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Rapsheba555 8th Jan 2009 3:59 AM

Welcome to the nintenerds group! I'm Rapsheba555 and I'm apparently the head honcho of the crazy club. I assure you, I was forced to accept the nomination. *couch*maybe*cough* Please stop by and say hi after you join, and feel free to start randomizing everything. And correct me it I'm wrong, but any member can invite a new member, so if you see someone who might like to join, send them an invite! the group is currently private. Anyway, welcome, and any and all discussion is welcome, just as long as it's clean. i don't mind OT threads, just keep it in check.

missMSBplayer 17th Feb 2009 2:51 AM

Hi! It's MissMSBPlayer.

About me (and Nintendo) - I got my first ever Nintendo System when I was 3 years old...yep, 3. It was a green N64 and it came with Donkey Kong 64 (I still can't beat that game...he he...) I'll list the games and systems I currently own...just scroll down to see. My favourite character is Princess Peach, or Princess Toadstool, if ya wanna go old school.

Should I list all the Nintendo games I own? it goes...

For N64 - Donkey Kong 64, Mario Kart 64, Super Mario 64, Paper Mario (LOVE That Game!) The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Mario Party 2

For GBA - Um....I don't think I have any Nintendo games for this...

For GC - Animal Crossing!!!!!, Mario Party 4, 6 and 7, Mario Kart Double Dash, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Mario Tennis

For NDS - Animal Crossing Wild World, Mario & Luigi Partners in Time, Super Princess Peach, Mario Kart DS, Big Brain Academy, Pokemon Diamond, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom's Hourglass

For Wii - Mario Galaxy, Animal Crossing City Folk, Wario Ware, Mario Kart Wii, Mario Party 8...

And about 10 more I can't remember!

Rapsheba555 17th Feb 2009 4:36 AM

I could list mine but it might be illegal in several states to list that many. I have about 20 each for gc and wii. about 10 for n64. you get the picture.

So this makes 4 members, correct?

inuyasha_babe 17th Feb 2009 6:40 AM

Ack. Seeing that big list of games made me want to join really badly When it comes to video games, I'm VERY competitive :D

I got my N64 when I was 7, when it first came out, and I've been obsessed with video games ever since. I play vg's more than I sleep and eat put together

I'm with you about the games, Raps. I think we'd scare all the little kids away if we had our lists. Hmm, actually, not a bad idea. More ham cookies for us! \o/

Rapsheba555 18th Feb 2009 6:33 AM

Mmm, cookie!

ZimZ 23rd Feb 2009 8:44 AM

Yay! I joined Yay! Hi I'm Daisy!

Rapsheba555 24th Feb 2009 6:48 AM

Hi I'm Daisy!

Darth_Beeblebrox 18th Apr 2009 7:27 AM

Yay! I joined now too! I love Nintendo games!

I've been a nintendo fan since the early days of the Super Nes. I don't think I could list all my nintendo games either. I've got all the systems since the Super Nes.

Rapsheba555 18th Apr 2009 2:55 PM

welcome to the fold! :D

whitewaterwood 18th Apr 2009 11:51 PM

Hello, Darth! Have you been offered a ham cookie yet? *eyes sparkle*

Rapsheba555 19th Apr 2009 1:16 AM

Yes, those we DO have. Grapes no, ham cookies yes.

Vampire_aninyosaloh 30th Apr 2009 4:30 PM

Hi all!

Rapsheba555 30th Apr 2009 10:00 PM

welcome to the group! I see you're already around posting, so have fun! :D

lewjen 1st May 2009 5:31 PM

Hi Nina!!! *Dribbles*

Rikachu 2nd May 2009 12:42 AM

Don't mind Lew, he dribbles a lot

Vampire_aninyosaloh 2nd May 2009 12:48 AM

I know... I think it's caused by his blonde moments...

whitewaterwood 2nd May 2009 12:53 AM

*gets mop* Don't mind me. I'm just on cleanup duty.

lewjen 2nd May 2009 7:59 PM

*Looks behind back *dribbles* You saw that didn't you

Rapsheba555 3rd May 2009 12:36 AM


Rikachu 3rd May 2009 2:36 AM


lewjen 3rd May 2009 6:27 PM

GAH!!! *Dribbles* Damn it... again...

Rapsheba555 4th May 2009 2:05 AM

*whacks with mop*

Rikachu 4th May 2009 3:43 AM

*stuffs mouth with marshmallows*

Dirly2 4th May 2009 5:47 AM

i decided that i finally needed to join this super-mega-awesome-group!
yay for nintendo!

Rikachu 4th May 2009 6:27 AM

Welcome! Have a ham cookie! Be forewarned, though: We are absolute nutjobs here. (we abuse smilies, as well)

Dirly2 4th May 2009 6:34 AM

yay my very own ham cookie :lovestruc
ohmygosh i cant believe i get one!
oh no too late i ate it

Rikachu 4th May 2009 6:36 AM

LEW WILL DRIBBLE ON YOU!! Let that serve as a warning.

Rapsheba555 4th May 2009 6:54 AM

Yes, watch out for the dribbler. Anyway, welcome from the head resident lunatic! And ham cookies abound in this land of wonder and bright colors, so take a seat, grab a cookie, and prepare to hurl in joy from the top of a rollercoaster named fun! :D

(Wow, that was...dumb )

Dirly2 4th May 2009 7:09 AM

meh dumb is fun
ok i have been warned. i will bring my dribble protection poncho with me at all times

Rapsheba555 4th May 2009 7:11 AM

you might want a mop and an umbrella as well. :P

Rikachu 4th May 2009 8:25 AM

And marshmallows

Rapsheba555 4th May 2009 8:59 AM

^^ this is true.

lewjen 4th May 2009 9:27 AM

*Dribbles* MARSHMALLOWS!!!!!!!!!11111ONEONEONE YAY *He said cheerfully* Here have a mop.

Rikachu 4th May 2009 9:48 AM

Do we have to tie you up again?!

Rapsheba555 4th May 2009 9:51 AM

I'll get the licorice.

lewjen 4th May 2009 9:53 AM

Please no gasoline, especially after what WWW did!!!

Rapsheba555 4th May 2009 10:05 AM

*Gets kerosene*

lewjen 4th May 2009 10:07 AM

*Hides in shower of blood* "DAMN IT, I'm covered in blood now!!!"

Rapsheba555 4th May 2009 10:12 AM


lewjen 4th May 2009 10:15 AM

Runs to gas station... "S***" *Sees raps with a liter* "S***"

Rapsheba555 4th May 2009 10:27 AM

*chases lew with a blowtorch*

lewjen 4th May 2009 10:28 AM

*Burns to death* Come on then MSB admit it!!!

Rapsheba555 4th May 2009 10:30 AM

Where is she anyway?

lewjen 4th May 2009 2:09 PM

I don't know... *Looks behing back* Nope not there

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 2:22 PM

Why are u always burnt lew??

lewjen 4th May 2009 2:26 PM

Bad luck... *Peels skin off back* Wanna taste :p

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 2:30 PM

Yes please! It's my favorite food!! YOU!!!

lewjen 4th May 2009 2:32 PM

That'll be £50 or what ever in euros.

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 2:55 PM

HA! You dream!

lewjen 4th May 2009 2:57 PM

Phew I can keep my skin!!! Albeit burned, a little...

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 3:01 PM

*take a lighter* Do you want more?? *evil laugh*

lewjen 4th May 2009 3:04 PM

I'll keep my skin thank you very much *Holds on*

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 3:12 PM

Noooo, no, no! You're not leaving *evil laugh again* I'm going to use the lighter and this gas can!!!

lewjen 4th May 2009 7:03 PM

No more burning!!! *Points at singed skin*

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:05 PM


lewjen 4th May 2009 7:07 PM


Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:08 PM

You cannot hide from me!!! *evil laugh* WAJAJAJAJA!!!

lewjen 4th May 2009 7:09 PM

*Keeps hiding*

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:13 PM

I FOUND YOU!!! *sound of lighter and then... screams* *evil laugh*

lewjen 4th May 2009 7:15 PM

*Hides again*

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:16 PM

You can't hide... you're being burnt!!!

lewjen 4th May 2009 7:23 PM

*Does both*

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:25 PM

lewjen 4th May 2009 7:26 PM

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:29 PM

Why do we end all the threads with smileys or tutles or llamas or...??

lewjen 4th May 2009 7:30 PM

*Shrugs* Wierd isn't it...

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:31 PM

Yep!! Your avatar is awful now!!

lewjen 4th May 2009 7:33 PM

Now is it!!! *Evil laugh*

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:35 PM

OH! I love it! But there is sth missing... mmm... I dk... oh yes! MY NAME!!!

lewjen 4th May 2009 7:36 PM

Sorry, I needed a fresh... face. Sorry will edit sig soon though!!!

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:37 PM

hmmm... So now I can get angry with you? And this mustache is awful!!

lewjen 4th May 2009 7:41 PM

Better than nothing...

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:42 PM

I liked the avatar without mustache!!!

lewjen 4th May 2009 7:43 PM

How about now...

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:44 PM

OH! You've changed your sig!!!

lewjen 4th May 2009 7:45 PM


Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:46 PM


lewjen 4th May 2009 7:47 PM

Now you change yours...

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:48 PM

I'm on it... DONE!

lewjen 4th May 2009 7:49 PM

HAHAAAAA!!! I will not eat your brain as long as you don't burn me

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:50 PM

Hmmm... I can't promise nothing...

lewjen 4th May 2009 7:51 PM

Same here...

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2009 7:52 PM


lewjen 4th May 2009 8:27 PM

Rapsheba555 4th May 2009 10:03 PM


Rikachu 5th May 2009 12:07 AM

WTF? Where did that come from?

lewjen 5th May 2009 5:21 PM

Rap is random, similar to me infact, so put up with it!!!

Rapsheba555 5th May 2009 10:12 PM

?eb I dluow eert tahw ,eert a erew I fI

Vampire_aninyosaloh 5th May 2009 11:36 PM

you also have some blonde moments... gegsaghsthrhrhyrwhrshrwhwr

Rapsheba555 5th May 2009 11:40 PM

?taht yb naem uoy od tahW

Vampire_aninyosaloh 5th May 2009 11:46 PM

!!!wolliw gnipeew a eb d'I eert a erew I fI

Elephant 5th May 2009 11:50 PM

Hey look! I joined!

And I bring a gift...

Vampire_aninyosaloh 5th May 2009 11:53 PM

HAM COOKIES!!!!!! *crunch crunch*
EDIT: if WWW sees this...

Rapsheba555 6th May 2009 1:19 AM

Where the hell did you find that?

whitewaterwood 6th May 2009 1:20 AM

*crushes Elephant in a hug* I SAY WE KEEP HIM! Can we keeps him Raps? Please please please pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease?!

Rikachu 6th May 2009 1:55 AM

Elephant!? Your just plain crazy!

lewjen 6th May 2009 5:12 PM

ELEPHANT... now all we need to do is stop me from dribbling on him/her!!! *Dribbles* D'oh

Rapsheba555 7th May 2009 3:20 AM

Yes, yes, we can keep him. Only as long as he goes poopie outside and you feed him. :P

lewjen 7th May 2009 6:22 PM

YAY, we can keep him!!!

Vampire_aninyosaloh 7th May 2009 7:42 PM

You can't lew cus you will dribble on him...

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