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squaretable 6th Jun 2012 9:59 AM

Who works where and what disaster is it?
I started this cause I wanted to figure out who owns what places, and where. Also, I think each different area should be destroyed differently By meteor or disease, aliens, volcano, zombies, supertsunami, fire, war, meltdown, nuclear strike, what do you think and where should they go?

matrix54 6th Jun 2012 4:24 PM

Maybe a chain reaction of events occurred. Like a meteor hit, started a few fires, radioactive plants exploded... *cue description of Chernobyl*
And by who owns what, I think the OP means Sims.

VampireSim 6th Jun 2012 9:19 PM

I think, a world, destroyed by military/human weapons, needs terrain paints like:

- craters
- lava
- broken asphalt

More destroyed than toxic?

matrix54 6th Jun 2012 9:48 PM

Well, we'd have to establish what happened before we decide what we do an do not need. Usually, when the Apocalypse happens, one of the first things to go is power plants. No telling what comes out of those. XD

VampireSim 6th Jun 2012 10:53 PM

I agree. The first scenario will be core melt accidents.

The main question is: What was the reason for the apocalypse?
epidemic plague?

matrix54 6th Jun 2012 11:35 PM

That's a lot of zombies. Will it be at all playable?

matrix54 7th Jun 2012 12:24 AM

That makes sense. A, hopefully, functioning self employed town. :D

lulume 9th Jun 2012 11:01 AM

I have been thinking about this a lot since I first questioned Prawler. I see a couple ways it could work, and ways everyone could be satisfied.

I think a more realistic catastrophic event should be behind the initial destruction. This could be a nuclear disaster, some sim-tech war or whatever. I think the folks creating the terrain would know best what is possible and capable of being done well on this front.

(Given the desire for utilizing tombs and dive-wells and such, I think nukes could be a great way to go, since it would force sims underground. We could also use the little butterfly pavilion (sparingly) for safe above-ground places.)

Now, to respond to the disaster, you get the sim military in, and a whole bunch of scientists, all trying to fix things, and they quarantine the city in effort to contain the disaster. Alternately, the disaster itself cuts the sims off from the rest of the world, and there's just a heavy concentration of scientists in the town, and the surviving sims militarize themselves.

Everyone will respond to the situation in different ways. In trying to fix things, they will create new problems. You could very well have a scientist sim trying to cure the damage caused by radiation/nuclear waste, or trying to modify sims to survive in the newly hostile environment, and end up creating a worse problem - the "zombie" or "mutant" sim. (The discussion of what exactly a zombie sim would be is best left to someone other than me, but story-wise, it could work.)

Yet another scientist, desperate to reconnect with the world could build some super-crazy-imaginary-technology radio tower or something to contact the rest of the world, but instead attract a couple meteors (mysteriously drawn by the beacon?) to destroy the shopping mall. Or he could summon aliens.

Basically, I can see ways most things can happen with it still being believable in the sims universe. It will be fun to hide the bits and pieces of the story around.

Personally, I want some sim obsessed with preserving the sim race (the zombies will destroy us all!) who will build and train simbots to hatch and raise his many clones. I'd love to build his lair (he'll be long dead - all that will be left are the simbots and the clones), if I can find a good place for it.

Thoughts about these ideas?

edit: immediately after posting, I realized that Prawler addressed the zombie issue with a mod to shoot the zombies. One question though: would you disable the paper-boy/girls? From what I understand, children don't work so well as most non-basic sims, so I don't know if they would function the right way turned into modded zombies. Also, I'm not sure about how I feel running around shooting sims, since I have plenty of other games to do that in. I was thinking simbots would be good npc service sims, since they wouldn't be affected by disease or other disasters. I wonder if that could work?

squaretable 9th Jun 2012 12:39 PM

Zombies would be VERY hard to make. Its making a whole new life state. I like the Simbot services Idea though. I had an idea though. A small meteor hits the town, the thing is though, it lies on a major faultine in the earths crust. This spawns an earthquake which makes the Nuclear Power plant go off and also floods some of the coastline. The Science facility releases a Virus that A turns sims into Zombies and another that B Kills them. This is further devastated as WWIII breaks out after a small whodunnit starts, and and Three fronts appear across the city. 1 vs Zombies, 1 vs Extraterestrial Life and another 1 vs Other Sims. The Aliens then settle down peacefullly in a small neighborhood of their own, but the front remains as a Demiltarized Zone. (like Berlin Wall) The Zombies still roam and theres an Enemy war camp on the edge of the City. (thats just my Idea) Accompany an Old Nuke plant, a Crater, a New Swamp, small faultline (Just put a small mountain on the Rivers edge on both sides) and areas abondoned by Sims because of Zombie Virus and Radiation. Still Just my Idea.

lulume 9th Jun 2012 2:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by squaretable
Three fronts appear across the city. 1 vs Zombies, 1 vs Extraterestrial Life and another 1 vs Other Sims. The Aliens then settle down peacefullly in a small neighborhood of their own, but the front remains as a Demiltarized Zone. (like Berlin Wall) The Zombies still roam and theres an Enemy war camp on the edge of the City. .

That seems like way too much going on. I may have been wrong to think that that much could happen. I think it would get too chaotic and disorganized, not to mention a lot more work.

squaretable 9th Jun 2012 4:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lulume
That seems like way too much going on. I may have been wrong to think that that much could happen. I think it would get too chaotic and disorganized, not to mention a lot more work.

Yeah just posting my erractic ideas lol

Maybe drop all those fronts and the major earthquake damage and even the flooding and especially the war fronts. But I still like Alien Subdivisions

lulume 10th Jun 2012 12:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Prawler
is all of this plausable/realistic. And so everyone is aware, Desecrate has joined, and volunteered to try and make a zombie mod

This would be key. I'll stop worrying about how zombies work and wait for what Desecrate comes up with.

yzisme 10th Jun 2012 1:25 AM

I think that, well, someone wanted a nuclear meltdown & meteor & zombies, right? So here's my idea.

This can just be the base story though. You'd be free to add onto it, like that scientist thing. Or the radiation forcing all sims to wear repurposed astronaut suits/live underground.
Speaking of clothing, I think we'll need a mod that makes sims keep the same clothing for everything.

squaretable 10th Jun 2012 10:07 AM

The disaster could be undisclosed so No-one knows what happened, Just clues. A green fog around the science lab and shimmering glowing dust around the nuclear power plant could give ideas, while there's a small crater near the nuclear/science labs. I Think there should also had been hints to a massive war that devastated parts of the City 'Sim War Three?' I think parts of the city (the bits divided up by SharaRose) could be run by different sects. I've got an evil Nazim family that tries to wipe out every non-sim lifeform (apart from some SimBots and Ghosts -their main enemies are Zombies, Vampires and Aliens) Currently the leader is exiled and now lives in a trailer on the outskirts of Starlight Fhores. Also I wrecking there could be an Enemy army camp or Settled down aliens too (like the Smiths in Strangetown). Every on knows how much aliens devastated in SimCity and every knows about Strangetwn. So there could be an alien presence too, among the warring sects.

desecrate 22nd Jun 2012 9:31 AM

As the next Sims 3 EP will include zombies, I won't be doing a zombie mod for now.
So if you don't want to wait for EP release to check how the EA zombies work, for now I would suggest using mummies instead, that will try to fight with any non-mummy sim that walks near.
The mummies already have a zombie-like walk, and can spread the mummy's curse which will kill the sim after after a few days (I can check if the can be modded to turn him into a mummy/zombie instead).
It would just be a matter of doing replacement clothes for the mummy outfit and renaming the Mummy's curse moodlet to Zombie's curse or something like that.
Quote: Originally posted by yzisme
Speaking of clothing, I think we'll need a mod that makes sims keep the same clothing for everything.
So mummies can't change clothes, and from what I understood from the mummy code, there are 5 mummy outfits available for each sim age and gender (so 30 in total).
The outfit resources are named like:
[age][gender]mummy[number 1-5]
where [age] can be 't' 'a' or 'e' (teen, adult or elder - child mummies not possible I guess); [gender] is 'm' or 'f', and in the end is a random number from 1 to 5.
e.g. "afmummy3" would be the 3rd outfit for an adult female mummy.

Sorceress Supreme 22nd Jun 2012 12:47 PM

I think we should wait for the EA zombies, especially if they are really going to look as good (well perhaps they could be less green) as in this header pic here:

And the next EP is only a few months away, anyway (and I'm going to already pre-order it). Or do you guys reckon that we'll finish this world before that?

Sorceress Supreme 22nd Jun 2012 7:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Prawler
I agree, with Varpunen, its better to wait til the EP comes out before we release this thing, just in case EA give us some apocalypse stuff

I truly hope they do. Also - since it's about zombies - I really hope they'll give us some torn and dirty zombie clothes, as well. Odds look good, since it would be strange if those ea zombies would roam the streets in clean designer clothing. But it's ea, so...

yzisme 23rd Jun 2012 2:48 AM

About the knocked over stuff, could we PLEASE use the tilt OMSP? It will save so much on creating, and make the CC package way smaller.

squaretable 23rd Jun 2012 9:06 AM

The tilt what?

VampireSim 23rd Jun 2012 12:24 PM

Does it mean: one more slot package

Sorceress Supreme 23rd Jun 2012 1:42 PM

I think she means the "Tipsy OMSP" add-on.

VampireSim 23rd Jun 2012 3:08 PM

Aaahhh, ok. Never thought of this, but it defenitely would be nice for a destroyed Lot. Maybe an office building.

squaretable 23rd Jun 2012 4:06 PM

yeah, i could find use for it in many places >:D

SharaRose 24th Jun 2012 8:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by varpunen
I think she means the "Tipsy OMSP" add-on.
This one tool will vastly increase decorating options, so that is a great choice. It probably shouldn't be used for objects with interactions, since those would be pretty goofy looking.

Since that mod requires the OMSP by granthes (HERE), we should add that to the list of mods we'll be using for this world. That's one of my favorites, so yay!

squaretable 24th Jun 2012 9:56 AM

Just one thought shouldn't we ask premission first?

Sorceress Supreme 24th Jun 2012 12:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by squaretable
Just one thought shouldn't we ask premission first?

From both of them, I think.

SharaRose 25th Jun 2012 2:35 AM

I agree. Having people download mods separately will ensure they always have the latest versions, and it means the world won't need to be repackaged after patches unless objects are affected - far less likely.

Speaking of traffic, I have a tiny world set as a vacation world with NRaas Traffic delta set to -5. All I see on the roads are owned cars and the red scooters NPCs use. That could be a cool look for this world, if we included a default replacement grunge motorcycle. You get the vacation world music, though, and tourists (though mods can stop those). No traffic at all would best, but I'm not sure that's possible.

squaretable 25th Jun 2012 8:02 AM

Grr didn't post! Ok so you know sims castaway stories? They had water towers you had to buy for 9000 resource or unlock and get for free or a wind turbine that took forever to unlock. Well I thought that around town there could be collectibles with names like gas, petrol, ethanol, diesel and biofuel and that to run your car you'd need need this collectible. Also to run an electric car you'd need to have a solarpanel or windturbine. Just an idea

Riptide651 4th Jul 2012 7:27 PM

On the topic of the rabbit holes not functioning, we can easily use rabbit holes rugs for the rabbit holes, plus w/ the new zombies in the magic expansion, it just makes it all the better, maybe they'll even have some grungy furniture.

Riptide651 4th Jul 2012 10:58 PM

Ah ok then lol, some still should though, like the stores, in fact, we could make like an underground black market and use the registers to allow sims to buy goods.

Riptide651 6th Jul 2012 9:31 AM

ehh whatever, but an underground black amrket would be cool, along with an abandoned film set. oh wait! Idea! A black market IN the abandoned film set! I would so volunteer to build that.

squaretable 7th Jul 2012 11:59 AM

lol, great idea though. I wreckon the old cinema could be open though. And there should be a school, like 'how to use a gas mask ' lesson like in World War 2

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