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Wartooth 15th Feb 2010 10:35 PM

Post eyes you've made and get FEEDBACK
4 Attachment(s)
I decided instead of having oscarzoa's one huge thread where everyoen discuses everything, we should have smaler threads with different topics. It makes it easier for people to know where to post, yes?

So! I will start. Here are 4 eyes of mine, on a Sim in BodyShop. Please give CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms and other feedbacks. Thank you!

PS. To see colors, and name of eye, please check grey text at bottom of image (when fullsized) for those who do not know.

lovetadraw 16th Feb 2010 4:19 AM


I'm still having trouble keeping mine centered.... ugh!

Ebonova 16th Feb 2010 7:31 AM

@TTG- they're too big and manga-like. The pupils look too small (or invisible, on the Poisoned Princess one).

lovetadraw 16th Feb 2010 1:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ebonova
@TTG- they're too big and manga-like. The pupils look too small (or invisible, on the Poisoned Princess one).

Well, all eyes don't have to be realistic, I like big anime-ish eyes once in a while.

Wartooth 17th Feb 2010 2:14 AM

Pupils grow smaller as people are scared. The idea of this eyeset Gravestone Eyes is that the wearer of the eyes is horrified, intoxicated, and infuriated at what they are seeing, so it makes sense the pupils are small/invisible.

They are not meant to be realistic. Yeah. Sorry for cutting you down Alex (not really, but I have to say that, so yeah). But I can see the pupils in the poisoned princess. It's quite small but it is VISIBLE.

Ok, fine, I stuck my head closer to the screen and stared for a bit, but there IS a black dot. Remember, I made them using YOUR technique and it is YOUR black dot, you told me what the diameter of the dot should be (filling in the black space on the side... center to left or something like that?) but meh.

Ebonova 17th Feb 2010 2:41 AM

OKOKOK... but the Poisoned Princess ones STILL look plain blue and not that great...

They kinda remind me of EstherBella...

Wartooth 17th Feb 2010 6:34 PM

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They're purple... even with my glasses off I can tell what color they are... EstherBella wasn't THAT bad, ok, it just wasn't the greatest. It at least was completely custom content and not a pile of Maxis recolor... I think it's because of the horrible lighting in Bodyshop that it looks bluish also... eww.

by the way, a new one comes along, it's called "Forever Eyes", there are 6 in total, I quite like them, but how do you? They're sparkly... very sparkly... like stars, which I've been quite interested in latley (that is, astrology and stars and things like that). BTW Alex thanks for the original picture (it's the first one, the purple one).

Well here they are, to see their titles look at the grey text after you have fullviewed it in the lower of the white frame. Thanks again for the feedback!

Ebonova 17th Feb 2010 11:12 PM

...I like them! Very much!

Wartooth 17th Feb 2010 11:29 PM

Haha. You've quickly learned how to shut me up about eyes, right?? Just say "...I like them! Very much!" No seriously though... I need to know what I can improve on otherwise I'm just going to submit them, get rejected, and go on even worse probation than I'm already on. Ok, so the kimonos I made a while ago sucked, I have no idea why I tried to upload them, but... meh.

Edit Come on, dosen't anyone other than me have eyes they need to be critiqued?? I thought the point of this thread was to get eyes you people have made critqued by others because the other thread was getting a little longish.

Ebonova 18th Feb 2010 12:37 AM

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Well I don't know what you're doing wrong, but you need to make them less manga-like... try making the irises smaller.

Well, here are my irises for one set... they're called Autumn eyes, there are 3 more styles in the whole set, called Seasonal Eyes.

Wartooth 18th Feb 2010 12:35 AM

Hmm... I wanna see them on a sim in BS cos you lost your game, I like these quite a lot but it's very difficult to tell without seeing them on a Sim... so yeah... I know its a pain to start it up but please.

My favorite color seems to be the 2nd one, the gold one

B-b-b-but... my eyes are MAGICAL!!! >:C That's why they look like that!!! And hey, i didn't find the picture, YOU did.

Ebonova 18th Feb 2010 12:47 AM

Yeah. The gold one is my favorite, too

The red and green are ok, too...

Wartooth 18th Feb 2010 12:45 AM

Red and green are CHRISTMAD COLORS!!! which reminds me of chocolate cos I always eat lots of chocolate round Christmas time. Yayyy I like the purple, aqua and blue ones the best... Ardent Amethyst, Austere Aquamarine, and Severe Sapphire.

I just noticed that I have a thing for making phrases like that... remember "Poisoned Princess" and "Austere Aquamarine" sound kind of similar.

Ebonova 18th Feb 2010 1:49 AM

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Heh heh...
Yeah. You do think of kinda randomy names like that...

Here's my next set- Winter Eyes!

lovetadraw 18th Feb 2010 3:56 AM

Looks nice! Mine look a little off center, but I measured it, it's just an illusion from the shading. I hope.
I hope to have them up soon. I've been taking a break from Simming, so It's a pain to load it up just for pictures. I wish they took BS pics, if you have the lighting mod.
I like them though!

Ebonova 18th Feb 2010 4:44 AM

Thanks! Yeah. It sucks that you have to have in-game pics for eyes. Especially since I can't find my game

lovetadraw 18th Feb 2010 3:08 PM


WHAT?? You poor sucker..... Couldn't you buy a more resent EP or something? I don't know how to help. I know how you must feel, one of my old games got stuck in our computer when it crashed. It's still in there. We'd like to get it out, but we don't know how!

you coulds still use body shop pics to show us. It occurred to me, maybe "BS" isn't the best way to say bodyshop.

Wartooth 18th Feb 2010 6:27 PM

Yeah... I'm doing the screenshots for her if she wins a contest we're having between us, but if she loses then she has to beg for it from me (or something like that). Heehee. I'm so evil. And by the way... even if she bought a new EP, it probably wouldn't work is she couldn't find the original CD. I don't know myself, I haven't play Sims 2 in a long time (as in game play, not go in, take screenshots, and get out). Please critique my eyes too?

@Ebonova: I like the summer eyes better, the winter ones are a little rough around the edges if that makes any sense to you. Or you might be on vaca already, which sucks cos I'm stuck here alone. Bleh.

@Lovetadraw: well Bodyshop's lighting kind of is BS... so yeah

Elena Swan 18th Feb 2010 7:05 PM

Ebonova, you are talented!!!!!!!!!

Wartooth 18th Feb 2010 9:36 PM

What happened to me? (looks around) did I die?

And ebonova, can we see them on a Sim? In Bodyshop?

Unless you're in Hawaii already, which means we're not going to get to see it in Bodyshop at all?

lovetadraw 18th Feb 2010 9:36 PM

[QUOTE/]@Lovetadraw: well Bodyshop's lighting kind of is BS... so yeah[/QUOTE]

There's an app, I mean mod fiore that. Check YAY EYES!, Vampire ANIyosahala? Shalao? Aninoyaloh? Vampire NINA Gave me a link to it. I use medium brightness I think. It helps a lot! Look for it!

Vampire_aninyosaloh 18th Feb 2010 9:49 PM

@Torako: Try making them a bit more round and tangent with the bottom eyelid. Also it would help adding a white sparkle at the top of them and maybe drawing some darker lines that come from the pupil =) I like how they look though ^-^

@Alex: Both sets look really nice, but if I had to say something I would make the pupil a bit darker in the Winter ones and define a bit more the edges of the iris. And in the Autumn ones I would do the same with the pupil and.. I think that's it =) Great job!

Wartooth 18th Feb 2010 10:09 PM

@Nina: oops. I just submitted it. Well do you think it will be OK in the moderation queue or will it get rejected?? I don't wanna go on any more probation than I'm already on I know it's kind of my fault I'm on submission/creation bad list, but, but, but... meh

@Lovetadraw: YAY EYES! ok! I will go and look for that now... I don't find it that hard to spell. I think Alex told me about it too and I loked around but wasn't really interested. Will look again.

Vampire_aninyosaloh 18th Feb 2010 10:48 PM

What I told you are just small changes, so I think they wouldn't make them really different, so IMO it'll be ok for them =)

lovetadraw 18th Feb 2010 11:49 PM

Here it is, brighter BS

lovetadraw 19th Feb 2010 1:46 AM

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Still look off, now they look wall eyed.... UGH! Whatever, it's not too bad, I'll upload 'em... but... ughg!!!! I've been practically pulling my hair out trying to get these right! I don't know what to do! Please, I'm at the end of my rope on this. I've been trying sooooo hard but I can't get it right.
Any tips, Nina, Alex, Shady, tiger girl?

Wartooth 19th Feb 2010 2:42 AM

They're very good!! you'll probably have uploaded them by this point, but I would blend in the sparkles a little more (blend in the edges down into the color part of the eye), it looks a little too drawn-on-at-the-last-minuteish. But I think it has a good chance of getting accepted... I just submitted the Forever Eyes, so wish both of us luck!

Vampire_aninyosaloh 19th Feb 2010 8:55 PM

WOW! I so totally love them!! I like the sparkle, but it's my opinion.. I always make the sparkles look not blended at all, because it gives eyes more vitality, I think =) But they could look good blended too

Good luck to you both =)

lovetadraw 19th Feb 2010 11:25 PM

Well if you think they look good, okay, I'll go ahead and 'load 'em. Hey, it's my first (semi) realistic set so I can cut myself a little slack right?

Wartooth 20th Feb 2010 1:01 AM

Yay!! I have luck from people!! (gatheres more luck)

I've been wondering... where do people get luck?? do they get it from like the dollar store? or from four-leaf clovers?

lovetadraw 20th Feb 2010 10:46 PM

IDK! I've been lazy. I'll get those pics and upload it soon as I've an uninterrupted 1/2 to burn.

Wartooth 21st Feb 2010 5:41 AM

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I had to make several changes but hopefully now it will be moderated and also hopefully accepted!! I hope. Lots. Here is a final screenshot:

lovetadraw 21st Feb 2010 3:07 PM

Very good, kinda spook-i-ly glassy.

Wartooth 21st Feb 2010 11:48 PM

It was originally a picture of eyes with stars and sparkles in it, but when it was resized it became quite glassy, I'm-about-to-cry-ish. If that makes any sense. Thanks!! Your eyes are also very good looking! My favorite is the green one, they're so vibrant.

Elena Swan 22nd Feb 2010 6:15 PM

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my new eyes!!!!

Wartooth 22nd Feb 2010 6:56 PM

They look nice, but the images are a little small... can we see them on a Sim please? Or at least on a texture?

lovetadraw 22nd Feb 2010 6:55 PM

I like them, but next time you're in BS, get a print screen for us please.

Elena Swan 22nd Feb 2010 9:19 PM

yeah I now, but I just finished them. I haven't got any image, sorry.
next time I will post one

Wartooth 22nd Feb 2010 11:10 PM

OMG I LOVE MYSELF. I just got my new eyes onto the Downloads page. "Forever Eyes"... I love this... I'm so happy. Hope that everyone else's will also go through.

I just noticed... I will just keep refreshing a page until something happens. It's OCUC I suppose (Obsessive Compulsive Update Checking). When I submit something I have this need to keep refreshing until I get a PM saying it's been accepted or rejected. (I like the first one better. I'm on probation you see.)

lovetadraw 23rd Feb 2010 1:09 AM

Haha! You and me got it!

Let us praise Nina for her magic luck! We're not worthy! We're not worthy! We're not worthy! We're not worthy! We're not worthy! We're not worthy! We're not worthy! We're not worthy!

Wartooth 23rd Feb 2010 1:25 AM

O_o meh, yes let us... so what's your new project now?? Mine is "Instinct Eyes". I don't like the Gravestone or the Change ones very much any more. I might keep them to myself... what do you think? See thread for images..

lovetadraw 23rd Feb 2010 6:05 PM

Unnatural colours of the ones I just put up.

Wartooth 23rd Feb 2010 9:24 PM

Mine are always in unnatural colors . Never ever have I done something that was actually naturally colored, and naturally colored only (wait... Angelina Eyes, never mind...)

lovetadraw 23rd Feb 2010 9:50 PM

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Lets see how they do!

Update, now available!

lovetadraw 24th Feb 2010 12:38 AM

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First look at my next project, "Life Eyes".

Wartooth 24th Feb 2010 2:26 AM

They're pretty... I like. I saw your new ones, in unnatural colors. I should do that for my new set:

The rainbow one... and then my favorite:

The green one

Vampire_aninyosaloh 24th Feb 2010 1:21 PM

WOW! Very nice guys! And congrats on the approvals =)

@Lovetadraw: They look amazingly good! If you are already in this level of quality, the only thing I can suggest you is adding a little bit of light at the bottom of the iris to make them more bright =) Awesome job!

@Torako: They look really nice! Your style reminds me of pinkykitty and I love her eyes =) I would suggest you to make the pupil slightly bigger (but that's not a big issue) and the sparkle a little bit bigger too. Great job!

@Elena: They look very good this far =) I would love to see how they look with the sclera though Nice job!

lovetadraw 24th Feb 2010 9:32 PM

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Wacha think?

Wartooth 24th Feb 2010 11:33 PM

Maybe make the sclera a little sharper?? And the black spot a tiny bit smaller... otherwise it's pretty good.

Cutthroat_Dollie 25th Feb 2010 5:30 AM

<please note, I say this with no idea how to use gimp.>

I'd suggest duplicating the layer, setting it to 'overlay' and then using high pass to bring out the edge details (To sharpen it) One thing that's odd about eyes is that one must purposefully oversharpen because of the way the texture is used. It might look slightly crunchy in photo-shop but will have better detail in bodyshop and in game. I think the pupil's size and placement is nice, as well as the gloss. I'm not fond of the sclera, but as far as that goes it's just personal taste - the bubblegum coloured tearducts kind of stand out more than they really ought to. But, that's a matter of personal taste as I said.

lovetadraw 25th Feb 2010 11:14 PM

I based the tear duct/pinky area at the edge of my own eyes. Maybe I just have gum pink tear ducts? I'll wait and see what Nina says. Anyway, what colours would you like to see?

Wartooth 26th Feb 2010 12:17 AM

You mean you photoskinned it? Cool! I have never tried to do that before... (a lie, once, but don't bring that bad time up in front of me please?) I would like to see them in purple (one of my fave eye colors), maybe a rich caramel brown, and RAINBOW!! If that's possible haha...

Good news!! Great news in fact!! I just submitted *another* eye set, this time of 18 eyes!! It's my biggest one yet!! (y'know pretty soon the exclamation point/1 key will stop working on me... if I keep that up)...

lovetadraw 26th Feb 2010 2:44 AM

No, I'm not good at photoskinning either, but my tear ducts are that pink. I tried to photoskin Utada's face, UNCANNY VALLEY ALERT!
So, I'll try and remember that, Purple, Caramel and Rainbow. I usually do all but rainbow.

Wartooth 26th Feb 2010 8:17 PM

Oh no! My eyes are rejected!! Well shoot I'm not trying another 18-setter if it just gets rejected. Hmph! I'm startin' a new set, called "Brilliance", there are 6. There's natural colors and they are VERY sparkly, since before apparently mine weren't sparkly enough. >:C

lovetadraw 26th Feb 2010 8:29 PM

Well, Just fix what they said was the problem! That's what I did with Real Eyes! twice!

Wartooth 26th Feb 2010 10:54 PM

Ugh... I can't. I can't go through all of the things - th 18 of them... plus another 6 from a set that was cloned from it... in natural colors... ugh... no. Just... no. I spent enough work on it, now it's time for me to move on and focus on a NEW project.

lovetadraw 27th Feb 2010 3:59 AM

Your loss, but look at how much my last set changed, I had to redo it like 4 or 5 times. Oh well, better luck next time!

Wartooth 1st Mar 2010 6:18 PM

Do you mean you resubmitted it or they asked for changes to be done?

lovetadraw 1st Mar 2010 7:48 PM

Both, They said blablabla- "And if you make these changes, feel free to resubmit". I do a base fray eye first, that way if there is a problem, I can fix the gray one, and then use the hue/saturation sliders in Gimp and do the colours again. Though now I use a hue paint brush thing for than. It gives the eyes more depth. Check out -shady-'s eyes, most of her's use two or more "harmonizing" colours. For blue, add a hint of green in certain area's, or for green, a little yellow/gold. You'll have to find your own way, don't take what I say as the GOSPEL TRUTH.

Wartooth 4th Mar 2010 1:41 AM

yeah... that's what I've doen, some parts of the eyes are a little more green or a little more blue than others in my Forever Eyes set.

Ebonova 4th Mar 2010 2:52 AM

Gah. I'm waaaayyy too lazy to submit ANYTHING! I've been working on a sclera for AGES, any tips guys?

lovetadraw 4th Mar 2010 3:21 AM

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um... IDK, I make the whites when I make the new base gray eyes.

Any suggestions for these? Shading?

One change I have made is that the tear duct is more separate now. I haven't a Screen Shot with that change yet, sorry!

Ebonova 4th Mar 2010 3:34 AM

Your tearducts are really nice :D

Shading is good, you don't need much more.

lovetadraw 7th Mar 2010 11:21 PM

Our computer is going totally nuts, so please forgive me, until I've got a back-up routine, no more creations from me.

lovetadraw 10th Mar 2010 2:27 PM

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Latest set, Life Eyes, I realize that I'm missing a few colours, I'll do them later!

pinkykitty 10th Mar 2010 2:35 PM

Those eyes are...BEAUTIFUL!! I love them!

[QUOTE=Vampire_aninyosaloh]reminds me of pinkykitty and I love her eyes =) QUOTE]
...Really? Thanks, you ispired to make more eyes Will be posting some here soon

lovetadraw 10th Mar 2010 2:43 PM

Torako, is the brown caramel enough for you?

Vampire_aninyosaloh 10th Mar 2010 6:44 PM

Those are really beautiful!! I don't have suggestions this time

oscarzoa 10th Mar 2010 7:43 PM

Those eyes are gorgeous! I'm sorry for not being around, I've been lurking :D. I now suck at making eyes. I didn't mind my first uploaded set, but now whenever I try to make eyes they just look like I painted one colour and gave a pupil and reflection. Give me some tips guys, I hate losing the talent of making eyes! I think all the eyes on this thread were better than mine So, yes, some tips ^_^

Vampire_aninyosaloh 10th Mar 2010 7:43 PM

Don't go down, dear =) I felt the same some months ago and I'm back now I think giving tips will not help you.. you have to find your own way of making eyes, and when you find it, you'll feel awesome =)

lovetadraw 10th Mar 2010 7:55 PM


Okay, recolour time! What colours? Naturals and unnatural! Just lemme know 'kay?

pinkykitty 10th Mar 2010 10:45 PM

Hmm...purple, pink, violet, red, dark green, orange, yellow...
Congrats on the aproval btw, I'll go and add them to my favourites now

lovetadraw 11th Mar 2010 3:10 PM

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Sorry! I forgot dark green...ugh, I knew I should've made a note. Oh well!

In moderation.

pinkykitty 11th Mar 2010 5:56 PM

oh...WOW ...I didn't think you would really make all of those colours, and the rainbow eye, it's just beautiful :lovestruc
anyways I think I'll be using them a lot, can't wait to download

oscarzoa 11th Mar 2010 6:42 PM

WOW, Lovetadraw! Those eyes are gorgeous! I luuuurve the rainbow eye, this set will SO be accepted And, thanks Nina I think I'll try looking at pictures of eyes on the net, maybe it will help me get some ideas! I haven't got any eyes YET. I'll post some pictures when I actually MAKE some >_<

lovetadraw 11th Mar 2010 11:47 PM

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New eye-dea. It needs more shading, I can see that. Also, the iris is too dark. I'll be working on this.

Ebonova 12th Mar 2010 12:41 AM

It's pretty nice, your Life ones are really great, especially the rainbow one :D

pinkykitty 12th Mar 2010 2:25 PM

Very pretty!

Vampire_aninyosaloh 12th Mar 2010 2:42 PM

WOW! You learn fast!! I love them!! ^-^ No suggestions this time either =)

lovetadraw 13th Mar 2010 4:35 PM

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Here we go, less bright.

I will admit, I like large highlights. Otherwise I think that they look like fish/shark eyes. Maybe I over do it, but oh well. When I try them in BS, I'll get a screen shot for you all!

Vampire_aninyosaloh 13th Mar 2010 6:23 PM

I'm in favor of huge sparkles as you can see in my eyes, I think they make eyes look more beautiful =)

Only one suggestion, if you want to make them look really realistic, shade a lil' bit the top of the iris I love 'em!!

lovetadraw 13th Mar 2010 9:43 PM

li'l more? Okay, will do! Thanks for teaching me what the burn tool was, I'm stupid and never knew how useful it was. I was always using a low opacity black fuzzy brush tool!

Wartooth 14th Mar 2010 6:51 AM

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Here's a set of eyes I have made, it's the "Brilliance" ones I was talk about... maybe like a month ago?? Woah it's been a while. Sorry. I've been busy sleeping and eating. And going to school. But meh.

They're more glittery and lighty than the one before, which is why they're called "Brilliance". the next one I'm think of working on is called "Luminescence", it's luminous (which I believe is derived from the term "lumin"/"lumen", the ancient word for "light")

I hope these are to your liking!

lovetadraw 15th Mar 2010 9:35 PM

Uh-hu! The pupil's a little small though, be prepared, the Mods may not like that.

Ebonova 16th Mar 2010 12:20 AM

^HAH! TOLD YOU! Torako is always going on and on about how the eyes I make have huge pupils!

Well anyways here is a set I'm working on- Mysterious Eyes!
I'm SO super proud of them cuz it took me 2 hours to make one.

lovetadraw 16th Mar 2010 2:03 AM

Those look great! I personally prefer bigger highlights, but that's just me. AWESOME!

The PM I sent a while back,
You should try it! Just be careful.

Ebonova 16th Mar 2010 2:08 AM

Thanks! I usually do bigger highlights, but this time I wanted something darker and more mysterious, hence the name 'Mysterious Eyes'...

Yeah. I'll try your idea

Wartooth 16th Mar 2010 3:26 AM

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the Brilliance Eyes I made is directly to scale of a real eye. I compared it to a real eye and that's the size of a regular pupil of a regular person.

Oh and here's a more your guys's styled eye with a LARGE pupil and many highlights These ones are called "anime eyes" and kind of like lovetadraw's.

Ebonova 16th Mar 2010 3:29 AM

They're really nice! Remember to credit me when you upload!
Also you can blur around the edges of the pupil a bit.


Welcome to Ebonova's House of Horrors!
I'm making a new eyeset filled with monster and scary-themed eyes!
Here's an eye from my first set- Bloodshot:

Wartooth 16th Mar 2010 4:14 AM

WHOA that is scary *hides* and umm Alex, I kind of didn't use the link you emailed me. I was looking on the Sims Wiki and I found a tutorial... it turned out to be the same one you emailed me. I didn't use the template you sent either... as you can tell, mine is more roughish. But I will credit you anyway for your help

Maybe make the veiny thingies more transparent as they move into the iris. I don't think the bloodshot veins go over the iris in real life?

And btw about the blurring of the pupils - I'm using a mouse right now, but when I transfer these onto my other computer I'll use my Magical Happy Powers (aka tablet) to outline the eye in a thin black line that blurs nicely but for now ignore that...

Ebonova 16th Mar 2010 5:36 AM

Oh. Ok. Yeah, I got the tootorial from The Sims Wiki.
The veiny thingies don't actually go over the iris, maybe it just looks like it cuz the eye color is red.
I'll have BS pics soon!

lovetadraw 16th Mar 2010 2:56 PM

Ick! those are gross, good job!

You use "lens flare" for the highlight don't you. I just use a white brush tool. Maybe next set I'll try your way. In fact there are a few things I'm gonna try!

Ebonova 17th Mar 2010 12:24 AM

Were you talking to me about the Lens Flare?
Cuz for that one I didn't use it, I did the white brush thing.
It's completely hand-painted (my first handpainted eye!) so I'm REALLY proud of it!

Wartooth 17th Mar 2010 12:43 AM

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Who? Me? E are you talking bout me with the lens flare? You are right?

Does any one have anything to say about my eyes? Oh and btw here's a handpainted poop by me:

May have to change the outline :C thanks Alex...

lovetadraw 17th Mar 2010 12:56 AM

Yeah Torako, you. It's more realistic that way, but when I try it, it looks dead. I just use brush and select tools. Burn, blur, smudge, etc.

Ebonova 17th Mar 2010 3:36 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Here are 4 new Bloodshot eyes!
Tell me what you guys think!

Wartooth 17th Mar 2010 3:36 AM

I used "burn" fo the first time today when I transferred that eye ^ up there in post 94 ^ to a stdmatbasetexturename thingie. Alex helped me make the sclera yayy Alex. But the full image is too big for Mod the Sims right now. I hand draw the one in post 94

And ebonova that one's pretty. I like how it looks faintly red, not too red just a little faint. Maybe make the colors more dull though? That's what happens when your eyes get bloodshot - they lose a little colro and become more dullish and blehy.

Ebonova 17th Mar 2010 4:37 AM

Oh, I see...

Thanks so much :D
Hmm... yeah, I might dull the colors a bit, especially blue, but I really like how they turned out and don't want to tweak too much in case I mess something up :D

Ebonova 18th Mar 2010 2:20 AM

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I have yet ANOTHER eyeset!

I think I'll stop working on the Mysterious eyes thing, handpainting is so much better :D

It's called Precious Stones, and it's completely handpainted!
Big thanks to Nina for her amazing tutorial

There are 16 eyes in the set, here are 3:
Ruby (the red one), Turquoise (the bluey one), and Emerald (the green one)

lovetadraw 18th Mar 2010 1:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Goodie goodie goodie gumdrop.

Pink kitty, I feel bad about forgetting your colour, so here. I've finished the texture, I'll put it in BS later.

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