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Bulbizarre 29th Nov 2016 11:02 PM

Caption the picture above you.
A bit of a pictures thread, a bit of a game. Caption the screenshot in the post above you and then post your own screenshot. In case of two people posting, the first one will take precedence. Should be fun.

EDIT: Quick rule modification (December 21, 2016) - if you post a caption but don't have any picture to post, anyone can put up a screenshot.

I'll start.

alljoj 30th Nov 2016 3:29 PM

"Your dance career is breaking this family apart!"

Bulbizarre 30th Nov 2016 6:25 PM

"Hope those aliens have good chiropractors." (Seriously, look at her neck!)

New pic:

venusking 30th Nov 2016 6:29 PM

"I'm not ready to be a father, maybe I can stuff the baby back inside"

New pic:

kamoodle5 30th Nov 2016 7:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)
"This woman must have boneless arms or they're made of rubber."

Bulbizarre 30th Nov 2016 7:59 PM

"This is why you always wash your hands before eating."

alljoj 2nd Dec 2016 12:02 AM

"I'm calling a better matchmaker."

venusking 2nd Dec 2016 11:47 PM

"You're dumping me for a robot?!?"
"Well, yes, and um I need my necklace back too"

maxon 3rd Dec 2016 1:12 AM

caption - Thinks: maybe it has a back flap???

Don't have a picture to hand - so maybe ignore me. Couldn't resist that though.

frenchyxo22 4th Dec 2016 12:03 AM

Bulbizarre 4th Dec 2016 1:58 AM

"There is a species pay gap, no matter what you say!"

Lamare 4th Dec 2016 2:28 AM

"Must... reach... the plumbob!"

My pic:

Essa 4th Dec 2016 12:37 PM

Dog : Please, someone help me!

kamoodle5 4th Dec 2016 9:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
"Diggy diggy hole!"

Sorry, I had to mention that. XD

shyboy95 4th Dec 2016 9:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
We are one.

Orilon 4th Dec 2016 10:27 PM

"How dare you get me pregnant just when I was about to get that big promotion at work."

Lamare 4th Dec 2016 11:00 PM

Reading skill book: "So that's how you clean a counter! You could do that?!"

Ather 4th Dec 2016 11:17 PM

Waitress: "Just don't make eye-contact, just don't make eye-contact..."

d_dgjdhh 4th Dec 2016 11:35 PM

"Mammy, these horsies have scawing eyes!"

mirjampenning 5th Dec 2016 10:11 PM

Dogs to each other: Not sure what we're supposed to do here? Chase or ...join in?

Charity 6th Dec 2016 3:32 AM

Bulbizarre 6th Dec 2016 5:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mirjampenning

"Turns out 'slept like a log' is a figurative phrase."

Ather 6th Dec 2016 9:33 PM

"Maybe I should get my own apartment."

Charmful 6th Dec 2016 10:09 PM

"Before you kiss me, tell me where you bought your earrings"

venusking 6th Dec 2016 10:26 PM

Boy - "Now, let me expound on my theory of di-lithium crystals and time teleportation"
Girl - "I'm gonna throw up"
Other Girl - "I'm outta here!"

Bulbizarre 7th Dec 2016 1:37 AM

"I told you, I hate Kraft Dinner!"

Ather 7th Dec 2016 2:47 AM

"Help! Somebody help me! I have to pee and my stockings are stuck!"

mirjampenning 7th Dec 2016 3:27 PM

Woman in the background: Ugh! She makes me sick with her 'look at me, I'm the perfect mommy'. Bleeh. Where's the bottle? One drink won't be enough!

kamoodle5 7th Dec 2016 6:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
"Hey, you're not an ostrich! Don't do that!"

Ather 7th Dec 2016 8:37 PM

"I will acquire you. And I will eat you. >:^(...."

(also, mirjam, your caption is hilarious bc that's her step-son's wife and kids. But it totally fits her, bc she's also an ass. )

Yaoilicious 7th Dec 2016 8:47 PM

"You brought home ANOTHER one?!"

DezzyDoesThings 7th Dec 2016 9:11 PM

"You know, living in a barn seemed like a good idea..."

Don't have any new pics but I have some older gems.

kamoodle5 7th Dec 2016 9:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
"Talk about having an identity crisis."

Bulbizarre 8th Dec 2016 5:56 PM

"Hmph. Why can't these Sims eat proper food, like tuna?"

DezzyDoesThings 9th Dec 2016 6:45 AM

"Hmm, is this what mommy and daddy do in the bedroom?"

grammapat 9th Dec 2016 7:34 AM

For the nanny picture, the look on the toddler's face seems like "Um, that's what the silly old nanny gets!". As for the girl with no eyes and the THING in her head... just a typical college girl "OMG! Does this new head-piercing bring out my eyes?"
And I've been saving pics, but my Photobucket is not working...

DezzyDoesThings 9th Dec 2016 4:09 PM

@grammapat Yeah, that is a mirror hanging in midair with moveobjects on I was doing some cheats and moved in to take a pic of her and she was doing...that. That is typically my avatar pic as well.

grammapat 9th Dec 2016 7:54 PM

OK -- what's THIS about!

hint--I told him to clean the TUB

maxon 9th Dec 2016 8:00 PM

Well, would you want to clean that? Filthy Gramma.

whoward69 9th Dec 2016 8:04 PM

"Lies, all lies! I know exactly where it is!"

mirjampenning 9th Dec 2016 10:28 PM

Caption: You thought I would like to go out with you? Haha. No

Quote: Originally posted by Ather
(also, mirjam, your caption is hilarious bc that's her step-son's wife and kids. But it totally fits her, bc she's also an ass. )

With my caption I was trying to create a possible scene of one mother enjoying her kids and another woman, maybe a mother as well who somehow feels the other is 'more natural' at parenting than she is. That gives the other woman an envious feeling, hence her unfriendly comment and 'the need' for booze to feel better.
That indeed fits perfectly then if they are related by marriage. Then they likely will meet from time to time and watch each other do certain things, which can create what I described to be meant funny, with a wink.

DezzyDoesThings 11th Dec 2016 5:55 PM

"Boy, my WooHoo doll looks so realistic."

grammapat 11th Dec 2016 6:27 PM

"Where's my cookies?"
"O come on, I'm too old to believe in Santa. Besides, you're too skinny"

shyboy95 11th Dec 2016 9:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
If you guys wanted a taste you could have at least asked.

grammapat 13th Dec 2016 1:52 AM

Little desert seems to be (what's his name) having a baby, some little dark thing in the lower left, something! in the pool, and someone needs to call the Reaper?! Anyone have an idea?
I have no idea what's actually going on HERE either, but I still like the pic...

Bulbizarre 13th Dec 2016 5:36 AM


venusking 13th Dec 2016 5:53 PM

"I think I lost my appetite."

kamoodle5 14th Dec 2016 3:55 AM

1 Attachment(s)
"Ermaigawd, guys, I, like, went to the mall the other day and found this totally awesome outfit! I so totally wanted it but they were all, like, sold out and I wasn't allowed to take the last one from the mannequin! Bummer!"

Bulbizarre 14th Dec 2016 4:16 AM

"I told you those yoga classes would be worth it."

GothicGorilla 14th Dec 2016 6:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
"I told you those yoga classes would be worth it."

"Honey, the picture starts soon..." *wife just ignores and continues to shower and dance poorly*

Sorry, no picture to share just yet.

grammapat 14th Dec 2016 7:57 PM

And I would add to the "frog person's" pic: "Ah, yes, she's the picture of feminine beauty"..."How did you get in my house, perv? Oh yea, nobody locks their doors in this neighborhood".
I didn't set this know how everyone keeps putting babies on the floor; a really bad idea if you have roaches

venusking 14th Dec 2016 9:25 PM

"Hmm, I wonder if crying babies count as pests"

GothicGorilla 14th Dec 2016 10:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by venusking
"Hmm, I wonder if crying babies count as pests"

Shh, no one tell him his baby was murdered with the roaches.

grammapat 16th Dec 2016 8:04 PM

mirjampenning 16th Dec 2016 9:09 PM

'Oh, don't mind her, they just released her too soon from the mental hospital'

DezzyDoesThings 17th Dec 2016 3:13 AM

"Let's have another!"

Bulbizarre 17th Dec 2016 3:41 AM

"Is that...mold on your face?"

Astha123 17th Dec 2016 6:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Cassandra: Don't mind me, I'm just killing you.

alljoj 17th Dec 2016 6:54 AM

Just got rid of that two-timing snake!

DezzyDoesThings 17th Dec 2016 6:56 AM

"Guess what I did today, Mom!"

alljoj 17th Dec 2016 7:31 AM


Astha123 17th Dec 2016 1:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
"Don't look at the hot wall... don't look at it..."

DezzyDoesThings 17th Dec 2016 4:51 PM

"Ok, ok, just ooooone more level...then I'll run for my life."

grammapat 18th Dec 2016 1:17 AM

"Oh, goody - fireworks! Now if I can only get close enough to hear what my friends are gossiping about, maybe there will REALLY be fireworks!"

Astha123 18th Dec 2016 2:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My Make-up Is So Bad Why Did I Let My Cat Do My Make-up

Astha123 18th Dec 2016 2:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DezzyBoo
"Ok, ok, just ooooone more level...then I'll run for my life."

(Lol she set fire to the floor below her to kill her boyfriend. She was completely safe in the picture.)

DezzyDoesThings 18th Dec 2016 5:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
"Oh, goody - fireworks! Now if I can only get close enough to hear what my friends are gossiping about, maybe there will REALLY be fireworks!"

Apparently she is talking about menopause if you look at the speech bubble closely...

Also @Astha123 "Finally, I beat daddy at something! World's best breath holder!"

grammapat 18th Dec 2016 7:58 PM

Dizzy: I couldn't see WHAT the box was, thanks! I also can't see what the guy above is holding, so I will pass on why hes wearing a surgery mask...

DezzyDoesThings 19th Dec 2016 2:13 AM

grammapat: It's a college assignment

Bulbizarre 20th Dec 2016 1:29 AM

"Is that a homework assignment in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

NateTheL0ser 20th Dec 2016 2:46 AM

"Not even magic can bring the ticket prices down low enough to what I think this amateur wrestling match is worth!"

Charity 20th Dec 2016 3:55 AM

"But I thought if we woohooed that you would be the one to get pregnant!"

Peni Griffin 20th Dec 2016 4:08 AM

"So on which planet are we going to need to know how to talk to bunnies?"

mirjampenning 20th Dec 2016 10:28 AM

'Darn it. How did I end up here? I had such big other plans when I walked into this building'

Astha123 20th Dec 2016 3:11 PM

"Ok, listen up! You watch more TV and you're dead, kiddo! You're straight up fucking DEAD. You wanna fite me m8? Get prepared to die if you want to fight. I'm in the Military, bitch. I'm in the fucking Military and I can kill you by pushing you onto that tree right there. Don't fuck with me."

(Sorry, I'm on an iPad. Can't upload a picture.)

Uri-simka 20th Dec 2016 8:08 PM

no pictures, but it is a pity ...

alljoj 20th Dec 2016 9:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
"I'm so glad you're combatting society's concept of cleanliness!"

(I'm on my iPad and can't take new photos so I'm going into my dropbox to grab old stuff.)

Bulbizarre 21st Dec 2016 7:12 AM

" fascinating."

Astha123 21st Dec 2016 8:09 AM

1 Attachment(s)
"You're done with your paper, now you're free,
I suck at poems, so call me maybe."

DezzyDoesThings 21st Dec 2016 4:54 PM

"Oh, how sweet; someone left this brown paper bag on my doorstep!"

mirjampenning 21st Dec 2016 6:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Astha123
"Ok, listen up! You watch more TV and you're dead, kiddo! You're straight up fucking DEAD. You wanna fite me m8? Get prepared to die if you want to fight. I'm in the Military, bitch. I'm in the fucking Military and I can kill you by pushing you onto that tree right there. Don't fuck with me."

(Sorry, I'm on an iPad. Can't upload a picture.)

I laughed so hard when I read your caption. She certainly can be very argumentative, so easily I could picture her saying something like this.
This is a woman who booed another sim's kid when it tried to show off for her.
Chastised his brother for accidentally breaking the pc.
Picking a fight with another adult sim for god knows what.
And here she's again arguing about a tv, lol.

Bulbizarre 21st Dec 2016 7:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DezzyBoo
"Oh, how sweet; someone left this brown paper bag on my doorstep!"

"Poker? I hardly KNOW 'er!"
"Ha ha ha ha!"
"Ha ha ha ha!"
"Also, you're straight."

Bulbizarre 21st Dec 2016 8:15 PM

Added this to the first post:

Quick rule modification (December 21, 2016) - if you post a caption but don't have any picture to post, anyone can put up a screenshot.

Just because I've seen it happening a bit lately - no issues have broken out so far but might as well get that cleared up now.

venusking 21st Dec 2016 9:26 PM

"Sure, he thinks he's a Viking and he smells like one too, but let's face it, no one is exactly lining up to kiss a robot."

mirjampenning 22nd Dec 2016 10:53 AM

Dude in the front: 'Yippy! I finally finished crocheting my new sleeping companion'
Dude in the back: 'Roflol, never a dull day with that one in the house'

My picture's from an older neighborhood, called Cornerhill, I played previous to Fayport:
(Had no new pictures available)

Bulbizarre 22nd Dec 2016 11:06 AM

"That hole in the ozone is getting pretty bad."

Astha123 22nd Dec 2016 1:32 PM

2 Attachment(s)
"Heya, family! I got fired and now I can spend more time with y'all! David, what do you mean Peter and Samantha died, you need to take care of the kids and we'll probably go broke now?"
(This thread is really fun!)

alljoj 22nd Dec 2016 3:50 PM

"I'm pretty sure mom would appreciate us playing with water balloons on her grave!"

DezzyDoesThings 22nd Dec 2016 6:47 PM

"That bartender is really cute...I want to hit him with my purse soooo bad..."

alljoj 22nd Dec 2016 6:52 PM

"Is this Attack of the Clones?"

No photo, modyourpanties is being a butt.

mirjampenning 22nd Dec 2016 7:33 PM

alljoj 22nd Dec 2016 8:20 PM

"Is there anyone in here who CAN cook?"

DezzyDoesThings 23rd Dec 2016 1:22 AM

"Whad'ya mean you don't wanna go to the anime convention??"

Bulbizarre 23rd Dec 2016 2:05 AM

"Like father, like son."

(Where did you get the little cowplant? It's so cute!)

Charity 23rd Dec 2016 2:59 AM

"Jesus is showering in my bathroom! ... That's it; I'm moving out."

Bulbizarre 23rd Dec 2016 3:36 AM

(just a quick message to get the last post to show up)

alljoj 23rd Dec 2016 4:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
"Like father, like son."

I was thinking "Don't talk to me or my son ever again." for that one.

Now for the caption: "NOT EVEN DEATH CAN STOP OUR FEUD."

mirjampenning 23rd Dec 2016 12:13 PM

'Oh shit, I hope he didn't see me cheating, because he sure will tattle-tale on me. He never forgave me for that wedgie I gave him in highschool.'

DezzyDoesThings 23rd Dec 2016 9:20 PM

@ihatemandatoryregister Not sure where but they are TS4 to TS2 conversions.

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