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Building Showcase & Pics
OK This is to showcase lots people have make and to post Pics of them. So have fun Postin Pics of your Apocalyptic Creations and telling peeple bout them.
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My First Building, which i built on a 64x64 lot in the Town. A shopping Mall, expansive and derelect-ish. It is closed off by s Police line which you have to fiddle with tomb objects to find a gate to go in. Alternatively, clear the Rubble by the Lifts and you'll be OK (which need to be cleared on both levels) Please say you opinions - has a pic of the old mall for comparison
EDIT: I annotated a Pic of the Mall |
Maybe you could make it destroyed on the outside, or perhaps more decor, like all of those things malls have on roofs and giant signs?
I'm also kinda curious about what you did on the inside. *imagines fallout mall* :P |
Quote: Originally posted by yzisme
Do you wreckon someone in this group could make a CC Mall Roof Sign for my shopping Centre. It's burnt and overgrown. I'd need to work on the interior a bit, it's not done yet and I'd have to remove all the CarSpots. Could you send me a pic of the fallout mall, since unfortunately, I've never played fallout P: . What do you reckon I should call it? The Squaretable Centre? :D |
Quote: Originally posted by squaretable
I could make you one by using the large 4x1 showtime poster. ![]() What about the name? I wonder what this neighborhood is going to be called. It's name could also be used in the sign. |
Apocalyptia? Zombieburg? Radiaton? Pandemic Falls? I wreckon each district/areas creator should be named for them, with open areas following a Disaster theme. For example an area of mine could be called Square Mesa or something (mesa means table in spanish btw, amazing how much i learn in Spanish lol) maybe settup a discussion
Quote: Originally posted by squaretable
Hmm... I think we should go with something bit more normal (when it comes to the world name, not districts I mean), like in Fallout. Otherwise it would mean, that the citizens would have had to name the world all over again after the epidemic occured. I think Fallout has some pretty good names, for example: http://fallout.neoseeker.com/wiki/C...allout_3_Places |
Quote: Originally posted by varpunen
Cool, just checked it out and I realised the makers of Fallout New Vagas had named a place after themselves. So every district could be named after its MAIN creator. Maybe we could name this place something in another laNguage, I set up something on another page (on one of the apocalypse groups) about it. It would have to be a quite major thing that people are probably gonna have to vote for. I wreckon it could be called "[name] falls" after all the waterfalls, but a seaside thing could also go on. Maybe as a joke we could call it 'Bright Falls' or something? |
But while we wait for the name, I will still need a name for the mall. Kind a hard to make a sign without one. Throw me some suggestions.
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The Squaretable Centre, 2012 Mall, Indoor District, Downtown Mall?
EDITT: Are you part of this group associated with the project: CC Builders apocalypese |
How did I miss that. Okay, joined.
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Here's a teaser pic for my quarter-of-the-way-finished, almost-abandoned concert hall. I still have much work to do with textures, deco, and general destruction, but wanted to get some feedback on what's included in the lot and whether or not the story is a good fit. Okay, mainly I thought it would be fun to get this thread rolling now that people are making things so we can see what's in the works.
The hall was closed when things went bad, but a group broke in and set up a tent camp inside, sometimes out of makeshift materials such as newpapers, just for a semblance of privacy. They have since abandoned the camp for reasons unknown, but a few tents and supplies were left behind. During this period, some parts were trashed and others were left largely untouched. The main hall was locked for most of this time, so while it's dirty and some seats have been torn up or torn out, it's in much better shape than the lobby. There is even a computer in the sound booth, which would be useful if it weren't broken. More recently, someone is trying to restore it, at least enough to give survivors a safe place to gather and lift their spirits. Emergency lights are now running with lanterns in key locations. There is a stage, though usually the most you'll find is someone singing a song or playing the rather out-of-tune piano in the lobby. The proprietor did manage to find a keyboard for the green room, as well. There is also a bar upstairs, but it's strictly self-serve and it's best if you don't ask too many questions about what's in the bottles you come across, or who left them there. There will also be some form of security for the building, a test to keep out brain-addled zombies. Of course, once you disable the traps, you had better be ready to defend against hostiles who follow you in. ![]() There is a long way to go yet, and it's too dark to pick out details at this perspective, but you get an idea of the overall concept. I'm trying to get the lighting dark enough that you can't easily take in the whole level at once, but light enough that a sim can proceed safely, albeit cautiously, around the building. Seating in the hall is done on CFE-manipulated levels, so you can see into the hall from either the main floor or the balcony level (which I first wrote as bacony level, which makes me hungry). I won't use the ugly benches intended for venues, but then, there wouldn't be anyone left to use them, anyway. Two table blocks without tables are at the very front of the stage so a small crowd can gather for talent night. |
Shararose, that is amazing. Its like six trillion times better than the lots they gave you in freaking Showtime. I rate 7.5/10 at the moment... =D
Shararose... that's amazing. I really like the nighttime lighting; wonderfully gloomy. And I really like the camp area.
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![]() Whoa, where have I been? D: |
It's good but... what is it?
The Science Facility.
It doesn't feel sciency enough, though. |
It could pass, To be honest, I didn't think EA's looked to sciency either, plop a satellite dish or add a chimney or warehouse. Landscape as well, add lots of tarmac and a few small gardens around it, make it look like a 'science park'
Quote: Originally posted by varpunen
matrix54, I like it! Maybe you could increase the "sciencey" factor by using the fog emitter to add some science experiments gone wrong. Smoking rubble, balls of electricity, that sort of thing. The display cases might be useful. |
You could make a pretty decent lab by recolouring the stuff that came with various expansions, like cabinets, tables and those chemistry sets. Along with rubble and stuff I think it'll look really great and science-y.
It actually looks awesome now! Most of these buildings do! I'll probably need help from you pros to make a good bookstore; I have the plan, but in comparison to you guys it looks weird and unfinished. :P |
Yzisme, post a pic anyway, it'd be good to see your ideas, its probably more feedback than just a showcase.
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Okay, here's a few pics of the graveyard, which does have a small corner for the pets, as well. I also used my all-time favorite terrain from the VTMB world. Let me know what you think.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The crypt has a custom walls. ![]() This grave has a story of it's own. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by matrix54
Have you looked at Murfeel's stuff on TSR? I'm thinking of these science objects in particular, but she has some other stuff that might make it more sciency. As it is, it looks great. A lot like a research station. |
I like it varpunen! It's as I have said many times over, like a thousand times better than what I could do! It fits in with the hills around it too, something many people's lots (including EAs) fail to do.I like it, I might have a go at doing another (smaller) one myself.
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Quote: Originally posted by squaretable
Thank you. I'm happy you like it. ![]() Okay, so, here is the base for the subway. It's ready from belowground but without any deco or rubble, so that anyone who wanted this lot can add them by themself. There is also plenty of space above ground level to build as requested. The lot size changed just bit, from 45x40 to 50x40 and I hope that won't be a problem. The zip file is attached to this post and also contains one metal grid pattern, both sims3pack & package so you can use either one. The functionality of the subway itself has been tested. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The subway station I am creating myself is going to be old world style and as you can see from the picture, the AweSims cornices were approved to the official CC list. AweSims Cornices Here's a preliminary pic: ![]() It probably needs to go somewhere else than section 5, so hopefully there's a place for it somewhere. ![]() |
The above ground looks like something in Portugal or Spain and below it looks very... Gloomy? I then just realized this was post-apoc. So I guess it'd make sense to be gloomy, i've just never seen the London underground that, dark, or like that... Anyway I really really like it! I really do! I just don't think of Underground stations like that!
The subway station is awesome!!! It gives me the special Silent Hill feeling. :lovestruc I can almost hear the zombies, crawling through the tunnels. The Graveyard has some abandoned places. I can imagine that nobody is caring the graves for years. But there are also graves with loving decorations. A nice mixture. |
Quote: Originally posted by squaretable
I didn't want the surroundings to be too bright, mostly because of the atmosphere and - of course - anyone modifying the lot is more than welcome to add more lighting. The station itself is based on the subway from Fallout 2, so that's probably why it doesn't resemble a London underground. ![]()
Quote: Originally posted by VampireSim
Thank you. That was exactly the kind of atmosphere I was after for the subway. It will be great to see what others come up with it. ![]() About the graveyard... do you think it needs to be even more grungy and overgrown? I wasn't sure whether or not it was still too... polished, I guess. |
Quote: Originally posted by varpunen
Cool Beans, I understand now! I have never played Fallout *Gasp* *Horror* so i dint know what the Fallout Subway, Mall, etc. looks like! And i figured it out after i posted it why it was so gloomy ![]() |
Fallout is awesome, and that's a great recreation! xD
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