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Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 3:56 PM

Third Collection (Finally)
I got way behind. (Dealing with depression issues. Still dealing with them, but now the fact that nothing matters also doesn't matter.)

Quote: Originally posted by xtrinityx
requested username: xsilentx (i checked to make sure it wasn't taken before asking to request it).

reason for changing: the name "xtrinityx" is not my real name and i don't like it anymore. i'm mostly quiet and when i am social, i'm very easy to talk to. also, i have a lot of great textures that i hand-painted in microsft paint.

since, i can't think of any funny stories. here's a comic strip that i found today:
Quote: Originally posted by xtrinityx

xsilentx will be the last name change request that i make, as i'm not going to keep requesting name changes after xsilentx.

And if the name change doesn't happen, you will never know if it was due to those x's or to the fact that this was the first post on page one and the edit was made when there were 4 more pages after that.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MistressLuna666
Requested Username: MistressLuna666

Reason: When I first created my account, I used my roleplaying name (not like that, guys! sheesh...), but that was years ago. When I decided on my creator name, I used my more up-to-date name that I use on other modding sites, and wouldn't want people to accuse me of stealing my own work. Also, I've learned that "Lady" is actually a title in wiccan circles, and since I'm a pagan (who has been referred to as, but clearly isn't, wiccan) I'd really rather not confuse people...

Funny story: This happened when my friends, our moms, and I were hanging out before a parade that my friends and I were going to march in. We had to cross a concrete wall into a parking lot to reach the road. My friends and their mom crossed over it just fine. My mom wanted to go last, so I sat down on the wall to climb across it (I'm not a climber anymore...). Threw the first leg over, then raised the second... and fell backwards into the grass! My mom was too busy laughing at me to even bother trying to catch me, and she was less than 2 feet away! From what I hear, I'm pretty graceful when falling... I wouldn't know, though, as I was too busy getting a face-full of dirt.

(I skipped several intermediate requests that were not approved.)

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Zombnom
Requested username: Zombnom
Reason for changing: I made the name Kerinauu in my elementary/highschool manga/anime phase (as you can see, this is a 9 year old account I've always used on MTS) because I thought it sounded sooo Japanese and unique~. Pronounced cure-in-a-you (really fast). I also went by Sanoroi as another faux Japanese attempt. Zombnom is finally my light at the end of the tunnel of usernames.

Funny story (internet swiped): I get bloody noses a lot and I can usually feel it about 30 second before it starts dripping. Today in class my nose started to bleed, but right before I turned to this very religious boy who sits next to me and whispered "hail Satan" as my nose started to drip. He freaked and fell back and hit his head. He had to go home for the rest of the day.

That would have freaked ME out, too!

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Emix24
Requested username: Emix24
Reason for changing: Sailormoonfan34 isn't cutting it anymore (Long story short; I was young and an extreme sailor moon fan [[Which I'm not anymore ]]). If I could, I would go back in time to when I was making this account, and knock my past self up aside our head for choosing that name.

But if you do it before making the name, there would be no reason to go back. But then the name would be there....

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by WhenToBen
Requested username: WhenToBen
Reason: I accidentally chose "When2Ben" instead of "WhenToBen", while I use "WhenToBen" on some other sites as well, and it would be cool if I had the same username on all sites... It's just a reeeaaallly small change but I would appreciate it a lot

I hope this is a good reason

Apparently, with fewer than 20 posts, it was.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DirtyRed
Requested username: DirtyRed

Reason: Whoops! When I made this account, I didn't think I'd get hugely into the forum community. I want to now-- but I'm a little embarrassed to, because I am ostensibly a gigantic idiot, and also because this is a very plain username which may or may not contain my actual for-real last name.

I really don't wanna be known here by the name that was my father's and his father's and his father's, and also is on my bank account, among other things. I'm known on other places around the interwebs as Red, and would like to carry that over here! Why Red? Because I am filled with red-hot burning passion for you, specifically, the admins who might grant me a name change. Why Dirty? Because I am just filthy. I haven't showered in DAYS. Also, because I am filled with dirty, dirty, red-hot burning passion. For you. The Admins. Etc.

Also, I like the color red and the username "Red" was taken so I had to tack something original onto the front of it. But let's not sweat the details, you and I.

I love you forever. Please change my name. I am (metaphorically) an old man filled with regret.

We love you too. (Well, apart from the ones who don't. )

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Eronel
Requested username: Eronel
Reason for changing: As an awkward little tween I desperately wanted to be emo. Oh, how I yearned to fit in with girls with palm-tree hair styles and to like the angsty music I listened to but secretly hated. I even made my mom go out around halloween time and buy me glow-in-the-dark skull sweaters. I also wanted my dark, unique, and mysterious ways to be apparent through a computer screen, so I concocted my current username through a combination of nicknames from Cartoon Network's Mini Match (a small game that lasted very shortly where I was obviously so cool and popular) and Edgar Allan Poe poems which I had a connection to. I stuck with that username for a number of years because I had nothing better to use, but I now wish to shake off the special snowflake-y-ness of my past and start using a consistent username that doesn't suck. Also, I feel like I'm insulting Poe's work, and I have way too much respect for that guy (and also fear of ghosts) to want to use it any longer. Thank you.

I like Poe's work as well. (And I still think Ulalume is a better poem than The Raven. If you have already figured out that the only thing the bird can say is "Nevermore," WHY ask it a question you want to hear "Absolutely" as the answer to!?)

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by larynx
Requested username: larynx
Reason for changing: adding my birth year to the end of things is not so cool any more

It never was cool.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by LilacLavender
Requested name: Lilaclavender
Reason for changing: I am trying to tie all my game social media together under the same name.
They real reason is that my cat made the acount and I only found out about it after that so I never changed it but well... :p

Don;t you hate it when your cat sneaks online?

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Simsrocuted
Requested username: Simsrocuted
Reason for changing: Well, as you might be able to see, I've been a member of the site for quite some time, but it's not really until lately that I've started creating custom content - and therefore want to upgrade my status from creepy lurker to community member! I know I haven't posted much (again, as ashamed as I am to admit it, I've been a lurker all this time), but it's mainly because I've found all the help that I've needed without having to post. Also, tbh, I was never afraid of monsters under the bed as a child, but I guess karma caught up with me as I am kinda scared of trolls on das interwebs as an adult, which makes me reluctant to post anywhere. However, MTS seems as a good place to start some home made cognitive behavioral therapy, as y'all seem so nice The reason I want to change my signature, though, is manily so there won't be any confusion if I want to show the results of any help I might recieve and link to my simblr:

<3 Good luck <3

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bookloverblue
Requested username: bookloverblue
Reason for changing: I am the ruler of a small pixie kingdom called Ex Libris Caeruleum. Each morning, my subjects greet me with a reveling cry of "Hail bookloverblue, literary genius, our one true queen!"

Along with granting each family a lifetime supply of bananas and 24-hour access to adorable kittens, I recently passed a law stating all households required at least one Sims player, and recommended this site as an excellent demonstration of the talent and creativity that fellow players have.

Unfortunately, some of my subjects tried to find my profile, and upon seeing the name "bluebottlejupiter", they accidentally came to the conclusion that I am an imposter who has secretly usurped the "true queen".

The kingdom is now on the verge of revolution. For my sake and the sake of my subjects, grant me a name change to clear up this mess.

(Real reason: I recently joined The Sims Forums as "bookloverblue", which is my creative writing / Tumblr name. A name update here would just unify everything!)

I like that story

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by scarlotta
Requested username: scarlotta
Reason for changing: scarlotta is the name I use LITERALLY everywhere, and Scarlett O'Awesome is just a fail of a Gone With the Wind reference. Someone shove me into the shamecorner, I know.
Funny story: so, I'm an eighth grader who was boosted a grade ahead in math, which means last year I was taking math class with the eighth graders. Last day of school last year, some guy asks for my number before he goes off to high school, and I'm bad at saying no, so I give it to him. He texts me a lot, and after about six months of me dodging dates, (I am, as you heterosexuals may call it, Hella Gay) he finally send me "you know, I think i- I love you" exactly like that. I have social anxiety and awkwardness flows through my veins instead of blood. I panic. You know what I wrote back?

"Okie dokie."

If telling you the story of how I dealt with professions of love from a guy who tried to nickname me after his anime waifu won't work, I can always tell you about the time my cousin lit his butt on fire, sims style.

That sounds like something I might do.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Thranduil Oropherion
Requested username: Thranduil* can i haz 'Thranduil Oropherion' pretty please?
Reason for changing ... well ...
<--------- and I can speak some Irish which is very like Elvish and ... even if I don't have blond hair, I love trees and am very mean to dwarves whenever possible and have been accused of arrogant narcissism in the past! That qualifies me, no? *hair flip* I can tell you to 'póg mo thóin. Tá mo bhrÃ*ste trÃ* thine!', and make it sound, and read, like poetry - an Elvish trait, surely?

What about a nice story? (shameless ripped from here)

The Very Secret Diary of Legolas

Day One:

Went to Council of Elrond. Was prettiest person there. Agreed to follow some tiny little man to Mordor to throw ring into volcano. Very important mission — gold ring so tacky.

Day Four:

Boromir so irritating. Why must he wear big shield like dinner plate all the time? Climbed up Caradhras but wimpy humans who cannot walk on snow insisted we climb back down.

Am definitely prettiest member of the Fellowship. Go me!

Day Six:

Far too dark in Mines of Moria to brush hair properly. Am very afraid I am developing a tangle.

Orcs so silly.

Still the prettiest.

Day Ten:

Gandalf fell into shadow. In other news, I think I am developing a spot on my nose. V. serious situation, as Elven spots likely to last for 500 years or more.

Still prettiest, despite blasted spot.

Day Eleven:

In Lothlorien. Suspect Galadriel may be prettier than me.

Also, am quite sure she copied my hairstyle. I was wearing that same look at least 1,000 years ago. Silly bint. She was most annoyed that I used her mirrored fountain to take a nice bubble bath.

I choose to ignore her claim that my hair clogged her drain. Not one strand of my hair has fallen out in 800 years, why would it start now?

Still prettiest by far.

Day 30:

All this paddling about in boats is hell on my complexion.

Aragorn obviously starting to find Frodo strangely attractive. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.

Still the prettiest.

Day 33:

Boromir tempted by Ring. So tedious. Cannot be tempted myself, as already have everything I want i.e. perfect hair and a butt like granite.

Have been getting very strange letters from someone calling herself “Stacey” who wants to do obscene things to my elfhood. Fortunately have super-duper elf vision so can run away if I see her coming.

Day 35:

Boromir dead. Very messy death, most unnecessary. Did get kissed by Aragorn as he expired. Does a guy have to get shot full of arrows around here to get any action? Boromir definitely not prettier than me. Cannot understand it. Am feeling a pout coming on.

Frodo off to Mordor with Sam. Tiny little men caring about each other, rather cute really.

Am quite sure Gimli fancies me. So unfair. He is waist height, so can see advantages there, but chunky braids and big helmet most offputting. Forsee dark times ahead, very dark times.

*Curses!! After some insane grovelling I am only to discover my name is taken (probably by some dwarf with a grudge who hasn't signed in since 2014!!!) Will need to rethink this ....
Ok I've been given a new idea!

*Póg mo thóin. Tá mo bhrÃ*ste trÃ* thine! = kiss my ass! My trousers are on fire!

Cute story. (And I really wish I didn't have to say something about everything I post here....)

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by pentabet
Okay I know what I want now! (Please forgive my earlier indecision.)

Requested username: Boo7227

Reason for changing: You Want To Change My Name To Boo7227. O_O

Name change wasn't granted, but the kitties are cute.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TayoGray
Requested Username: TayoGray

Reason for changing: tayokun is an old immature "weeaboo" nickname I used back in high school that I'm actively trying to eliminate. Tayo Gray is a much more mature name as well as my Pen/Artist name that I one day hope to use professionally

Funny story: back during sims 3 I once had a funny glitch where my sim who went to work completely naked WITHOUT the blur. She was in the culinary career and when it came time for her to go to work she switched into her work outfit only for the game to glitch and the outfit not appear but the game registered her a dressed so no blur. This glitch continued to happen until she got a promotion and got a new work outfit. I have a screen cap as proof but i'm not sure if I should post it I don't want to get band or anything.

And another one leaving me speechless.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by xoqolate
Requested username: xoqolate
Reason for changing: my current username reveals too much personal information. I know I don't have many posts but for this reason of privacy, I don't want to allow my account to just simply go dormant. Thank you.

Funny story: One time, I went hiking with my friends and we found a 60 ft tall treehouse and I was too scared to climb it and decided I'd be better off staying grounded. I, however, ended up with 20 bug bites that gave me an allergic reaction instead while they were 100% fine .

Object lesson: Life isn't safe.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by cuspids
Requested Username: cuspids
Reason for changing: The username I have currently is one I used across a great deal of sites that I'm trying to delete my account from, not only because of the whole "Its the username I used when I was a dorky 13-14 year old and I'd rather distance myself from that" thing, but because I was very, um, loose with my personal information back then and lo and behold, that's starting to come back to bite me. Plus, I'd like to just be able to use this account again without being tethered to that username/background (I just did a wipe of all my dorky posts so that's why there's nothing there besides a few comments) and become more of a content creator.

Funny story: When I was in 1st grade, the door to the restroom (it was one of those single-person restrooms in the classroom) was really old and cruddy (old hinges, made of flimsy processed wood, etc), and I was constantly terrified that it was going to not shut or not lock. The teacher reassured me that it was alright to use, and they didn't need to fix it, since it wasn't broken. I finally overcame my apprehensions (though I still worried about it) and used it, and fortunately, never had a problem.

One day she had to use it, and being the child I was, I picked that moment to run over to the door to tattle on so-and-so for doing something. Apparently the brute strength of a 6-year-old banging on the door a few times was enough to make the door finally fall in, knocking her on the head while she was still sitting. While it wasn't heavy enough to hurt, she let out a very loud scream, which made me scream, and then the entire classroom was in chaos in a matter of seconds. Long story short, we got a nice new door a day or two later, and I was minus a few stars on the "Good Student" chart.

At least the door got fixed.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HistoricalSimsLife
Requested username: HistoricalSimsLife
Reason for changing: I am terrible at coming up user names so when I registered here I named myself after my favorite brand of juice... Yup.. And I know my requested name isn't exactly great but I have had a tumblr blog named that for awhile now and I'm starting to make more cc so I would like these two to match.

I've named sims after my meds, so naming yourself after juice isn't so weird. Or is it?

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by pj
Requested Username: pj; if that's too short ..::pj::..
Reason for Changing: Being older and wiser now, I think the username "pjgo" is clunky and dumb. I would like to be henceforth known as simply "PJ".

I brought you a kitteh!

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rod_stellet
Requested username: rod_stellet
Reason for changing: You said i had to make u guys laugh, but this story is true.. kkk.. i created this account several years ago, when i was underaged, so i was scared and used my mom's name insted of my own.. but im sick of "being her".. i wanna be myself.. lol.. thanks.. Cheers form Brazil! :D

(And Thanks to pj for giving me an entire url that I could put at the end of his post. )

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rumplesimskin
Requested username: rumplesimskin
Reason for changing: When I made my account I couldn't think of anything better and I was depressed and had low self esteem and just wanted to get the account making process over with I think so I just went with something self-deprecating as a bit of a defence mechanism. So when people call me loser it's my name, not an insult in a way. The one time I went to the chatroom I got picked on over it and I knew I had to change it then but again, no real inspiration. I've got a simblr now and this is the name I gave it. Though my main tumblr is diferent I want to change my name to my simblr name, for brand recognition purposes. I'd pick my main, in fact I was torn between them, since I mostly identify with the main, but rumplesimskin is more relevant. That's my actualy Sims blog (well, one of them, I made another for interiors so I don't fill my main with reblogs, but this is my main Sims one). And I'd really like to have my name changed to that. I want to upload my creations here, they'll get much better exposure and reach more people who might like them than they would there and I really don't want to post them under 'loser'.

Plus it might break my losing streak. Entered a decorating competition. Guess what I did? Lose. I think I'm cursed now. I did consider asking to change it to winner but that would be tempting fate. So please change my name to rumplesimskin.

Edit: And I checked the name is not taken.

((hugs)) I entered a decorating contest once, and a lot of people dropped out. I finally came in third. Unfortunately, by that time there were only 3 contestants left.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 4:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ferferga

I want to change my username to "ferferga".

Why? I use it everywhere and it's much easy to remember than fer456. I also used that username before registering here. But I lost my mind and I chose fer456. So please please forgive meee :D. My mind is fluctuating right now . I use fer456 for all sites I need to sign up quickly and, as I use MTS normally, not spontaneusly, I think ferferga is better.

Quote: Originally posted by ferferga

Followed by:
Quote: Originally posted by ferferga

Let´s try a funny story... It´s about the Nightlife of Frank XD

Every night, Frank would go down to the liquor store, get a six pack, bring it home, and drink it while he watched TV. One night, as he finished his last beer, the doorbell rang. He stumbled to the door and found a six-foot cockroach standing there. The bug grabbed him by the collar and threw him across the room, then left.
The next night, after he finished his 4th beer, the doorbell rang. He walked slowly to the door and found the same six-foot cockroach standing there. The big bug punched him in the stomach, then left.

The next night, after he finished his 1st beer, the doorbell rang again. The same six-foot cockroach was standing there. This time he was kneed in the groin and hit behind the ear as he doubled over in pain. Then the big bug left.

The fourth night Frank didn't drink at all. The doorbell rang. The cockroach was standing there. The bug beat the snot out of Frank and left him in a heap on the living room floor.

The following day, Frank went to see his doctor. He explained events of the preceding four nights. "What can I do?" he pleaded. "Not much" the doctor replied. "There's just a nasty bug going around."

Congratulations on the name change. (The original looks like it came from a license plate of a car....)

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by waybon
requested username: waybon
reason for changing: i use that username on most of the sites i go at. my current username is very old and its been bothering me quite a lot the last 12 months.
funny story: my friend was drunk at the end of a party and got into a car of a stranger, thinking it was his mom. he got into the car yelling at the person, demanding to be taken to his house as soon as possible because he had to go to the bathroom. the person in the car was the mother of the girl who was having the party. and she didnt know that the party was going on. she arrived early from a business trip to america. oh boy.. that girl got some feedback that night.

I wonder how long she was grounded?

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by attuned
Requested username: attuned
Reason for changing:

There is a user attuned
Who felt that her old name was ruined
So mods please be kind
'Cause I've changed my mind
And you'll have a small bribe by blue moon


Poetry is always fun.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ather
Requested username: Ather
Reason for changing: I recently set up a Sims blog/website for uploading my creations, which is still in the works, but I think it'd be so much simpler to have my name the same on my website and here on MTS. Here's my site, if anybody's interested. There should be something up for download in a few days!

Need a funny story? I've got tons. Maybe. I don't know. I'm not that funny unless I start rambling.

Dearest admins, I present to you the most ridiculous story of all time. At least... of my lifetime. Of me. Particularly me, actually.

A few years back, my out-of-state friend came into town to visit me and our other buddy. We decided that, because of our sheer boredom, we should go to the local park. So we did, and we walked for a while. When we began our return to the car, I felt a sting on my ankle. Having never been stung by anything at that point in my life, it felt like the worst pain I'd ever experienced. For some reason, I thought that the best way to express this was by screaming, shouting, bawling, and maybe almost throwing my shoe at a passing little boy (sorry, kiddo - it was unintentional, I swear!). Everybody within a half-mile radius of me probably shot me some strange looks; I couldn't tell, because I was busy screaming and having salty tears of agony in my eyes. I then proceeded to cling to my father, cry like a 2 year old, and attempt to hoist myself onto his back like a big baby.

Can you tell I don't like bees?

Thank you if I do get the name change.

Well, bee stings do hurt.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by queenoftheswans
Requested Username: queenoftheswans

Reason for changing: well, when I made my account, I was young and stupid. I also didn't ever imagine I would want to do anything on MTS except download things. Now I want to participate in the forums, but my username is sort of embarrassing. Also, Swan Lake is my favorite ballet of all time (Yes, I like going to ballets. Laugh all you want, those ballerinas are incredibly talented)

Funny Story: When the Charlie Charlie Challenge was first becoming popular, a few of my friends decided to do it during our free period. They went into one of the little rooms where we keep our uniforms and instruments (we spent our free period in the band room), shut the lights and locked the door. When they were sufficiently freaked out, I slammed both fists on the door immediately after they said the chant, and went back into the other practice room and continued watching Netflix on my phone like nothing had happened. The screams from that room were priceless.They came running out of there like little children, and they didn't have any idea it was me being a jerk.

Well, if they were TRYING to be scared, you did them a favor.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Frysia
Requested Username: Frysia
Reason For Changing- I made my current embarrassing username when I was like 13, and it makes me wanna throw up everytime I see it. I go by Frysia everywhere online and would like this account to match.

Make You Laugh? Imagine an awkward 13 year old girl picking the username hotsexiikissez and feeling proud of it; despite the fact of never having kissed anyone.

Why does this name remind me of Dragonball Z?

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SimLaReine
Requested username: SimLaReine
Reason for changing: mrsyule is my Former married name, we are now happily divorced.
I am a Sims 4 Creator and have begun a Blog with my real(ish) name
And Twitter as well
I searched for the ModtheSims member name SimLaReine
It's not not taken

A wee Poem to amuse ..

In French La Reine means The Queen
I would like to buy you Ice Cream
But If you grant me my wish
I'll will catch you a Fish,
With my Sim of course, in a Stream !

Original post has a collage attached showing a sim fishing. But it's attached, not linked so I can't add it.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ITcore
Requested Username: ITcore

Reason for Change: Created this account in 2009 and life has changed a lot in that time. From end of high school to college to dating to marriage to military to deployments to becoming a dad. My thought processes are completely different, 6 years later. My old username is a bit immature and I feel it to be a bit pedantic. So I'd like to update it a bit to bring it in line with my new life and interests.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Eclecticsims
Well, I guess you can see why I want to change my username.
Requested name: Eclecticsims
Reason for changing: One upon a time I loooong time ago back when people thought the world was going to end because of an old calendar, I was a stupid 16 year old who thought that anime and Twilight were cool. See, nowadays I see the error of my ways. SPARKLY VAMPIRES ARE NOT COOL. The shame of my username and my past self have kept me from saying much here, but i have way too many things in my favorites and my downloads history to just abandon my precious modthesims account. Please help me erase some of my teenage shame!

We all do silly things when we are younger. Some of us were lucky enough to do them before the internet.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by starblastedmuffin
Requested username: starblastedmuffin
Reason for changing: I made a simblr a few months ago. I didn't want to use "starryelliot", since I'd wanted to change it for a while. I somehow came up with "starblastedmuffin" and I'd like my MTS username to match.
Funny story: (I kind of ramble, sorry!)
I went to a orchestra camp this summer. My group met in a different area than we usually did, since another group was preparing for a concert where we usually practiced. Our conductor was a funny, energetic older woman. I'll call her "Mrs. Martin" to protect her privacy. We met up and to our surprise, a camp intern told us that our conductor had fallen and was in the hospital. We were shocked! We tried to play as well as we could, for her. We finished playing a song and I started talking to the girl I was sharing a music stand with. "We have to play well for Mrs. Martin," we said. "Poor Mrs. Martin." We were near the back of the group. I happened to turn my head around, and standing there was Mrs. Martin, eating an energy bar! "Mrs. Martin!" we gasped. "Shh," she said. "You're supposed to be listening to the conductor." (Our temporary new conductor- the camp intern from before- was talking to one of the other students.) Everyone else noticed Mrs. Martin and started to freak out. Eventually, everyone was laughing (except for me and a few others, we were upset that she'd scared us like that!) Mrs. Martin explained that she'd just wanted to "shake things up a bit". And then camp resumed as normal.

Thank you in advance ^.^ and sorry if my story isn't funny enough!

It sounds as though she shook things up a bit more than she intended to.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Dramatic-Gamer
Hey , I hope You're doing great

Requested username: Dramatic-Gamer
Reason for changing : I want my name to match my other internet usernames + to stop twilight fans stalkers.

Funny story
One day I was browsing mods here & I got a message from a stranger saying "Will You Marry Me" ? , I was in shock like WOAH ... hold up . I read the message & it says the following
"Hi , my name is edward & I'm a huge twilight fan ! I looked for my bella everywhere .. & I couldn't find her , looking at Your mods I noticed that You have a passion for vampires , chaos & insanity "which is exactly what I'm looking for in my bella" , so I decided that I want to spend the rest of my life with You , Bella will You marry me ? "
I was in shock ! specially that I'm a guy & my name is not even Bella .
I changed my profile picture into a running wolf & I replied to him saying :
Sorry edward , I'm with Jacob now & I'm pregnant with his baby , I'm into werewolves now , go out & sparkle in the sun because that's the only good thing that You do .

I haven't heard from him since that day & his account was deleted .
word on the streets say he was sent to jail for killing wolves in public .

Twilight claims another victim....

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TheOpheliac
Requested Username: TheOpheliac
Reason for changing: It's more convenient to have my usernames on all Sim sites be the same. TheOpheliac is my username on the official Sims Forums and Origin.

Funny story: I had a computer class in middle school where the teacher didn't care what we did when our work was finished. A lot of people listened to music, and some actually danced. (Yes, I went to a very ghetto school, why do you ask?) Anyway, one guy had an open can of soda near his computer, but put it away in his backpack to make it look like he was working. This other guy (who was never the smartest, or the most graceful) ended up dancing near his backpack and knocking it over, spilling soda all over the little work he DID have completed. The one time he did work, and he had to completely rewrite it because he wanted to get away with drinking soda in class.

(It's weird how my mind totally blanks when I'm actually *asked* to be funny.)

I can actually see that! I had an English class where the teacher gave up and just gave us a list of work we were supposed to finish by the end of the year. I had it finished in the first 6 days. The rest of the year it was a class in how to socialize with other people. (Which I needed more than the English, anyway.)

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Fergus' Mind
Requested Username Change: Rhydale

Reason: I'm a keen lover of old and historic homes, Rhydale is the name of a historic house I've lived in and grown to love immensely, although sadly it's all going to be lost to me in a small number of months and so I'd like to adopt its name to commemorate my many happy years there and let its memory live on in the spirit of other historic homes I recreate in game (and eventually get around to upload). Rhydale isn't a terribly significant historic home in the grand scheme of things, but to me at this point in my life it has meant the world and a new found freedom and happiness, as well as the dream of living in a historic home.

Well, I liked the joke in the image, even if it didn't get the name change.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Kaiqo
Requested username: Kaiqo
Reason for changing: Because this name is occasionally mistaken for schizophrenia, therefore, it would be nice to have a change.


Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Synthenal
Requested username: Synthenal
Reason for changing: I reeeaallyy don't like this name. I was drunk and thought I was a bird on fire because of a movie I watched in a really hot room when I made this name. Where I lived, it was Summer even in December.

I like urls at the end of the post. Thank you to Kaiqo.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DezzyBoo
Requested Username: DezzyBoo

Reason: It's a typo. Even though E and I are nowhere near each other on the keyboard, it's a typo. Yep, I was typin' away and the doorbell rang. It was the mailman telling me he lost my package. Then the dog ran out and I had to go chase her down. The neighbor helped me catch her and when I brought her in I was so upset I forgot I was cooking lunch in the microwave. So I reheated my hot pocket and burnt it to a crisp. When I touched it, I burned my fingers. Screaming in pain I threw the hot pocket out the window, chained the dog outside and sat back down at my computer. My fingers were numb and I was seething in rage so I accidentally hit the I instead of E. Total true story.

(btw Desi is my name and I use Dezzy everywhere else lol)
Thank you

Not your day, was it?

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Calico489
Requested username: Relia
Reason for changing: too many of my other accounts have this username. i dont want to make it easy for people to find me.

Just to save for posterity the one time someone didn't want to change their name because they wanted all their accounts to have the same one.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sterling_Archer
Requested username: Sterling_Archer
Reason for changing: I don't really like my original username anymore, so here is a funny joke instead
An Englishman walks into a bar. There's normally a Scotsman, Welshman and an Irishman too. But they're still at the Rugby World Cup.

Cute! Ok, Now is it long enough?

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Jasmea
Requested Username: Jasmea
Reason for changing: This is an english forum and people either can't write the umlaut or it turns into random letters. Mentions don't work for me because of this.
My name always contains at least one typo. Trüffelschaf is also a complicated german word-creation that makes no sense to anyone but me. I have uploads and I plan
to upload again, I really don't want to make it extra-hard for people to find, mention or contact me. Please change it?

Ah, you're waiting on that funny story right? Well, I do lots of funny things but most of them are situational and... embarassing for me. But since I'm an atheist and I love
to make fun of myself I thought I'd bring a joke as payment: "Why did the atheist throw his watch out of the window? He wanted to see if it was intelligently designed enough to evolve into a bird".
If you don't get that one you should surely get this: "How does an atheist woman wear her hair? In big bangs!"

It's always good to be able to laugh at yourself.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by vibrantsims
Requested username: vibrantsims
Reason for changing: I made a mistake posting this as my username so would like to change it to the above. Trying to make all my accounts cohesive cause OCD like that heh. Sorry!

Funny story: Well, I'm not gifted in humor but how about a haiku? Can't go wrong with that! Ahem.

Please change my account
It would really help me out
While I eat trout.

A Haiku doesn't have to rhyme, but that is a good one.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 5:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RedSimmies
Requested username: RedSimmies
Reason for changing: When I first got this name, I was an annoying tween with an unfortunate obsession with a Buffy character (Spike). I thought he was hot! Turns out not. I hate this guy now, the guy has wrinkles all over now. Release me! I do not want to be his minx (eurgh) or anything anymore, I don't want to carry my teenhood on my shoulders!

My username is a butterfly tattoo you can't get rid of, it's your mom telling you to eat meat when you turned vegetarian, it's that dry spell in your sex life, it's cold pizza, it's your hot high school boyfriend putting on 30 pounds, it's not saving before the baby is born, it's marrying a no chemistry sim, it's the Jim Belushi of usernames!

I like cold pizza. (I've even had a few that were BETTER when they were cold. I'm still not sure how the place managed it, but the pizza needed to be refrigerated overnight and eaten cold if it was to be any good at all. But the general consensus was that if you ate it cold it was better than Dominoes hot. )

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 6:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MsValkryieAngel
Requested username: MsValkryieAngel
Reason for changing: I don't find my current one I have on here appealing, it makes me cringe looking at it as well as everytime I have tried to make a new account it won't let me even though I checked that the username isn't taken so I'm left confused. (hopefully my reason is good enough since I'm not good at writing anything funny only in person tbh)

(Original name was very cringe-worthy....)

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 6:02 PM

(Posted much later)

Quote: Originally posted by HugeLunatic
If you have received a name change I have either at your amusing anecdote or at your original user name.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 6:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SimFactory
Requested username: SimFactory
Reason for changing: I am transgender and seeing my old name makes me very depressed ~I'd like to update it (as i usually do every two or so years) and i also need to make sure everything on all my sim social media matches
Funny(ish) story: I was very stressed out and super excited to not be able to use the sims 3 (but i still loved browsing content) ~Funny thing is , i discovered cc before i could even play the game XD so i mass downloaded everything (big mistake XD) I became obsessed with watching sim youtubers such as Jessimicasims something and others and i thought it was the best thing ever. When it came to my time to create a modthesims, i was completely blank. I was ecstatic that i was able to even be on modthesims (Simsresource kills my computer) but i had no idea what to do. I was in a phase (having to do with demons XD) and i thought "Hey Sabrinasimmer101 would be a brilliant idea!" WRONG. it was the worst ever idea i have thought of. i never considered my future until now i started creating sims animations so between getting arms clipping and swiveling unnaturally and eyeballs falling out of sockets, i pray to god i can get the name change before i become a full on creator.

Eyeballs falling out of sockets? You could create some really good horror pose mods with that.

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 6:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by billabum
Requested username: billabum
Reason for changing: My friends call me by my nickname "billabum" because my first name is Bill and also I have a habit of being kinda lazy so they'd call me bum. One day, one of my closest friends came up with the genius idea for a nickname and started calling me billabum and it's stuck with me ever since (whether I like it or not lol).

Good reason to decide that you like it....

Ghost sdoj 31st Dec 2015 6:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by moppetliz
Requested username:...see here's where I start off already in the hole, and I really do apologize. Ideally I'd love just to be Liz or Elizabeth, but both are taken (by users with 0 posts who haven't been active in over 2 years, but they don't appear to be auto-deleting from disuse--(I've been watching them. But in a non-creepy way.)). If neither is about to be available and punctuation doesn't bother, can I simply go by -Liz ?

Reason for changing: "moppetliz" has been perfectly good enough as a login ID, but it's one I picked nearly a decade ago. It's not anything I particularly want people to call me or know me as. I just don't feel it as a username, and wow, I hope that makes sense. Officially rambling, not being extremely persuasive, so... how about some attempted entertainment? Okay, true story...

After just recently moving to a new neighbourhood in my early teen years, my parents decided that I was going to go join the nearby Methodist church (apparently they were exempt from this decree by virtue of not having a new group of friends their parents wanted them to quit hanging out with). My dad picked me up from youth group or something, and as we passed the neighbourhood fitness club I asked, "So, do you think you're gonna join?"

"I don't know," he answered, doubtfully. "I've always been a Catholic."

I spent the next two minutes lost in a haze of existential, philosophical confusion before I pieced it all back together.

Is that hilarious only to my father and me? If so, please to enjoy this wonderful joke.

Quote: Originally posted by moppetliz
No, I don't blame you; that was painful. How about the happiest of cockatoos ever?

Quote: Originally posted by moppetliz
...and for a finale, this parent who gives me joy.

Posted after the lastest round of name changes.

Ghost sdoj 4th Jan 2016 12:32 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Mummy22
Requested username: PetWorld456
Reason: I want to change my username because I have a dog which can grin every time when she knows she was wrong. (An example: She took my slipper and she hid it somewhere. I ask her: "Where is my slipper Lulu?! (the name of my dog) After that, she grins. And sometimes, she want to give me her paw. :lovestruc
I also love to create an animals (dogs, cats and horses) in Sims 3 and Sims 2 Pets game. That's my second reason. Sorry for my bad English.
This is Denver, he's a dog which can grin, just like mine.

Can someone please explain to me the fascination with having X's and numbers attached to a name?

Ghost sdoj 6th Jan 2016 5:58 PM

Requested username: CurlyRose
Reason for changing: I have a bad memory with current name. It's personal and hard to explain here, so I'll skip it. Whenever I want to comment Thankyou, I hesitate because my name reminds me and makes me feel awful... I hate it, I don't want such feelings anymore and want to use my name happily. I've changed my names of other sites but here, I can't do this by myself so I ask you.
~and here is the funny story. ...hope it's funny
Yesterday I started to find out how to change my name. Since I don't know much about the system here, I had no idea what happens if I delete my comment. At most of sites I've used, the blank form popped up when you try to delete your post is for password, and nothing remains after deleting it. So I put my password in the blank, and clicked on delete button. Next, I was flabbergasted and jumped on my chair, seeing my password revealed to EVERYONE! Well, my account has nothing but revealing secret info is none too pleasant for anyone, right? I tried to search how to handle this but the result was... the procedure... you know, for skins. Embarrassed, I sent a PM to HugeLunatic, crying to delete that box containing my password. Now I found it disappear, feeling appreciated and relieved. Thank you. :lovestruc I have a dictionary under my arm whenever visiting here but I love MTS so much. I feel happy when I watch the artistic works(though hard to understand descriptions). Please let me say thankyou to all with peaceful mind & new name!

Original name is entirely a number, and I hope the name change is granted.

Ghost sdoj 9th Jan 2016 7:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by plyplay665
Requested username: PlyPlay665
Reason for changing: OK, OK. I UNDERSTAND how pointless this seems, but it really bothers me how people don't know that I hate it when people type my username as "Plyplay665." I'm literally the most anal person about capitalization, especially when it comes to my usernames. I don't know why I didn't capitalize it all those years ago when I made this account.
Funny story: Okay, not the funniest "story," but this is a visual representation of my grades last semester:
Read after: I started out thinking it was going to be easy and fun (beginning of the video) and then I took midterms (fall), got C's and D's (the first plunge), took a second to consider my options, and then dived head first into college (end).

I hope a name change helps.

Ghost sdoj 16th Jan 2016 2:55 AM

Requested username: CurlyRose
Reason for changing: I really really REALLY don't want to see my current name. There are some bad memories making me crazy.
Funny story: I dreamed a dream yesterday
When moon was high and night worth sleeping
I dreamed that my name ever changed
I dreamed that manager allowed changing

Then I was sprung and so glad
And comments were made and used and wasted
There was no humor to be paid
No comment uncommented, no reply unreplied

But the mornings come at dawn
With their gleams soft as lavender
As they tear my hopes apart
As they turn my dreams to sham
I dreamed that my name changed yesterday for real! I was sooooooo excited to wake up and checked here but nothing changed...... it was just a dream... So tried to change 'I Dreamed a Dream' of Les Miserables lyrics to my situation(original lyrics stuck in my head all day long) for another funny story challenge. You may not believe this, but it took me 3 hours! (If that lyrics are not funny, it can be new funny point to take 3 hours for this... ha! )Yes, I'm a person kind of 'No Sense of Humour' in terms of Sims3. If there is the last career I would not choose, that is the Comedian. Lylics might be awkward because of my unfluent English. I don't know whether my former request was rejected or just it takes more time, so I just re-post and try one more time. If I failed this time either, next time will be...... I don't know, it's too hard for me to find 'humor'(especially in english!). Oh, right, if I miss something to change the name, please someone let me know. Sometimes I interpret wrong way, so maybe there is something I missed and don't know. (Or some jokes are okay, too. Teach me!)
Anyway, hope it's funny enough this time... please...plz plz plz!

Good luck

Ghost sdoj 16th Jan 2016 2:59 AM

Requested username: killmewithbleach

Reason for Changing: I don't really know why I chose a Satanic name as a first choice but I totally regret it. ok. NOW FOR THE STORY WE HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR:

THIS... is the story of Bleach...

the Potato Queen.


Once upon a time there was a potato kingdom in a potato land far far in potato space on a potato island in a potato universe in made by the gods Potatois and Pogauius. From Potatois came everything, as he was himself Potaois and that was not just a name, but an chatoic thing that came with his presence. From everything, there was a goddess created, Pogauius who basically


So after bleach won the war against Spud II of Foot, she/he was crowned king/queen and the United Nations of Petetes lived happily in unison and harmony for a very long time until..


"I know now what I must do," bleach said, his/her square eyes squaring harder that General Levi Captain's ever did, "I must...

Regain Power. I must be named. I must..."


It's actually a pretty decednt story when I take my time to actually write all the good dramatic parts but the point is...

I will spare your lives if- I mean. ... .... ....... . . .... um. .... the QUEEN will spare your life if you change my username.

yes im okay
no im not on anything
no im not lying
*rolls away*

ily <3

I agree that the original name should be lost forever.

Ghost sdoj 16th Jan 2016 8:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Yukkuri Shiteite ne
Requested Username: Fournier
Reason for changing: I made this account a Long time ago when I was in my anime/manga phase (it was absolutely terrible) and I chose this username. It isn't even spelled right (it's supposed to be Yukkuri shiteitte ne, i believe) and it's downright embarrassing. I'm not interested in the series the phrase is from anymore, either. Hopefully I'm going to start creating more things and becoming more involved in the community (I took a several year break from The Sims) and I don't want to have such a cringe-worthy username to be known by. Thank you !!
Funny Story: In 10th grade Italian class this kid was able to connect his laptop to the speakers in the room next door. He used the Google Translate audio feature to play "Is this the Krusty Krab?" over it and the class was trying to do an audio lesson. He was never caught but the other class did suspect it was someone from my class. He did it several times that year.

Good luck

Ghost sdoj 19th Jan 2016 11:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DiAnkhiar
Requested Username: aco-nite
Reason for changing: Current username is what I'm naming my cat. I don't to be seen as if I'm stealing her identity.

Ghost sdoj 8th Feb 2016 6:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by rachiefase
Requested username: TheRealMortia
Reason for changing: Weeeeeell, Long story short, Mortia has been my gaming username for years now, and I think I went through a fit of madness after learning that it was already taken here on MTS and instead went with a name that my 11-year old self would have ADORED. The me now, not so much.


"The girl blinked desperately to clear the sweat that was trickling down her face, mingling with the tears that poured freely as she realized what was about to happen. The tiny office was stifling in the East Coast summer heat and she had just typed out that username for the fun of it. Seeing the silly name made her giggle, she had never intended for it to stick. Why, WHY had she walked away for even a moment? Was the temptation of that ice-cold lemonade worth the pain of living with such a stigma? She moved slowly towards the keyboard, her eyes never leaving those of the individual who threatened to destroy her online gaming street cred with a single stroke. She could see the monitor now, she was close, the "Enter" button hadn't been pushed yet. There was still time! Things were not yet irreversible!

He watched her through narrowed eyes as she inched closer. Surely she didn't think she would win. She never won. This was his world and he decided what and how things were done. She woke when he demanded it. Fed him when he was hungry. He was the Master of this domain and if things didn't go the way she planned, well, that was her fault for thinking that she was in charge for even a second. She was so close now. She must be feeling hopeful. Hopeful that this could all be reversed. "Silly human", he sneered as he brought his paw down on the Enter key with a graceful thump.

"Thank you for joining Mod The Sims, rachiefase!"

The girl collapsed as the realization hit home. "I wish he had just peed in my shoes", she sobbed.

The End.

Ghost sdoj 6th Apr 2016 3:05 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BKMeinEngel
Requested username: Simminaway
Reason for changing: I made this account when I was around 12 years old and I was a huge fan of Tokio Hotel. Now, sure, I still like their old music (the new one is definitely not my taste), but my username just makes me shudder. Bill Kaulitz, I like you and all, but you sure ain't no angel, nor mine. The new username has no ties to any fandom, except the sims and it would sync up nicely with my Simblr (which I really should update)

I did ignore a few "I need to change my old outdated name to match all my other accounts" requests.

Ghost sdoj 10th Apr 2016 2:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 98675
Hi! :D

Requested username: AuzzPanda

Reason for Changing: Well, I made this back when I first found out about custom content, witch was also when I discovered the internet! I had no idea what to name myself, but then I made ''AuzzPanda'' for other things including the sims 4 forums... And... I would.. you know.... like to change it? Heh...

Ghost sdoj 1st May 2016 6:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rtgkbg
Hey there!
Requested username: ksimbleton
Reason for changing: to match my tumblr.

Thank you

Is a cute Smiley enough?

Quote: Originally posted by spladoum
It is not, alas.
Go track down a funny gif!

Quote: Originally posted by rtgkbg
Wow - you're tough...

Okay then - this is one of the funniest videos I have watched in a long time. If you don't laugh at this then I will just keep my old name...

The video is really cute! (And I think I sprained my tongue trying to pronounce that old username, so I hope the name change is granted.)

Ghost sdoj 5th May 2016 10:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by o0ohaleyo0o
Requested username: Sweet Jalapeno or SweetJalapeno if no space is allowed
Reason for changing: I'd like a more unique & playful name to represent myself and creations with (I also created this one when I was like... 12 or something... ) . I've recently become really interested in developing traits, and perhaps it'll end up being my "niche" who knows. People in real life are complex and interesting and I think it's fun to develop unique personalities in the sims as well. I currently have a small list in my ADHD trait's description of planned future traits, and a much larger list offline for other possible ones ranging from very in-depth to in-depthLITEafied (if that makes sense) to simple but still unique. You can't just a book, or food, or even a sim by it's cover :P. EA has really gotten into this emotion system with The Sims 4 that has me quite excited. All of my traits will all have their own random buffs, boosts, anti-boosts.. there is so much potential!!! My traits will never just be an icon and a title to slap on your sim!

...Okay so to sum that crazy nonsense up, SweetJalapeno because it not only suits me, but it suits my fascination with unique traits and sims.

Thank You!

And it gets rid of a bunch of o's.

Ghost sdoj 13th May 2016 4:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Green Blockhead
Requested username: Terefold
Reason for changing: I need to detach my current username from some of the posts I made. Cleaning up old stuff.

A defendant isn't happy with how things are going in court, so he gives the judge a hard time.

Judge: "Where do you work?"
Defendant: "Here and there."
Judge: "What do you do for a living?"
Defendant: "This and that."
Judge: "Take him away."
Defendant: "Wait; when will I get out?"
Judge: "Sooner or later."

And, because I need to say something, hi.

Ghost sdoj 21st Jun 2016 6:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Snufflepaws
Hello. I've been thinking this over for months and I now realise I'd really like to change username. To be perfectly honest I've had a lot of heavy stuff go down in recent real life so I hope my inability to be comical can be overlooked for this post.

Requested username: Bubblebeam
Reason for changing: Snuffles has been my username for 16 years, and I suppose I've grown out of wanting to use it now that I'm in mid 20s. Mostly it reminds me of my deceased dear cat Travis from whom I thought of the name Snufflepaws. Sometimes it's a good sort of reminder, other times not. That's my primary reason to request this change.

Thank you and have a nice day.

EDIT Socially Awkward gave me an idea. I always knew this would come in handy one day.

Ghost sdoj 21st Jun 2016 6:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Socially Awkward
'ello~ thanks for making this an option for users, and thanks for all you do at ModTheSims. ♥

Requested username: RoutingIssues
Reason for changing: this has probably been the same reason for many other people, but my tumblr username is the requested above, so i guess i wanted it to match in case of future creations....? yeah...haha..

-swims to the funny gif lifeboat-

Ghost sdoj 31st Jul 2016 9:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TheQuacker
Oh, how it took me so long to see,
That ducks aren't for me!
I would be glad to be Dogger126,
So my doggo self could perform some tricks!

I'm not very good at poems, i tried.

Good one!

Ghost sdoj 3rd Aug 2016 3:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Platinuminous
I'd like my username to be changed to simsllama because I think Platinuminous is stupid and senseless name. Also I want it to match my origin ID and my tumblr account. Hope my reason is good enough. Otherwise...

A man was drowning in a sea, calling out for help. A boat came and asked him if he wants a help. He replied, "No... God will save me." The boat accepted and sailed away. One hour later, another boat came and asked if he wants to be saved. The man repeated, "No, God will save me." The boat then sailed away like the first boat. The man eventually drowned and died. He then came to heaven and proceeded to see God. He asked, "Why didn't you save me, God?"

God's annoyed answer was, "You fool, I sent you two boats to save you!"

The version I heard was a flood, and a jeep, a rowboat, and a helicopter, but I like this one as well.

Ghost sdoj 3rd Aug 2016 3:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by crusty_bint
Requested Username: AltClut

The older I get the closer my current username is to being the truth... I'd like to move on now

I use my new, requested, username on various other games and forums so this change would be a consolidation of that. Also, just in case you are curious, 'AltClut' is the ancient Brythonic name for Dumbarton Castle in Scotland, it means 'rock of the Clyde'

Many thanks!

Cool! (And nice to know for all of us who think of "Alt" as being a key on the keyboard)

Ghost sdoj 11th Aug 2016 9:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by eMayaVlogs

This is me -> Lil' nine year old me just makin' all these online accounts faster than ... uhm,

something that's really fast.

So I -> made this account plenty of years ago before realizing how much I really and truly

DESPISE this username I currently have (yes there's a reason why but gurl that's another story for

another time)
and now I would LOVE to have my username changed to save the nine year old soul that once was me

... that wasn't a good story, was it? I'm supposed to make you laugh, right? Okay, uhm, I know some

jokes ... uh, why did the scientist install a knocker on his door? Because he wanted to win the no-

bell prize!!!

... okay I need to stop.

But please change my username to saxophoneheadchef? I'll give you cookie

So if you were 9 in 2013, how old does that make you now?

Ghost sdoj 4th Sep 2016 12:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by emkb
When I made this account, I thought I would only use it to download and thank, but now I would really like to participate on the forums a little. I know I don't have many posts, but I have been really reluctant to post under my current username as it contains a wee bit too much personal info and makes me a bit uncomfortable. So this is my request for my name to be changed to: ourladyplumbob (exactly like that)

Funny story: My dad had cooked us all dinner, and he had cooked something special for my mum, because it was their anniversary (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) was this his plan all along??). As he was serving her, his shorts literally, suddenly just fell down round his ankles. They just...popped off. So he was standing there, in front of my mum, holding her food, wearing only an apron, t shirt and pants. It took a few second for any of us to register what just happened and we were a bit like Then we realised what just happened and we BURST out laughing. My dad went bright red and scurried away, with his shorts still round his ankles, to try and pull them back up but I think something fundamental in them snapped (me too ) and he had to change. The food was cold by the time we got round to eating it.
Needless to say, I will never let him forget it, and to this day I still randomly burst out laughing thinking about it.
(I hope this was acceptable, writing is tricky for me.)

That was certainly a memorable dinner!

Ghost sdoj 19th Sep 2016 5:10 PM

Hey! I was wondering if I could have my name changed to Terminathan :D

Funny Story: So, I was on my way to school on my bike with my friend josh. There was this giant hill we always raced down on the way. On this day, I was definitely more tired than normal and hadn't had breakfast that day.
Anyway, onto the story, We both started to ride down the hill. He was going way faster than me and in front, Then I saw this dog crossing the road in front of me. I tried to stop the bike as fast as I could but it just went out of control.
I was swerving left and right trying to get my bike to slow down, luckily by this time the dog was safe. After a few seconds of me getting control of my bike, this guy opened his front gate (obstructing the whole path) I smashed right into it and flew into a patch of grass. As it happened my face scraped across the dirt leaving the bike laying on top of me. by the time I had gotten up, my mouth was filled with mud and I started gagging. My friend had already passed the hill and was waiting for me to arrive at school...
I walked home in shock, looking as if my face was in a pile of dog shit. I got to my house and my parents started to laugh at me calling me poophead (as a joke) luckily I got to stay home that day.

Note: I always cringe thinking of this moment...

Name redacted because it does need a change

Ghost sdoj 3rd Oct 2016 6:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Oonice
(( I highly apologize if I post this thread in the wrong area ))
New Username: Senira

* wipes tear from eye * I... I have a very dramatic reason for wanting to change my name.

It all started last week. I was sitting around and thought, "You know... I'm getting bored of the name Oonice. It's not my real name, so why not change it to another fake name?"
The search began. I wanted to base my name off of a word- Siren. Those bird-women that lure people to their deaths. "Perfect," I thought.
It took hours to find a combination of letters that someone else did not already have but also keep it some ways away from the actual word.
A few others came up when I googled it, but they had no posts or it was their first/last name.
I created a profile picture and banner for my accounts.
I changed every other social media username to Senira.
But as soon as I thought I was done- I remembered ModTheSims.
I traveled around the website only to find that I had to post a thread requesting the change.
And here we are now.

If this is not funny enough have this picture:

Thank you for your time.
-Oonice ( Hopefully Senira soon )

Good luck

Ghost sdoj 3rd Aug 2017 2:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Dogger126
OK. Attempt 2 (deleted original attempt because of the lack of humor in it) because I cannot delete the thread and no one's changed my user/deleted the thread yet.

this time i will be using a song specifically written for me, BY THE ONE AND ONLY, Beyonce! My homegirl, my bff, just wanna say thanks . Anyways, for the song (it's styled as a haiku):

"An change change dogger...
A dogger changeinto the fendiii,
change! change fendiii."

I hope this will persuade you as much as it has to me.

TL;DR: My good friend Beyonce believes you should change my username to "fendiii".

Quote: Originally posted by Dogger126
ok i am not sure if a mod has read my other attempt yet, but if they don't appreciate THAT type of humor, I have made an alternative, which is written in the form of a sonnet.

So, funny story, I see.
Thousands will try.
But do I plea?
Or should I just lay down and die?
Do I keep trying to get my username changed?
Or do I forget it?
No, this must be arranged.
Even if it seems I am throwing a fit!
To click "Submit Reply", for the millionth time,
And for what?
Is it a crime?
To want to seem just a little bit more haute?
So, I plea!
Please change my username to fendiii!

"Your persistence will be the death of you!"
-a line from a person favorite game of mine, Tomb Raider Legend

I think those are good tries. Good luck!

Ghost sdoj 3rd Aug 2017 2:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by suelady
Well when I signed up I called myself Suelady that was my nick by my first love. Suzana is my real name but my first ex wanted a shorter name for me so he started to call me Suzy I told him if you call me one more time Suzy am going to freak out like am not an old lady with a cute little Yorkshire Terrie who wears pink hair clippers... I saw them running all over the places and they called them mostly Suzy. I told him you cannot toy me with Suzy am not listening.... He did some thinking few days later he asked me how about Sue? Me :lovestruc yay...!

Sometime later we went out and one evening before we were ready to go I wanted to assure if he liked my new outfit and that's what he said: Miss Suelady wherever you go I will follow you :lovestruc.

Well after 10 years it was over yet we still talk sometime as friends... Not a happy end but a wonderful moment in my life

My nickname became my avatar in the digital world.

When I joined the Sims Community I called myself simply Suelady but changed it later in sueladysims (The simlish version of Suelady) so that I can be easily found and i wanted to add to my name a simlish touch for me going through our SimsCommunity as Sims Version of the real Suelady.

I guess my backstory is a bit funny and I simply ask to add the word sims to suelady so that it's sueladysims and I can be easily found by my followers over all social network places with my already established name sueladysims!

Now I can say my backstory has just transformed into simlish - like beem me up, Scotty

Thank you in advance

And we are finally getting some good ones again.

Ghost sdoj 18th Sep 2017 12:16 AM

A pastor was in a tour group when the weather got too bad for their plane to land at the airport. They were diverted to another airport, but before they arrived they were diverted again because there was a bomb threat at the airport they were heading for. Now the plane was running low on fuel. When they were given another quick brush-up on what to do if the plane had to make an emergency landing (They don't call it a "Crash" while you are still on the plane) everyone got a bit tenser. Finally one of the passengers looked over at the pastor. "You're a pastor, aren't you?" he asked. The pastor admitted that yes, he was. The other passengers gathered around. "Do something religious!" They looked at the pastor with hope in their eyes.

So the pastor took up a collection.

Good luck. I understand wanting that original name gone.

Ghost sdoj 18th Sep 2017 12:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by greatyu
Hello, I would like my username changed to invinsible234 please

Reason: This name is employed by a hacker who tried to hack me on another site now.

Funny Story:
A navy captain is alerted by his First Mate that there is a pirate ship coming towards his position. He asks a sailor to get him his red shirt.

The captain was asked, “Why do you need a red shirt?”

The Captain replies, “So that when I bleed, you guys don’t notice and aren’s discouraged.” They fight off the pirates eventually.

The very next day, the Captain is alerted that 50 pirate ships are coming towards their boat. He yells, “Get me my brown pants!”


Thank you so much for reading and thanks for going through the trouble changing my username (hopefully)

Good luck to you, too. Hackers have too much time on their hands.

Ghost sdoj 10th Oct 2017 4:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Fergus' Mind
So the concept was recently posed to me that all I upload is old houses, and if they existed all on the same street what would that street be called? That was something I had never thought about before but after some debate we eventually ended up with the name "Ferguson Avenue" because it links nicely to my current username. Since then I've been thinking that it would make a much better username, thus I'm here making this request.

Requested Username: Ferguson Avenue

Requested Funny:


Thank you for your time!

Good luck to you, too.

Ghost sdoj 14th Jan 2018 6:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by yellan
I'm requesting a change of my username from "yellan" to "SparkySays".

When I first created this account, I intended to use it for downloading only; but in recent years I've actually participated in the community discussions. The name I selected was the name of a character I played on a MUSH 15 years ago, but no longer has any association with who I am or what I do. It also sounds male, and I am not male, so I would like something more gender neutral that reflects my current self and interests. 'Sparky' is a nickname for an electrician, which is what I do for work, and that's why I am requesting the name change to 'SparkySays'.

And now for a funny story! It's kind of gross, though, be forewarned.

Last summer I was working on a job without indoor plumbing. As I stood up after using the porto-john I heard the dreaded PLOP of something falling into the blue water. After I checked my pockets, sure enough, my pencil and my tic tester were missing. (A tic tester is a device a little bigger than a pen which you use to tell whether wires are energized, so you don't shock yourself.) I looked down and the pencil was floating in the water but I didn't see the tic tester anywhere. After I looked around inside the can, and looked around on the ground outside, I concluded the tic tester must have fallen in as well.

It wasn't a big deal at all as they're not very expensive and anyway I could just get my contractor to buy me another one. So I shrugged my shoulders and carried on with my day, and I didn't think about it again until the next day at lunch...

...when my co-worker who sat across from me at the break table walked up carrying a tic tester. "Did anyone lose these?" he asked. I perked up thinking maybe the tic tester hadn't fallen in after all! "Where did you find that?" I asked him.

"It was on the ground outside the biffy," he said.

Then I saw that he also had a pencil in his other hand. I was confused for a moment because I KNEW that fell in.

Then remembered that the biff company had come out to clean the toilets that morning.

And I realized with slowly dawning horror what must have happened:
they sucked the pencil and tic tester out when they cleaned the biffs...
and left them on the ground...
and he found them there...
and picked them up...

"Uhhh... I think that fell in," I told him, scrunching up my face and trying not to show how grossed out I was.

He set the pencil and the tic tester on the table. ON THE TABLE. WHERE WE EAT LUNCH.

"I... think that fell in," I repeated, a little louder "so... maybe don't put it on the table?"

He picked them up again. "So you don't want it?" he asked.

"No!" I said, way too harshly, and had to moderate myself: "No. But thank you."

He took them away somewhere else and, thanks be to the deity of your choice, I never saw them again.


Good luck with the name change.

Ghost sdoj 19th Jan 2018 5:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Reliastion
Hello moderating overlords,

I would like to request a username change fromm my current 'reliastion' to 'emilsteilsson'.

My reason: I used to use 'reliastion' on all my social media sites, but I'm changing it on everything, as I will be applying to uni soon, and the admissions board might look at my social media. However all social media searches for my old, blanket username show up pictures of me from when I was about thirteen. If it was just a cringe emo phase, I'd be able to live with it; unfortunately not only was it my cringe emo phase but also I was still presenting as a girl then (I'm a transboy, and am applying to uni as male). As such I'd really rather not be associated with that username in any way anymore as it shows up so much stuff to do with my deadname! (I mean stuff like calling myself a 'girly girl' on stardoll under that username.) However I do want to preserve my MTS account because it has all my downloads and literally provides for my life. Can I convince you with my 100% record of giving thanks?

My funny (stupid, but true) story: the reason I was called 'reliastion' is because I was a super stubborn kid. I wouldn't admit I spelled 'realisation' wrong while trying to be an Edgy Kid(TM) and so I made the misspelling my username for everything to make it look like it was on purpose. Thus I proceeded to rag on people for spelling my username wrong for nearly a decade... even though it was my misspelling that created it in the first place.

Even if this isn't good enough to warrant the change, thank you anyway for reading my request!!

Yours hopefully,

Emilsteilsson ( )

EDIT 16/01/18:
I am worried that the above is actually not funny, and just true. So I shall also tell you the story of when a nun walked into a ski rental shop.

On a skiing holiday in 2017, me and a couple of friends decided, on the last day, to wear nun costumes for a laugh. Unfortunately on that day I also grossly underestimated what speed I was going at when I made a certain turn, and didn't turn in time. I began to fall of the edge of the run, and somewhere in the kerfuffle, one of my skis fell off, clattering down a Canadian mountain, never to be seen by me again. (I still wonder if they ever found leftie. RIP, man.)

After thirty minutes of hauling, my incredibly patient guide rescued my holiness from my defeated alcove on the edge of the run and LITERALLY SKIIED DOWN A MOUNTAIN CARRYING ME. Because I had one ski. His name was Alastair Kennedy, and he was a kiwi. Check him out on Insta (he deserves it, and he made me agree to namecheck him every time I tell this story).

A nun walked into a ski rental shop.
'I lost one of my skis down the mountain. Can I please have another?'
The guy at the counter clearly tried to think of a punchline, but he failed, and made me fill in some paperwork instead. I got some very, very weird looks.

In a few weeks, I'm going skiing in Italy - we have decided to be Pac-Man and the ghosts, because I don't think the Catholic Italians would be nearly as tolerant of me in a nun costume as the Canadians were! (God bless those canucks).


Oops, I forgot to paste this one in the first time I copied it.

Ghost sdoj 28th Jan 2018 8:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Hellfrozeover
I would like my name changed to Alexandra on here. The previous Alexandra hasn't logged on in several years

Funny story uh....

My dog (one of many) was perched on his throne (read as chair, stolen from the humans) and was smugly sniffing himself when to his utmost horror, he passed foul gasses up his own nose and shocked himself so much that he launched himself about six feet in the air and hid under a table for half an hour until the smell departed his nostrils. He is still in counselling.

I can just imagine that!

Ghost sdoj 13th Feb 2018 10:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Poisi
Hello, I'd like to request a name change from Poisi to enable_llamas - this is the username I've been using for sims-related stuff and the old one was registered a million years ago after an old email addres.

Funny story:

Before surgery:
"Doctor, are you really gonna let a medical student operate on me?"
"Yes, we are."
"But what if he does something wrong?"
"We'll fail him..."


That is about as reassuring as hearing the doctor say "oops" while delivering your baby.

Ghost sdoj 24th Mar 2018 4:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Rakarock91

I want to change my username from the current one to everydaysimulation or everydsimulation (if the first is not available). The reason is I want this account to match up with accounts I have elsewhere as I will be uploading mods.

How about a joke and a riddle?

I googled "Rorshach test."
But all that came up were pictures of my parents fighting.

What has a heart but no other organs?

Thank you in advance.

Ghost sdoj 6th Apr 2018 12:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BroadwaySim

I would love to change my Current Username to MeliDee Simmer

I realized that my icon for BroadwaySim would be BS so I fixed it!

I don't have a funny story, so I present a joke.

"Ask me what my profession is, and then ask me what my biggest problem is."
---"What is your profession?"
---"What's your biggest -"

Discovering that you were going to be called "BS" sounds like a pretty good reason to change. Good luck.

Ghost sdoj 31st Aug 2018 4:43 AM


Please change my username to ChronoJohn.

In the past year, I've felt increasingly concerned about my personal privacy, and therefore no longer wish to be known by my current username on here or any of the other websites where I've used it in the past due to it bearing at least some resemblance to my actual name. “ChronoJohn”, on the other hand, is just a reference to something in an old MS-DOS game.

As per the requirement for a joke or funny story when making these requests, I've included an old favourite of mine below:


A little boy goes to his father one evening and asks him "What is politics?"

"Well, son,” says the father, “let me try to explain it this way: I'm the breadwinner of the family, so let's call me "capitalism." Your mother, she manages the household, so we'll call her "the government." We're here to take care of your needs, so we'll call you "the people." The nanny, we'll call her "the working class." And your baby brother, we'll call him "the future." Now, have a think about that and see if it makes any sense to you."

The little boy goes off to bed thinking about all this. Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him. He finds that the baby, being a baby, has soiled himself. The little boy goes to his parents' room to inform his mother of this, but finds her fast asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he heads on down the hallway to the nanny's room. Finding the door locked, he looks through the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny. Somewhat disturbed by this, he then gives up and goes back to bed.

The next morning, the little boy returns to his father.

"Dad, I think I understand politics now." he says.

"Good, son.” says the father. “Now tell me, in your own words, what you think politics is all about."

"Well," says the little boy, "while capitalism is screwing the working class, the government is asleep, the people are being ignored, and the future is in deep shit."

Former name deleted from quote for privacy.

Ghost sdoj 31st Aug 2018 4:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DJ.
Hi, I'm feeling extra spontaneous tonight.

I feel like DJ. has been a major part in my simming life. It's the username I went by while having downloaded hundreds of MB of CC over the past few years. It's also the username that I've had while putting up my first approved download on MTS.

And it all started out on 17th April 2009. Got the name from a protagonist of Monster House because it was playing in the background on DVD while I was just discovering TS2 CC for the first time.

But enough of the sentiment and memories. Enough of the capital letters and the pesky dot as well. You better watch out; I came prepared. Instead of writing a witty joke on the spot, I'll link you to a short one that's already reached a bit of audience, so that the button numbers distract you from how bad the punchline actually is. The joke is here, and the username of the poster should be topp from now on.

(If the joke made you laugh... then DJ.'s final words.)
I'll explain the username in, like, 3,422 days. Sims 2 better still be a hot forum by then!

I can't wait.

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