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The Official "I just bought the game, what mods do I absolutely need?" Thread!
Hey guys!
I've been a huge fan of the Sims games for years, but I haven't yet played TS3. School and real life got in the way, not to mention I didn't have a computer I could run it on. Well, I've just gotten a new computer for Christmas, and I cannot wait to start playing again. I've missed it a lot. Anyway, one of my favorite parts of the game has always been the custom content. I'm working on assembling downloads now, but it's all so overwhelming since I'm a few years late to the party. So what I'm asking of all you lovely people is this: what should I absolutely have in my game? Mods in particular, what do you find to be a particularly necessary mod for your game? Also, I've been reading on how to install the custom content, and it sounds fairly simple and not too different from TS2. If this isn't the case, would someone be so kind as to explain to me how to do it? I've read a few guides and such but maybe I'm mistaken in how I'm understanding to do it. So that's it! Please please please share all your favorites. Mods, different CC sites, anything you think is essential! Thank you all in advance ![]() |
Y'know what, I'mma sticky this thread so it can be the last "I just bought the game, what mods do I need?" thread EVAR.
If you're a fan of rabbit hole careers, you'll absolutely need Sims MX's Variable Career Metrics mod. With this mod, you're not bound to particular skills for certain careers. For example, you can learn Piano or Bass in order to advance the Music career, instead of just Guitar, or Science skill can be one of the skill requirements for Science or Medical career.
Unfortunately, the mod hasn't been updated for ITF. It still works fine for IP, but not for ITF. Sims MX seems to have been absent for several months... Too bad, he's one of my favorite modders. Fortunately, if you're quite accustomed to tuning mods and S3PE, you can really update it yourself. It isn't that difficult. |
Go over "Nraas Industries" of Twallan
![]() Personally i always use: - Nocd - Master Controller - Woohooer - Mover - Portrait panel - Traveler - Debug enabler - Master Controller cheats - Master Controller integration - Master Controller expanden tattoo - Woohooer sauna |
Thank you to both of you, Baiaana, I'm going to look into each and every one of those. I don't know what I'd do if I actually had to play according to game rules haha.
However the more I'm looking at things the more challenging it's looking to download and install things correctly :/ Any advice? |
Read and follow Game Help:Installing Sims 3 Package Fileswiki. You can also take a look at Game Help:Sims 3 CC Basicswiki, but it covers a lot of stuff (like unzipping files) which you don't need to be told if you've used TS2 CC.
My top can't live with out
1) CC Magic http://modthesims.info/d/461888 this is not a mod but a utility/program for keeping all that fabulous CC organize,. It would be my first stop on the shopping list. I think it sets up the mod folder for you, I know it unzips for you. It also has a legacy feature to allow you to put large mods like those that you would get from Nraas Industries, or Awesome Mod in the mod folder. It allows for the most CC be combine so the game runs a bit faster. And for you to run the game with different CC configurations. Great when testing. Heads up that Counters and Islands for kitchens should be loaded through the launcher so they snap together correctly and still recolor with CASt. Lots and worlds I also load through the launcher. Most other CC can just be throw in the download folder (where you would normally put only sim3pack) then open CC magic to do its thing. 2.Master Controller from Nraas As it allows me to edit sims already in game, including inactives, so their clothes and hair don't annoy me. Switch active house households on the fly, as well as other things. I use the base,cheats,progression,Integration modules 3. Nraas Story progression as it allows me to set up the rules for the town my way. I don't play long without it. I can rename all kids born, choose their traits as they grow up, have or not have supernaturals, divorce/marriage, teens getting part time jobs, It has sooooo much it can be overwhelming to get set up. As has been said in other post in other threads, you might start slow with just the base mod and then add as you see elements you just can't live without in the others. I use all the modules that are not personalities. 4.I normally use Nraas Overwatch and ErrorTrap to keep the game running smoother. And they should probably be higher on the list, but i don't notice what they do as they work in the background rather than change what I can do in game. I use many others. So many great mods and many I don't know about so looking forward to checking back I have never used but love the sound of Sims MX's Variable Career Metrics mod. |
CC Magic is invaluable. Delphy's Dashboard lets me check for mod conflicts - important when you have almost 500 packages installed. (Thats not counting sims3packs or pure CC.) Easy CASP Editor lets me fix categorisation annoyances in Create a Sim on my own with little fuss. Save Cleaner - holy crap its awesome if you are starting to get bloaty saves. (I give every sim in my town a make over every time they age up, so basically, my save files balloon quickly and Save Cleaner counteracts some of that) FPS Limiter - Find one that you like and use it. I've noticed that I get more white objects on lots because it takes longer for my screen to actually display all the textures, but my computer doesn't get as hot and performance over all is less stuttery (probably because its not jumping between 60 and eleventy-billion FPS every time I move the camera). Scripting Mods: NRAAS stuff - ErrorTrap and Overwatch and Saver I install even when I'm playing 'mod free' - unless they aren't up to date for the patch or expansion I'm using, they just are not worth living without. In addition, for fun, I also use Story Progression, Careers, Woohooer, Traveler, Mover etc. I recommend avoiding retuner and relationship panel unless you absolutely must have them. They slow down my game and make it stuttery - much worse that Story Progression which is the usual culprit for such poor performance. Buzzlers Clean House for Everyone - This one hasn't been updated, but it seems to work fine for me for patch 1.63 both with and without ITF. It doesn't just let you order any sim to clean the house, it fixes several bugs in the cleaning routine for both your sims and various cleaning NPC's (maids, bonehilda, the butler). I can't play without it anymore, I get too frustrated watching my maid suck at cleaning. Sims MXs Variable Career Metrics - I use this, I updated it myself for patch 1.63, but left out all the ITF stuff because I didn't think I was going to get it. Now my GF got it for me for xmas, and I need to update it again. Pah! Silly me. Sunbathing Fix - I think this one is from Nona, but I can't remember. It stops sims from sunbathing in the snow. Breastfeeding by Nona - Oh my god I love this mod. Its just delightful. It lets your mama sims breastfeed babies and toddlers. Thats all, but thats enough. <3 Toddler Interactions - Makes toddlers more interesting. Lets them explore around, chat to each other and eat from pet food bowls. I like it because now raising twin toddlers is actually something like work, while simultaneously being less difficult. If the parents don't watch closely the babies make a break for it through any open door (ie why baby gates were invented). Its fantastic. Play Style Specific stuff: These are mods that might interest you for specific gameplay reasons: Deadly poison apples by Nona (simological I think) Vampire Killer and Werewolf Maul by Enirei (here) Assassination skill (nraas) Friendly Werewolf Curse (don't remember where I got it from) More Alchemy Recipes (simsMX) Tuning Packages There's several very clever XML mods that make life better. No Intro (by Ellacharmed) - Free yourself from the tyranny of corporate advertising! You already bought the product, you do NOT need to be reminded every time you launch it who built the thing. Autonomy Mods - Peruse MTS and The Sims Asylum for less and more and no autonomy mods until you have tweaked your sims behaviour to your liking. (For this one, I actually recommend playing the game for a couple of weeks and noting everything that your sim does that irritates you on a bit of paper and then going on a huge downloading spree.) More Conversations by Bluegenjitsu - I play with Relativity (NRAAS) and use it to double the social decay. Combined with this, my sims actually autonomously socialise with people instead of ignoring each other to play with the nearest piece of store content. Less Gem Cutting and Less Miner reactions (oh my god so useful) Purity Attraction - overhauls the attraction system. I combine this with WooHooer. Routing Fixes - I use a bunch including, NPCs Exit rabbitholes faster (bluegenjitsu), no route fail animation/no foot tapping (bluegenjitsu), cats stalk prey routing fix (shimrod), do the locomotion (shimrod), watch animals routing fix (shimrod), sit on more comfy objects (bluegenjitsu), route fix (twoftmama) I also have a whole parcel of default replacement CC that is basically all just matching pet relationship icons, or fixes to eyeshadow alpha channels or better cut outs for dodgy base game doors and so on. I recommend trawling through the downloads here using the search term 'default replacement' and seeing what turns up, you know, once you've played for a bit and have an idea of what annoys you and what you can live with. |
Thank you so much everyone! This is going to be really helpful when I get my game up and running in a few days.
One last general question though, what are everyone's favorite CC sites? I had so many old bookmarked sites for TS2 back in the day and it was always really fun to find new ones that even just had two or three things I wanted. Or is there a list somewhere that I've been missing? I've been looking. Edit: Also I seem to have read conflicting things regarding this- are we able to organize our downloads into subfolders like we were in TS2? I think this is actually my last question. In TS2 sims, lots, walls/floors, they were all usually in the form of a package, and to install it you had to double click. And that got tedious when downloading wall/floor sets. There was a program for it called Multiple Simpack Extractor I believe, or something similar. Anyway, my question is, is there anything like that for TS3, or have they made it more convenient and nothing needs to be double clicked? I do apologize for all the questions. I had everything set up just how I liked it with TS2 and now I'm trying to adjust haha. |
Quote: Originally posted by nikel23
I think you mean "In TS2 sims, lots, walls/floors, they were all usually in the form of a sims2pack", and yes, you can use CC Magic (mentioned above) or the Sims3pack Multi Installer by Delphy.
Quote: Originally posted by MadamFoster
I get most of my CC from either Anubis or from here, mostly because it's all free. The Sims Resource has some things for free and there are some things that aren't, at the creator's discretion. |
TSR are actually 100% free now.
No person should ever download anything to the game until they know how to play it.
The only script I use is The Book of Talent, after I have once mastered a skill with sims I find it tiresome to do it over and over again. http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=383662 It can also be helpful because you can advance skills one level at a time and still get the rewards but don't have to spend hours watching a sim read or play with a computer.
Arisuka's fabulous Nose Contour is and will always be a favorite of mine.
As is Vicor_Tor's redone age facemask which really helps for subtle wrinkles, since it has recolor-able channels. |
My computer was slowly dieing a few months ago, so I tried playing Sims 3 without any mods and I found the game almost unplayable without MATY's AwesomeMod. Some of the more basic things it does that I can't live without is giving actual numbers for stuff like needs, friendship, and "bed energy." I'm pretty sure that's also the mod that lets me plant on community lots, which is fun.
I also really like NRaas Story Progression mod. I originally got it because the game's story progression stopped producing children and my family had the only children/teens in town. So getting a mod isn't always about "breaking the game rules." Sometime you need them just to make the game work properly. For items, my two must-have's are A Collector's Dream by Lisen801. It's the best way I've found of storing and displaying large amounts of collectables. If you have Seasons, I'd also suggest NRaas Tempest. I originally got it because there is far too much hail in the game. |
This isn't really a mod, but I would suggest limiting your fps to 30 and/or underclocking your gpu if it's high end. When I first booted up sims 3 on my rig my graphics card went ape. I heard the fans blazing, checked the temp was up to 90c in a couple of minutes running at 200+ fps. Shut it down, forced vsync, set up a power saver profile for it and the game runs just dandy with full settings even with my card down to 950v.
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Reposted from the other thread that discusses ways to improve the game: (http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=519698)
Quote: Originally posted by jje1000
Quote: Originally posted by kidhedera
Friendly werewolf curse is from me: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=487180 I like your mod choices too ![]() I just checked out the Compendium of Useful Mods. That is a really great list! I'm glad someone made it ![]() |
This one is in my top mods when my something goes wrong with my game and i have to take them all out but these say in
GrimsTS3AutoSave This mod when you set it up automatically save your game and i can not live with out it.\ cmoney has a ear slider because i plan on making Ultimate hybrids like i did in the Sims 2 in every neighborhood |
Here's my list of required mods:
Start with Twallan's mods at Nraas Industries. They are essential! StoryProgression (You are definitely going to want this!!)--This replaces EA's story progression with a more intuitive system. MasterController--Allows for more control over how you play your game DebugEnabler--Similar to MasterController, this unlocks some more testing cheats ErrorTrap--catches bugs in your game and keeps them from corrupting your save Register--allows for better management over the NPC system for venues Dresser--this manages the rotation of outfits in your neighborhood and can be tuned to blacklist certain items, etc. Hybrid--this allows the game to create hybrids Decensor--gets rid of the censor blur Overwatch--fixes certain glitches in your game at a set time every Sim-day Traffic--better control over how community vehicles are used in the game Woohooer--more autonomy in your Sim's romantic interactions, also allows for teen pregnancies I have a couple of Bluegenjutsu's mods that allow for more autonomy for vampires and werewolves. You'll have to register with that site to access any mods. I also created my own mod which allows my Sims to have more autonomy, which I can share with you if you wish, ![]() Regarding my Sims' appearances: I use Navetsea's skins with Buhudain's You Are Real map. A bunch of accessories and hair retextures from Aikea Guinea. I get a lot of makeup, etc. from TSR, now that they're free. For more realistic lighting in my game, I use Buhudain's environment lighting tweaks. And aside from MTS, I visit My Sims 3 Blog daily to see what's new in the mod world. Oh, and to better manage my mods I also use: CC Magic--Compresses mods so they take up less space. Delphy's Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extractor--Turns Sims 3 Packs into .package files so you don't have to use the launcher to install your mods. Especially handy if your launcher takes forever to do anything like mine does. |
Is there anywhere i can get stuff to make my sims faces look better. I have a hard time not making pudding faces. I cant seem to find any face templates? thank you for the help
Quote: Originally posted by jngy slate
Perhaps this is what you're looking for? There are plenty of other skintones/face overlays to choose from as well if you click on "Downloads" in the site menu then filter by The Sims 3 > Create-a-Sim > Skintones. Also, try posting your question in the WCIF forum for more results. |
Recently I found something that I consider a "must have" for the Seasons EP.
If you have Seasons and you're playing a warm climate world (like Lucky Palms), the weather makes no sense. You can unclick "Winter," but then you don't get the Winter Festival or the Gift Giving Holiday. NRass Tempest lets you fine tune the weather, but there are so many variables that it can be big task to do. After much searching I found this:NRaas_Tempest_ProfileTuning It's a tuning file that works with Tempest. It comes with the weather of 17 cities "pre-programed" into it. |
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I love The Sims so much, but we are missing someone who would like to make her?
I have come to the conclusion that I may need to get some game mod after all. But since I'm kinda a new to the world of mods could someone give me direct links to those most helpfull. I'm looking for something that would help me which households easier and give me more power to manage my townies life, marriages, births etc. I know where to get Nraas's mods, but don't really know which ones I should get.
You should get Nraas just because he has everything. I personally use Woohooer just so I can have teen prenegcy and one night stands. That's really all I have besides Story Progression and Master Controller.
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Quote: Originally posted by DaughterofHades1313
Everybody needs Error Trap and Overwatch from there. The bugs those two prevent/fix can totally break your game. Without overwatch one of my sims would have lost her father when he won that free vacation. |
Quote: Originally posted by miarell
Nraas' Master Controller has an option that will allow you to click on a Sim and select 'Make Active'. It's a little bit faster then switching via map via. Current promises and Lifetime wish progress will be lost though. The Nraas' Dreamcatcher mod preserves them, however, when I was using it I lagged heavily. As for controlling townies, Nraas' Story Progression has lots of settings for what allowed in your town, so is definitely another one worth checking out. |
I agree with the Nraas story progression mod mentions and the woohooer mod. They make one night stands, teenage pregnancy, and vaguely responsible sims possible. Without the story progression on, my sims frequently don't bother to get jobs, and sell off their furniture instead of working. Story progression also prevent sims from randomly adopting pets if you have the pets expansion. Before the story progression mod, there was a family that adopted 3 horses, 2 cats, and had 5 birds. It was complete mayhem because no one in the family even liked horses or bothered to feed them.
Ones I honestly couldn't play the game without anymore are Story Progression, The woohooer and Relativity (these are all from https://nraas.wikispaces.com/)
Story progression basically turns story progression into what it was really meant to be. Sims in your neighbourhood will actually move out, get married, have children etc. on their own. I know some people don't really like the sims in their neighbourhood doing this but if you're like me and want your neighbourhood to feel more "alive" then it's a must-have. It's also completely customisable. The Woohooer. This gives you a LOT of different options to do with woohoo. It's also introduces teen pregnancy and teen-adult relationships which is amazing. Relativity allows you to make the in game clock move slower/faster. This is highly customisable too. I normally run mine at 0.5 times the normal speed ![]() |
Are there any other mods other than Nraas mods that optimize gameplay/fix game-breaking bugs?
Nraas Industries. i use AntiMagicScroll, Consigner, Hybrid, MasterController, Mover, OnceRead, Register, Relativity, StoryProgression, Traveler, and of course, Overwatch
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Be careful with story progression, it slows down my game even when I have it turned off. The same happens with relativity. I like Saver, because I always forget to save my game while I'm playing, so it's just better all the way around if it asks me every 30 minutes.
I have play the sims 3 for 7 hours without problem. i have all EP & SP (except katy perry). i use most of NRAAS and a lot of Mod from this site. also a lot of store item, custom hair, clothes, sim, etc.. and my game is very smooth.. only freeze between 2:59 AM until 3:10 AM sim hour (Overwatch).. my laptop is just mid-end laptop. before i play, i always delete cache, world cache, and file in DC Backup.. i just can't play in isla paradiso, beacause lag and freeze for every sim hour.. sorry for bad english.
I think the Lip Fatness slider is a must have!
Some of my bookmarked links:
http://www.aroundthesims3.com/infos/links.html [This page links out to tons of custom content sites, mods sites and various Sims related things] http://dsims3.com/ [Fantasy related custom content - It's a bit hard to navigate, but has some really cool stuff] http://www.thesimsresource.com/ |
I'd like to add my vote to all posters recommending Nraas Overwatch + ErrorTrap; these two mods are godsends! Even if one does not like using mods for CCs, one is *strongly* recommended to use these two, just because they make TS3 much more playable. Those 'touched' by Twallan's generous & masterful work would definitely agree with this tribute for Twallan on Archivist Comics.
Quote: Originally posted by polmar_poll_hehe
@ellacharmed had kindly shared IslaParadiso.world with many resources fixed. Have you tried it? Your saves will not be fixed, sadly. You'll have to export your family to the bin and start a new game. |
I'd suggest TheSimsResource. It's the easiest site (I'm not very good at downloading things
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Thank you for all the advice, I have been playing Sims 3 for a year but I read a lot about Sims 3 before I even got the base game, mainly the Sims 3 Wikia and Carl's Sims 3 Blog. I first found Sims 3 by watching a house building video and Let's Play by Curtis Perry on Youtube. Anyway I have never used Mods but I have used TestingCheatsEnabled and the other cheats scripted into the game, so I am reading up on Mods because I want to try Nraas mods.
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Quote: Originally posted by Koolkat1573
You should definitely try the Nraas Relativity mod. I can't play without this. It enables you to change how fast the minutes go in game. I set mine to 0.3 of the normal speed during the day, so in the 1 hour while my sim is waiting for the work car pool she can get up, use the bathroom, have breakfast, and sometimes even play with her dog/cat. It's just awesome. :lovestruc Without this mod she takes one hour to climb out of bed and walk downstairs. When she sits down on the toilet, the carpool is already there... Not nice. |
Just a quick tip...
I don't use mods but my game turns out just fine
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There's SO MANY mods I can't see my game working without.
Firstly, if you like to make diverse sims with realistic prognathism, epicanthic folds and stuff you need facial sliders. So when i first got the game I kept trying to make a selfsim and nothing was ever right; the nose and stuff was not as africanized as I'd like, got me some custom sliders and bam! I'm really visually exacting so I also have body sliders like butt rotate, butt fullness etc cause my sims can't all have the same ass. Someone just released an amputee mod; another great must have for a realistic, DIVERSE game. I also have awesomemod to go along with my diversity. It prevents all my new townies in empty games from having face template one. I spent a lot of time making diverse sims and I like my townies to reflect that. This mod brings it. I have nraas Master controller to manager the death and the occult types, woohooer, and story progression (awesomemod story SP off; config). And a lot of other stuff I can't think of at this moment. |
Thank you so much guys for your useful posts! I was going to open a new thread asking for "must have Sims 3 mods" =D
Defintely Nthing everyone who's recommended mods from NRaas so far! Everyone else has already beaten me to the punch, and I have more NRaas mods installed than I can succinctly talk about, so here's a few mods I haven't really seen mentioned here:
-Velocitygrass' SOMPA and Add Any Lot Size mods, which are both gonna save you a lot of headaches when it comes to editing your houses, neighborhoods and Sims -Buzz's building mods |
I use a lot of Mods, Nraas Mods are my favorite. But i also use Razer Cortex Game Booster. It will really help the game run more smoother. It's free and you have the option to save games in there cloud. You do need to make an account after downloading but it's free. I love it.
http://www.razerzone.com/cortex/game-booster |
I am very late to the party, and will join you shortly. Yes, I will still enjoy my Sims 2 game, but after ten years, the time has come to finally give Sims 3 a try. And Sims 4 just still ain't doing it for me at this point. Maybe I'll work with that in another ten years.
![]() I confess to having taken a peek at NRAAS a few times, and the problem is there are so many cool mods to work with there that it may be hard for me to choose! Not that this is a complaint, mind you! So having a short list of essential fixes and making-the-game more playable fixes at the get-go isn't a bad thing. I know from the Sims 2 forums that new players found it extremely useful. Strange that I'll be on that end now with Sims 3. As far as I know, many, many people enjoy both games on one computer without any problems. So hopefully, I'll be one of them. Thanks again for the info here! |
Overwatch, Errortrap, and Saver are absolutely required for a first timer to avoid bugs. Anyway, mods here are great!
Where can I find the Nraas Overwatch and ErrorTrap? I tried searching here but overwatch gave me shirts and there is no error trap.
I am trying to use only NRAAS to edit sims in cas quickly but it offers many other options that I don't use.
Ok guys I just tried to load that stuff and like...what the heck I thought NRaas was a mod that you needed to load other mods. Like it was a controller of other mods. I go to the site and it's just mods? Like regular ones? Why does everyone talk about it as if it's a program itself? And why is it all in tech language?
I use quite a few mods from Nraas such as: Overwatch, Errortap, MasterController and Relativity. And Awesomemod for Story Progression.
The best mod, I'd say that virtually everyone can use, and love. Is the custom careers mod. After you get the base custom careers mod (Which you can find very easily, with a simple Google search.) You can find about any career you'd like that goes with it, I'd highly recommend the Army Careers by mflaha55 right here on MTS.
Quote: Originally posted by Baiaana
Also get the story progression mod too, so half of the town dies with no children and more slection for marriage! |
Hello simmers
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Nraas Story Progression-Makes the game feel more alive with little tid bits about inactive sims doing this and that, plus many MANY ways to customize gameplay.
https://www.nraas.net/community/StoryProgression ***Nraas Relativity- Allows you to control how fast a sim day passes, makes things more manageable so your not out of time doing things like showering before work, I keep my speed at 14-18. https://www.nraas.net/community/Relativity ***Nraas Tempest-Allows you to control weather, how often it should rain, snow, what the temps should be morning night noon. Very helpful for a more realistic approach to seasons expansion. https://www.nraas.net/community/Tempest ***Nraas Vector-It's a mod that allows sickness in game, things like colds and the flu, other things like silly sicknesses are there too, and you can control which ones are allowed, it also adds a doctors visit and immunization..all kindsa goodies to make your sims miserable lol. https://www.nraas.net/community/Vector ***Nraas ErrorTrap-Don't know much about the tech of this, but it helps keep errors and things cleaned up and makes the game smoother. https://www.nraas.net/community/ErrorTrap ***Nraas Master Controller-Don't get me started, this thing is so helpful. It has so many neat things you can do, edit in CAS, send home, invite over, rename, set career, set skills, set traits. It's very handy. https://www.nraas.net/community/MasterController Now for the (woohoo) mod I choose, won't go into detail as this is a kid friendly place. 18+ only click this link. ***Kinkyworld by Oniki is a woohoo mod that allows adult interactions, it's very complicated at first but there are forums to help everything along. It has some more darker ideas on it for those into that, such as drug abuse and....well look into it I don't wanna get in trouble. It's a nice mod that I enjoy, and has lots of nice things too like high school that isn't a rabbit hole, with jobs for adults as teachers, nurse, principle, janitor. Again, no kids, Adults only, be warned. Link to download. https://www.loverslab.com/topic/432...ed-10-jan-2018/ you can get it there, plus a bit of info on how to set it up. Link to a forum that helps a lot, and is active and friendly, I go here for questions. https://f95zone.com/threads/the-sim...oniki-kay.1956/ I prolly skipped a few, but these are the ones off the top of my head. Very much needed for me to play, I can't imagine the game without them. Search the web for similiar lists, there are plenty. Enjoy! |
All my looking I still missed this post. >_> I'm an idiot.
Anyway I hope this doesn't count as Necroing but the last post is from 2018 but I've noticed from here and a couple Simblrs that there are new tools/mods for running the game on current machines peacefully I've gotten myself overwhelmed in trying to figure out which I should get without overlapping too much. All I had before was Smooth Patch, Master Controller and CC Magic before.If it helps I now have Window 11 Enterprise laptop with Intel i9-13900H, Nvidia RTX 4060(Integrated Intel Iris(R) Xe) with currently 16gb of RAM. And I'll be installing a retail version. |
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