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Poll: What Do You Despise The Most
I don't know how to post an actuall poll but here's the question:
What do you despise about Sims that you wished got fixed and don't know of a hack for? I am not a modder so dont get hopeful on me lol. I'm just curious My things-When theyre too freakin stupid to know better and jump into their crushes arms in front of the husband/wife. (Or some other insipid attraction thing) Walking around stinking. |
Waving their arms around cos they apparently can't walk around/to/across that area >
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Quote: Originally posted by Miss Simpleton
Quote: Originally posted by Miss Simpleton
Quote: Originally posted by straightroad14
Pescado, I have Romance mod but they still do it. Could something be conflicting it, or is it possible moron sims cant be helped no matter what?
Thanks Pescado
![]() I also hate the weird faces they make when dancing with someone. I hate the faces they make in general..really ugly.. |
I hate it when my self-sim goes into aspiration failure. (so unfair
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I once had a husband and a wife. (SIMS OF COURSE!)
The wife started screaming cos' the baby was comin' and then the man started gettin' his aspiration failure. NOW! He was so stupid I deleted him with moveobjects on. It serves him well. |
I hate it when my self-sim passes out.
What about when they fall asleep in their food. Could anyone possibly invent a more annoying gesture.
Quote: Originally posted by Miss Simpleton
No. But I like the splat sound. |
Quote: Originally posted by Beata125
I have a confession that I play Sims on mute. I detest their talk. But now I'm gonna listen for the splat ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Miss Simpleton
Quote: Originally posted by J. M. Pescado
EXACTLY. Thats what pisses me off. They wait till theyre sitting there with the food to fall asleep. And it happens over and over. How about taking a nap and THAN eat. And I swear I will accept no Kewian-based substitutes! |
Eg.: A sim is about to pass out, but is totally starving.
I make them go to sleep, but they wake up cos' they're hungry. I make their food, they sleep in it. In conclusion, they don't need beds. So I just use maxmotives anyway ![]() |
I hate when sims randomly get jealous, mad, and furious when see another sim with his/her loved one despise the fact that they NEVER EVEN FLIRTED! And, yes, I do use ACR, and they HAVE been instructed (or those whose personalities I found that matched better with no jealousy) not to be jealous unless they were freaking married. Still, last week, my rl-husband-not-sim-husband threw a tantrum when he noticed my-sim-self had gotten a flower from my-ex-rl-husband-currently-engaged-sim.
(I would understand if my rl-husband got mad about the fact that I made my sim-self engaged to my ex-husband, but I have NO idea why the sim also thought that was annoying) (if anyone wonders, my son wanted a self-sim, and wanted his Dad on the game.) Oh, Pescado, I absolutely love russian reversal. |
[QUOTE=dianaprallon] Still, last week, my rl-husband-not-sim-husband threw a tantrum when he noticed my-sim-self had gotten a flower from my-ex-rl-husband-currently-engaged-sim.QUOTE]
So your sim self is engaged to your sim ex husband? No wait, your sim self is divorced from your rl sim husband but got a flower anyway? Awesome. That is seriously hilarious either way. What did you husband say about it? Not to be nosey but thats so interesting. To be honest, I havent put myself in the sims yet. I have this weird feeling about seeing Sim me walking around. But I def could see a revenge scenario if I put Sim me and marry Sim-Ex BF. Than dump him when he LIES. lol. Playing Sims is so hysterical sometimes. How rewarding to see him do the crying thing in his hands. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Miss Simpleton
I should have drawn this. Okay, let's try again. There's Sim A, which represents, per say, my ex-husband. He looks a lot like him when we first met. (Well, er, not really, since I made him a teen sim -- and I don't think my ex-husband was yet 10 when we first met) There's Sim B, which is my now-a-day husband Sim. He's, atm, a YA Sim and so is my self-sim. We live in the same dorm, and our attraction score is through the roof, but nothing has happened so far. We are BFF's, but never did as much as hugging each other. I'm very commited (or as much as a Love Aspiration Sim can be) to my boyfriend, that is, Sim A. My self-sim and sim A went on a date, last time I played. He brought me a flower, saying it was a great date. So, at one point, I had four our five sims over, and controlling two sims to raise their relationship with all those sims plus the npc sims wandering around and flirting with everyone. I stopped checking on my sim B for few seconds, in order to get my self-sim to do something on the other side/floor/whatever of the lot and next thing I know is that sim B was reading the flower card and getting furious. So I had my self-sim apologizing again and again, but it got me really mad since THERE'S NOTHING BETWEEN THOSE SIMS! And -that- is because both my self-sim and my sim B are tokened (?) to only be jealous when married or committed. And, my husband, he found it very funny. He said he wasn't really thrilled (in rl)to find out I was seeing my ex-husband, but wouldn't ever make a scene about it. He also "told" his Sim to be patient, that his time would come. *laughs* And, yes, when you're angry at someone, it's really worth it making their sims suffer. My last game, which I still have no idea why crashed, had frequent updates of my friends love life. It was a blast to make their sims break up when they broke up, mas making they make up a few days later. Looong time ago, we used to have TS installed in a common computer, that 60% of my friends used. The neighborhood was huge, with lots and lots of sims, and you were forbidden to play in other peoples houses, but still managed to make quite a mess. It was very funny. |
Quote: Originally posted by dianaprallon
Quote: Originally posted by dianaprallon
Quote: Originally posted by J. M. Pescado
So I've heard. Well, read. This is basically a "what Pescado has already fixed in a mod and I don't know about" thread. ![]() Another thing that totally pisses me off about the sims has nothing to do with the sims itself, but with the construction mode. Everything is square shaped. Well, granted, we have other kinds of roofs. But it's no use, since I can't construct round walls. And -that- drives me crazy. I love round shaped things. x.x |
Quote: Originally posted by dianaprallon
Get the Director's Cut! Rejoice in pure AWESOMENESS! Accept no Kewian-based substitutes! |
I gotta try making a self sim. This is absolutely fascinating.
Quote: Originally posted by Miss Simpleton
Since I got AL, I decided to create my self-sim as a toddler. Actually, I've just decided to delete my neighborhood and create all the sims again. =D |
Quote: Originally posted by dianaprallon
Self-sim-toddler? I might do that! |
I can't stand it when sims give each other backrubs but they arent in the right position, so one sim is massaging thin air and the other, sometimes on the other side of the room, looks like theyre having some strange internal struggle.
I can't stand it when the baby goes to the toilet and starts splashing around in it. (Do kids do this in real life? I didn't.) Then the mom/dad/caretaker comes and screams at them, and everything is wacky. (it makes me laugh though.) Then the game won't let the caretaker clean under the toilet (where there is a puddle) so the caretaker is still standing there with a mop in his/her hands and waving its arms about. (It's a hilarious scene. Try it by leaving a bathroom door open and having a toddler's room next to it.)
I have this glitch where neibours/townies start shaking their heads very rapidly when they walk past my house. It isn't much of a problem but it still bugs me.
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