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straightroad 28th Jun 2009 5:02 AM

RIP Jacko.

What was your initial reaction when you heard about his death?
Is there anything you'd like to say as a tribute?

Now, before you start making jokes about "kids being safe now", just don't do it to me. Just don't.
Please be respectful of the dead, whatever bigotry you feel towards him.

Although, when I think about it, it would have happened sooner or later.
Most likely I suspect MJ would've taken his own life.
IMHO he was never truly happy. Beaten as a child by his father, and the accusations and hatred felt towards him caused by the rubbish gossip magazines and whatever the media conjure up, just pushed him over the edge.

"People think they know me, but they don't. Not really. Actually, I am one of the loneliest people on this earth. I cry sometimes, because it hurts. It does. To be honest, I guess you could say that it hurts to be me." - Michael Jackson.

That just breaks my heart. I hope you're at peace now Michael Jackson.
You're a bloody legend and you'll never be forgotten.

*silently cries over the loss of her idol*

GuardStud08 28th Jun 2009 5:29 AM

I agree Micheal's life was hard. I really wished he could of lived longer, I mean he was going to have a concert. When my mom told me I was like, "your joking. No he's not". But then I watched the news and sure enough. R.I.P M.J.

straightroad 28th Jun 2009 5:41 AM

I mean, I still can't believe it.
I just feel numb.
He was the only person I would actually pay to see in a concert and not watch on Youtube instead.

GuardStud08 28th Jun 2009 5:59 AM

I know how you feel. I keep thinking about him. I guess we all thought he would never die.

straightroad 28th Jun 2009 7:41 AM

I've got his songs on shuffle and I listen to them over and a daze.
I hope he's at peace now.

edit: Some of my favorite MJ songs are..
Smooth Criminal
They Don't Care About Us
Black or White (I love the beginning of the music clip )
You Are Not Alone

GuardStud08 28th Jun 2009 7:48 AM

I can't stop listening to "You Are Not Alone". That's one of his songs I've never heard before. I'm sure he is at peace.

straightroad 28th Jun 2009 7:50 AM

I just finished listening to it
What are some of your fave MJ songs?

GuardStud08 28th Jun 2009 7:52 AM


1: Billie Jean
2: Thriller
3: You Are Not Alone
4: Bad
5: Man In The Mirror


straightroad 28th Jun 2009 7:54 AM

Smooth Criminal
They Don't Care About Us
Black or White (I love the beginning of the music clip)
You Are Not Alone

GuardStud08 28th Jun 2009 7:55 AM

Bad has such a wonderful music video. It is long though

straightroad 28th Jun 2009 7:58 AM

Most of his music videos are long!
Thriller was 13 minutes long lol
I love most of them, I just love seeing MJ dance. He's so great at performing.

I really wish I could've seen him live..I'll never get the chance now.

GuardStud08 28th Jun 2009 8:01 AM

I was just watching on of his old VMA performance (1995) on VH1. He was incredible. What is your opinion about his color change? I think if he wanted it, who are we to stop him. If it makes him happy, so be it.

straightroad 28th Jun 2009 8:06 AM

He never changed his skin color.
He had a rare skin condition called vitiligo, it's when the skin pigmentation cells die so the skin loses it's color. You can actually tell, because in the beginning he was quite dark, then he was a tan color, and finally he was very pale.
He was proud of his race, because when he and the Jackson 5 arrived in Africa, he apparently shouted, "This is where I'm from!"

GuardStud08 28th Jun 2009 8:12 AM

Oh, sorry for my lack of knowledge (no, it isnt sarcasm ). I was told he had Vitiligo, but others have told me he changed it.

straightroad 28th Jun 2009 8:15 AM

Don't listen to those who said he bleached his skin, lol.
Poor guy. All this crap about him..

What in your opinion was the reason behind his death?
People seem to think it was the medication he'd been taking..

GuardStud08 28th Jun 2009 8:17 AM

Firstly, I DO NOT think he died of Aids as of what some people are saying. I think it was stress or depression. He may have taken 1 too many of those pain killers he was prescribed by accident or on ( I hope not) purpose.

straightroad 28th Jun 2009 8:18 AM

Yeah, I think from stress.
I think he would've taken his life in the end,
he was so depressed and lonely..

GuardStud08 28th Jun 2009 8:21 AM

I agree. He never had a childhood. He never had a best friend, he was to busy earning his evil dad millions of dollars.

straightroad 28th Jun 2009 8:24 AM

Did you see today's ET episode?
They showed a bit with MJ saying that his one wish was to find the one person who could make him happy and they could go off someplace nice and be happy.

GuardStud08 28th Jun 2009 8:25 AM

No, can't say I did. That is so sad, he never achieved it.

straightroad 28th Jun 2009 8:33 AM

Lisa Marie Presley wrote in her myspace blog about MJ..

MJ thought he'd end up like Elvis Presley..

GuardStud08 28th Jun 2009 8:35 AM

A predicted ending by him, by loved ones and by me, but what I didn't predict was how much it was going to hurt when it finally happened.

That is SO true.

straightroad 28th Jun 2009 8:50 AM

I was on Youtube..I found this interview where Michael spoke of how the police treated him. The emotion in his voice..omg it's just heart breaking to hear how he was treated..

Zhaana 29th Jun 2009 5:06 PM

Yeah my first reaction was : "noooo ?? serious ? really ??? o_O"
Like if he'd never die in my head. lol But we ALL die anyway a day or another.

Well his musics were my childhood songs like a lot of people I think
With my bro' we were fans at about 10 years old ROFL.
It's a good memory I have through these songs, and I think we can all thank him for his gifts.

It's weird I can't stop to listening his musics now...

One thing i don't like about him, his face in 2009.
He should have stopped surgery when he was doing the "Dangerous" album, his face was so nice at that time. Why did he changed it ? It wasn't necessary I think. But I forgive him lol

Sad we show love to a person at his death when he's not there anymore to know it.

Oh and my fav songs :
Remember the time
Black or White
Beat It
Who Is It

I love Janet' songs from Rhythm NAtion , the best album Her newest are less good :p

straightroad 30th Jun 2009 8:51 AM

I forgive him for the plastic surgery, too.
I'm not quite sure how much he got, I know he got his nose done back when he was darker, then he broke it back in the late 90's and had to get it done again, but it looked pretty bad. I know he did something to his lips and maybe had cheek implants (?).
But plastic surgery in no way makes him a bad person and I hold nothing against him for doing it.

The music video for Remember the Time was awesome, he and Eddie Murphy are so good together
I only recently became a fan, and I mean really recently, almost at the same time he'd announced his comeback concerts. Really wanted to go!

GuardStud08 30th Jun 2009 8:58 AM

I didn't mind his plastic surgery. Did I like it? No, but I didn't mind it. As long as he was happy. Sadly, he wasn't

straightroad 30th Jun 2009 9:04 AM

I thought he looked better the first time he got his nose done (eg. in the Thriller, Beat it and Billie Jean videos) but the second time it looked fairly weird.
He did break his nose so I guess he had no choice but to get it done.

No, he wasn't happy. A mate of mine was watching a video of James Brown and Michael Jackson in class and I just started crying. I'm still so upset about MJ

Zhaana 1st Jul 2009 6:02 PM

Well, better to be a fan at the last minute than never be one. Ahah

Didn't know about the nose broken, but yeah his face in Thriller was perfect ^_^


straightroad 2nd Jul 2009 1:18 AM

Hehe, seeing him in Beat It really got my heart fluttering.

Manuel3190 2nd Jul 2009 7:13 AM

i really think "if michael didn't got so much surgeries i think the king of pop would still alive" R.I.P. Michael Jackson

straightroad 2nd Jul 2009 7:34 AM

But he died from a cardiac arrest and from stress and stuff.

GuardStud08 2nd Jul 2009 8:00 AM

I loved the way his nose was in Bads music video.

straightroad 2nd Jul 2009 8:10 AM

Yes. Veeerry sexy. But then he broke it and had it done again.

GuardStud08 2nd Jul 2009 8:11 AM

Yea . He has had a rough life, , and those stupid idiots who tormented him didn't make it any better.

straightroad 2nd Jul 2009 9:48 AM

I wanna share my favorite pics of Mike, looking healthy and not stressed as he looked in his most recent photos

I love it when he grabs his crotch. :lovestruc

Again! Again!

I'll admit I'm frothing at the mouth.

I am in love with his smile. And his eyes. I don't believe he ever changed them. <3

missMSBplayer 3rd Jul 2009 12:31 AM

those are some nice pics

I loved him in the Bad video too, he was hot

We are going to miss him so much... I still cannot believe this happened

GuardStud08 3rd Jul 2009 4:38 AM

I just saw on the news a practice video of the concert he was suppose to have. They are saying now he was taking illegal drugs just because they found needles in his house. He had a new song, it was so good.

straightroad 3rd Jul 2009 7:12 AM

I saw that video too!
He looked even skinnier than before, he was slightly rusty but amazing nevertheless.
What's his new song called btw?
Ohhh, so needles automatically equals illegally taking drugs? I wish the media wouldn't make a big deal over it.

MissMSB, he was soooooooooo hot in Bad!
He's really sexy when he's "bad"

GuardStud08 3rd Jul 2009 7:17 AM

They didn't say, if I'd to guess I would say "This Is It"

straightroad 3rd Jul 2009 7:22 AM

Ooh, thank you!
I searched it on Limewire but i came up with an MJ song called "Threatened"
Could that be it?

GuardStud08 3rd Jul 2009 7:24 AM

It might, DL it and see.

straightroad 4th Jul 2009 6:19 AM

Well, I wouldn't know if it's the song your talking about lol.
Was it played during his last rehearsal?

GuardStud08 4th Jul 2009 6:32 AM

Yes, 2 days before he past

squall117 12th Jul 2009 7:49 AM

I laughed cause I thought it was a joke, I mean... "Michael Jackson died" sounded like an impossible thing until it happened.

I was not a big fan of him, I like his songs like most people and I've even try to dance like him with my firends a couple of times when we had enough drinks to act funny.
Two things I admired the most from him was his dancing and how he could look great wearing outfits that on anyone else would look ridiculous.

Deep inside I'm happy for him, because he wasn't having the happy life he deserved.

There is one thing I'm sure of. There will NEVER be another King of Pop.

straightroad 16th Jul 2009 2:31 PM

Omg Squall, you said it perfectly. The ridiculous outfits that only he could look good in and everything. I'd go as far as saying the day he died was the day music lost its king.

missMSBplayer 1st Aug 2009 8:48 AM

The song he was dancing to in his last rehearsal is not a new song. It's from his HIStory album, it's call They Don't Care About Us. You guys probably knew that already, though

Damn, I miss him so much. I cry whenever I watch video clips of when he was little, or when he's just goofing off, being the real Michael. The sweet Michael, the sexy Michael, the genuine Michael. Tabloids are wrong, he was never a bad person (although, in Bad, he shoulda been arrested for his sexiness ). I wish I was around to see all of his success. I wish I had discovered him before sixth grade. I wish I could have known him more. I wish he was still alive. No one will ever replace Mike, and that sweet, sweet smile.

Whenever I'm down, I just sing "Smile" in my head, and think of him.

clarkey5 31st Dec 2009 4:47 PM

I'm a bit late to comment on this, but I'd like to put my input in. MJ...

Best singer, best dancer, was there anything he couldn't do? My top 5 MJ songs (in no order; I love 'em all the same) are:

Beat It
Man In The Mirror
The Way You Make Me Feel

missMSBplayer 10th Jan 2010 6:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by clarkey5
I'm a bit late to comment on this, but I'd like to put my input in. MJ...

AGREED! Well, We agreed that centuries ago

xoilovethesimsxo14 27th Jan 2010 11:56 PM

i remember going in my room at age 5 when my older brother was at work and putting on my dress up clothes and dancing like i was cool to smooth criminal, beat it, and a couple other songs by donna, just reaaal old songs, and i jused to LOVE smooth criminal, loved it. i wasnt honestly a HUGE fan the way i am now but i do have to say i just loved the songs i knew. <333 and just last year or the year before i had my appendix taken out and i almost died, by the way i am so thankful for my life, and i remember also comming home the first day and i was going threw my songs on my laptop and i saw smooth criminal, when it came on i just immediantly got up sang around and danced in my room and i felt so much more lifeful and happy, his music is magic, when i am sad or angry it makes me happy and cheerful, i just admire his work and personality also, i wish i could be like michael jackson, such a good hearted person. <33

missMSBplayer 28th Jan 2010 2:53 AM

That story is very heartwarming.

Surprisingly, I was not a fan of Michael until 2008; our Gr.8 class rehearsed Thriller for weeks, getting ready to perform it in front of the school. That's something I will always remember. We had costumes, makeup, props, tombstones, everything. It was amazing! Then I instantly became a huge MJ fan, and have been ever since.

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