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Bulbizarre 9th Dec 2018 6:01 AM

I accidentally conked out for a few hours.

I dreamed I was going to see my neurologist. I was also going with Angela Pleasant, who needed a heart transplant or something. We went to the doctor's office, which turned out to be a 200+ story building that resembled the CN tower. We had some trouble with the elevator, and couldn't get the repair phone to work, so I was like "I have some money" (lol i wish) and went into build mode and replaced the elevator. But she was "no, I'm afraid it will plummet" and began climbing up all the stairs. I didn't want her to do that when she needed a heart transplant, so I went and found a random doctor, who turned out to be Vidcund Curious. He convinced Angela to take the elevator and I got her to her appointment.

However, in the process, I'd lost the paper listing the name of my neurologist. I was pretty worried about that so I kept walking across one floor of the skyscraper which was also some sort of minimall. I thought of asking the Charlatan if he knew the name of the neurologist in the building but decided better of it, before ending up in a section of the mall where characters from Animal Crossing kept teleporting in and blocking my path. I was annoyed by that and started shoving them into pitfall traps with my cane and Mrs. Crumplebottom came and smacked them with her purse so I was able to leave. I kept looking for someone to ask but they were all fighting or woohooing on the benches (censor blurs and all).

I then saw some other Sims (Natasha Una, Mercutio Monty, and Malcolm Landgraab IV) playing cards and asked if they knew the name of the neurologist in the building because I was now very late for the appointment. They didn't know but told me which way to go. So I went down a very long, dark hall and...uh, woke up before I got to the end.

Justpetro 11th Dec 2018 11:25 AM

I had a couple of nightmares during building contests, but when it comes to my Sims, I think they dream of me

Bulbizarre 11th Dec 2018 1:10 PM

I had another MTS dream. In it, somehow the database had gotten screwed up and everyone's names and avatars had gotten randomly swapped around. It was pretty chaotic.

MasterRed 17th Dec 2018 1:18 PM

Literally last night I dreamt of Nervous Subject, who has a daughter for some reason, moving in with the Curiouses. I think I’m too excited for my new computer.

sailorplanet97 18th Dec 2018 1:09 AM

2 days ago i played a couple who has 26 kids, and the 7 oldest kids (daughters) are now adults (one of them even has kids)
however i got a bad dream about a sim (the sim who's adult and even got married but doesn't have kids)

i was looking for someone or something so i searched the whole city, i even went on university with my parents.
one of the sims got on the roof and fell of it,

i saw it coming and called my parents who called an ambulance, but that sim (the daughter of a couple where i'm playing at in the game) died instantly
i think all of her siblings cries, even her twin sister cried (the twin sister is the oldest in the family) when the female sim died

and as you can see she was the youngest twin sister who died, the twins got along with each other while on university


Peni Griffin 18th Dec 2018 1:57 AM

I dreamed I was trying to teach my husband to use a feature that allowed you to control a movie as if it were sims; but the controls were giving us fits and then my husband discovered that users are only allowed to control two movies per month. We thought this completely unreasonable.

Bulbizarre 18th Dec 2018 11:44 AM

Must have been microtransactions.

sailorplanet97 20th Dec 2018 4:25 PM

i had this super weird dream about a challenge and the sims 2 is kinda involved too

we had to go to the museum or something, so we went to the bus with the town i was coming from and living for,
and we were supposed to be in the city, but instead of that, we went to the forest, also close to the museum.

everyone steps out from the bus and we were in a hurry and got a challenge, but i fell on the ground and lose the challenge. (most people were from the sims, and mostly the sims i created)

but i don't know how it ends since i woke up from a alarm clock
and the alarm clock scared the hell out of me since i was still into a dream stage part

Peni Griffin 18th Jan 2019 2:32 AM

I haven't had any sims dreams per se for awhile, but I have found elements from the game repeated in the dream environment. For instance, the child with the holy relic we were trying to protect from the bad guys in the crowded shopping mall/convention center/museum was almost caught, but eluded them because they didn't realize it was her birthday and kept looking for a child after six o'clock, at which time of course she grew up into a teen.

I have also paused a couple of dreams to go into build mode and change the wall color before getting on with the plot.

Duine 18th Jan 2019 6:03 AM

Yes, and if they don't stop, I'm gonna delete those sims who wake me up! (:

JDacapo 10th Apr 2019 5:46 PM

Last night I had a Sims dream. Was dreaming about playing a few families, including one household with two families living together, and I moved one family into another house and was moving some of the children's toys and stuff to the new house. Was even planning on having the grandmother move to her own place to foster some townie kids and teens.

emmyjulia 11th Apr 2019 2:47 PM

Last night I dreamed about sims, not gameplay but all the downloads I wanted (and want) in my head were available. Like stuff who haven’t been converted. It was LOVLEY.

Misty_2004 18th Apr 2019 6:46 PM

No matter what I'm doing too much of, I'll end up dreaming it. Like I've had a family history project I've been working on and off for the last couple of years, lovely project about the minor family histories of all my friends and me: how many of us are related, how many generations our families go back together--fun stuff like that. I haven't even been working on it for almost a week and in the wee hours there I was digging up information on a long-dead, much-beloved relative. When I'm doing that, no matter what it is, it's past time to take a breather from it.

I haven't played enough Sims in a long time to dream about it, but I declare there's nothing so surreal as those dreams can be.

OnayaW 18th Apr 2019 7:28 PM

I actually often have sims dreams ---
Lately it includes Mortimer and Bella but last month it included Cassandra and Vidcund
Depends on what story I tell myself before bed

Charity 19th Apr 2019 10:19 AM

I had a dream where I was watching a sim like game and the player killed a sim. And the game showed all his family having a funeral and crying and his girlfriend dropped out of school and went off the tracks and I was thinking, people who kill their sims don't realise how much suffering it causes. DX

grinevilly 21st Apr 2019 2:29 AM

I, personally, have never dreamed about the Sims, that I can recall... My sister-in-law, however, had to give up playing because it gave her nightmares.

True story!


Charity 21st Apr 2019 8:22 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grinevilly
I, personally, have never dreamed about the Sims, that I can recall... My sister-in-law, however, had to give up playing because it gave her nightmares.

True story!


Nightmares? What was she doing to her sims?

grinevilly 21st Apr 2019 1:34 PM

Haha, nothing! In her dreams, everyone was in aspiration failure, just screaming at her in simlish. She couldn't understand what anybody wanted. i'm pretty sure it has something to do with her being an Events Planner, as servers always seem to have angry customer dreams. hahaha...


StrangeTownChick 23rd Apr 2019 11:53 PM

Last night I dreamt that I was playing an orphanage with one man and a ton of kids. It was also sort of a farm because there was a barn, as well as a river running in front of it. I realized that in front of each of the two outhouses was a huge line of kids all yelling that they had to pee, and both toilets in the house were also occupied.
I decided to build a third bathroom, so I uploaded a drawing of mine into the game to be converted into a bathroom. Only half the furniture got uploaded and there were people in the drawing so one of their faces ended up on the face of a grandfather clock and the knobs of the dressers. I took a picture of that to post in the blooper pics thread. Then I tried to find one of my cheap cc toilets but couldn't.
I called my mom into the room to see the faces glitch but I couldn't zoom in on it properly. I eventually ended up getting completely lost in the ocean that surrounded the lot. Then I found a binoculars feature that was able to take me back to the "sims" part of the game, and find the lot easily. I then realized I had put the lot right on top of where a King Taijitu lived. (A giant two-headed snake from the show RWBY--definitely scary, but they don't live in the ocean.)
I was just able to show my mom all the faces before I woke up.

Sunbee 7th Sep 2019 1:36 AM

My second kid has been taking driver's ed, and so for some reason my sleeping brain stuck me in Widespot, trying to parent the Land kids.

I just want y'all to know, it's a good thing sims teens don't have to take driver's ed, because Dixie Land would give y'all gray hairs!

Bulbizarre 8th Jan 2020 3:15 AM

I had an utterly baffling dream in which the Sims 2 was apparently wiped from existence except for the one copy on my computer. Attempting to search it online brought up literally nothing, and nobody I talked to knew what I was talking about.

More of a nightmare, really.

Peni Griffin 12th Aug 2020 1:19 AM

I had a bad dream during my midmorning nap (my schedule was screwed up even before quarantine, which screwed it so tight it shattered all over the landscape). I was playing sims and had just moved a lot of new University graduates into a communal residence downtown. They were doing random interacting, what's thising, and two of them managed to get instruments out into the middle of the street and started jamming, when suddenly I lost control of everything and I got a pop up in the corner telling me my free playtime had expired and click for instructions on how to keep playing, and I'm all "WTF? How is this - I OWN THIS GAME, I've played for years -!"

Fortunately I woke up before anyone started a kitchen fire or anything.

TadOlson 12th Aug 2020 4:06 AM

I had a nightmare about having to play without my Mods and hacks and a huge brawl broke out on a community lot in my BACC because I had not option to conrtrol the viistors to that lot anymore in the nightmare and an apartment spawned NPC neighbors who got into fights with each other and I rememebered that that nightmare used to be my real game in the past on my old computer before I started with Mods and hacks.

raise20puppiesorkittens 19th Aug 2020 1:32 AM

I had a dream last night where I opened my household with 9 children and they were all aged to child+ and looked EXACTLY the same.
First Born Syndrome is haunting me

AndrewGloria 21st Mar 2024 1:06 AM

I just had a rather nasty little dream. A daydream perhaps as I wasn't in bed -- I was sleeping in a chair in my kitchen, where I had just let the potatoes boil dry, and I was wondering how I could retrieve the situation. Since my recent fall, I've been sleeping badly because of the pain, so I'm sleeping more in the chair than in bed. Anyway I fell asleep and started to dream . . .

Andrew was at a swimming pool. He was squatting at the end of a diving board, and seemed to be going to do some sort of fancy dive. Unlike me, he has high body skill, and is usually very good at that sort of thing, But then the diving board malfunctioned, and flipped him into the water. As it did so it seemed to leave him winded or knocked out, so he didn't seem to be conscious. Then I realised he was floating on some sort of mat in the water, so he seemed safe. But then I saw that the mat was slowly soaking up water and becoming waterlogged. There didn't seem to be anything I could think of to do to help him. And then I woke up, and realised, with much relief that it was just a dream. Often when I dream about Sims, they're 3 dimensional people and I'm in the game with them. But this time he was very much a Sim on a screen, so I couldn't reach in and touch him.

Anyway I'm very much relieved that it was only a dream, and I woke up. I don't think I could cope with Andrew drowning; that boy means too much to me.

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