful 29th Apr 2016 9:18 PM

Does the cheat 'Showheadlines on/off' actually work for people? I have tried many times but I still always get thought and speech bubbles coming from my sims. It'd be nice to turn them off for some pics.

Essa 29th Apr 2016 11:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Alas, no. That's why, in extreme cases, the Drama Acres Health Department not only quarantines certain families, it asks that they refrain from community lot visits. Flu epidemics play holy hell with my playstyle.

Well, I guess something is wrong with my game.
Cole Morand was summoned in my playable school (community lot) which counts 24 students and none of them catch the flu.
I've had sick sims on community lots and I've never have a plague.

ETA an other Q
Can sim buy an object placed on an indoor foundation? The business is owned.

joandsarah77 29th Apr 2016 11:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charmful
Does the cheat 'Showheadlines on/off' actually work for people? I have tried many times but I still always get thought and speech bubbles coming from my sims. It'd be nice to turn them off for some pics.

Yes it works, but you do have to wait for the conversation to be over before they disappear.

Rosebine 30th Apr 2016 12:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Yes it works, but you do have to wait for the conversation to be over before they disappear.

...So what gives? pardon my question but..when a conversation is over, it is just normal that thought bubbles be over too? The cheat changes what exactly then...

joandsarah77 30th Apr 2016 12:14 AM

Meaning that when they start to talk again there will be no bubbles.

Mr_Valentine90 30th Apr 2016 12:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Essa
Well, I guess something is wrong with my game.
Cole Morand was summoned in my playable school (community lot) which counts 24 students and none of them catch the flu.
I've had sick sims on community lots and I've never have a plague.

ETA an other Q
Can sim buy an object placed on an indoor foundation? The business is owned.

No they cannot. They will just stand there and do the cannot go there animation. I've tried. :D

mdsb759 30th Apr 2016 1:06 AM

"Downtown sort" and "Vacation sort" in catalog placement section of Object Data; on what lot types do those sorts appear?
same categories as the ones on Community lots?
same possible values as in "Community sort" line?

Build Mode catalog same on each lot type it is available on?

Duine 30th Apr 2016 1:54 AM

The Visitor Controller has an option to ban sick sims, this might help to avoid epidemics. Once they're healthy, they should be able to use the lots again.

I have questions about the log files. From the beginning, or whenever I learned to empty that folder, there have always been the same number of files in it and I thought these were normal. I just looked at them recently and the info is confusing.
One is App Errors the other is Audio Errors, music works fine in the game so I ignored them.

The problem is, and was since the very beginning, I don't hear sound effects, such as walking on different type floorings, chairs moving (do they make sound?), possibly other things I never heard and didn't realize they don't work. I do hear water running, the mailbox opening, cars, school bus, doorbell and some other things. I realized there were more sounds to the game from people mentioning them.

Some examples are Karoake no extensions defined, Buy, Build, CAS, Nhood music listed twice. I don't know what any of this is, or does. Karaoke works. Can anyone read these and tell me what to do?

When I first got UC, Origin mixed up the files along with Sims Life Stories, I did straighten out the downloads, as that's all I knew happened. Also removed Life Stories. I've done searches to be sure LS and PS have no files and can't find any.

Ather 30th Apr 2016 4:24 AM

...Should I be concerned if my Sim aged up and became invisible upon age-up? Valkryie just aged up into an adult (she just graduated uni), and she's invisible. I can see her picture on the sidebar, I can see her when I go to plan her outfit, but I just can't see her when she's... in game...

I'm tempted to see what happens once I move her out of her dorm into a different lot, but at the same time I'm scared to save in case an easy fix would just be exiting the household without saving.

EDIT: It's also not just Valkryie, apparently. Her sister Aoife is also invisible. But I'm assuming moving them out of their dorm and into a new lot should fix it?

Duine 30th Apr 2016 4:47 AM

The Batbox has an option to fix invisible sims.I'm not sure which section of the box, you might need testing cheats on to see it. Look under all options without the cheat, then try with it to see if it shows up. Good luck! (:

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