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Peni Griffin 13th Jan 2024 12:18 AM

Sims 2 Particular Favorites: Things that Make You Go "Awww."
It is often easier to talk about what annoys us than about what we love; but we wouldn't jump through the hoops we do if we didn't love this game, with all its faults. So this is a thread just for people to stop and think about what, specifically, they love about it.

(Please bear in mind that everything we love is something other people are annoyed by, so kindly don't reply to anyone's raptures over That One Annoying Feature by sneering at it. You already have a thread for that and you wouldn't want them sneering at your enthusiasm for your Particular Favorite Thing, would you?)

So I'll start: Yesterday I was playing a small hood with lots of childbearing going on (no, not Widespot!). Eve Tite was in the final trimester of a rough pregnancy that I was having to micromanage her through, and her husband Adam was having to neglect the relentless pursuit of fish before the pond froze in order to look after toddler Chava - when suddenly, Adam's sister Pinchme appeared on the lot, playing with their basketball hoop. Eve, who made best friends with Pinchme before she married and moved out, greeted her and was able to get her tanking fun up by playing red hands with her. Pinchme than took Chava out of the high chair and started playing with her. She stayed through the baby's birth and Chava's growth to child, and played basketball with Chava.

It is extremely common for friends and relations to drop in and make themselves variously useful as a birth nears in this game, and I love that very much. With influence points you can make them even more useful; but even just their showing up is sweet.

(Chava now calls Aunt Pinchme in the evenings. Also very sweet.)

LauraPamplonaS 13th Jan 2024 1:21 AM

5 Attachment(s)
Well, thinking about just one is quite hard so I guess I'll list a few of them And maybe I'll come back here when I remember others.

FranH 13th Jan 2024 2:23 AM

In Tinsel Town, there is Fluffy-the one and only cat-she's getting along in life, and because she's Siamese, she's very fussy-she doesn't like people picking her up- all but her owner Kenny Powers.
However that tolerance got expanded when she met the 4 toddlers that she now lives with, and it's beyond adorable when one of them grabs her to hug her and drag her around. She lets the child do as they wish, and she doesn't even mind when they eat her food or try to sleep in her bed. It's kind of like she's saying, "Oh, a mini human..and I guess I'm the play toy of the day. So be it. They don't mean any harm.."

Bulbizarre 13th Jan 2024 6:32 AM

Noodle the cat.

Justpetro 13th Jan 2024 10:36 AM

Where do I start?

The list is long and endless This is a start.

Sims have turned up at lots in my game when they were needed so many times, including just before births. I think one of the happenings in my game (I may have posted it back then) that had me quite emotional was when, playing the bin Sims, Faith Goodie died. About 5 Sims arrived and Herb made them dinner. They all left and Herb, finally alone, was cleaning up.

And there she was - Jody Larson, perfect, attracted to Herb for a very long time - the camera moved to her, standing on the sidewalk. She did not knock on the door; she waited. I sent Herb out to greet her. (I don't play strict rotation, Herb was in the retirement hood anyway and she stilll in the main hood, so she was almost an elder). We had a wedding the next day

Long before I had any mods, Trent Traveller came home from his job in the criminal career at a very late hour. Trisha was still cleaning the kitchen after having dinner with a friend who came home with her. The kitchen was at the back of the house. Trent walked straight to the kitchen and hold hands with Trisha, all on his own It was such a lovely moment, and I can never understand why people think these two should split up

A Sim family had twins (toddlers at this event) and the nanny was difficult, picking fights with both parents. I decided she needed to be replaced and had the father fire her. The twins both started crying. They were both best friends with the nanny (rolls eyes) and since then, I have looked at nannies in a different way. As long as the kids like her - who cares what she does; they will be safe at home at the end of the day.

A social sim with a LTW of 20 best friends, was drinking at the bar on a community lot while I sent different playables there. The Sim was chatting to Brandi LeTourneau at the bar - and then I get a notification: Anthony has just reached his LTW and will be in platinum status for the rest of his life.
Getting to Anthony a day or so later, he was indeed glowing with happiness

It's a start, as I said


simsample 13th Jan 2024 11:48 AM

6 Attachment(s)
Pets, babies and cutscenes!

wickedjr89 13th Jan 2024 7:00 PM

When I think about what I love most about the game is that I can use it as a vehicle for storytelling in a way, even if i'm not super in-depth with it it's still fun and creative and i have stories in my head about my sims and their lives. Some of which I direct yes but not all of it. I leave free will on now and of course the game, regardless of what one does, loves to throw unexpected things or things that can make the sim's story go in a different even unexpected way. My sims stories are a collaboration between me and them and the game.

In terms of gameplay I just love playing families. Seeing how they interact, the genetics that get passed down through the generations, their stories. I also love the supernatural sims.

sturlington 13th Jan 2024 9:09 PM

There are so many little details that I love. Like when an older family member comes to visit, and they are getting greeted, they hold their arms out and wave them in excitement at seeing their child or other family member, or when a child is kissed by a relative, they immediately wipe their mouth like eww. I also like it when everyone sits down to a meal together and they bond over the food. The shy-Sim flirt and dance. My favorite thing about this game is all the countless social interactions that really make the Sims come alive for me.

pianogrinder 16th Jan 2024 10:31 PM

My AWW factor is any kind of pet in sims 2. Dog, cat or bird. They made them look so innocent like they are about to cry when they look at you.

Bulbizarre 17th Jan 2024 2:02 AM

With ACR, random townies having their first kisses with each other.

Bulbizarre 18th Jan 2024 4:54 AM

Clicking on every single Sim on a community lot to have them join a smustle.

jonasn 18th Jan 2024 5:58 AM

Kobe the Cat thinks Angela Pleasant is beautiful and wants to be adopted. Kobe is an idependent spirit and doesn't recognize boundaries around college.

Kobe is the cutest cat of all of them because of the fat fur. She doesn't need outerwear in winter. I had a grey cat years ago.

Brandi Broke's child can run everywhere to go take a shower and back to watching TV without wasting any time. I really like this glitch and I think people should run more.

topp 18th Jan 2024 11:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
I really like this glitch and I think people should run more.
It's strange how I dislike Sims defaulting to running in TS3, but absolutely love the children running in TS2.

simmer22 18th Jan 2024 7:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
Brandi Broke's child can run everywhere to go take a shower and back to watching TV without wasting any time. I really like this glitch and I think people should run more.

Pretty sure they run everywhere if they've got Active set to 7 or above, especially kids (but I think some older sims do it, too).

jonasn 18th Jan 2024 8:03 PM

Normal people can run when directed with Go Here to a Destination. One has to micromanage them. But children can run when going to an object. He has 4 points of activity. I suspect a child's walk style never got cleared, because for a toddeler it means he can walk instead of crawl. But for adults it means to run instead of walk.

AnMal 18th Jan 2024 11:34 PM

I feel like it's always the latest little detail I've noticed that is my favourite . But some all-time "awws" are these:
  • The little animation when a sim couple wakes up together and have a wee cuddle before getting up.
  • The sim toddlers huggling eachother or cuddling pets.
  • The older siblings playing peek-a-boo with or tickling, or occasionally teasing a toddler.
  • The new college students rolling wants to call family members and friends and having younger friends and siblings going to college. I see this and remember my first term at university, longing for people from home and wishing I could share all the fun with my younger sisters.
  • Any autonomous token of affection between sims makes me go "aaaww", really.

gummilutt 19th Jan 2024 1:44 AM

I fully believe this game is magic. It started as a joke, but honestly, the longer I play the more convinced I get. It has some kind of advanced AI that's got magic mind-reading capabilities. Constantly reads my mind on a story I have in mind, throwing me curveballs that perfectly enhance where I was trying to go, or causes additional elements that I had not considered. I can feel stuck on how to make something happen, not knowing how to combine Part A and part B, and it's like the game reads my mind and says "I got you, here you go" and introduces the perfect bridge. It happens again, and again, and again. It's like the game wants me to have fun, and wants to help me truly execute my creative vision. Storytellers best friend.

Recent example of this was when Zoey called over her new friend to ask her out on a date. She's family aspiration and I struggled to really get her anywhere with wants because it's all fall in love and big things like that, so although Zoey is a side-character only made to be the future partner of main story Sim, I decided to let her have a fling beforehand. I settled on a dormie that I think is really cute that hasn't gotten used yet, I had Zoey call her over to ask her out on a date. Dormie Ulrika asked if she could bring a friend, which I almost always accept because I've had so many great moments spawn from spontaneous friend tag-alongs. Like when orphan Stoffe brought the orphanage matron along when his fiance called him over for their wedding. You never know what you'll get, but odds are it's great because the game is magic. And so it was this time. Who does Ulrika bring? Zoey's future partner Who immediately initiates a flirt with Zoey, which surprisingly was accepted. Upon which future partner immediately gets crush and love. I looked at their relationship panels, and future partner had very high relationship with Zoey, whereas Zoey was only at 17/11. So here I have Zoey with her heart set on asking Ulrika on a date, and Ulrika brings a friend who immediately falls head over heels inlove with Zoey. I debated, should I move up the storyline of Zoey and future partner dating? Should I stick to my original plan of letting Zoey have different romance first? I found it interesting that it was so uneven, I thought it an interesting element. Usually Sims progress at similar rates, so when the game presents one-sided for once I decided to embrace it. I had Zoey serve lunch and dessert for her visitors, and the entire time Zoey is looking at Ulrika, and future partner is looking at Zoey. Acting just as I had decided I would interpret it. Eventually I had Zoey say goodbye to future partner, so she could have some privacy to ask Ulrika out on date. Future partner looks at them, then walks off. Except Zoey only made it so far as to ask Ulrika for the date, before the doorbell rang. Who's knocking? Fellow sorority sister of future partner Clearly the minute future partner was out of reach she called up her sorority sister, recruiting her to help in her newly developed crush. Telling her to get there immediately to interfere with this date. That's what I read from it, and game was fully on board. Zoey and Ulrika started dancing to the stereo, sorority sister walks over to chat with Zoey, talks about bad weather. Like if she's trying to bum out the mood. Didn't work, Zoey and Ulrika went to the sofa to cuddle. Sorority sister walks over to pick up the game controller to play SSX, blasting the room with whoops and game sounds, ruining the vibe I would not have thought to have future partner send someone over to interfere with the date, but the game did, and it enhanced and furthered the story in a great way. I love when the game reads my mind and helps me out.

Also been developing some background stories/relationships when playing Zoey. Jonasn barista mod is so much fun (highly recommend, the latest update adding cleaning is so immersive I love it). Zoey works as a barista every day and the game makes sure to give me lots to observe as Zoey works away for hours. Lots of visiting Sims buying espressos for each other, and almost all of them are dudes buying for dudes, or women buying for women. The animation is really flirty, so I interpret it as burgeoning romances in the background. And almost exclusively homosexual, which is amazing because Zoey is gay, and it's like the game knew that's what I decided for her, and decided to turn the café in to the main hangout spot for all the gay people.

Constantly people show up and act in ways that plays in to and enhances the story I was already going for. Setting up background atmospheres, or clarifying personality traits. If you are open to it, the game delivers.

saskganesh 21st Jan 2024 5:04 AM

I always get a kick out of children doing stuff. For some reason, watching them eat hot dogs makes me inordinately happy..

Bulbizarre 23rd Jan 2024 6:05 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Clicking on every single Sim on a community lot to have them join a smustle.

When you manage to get every single Sim on a community lot to smustle in perfect synchronicity with each other.

Bulbizarre 26th Jan 2024 4:01 AM

Walkbys bringing their pets.

I don't know why one of my very pregnant Sims is walking her brother's cat, though.

monijt1 4th Feb 2024 9:20 PM

I love how Dirk Dreamer comforts Lilith Pleasant, when her parents publicly bully her. They were all at the Goth Manor for a party. Dirk was being so sweet and would caress Lilith after her parents harassed her.

StrangeTownChick 6th Feb 2024 3:50 AM

When you move a couple into an empty lot and they get all lovey-dovey with each other cause that's all there is to do.

Smefanye 7th Feb 2024 6:20 PM

I know a lot people think it's annoying, but I think it's adorable when kids run up to hug their parents when they come home from work. Especially since I used to do that with my parents when I was a kid!

grammapat 8th Feb 2024 2:50 AM

I think that's a big reason Sims2 is so popular; the creators had a sweet sense of humor, and made even "bad" sims likable.

Bulbizarre 23rd Feb 2024 4:07 PM

Hacks that have BCONs so that players can customize them to their liking.

FuryCat 23rd Feb 2024 8:59 PM

Pets. I don't know why, but pets in this game are so cute! It's kind of the reason almost half of my neighbourhoods' population is, well, cats or dogs. Especially when a Sim is sitting on a couch, and a cat goes up on the couch as well, and the Sim pets it!

grammapat 23rd Feb 2024 10:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by FuryCat
Pets. I don't know why, but pets in this game are so cute! It's kind of the reason almost half of my neighbourhoods' population is, well, cats or dogs. Especially when a Sim is sitting on a couch, and a cat goes up on the couch as well, and the Sim pets it!

You can do that?!

stitching 24th Feb 2024 1:50 AM

I love the animations that differ for sims based on personality. I think my favorites are the way shy sims dance or how they handle romantic socials.

Sims2Maven 24th Feb 2024 7:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by FuryCat
Pets. I don't know why, but pets in this game are so cute! It's kind of the reason almost half of my neighbourhoods' population is, well, cats or dogs. Especially when a Sim is sitting on a couch, and a cat goes up on the couch as well, and the Sim pets it!

And the way cats will curl up and sleep on the open half of a double bed (or either side if no one else is using the bed), unless they have been explicitly trained to "stay off Sims beds" (which I will not do for cats, because it's contrary to cat nature). With a certain mod, cats can also get up on a bed that a child is sleeping in, and curl up and sleep at the foot of the bed (I think this also works with dogs).

Note: With boolprop controlpets on, you can tell the pet to do this. (I have that and petactioncancel true in my userstartup.cheat file, first items in it.)

Charity 24th Feb 2024 7:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
You can do that?!

My simcats never seem to do that autonomously. Actually, they avoid sleeping on couches too, so they never snuggle up next to a sim watching TV.

FuryCat 24th Feb 2024 10:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
You can do that?!

You can! I dont know if its something with personality, but my Sim cats do it almost all the time.
Edit: Here's a picture of a Sim petting a cat on the couch.

FuryCat 24th Feb 2024 10:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
My simcats never seem to do that autonomously. Actually, they avoid sleeping on couches too, so they never snuggle up next to a sim watching TV.

Mine do it whenever they get the chance. Perhaps they're trained not to sit on furniture?

Charity 24th Feb 2024 10:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by FuryCat
Mine do it whenever they get the chance. Perhaps they're trained not to sit on furniture?

I've never tried to train them like that. Hope I don't have a mod interfering. I can direct them to do it, but they don't stay there.

FuryCat 24th Feb 2024 2:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I've never tried to train them like that. Hope I don't have a mod interfering. I can direct them to do it, but they don't stay there.

They don't always stay, but not that they get up and get down immediately. Check if their needs are low.

Charity 24th Feb 2024 5:32 PM

Hmm, maybe if I train them to be on sim stuff more they'll do it. But then again, my cats' comfort never seems to be low. They don't seem to be interested in butterflies or fireflies either.

Bulbizarre 24th Feb 2024 6:08 PM

If you use custom sofas, a lot of them are not enabled for pets, which might also affect things.

sturlington 24th Feb 2024 8:33 PM

I was thinking about this the other day when something was happening in my game, and it just made me go awww and reinforced how special this game is. One of my university students, Palmer Hogleg, is super attracted to another one, Daisy Simnitch, and always wants to be around her, but he never has expressed his feelings. Daisy decided to try out the piano, and she was playing very badly--like hands over your ears, complaining bad. But Palmer was right there beside the piano, and even though she was so bad, he kept cheering her and dancing. It was honestly so sweet that it melted my heart--and quite out of character for Palmer, who was the local bully as a teen. I decided right then and there that Palmer would get to marry Daisy someday, even though she is "supposed" to be with Arty Loste. And while I was playing today, Palmer got up his nerve, told Daisy how he felt, and proposed--and she accepted!

It's just these special little details that really help to make the story in my head come alive that make me love this game.

Kligma 28th Feb 2024 2:33 AM

The fortune teller lady showing up at a community lot and ringing the doorbell on a toilet door never gets old.

Charity 28th Feb 2024 4:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Kligma
The fortune teller lady showing up at a community lot and ringing the doorbell on a toilet door never gets old.

She just wanted to make sure noone was already using the facilities. XD

Kligma 28th Feb 2024 11:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
She just wanted to make sure noone was already using the facilities. XD

Yeah, very considerate of her. Though I can only imagine the jumpscare if one were using the loo and suddenly a doorbell rings inside. xD

Charity 29th Feb 2024 12:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Kligma
Yeah, very considerate of her. Though I can only imagine the jumpscare if one were using the loo and suddenly a doorbell rings inside. xD

At least you can't pee yourself lol.

AndrewGloria 29th Feb 2024 4:51 PM

Sometimes I think I like all the things that other people hate, judging by the WCIFs I see from people wanting to mod them out!

Like Smefanye, I love to see children running to hug their parents coming home from work. I also love to see teens running to answer the 'phone. I even love Andrew's obsessive bedmaking -- because he's right: we should make our beds, and we should make them properly like he does. (When I throw mine together, if I bother to make it at all, I can hear him muttering over my shoulder, "Just like a lazy slob Sim! Do it properly!") I also rather like his obsession about not using public toilets, though I have tried to tell him that, if you use a urinal rather than a stall, you don't actually have to touch anything!

I like the Welcome Wagon; I love to see who will turn up to welcome newcomers to the town. And, of all the things that came with University, my absolute favourite is pillow fights. When the participants are scantily clad (as many of my Sims are) they can be quite erotic. My Sims often finish off by smooching, making out or more! I love it when children wipe their lips after kissing. They do it even they're the one who initiated the kiss! I also love to see two children playing Mary Mack. I think it must be an ancient children's game passed down through the generations. (My mother taught me an old Scots tongue-twister song/rhyme that goes, "My mither's makin' me marry Mary Mack, and Mary Mack's mither's makin' Mary marry me." I suspect they're singing the same rhyme in Simlish.) I also love the dramatic way they "die" when they're playing cops and robbers.

sturlington's story about Palmer and Daisy reminds me of Joseph Lambert playing his first hopeless faltering notes on his new piano. Ravi Bertino was with him, just making encouraging noises as he listened to Joseph's terrible playing. Having read about Palmer dancing, I'm now wondering if Ravi was trying to sing along. In Ravi's case, unlike Palmer, it was completely in character. Ravi has a beautiful nature -- a Pleasure Sim who loves to give pleasure to others. And he had every reason not to be so supportive. The piano was a date gift to Joseph from Jack Gill, given after a first or second date. But Ravi is Jack's long term live-in boyfriend. They've had lots of dream dates together. And in all that time Jack has never given Ravi anything more than a bunch of flowers. So Ravi had every reason to resent that piano. But not a bit of it. Ravi is just pleased to see Jack give such a nice present to a mutual friend. In fact he's eternally grateful to Jack for taking him in off the street, and inviting him to share his house and his comfortable bed.

Yes, even bad Sims can be very likeable. (And I'm not just talking about Jack Gill being a lovable young rogue. I have a lot of time for General Buzz Grunt. I just accept that he's a much better soldier than he he is a parent. He's a soldier's soldier -- someone you'd want to have beside you when you're in a foxhole under fire.

But I think my all-time favourite must be something I've seen only once, and it was over eleven years ago. It was Andrew and Julian's clumsy, fumbled, failed first kiss. I remember that I could really feel Andrew's fear of rejection as he went in for that first kiss. I think he thought the ground would open up and swallow him for having the temerity to try to kiss another boy, and his best friend at that. But the kiss wasn't rejected. It was clear that Julian wanted to kiss him too. But both boys were so gauche, naïve and inexperienced, that they just didn't know how to do it. Or perhaps a kiss between boys was just too far outside the bounds of normality, that they couldn't quite manage it. I know I couldn't have done it at Andrew's age. Though I'm not sure how I'd have reacted if a boy I really liked had tried to kiss me. I might have reacted similarly to Julian. More likely I'd have rejected the kiss, and then regretted rejecting it. I'm still not sure how I'd react to this day. Maybe it's just easier to live my love life vicariously through my Sims. Anyway, I'm glad that Andrew had more courage than I'll ever have. He took the fact that the kiss wasn't actually rejected as encouragement, and he tried again. And this time we got the cutscene video! It was a day that I'm sure neither Andrew, nor Julian, nor I will forget till we die. Quite honestly, I think it helped me to come to terms with who I am.

I think it was a beautiful piece of animation -- absolutely right for two schoolboys tentatively and cautiously beginning to explore their sexuality. I've never seen it since. Possibly I'm now too good a player. I've never since led a Sim into a first kiss as naïvely as Andrew and Julian went into that first one. I feel profoundly grateful to them for helping me to understand myself better. And I am extremely grateful to MTS for providing a place where I feel safe to share my own vulnerability, with only the flimsy protection of a user name and avatar.

Great_Gale 29th Feb 2024 6:35 PM

My favorite is when pets react to their reflection, it always makes me laugh.

Gcgb53191 29th Feb 2024 10:05 PM

I've actually come to learn to love the "welcome wagon" since my sims usually inherit or move into someone else's home. I actually had a few sims move into "brand new homes" and enjoyed seeing who popped up later

Neverwinter_Knight77 3rd Mar 2024 1:00 AM

I enjoy watching Sim conversations. Especially when they get excited and do a little clap. (I don't know whether I love angry or excited Sims more!) If it's about music, they'll play some air guitar. For food they'll do a little stirring animation and chef's kiss.

Bulbizarre 3rd Mar 2024 1:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Gcgb53191
I've actually come to learn to love the "welcome wagon" since my sims usually inherit or move into someone else's home. I actually had a few sims move into "brand new homes" and enjoyed seeing who popped up later

The first-night downtown outing, too. I still get a giggle out of the time that the game decided to spawn every single inmate from my asylum challenge household. (To make it funnier, they were all Charlatan clones.)

Bulbizarre 25th Mar 2024 5:11 AM

Accidentally setting the overhead light for sale and wondering why it got so dark.

Bulbizarre 9th Apr 2024 5:54 PM

I love that CC-free lots seem to be very much the thing these days, at least here on MTS.

Charity 9th Apr 2024 7:16 PM

I like CC lots. Why does everyone avoid them so much? XD

simmer22 9th Apr 2024 7:56 PM

I'm 50-50 on CC/CC-free lots. For homes I've found I prefer CC-free, or mostly/only EAxis-furnishings, or at least light on CC, maybe also sparsely decorated (no decorations or anything on OMSPs) but with a simple furniture outlay, so I can get some inspiration but at the same time put my own spin on them.

For other types of lots I don't mind them CC-heavy, because it makes decorating a bit easier. If I want a police station or a cafe, I may not want to hunt down all the necessary CC, and it's often the decorating I like, rather than an empty non-decorated shell or just EAxis furniture.


My favorite is babies in TS2 - they're the perfect amount of cute and cuddly, especially when playing in the baby toys, and the funny face they make when being bottle-fed.

bnefriends 10th Apr 2024 3:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by monijt1
I love how Dirk Dreamer comforts Lilith Pleasant, when her parents publicly bully her. They were all at the Goth Manor for a party. Dirk was being so sweet and would caress Lilith after her parents harassed her.

Watching the Department of Children and Families go after her parents isn't something that would make me say "aww" but is something I would thoroughly enjoy. Watching the story line of her and Angela being adopted materialize in the game on the other hand was cute. Seeing Dirk hold his Blue Crew cheerleader (Lily) in his arms after he proposed at the same campanile Cody proposed to Angela at was adorable; it's like a whole different side of Lily was brought out when she was no longer being treated like garbage. The Pleasant twins are just awesome in general.

When I made Roxy, a Mad Gear member from Final Fight, it was kind of a joke turning her into a goodie-two-shoes, but seeing the end result materialized was actually kind of cute/awesome. She ended up becoming one of my favorites, something I wasn't expecting at first.

simsfreq 11th Apr 2024 6:26 PM

My favourite is the toddler/pet animations. I will never get tired of that. Adults snuggling a toddler is SO cute too. And I agree the animations on the two Store baby items are perfect. I couldn't believe it when sims 3 babies turned out to be permanently swaddled making them look so maggoty! Especially since, it turns out, they actually have bodies under all of that!

A funny/cute one - have you ever had a sim teach their pet to "play dead"? This is absolutely hilarious because the sim will pretend to die (very realistically!) and the first time around, the pet actually looks worried and goes to sniff them to check they are OK. Then the sim gets up and the pet is so relieved.

On the devastatingly heartbreaking side - the way that a bonded pet reacts when their owner actually dies. It's too much

Charity 11th Apr 2024 6:38 PM

The store baby items saved babies. I use the danglemonster so much just to get them out of their cribs and in the same room as the rest of the family.

Justpetro 12th Apr 2024 8:24 AM

The Welcome Wagon is one of my favorite things, and I have had many good friendships and relationships grew from that.

It is especially nice when you move in a single sim as an intended partner for one of your hood's single sims - and he knocks on the door, leading the welcome wagon Love at first sight, awwww....

FuryCat 12th Apr 2024 5:17 PM

Yet another Pets related cute feature: Clicking on the Pets EP icon while on the neighbourhood screen plays a woof sound from a puppy besides from displaying the usual EP description!

Bulbizarre 13th Apr 2024 2:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I like CC lots. Why does everyone avoid them so much? XD

I've had previous issues with CC included in lots, so I tend to avoid them these days.

inspiredzone 13th Apr 2024 10:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I like CC lots. Why does everyone avoid them so much? XD

Unless it's a stylized lot concept, I rarely see Maxis match lots where the CC items make or break the overall vision of the lot for me. I'd rather have the CC free version and use CC I already have to tweak the lot versus adding a random assortment of CC recolors or items that just happen to be that builder's fav.

FWIW, I upload a shell of my houses that are unfurnished and undecorated and still get about 50% of the downloads of the fully furnished version. Sometimes people hate your vision and just want the shell

Charity 14th Apr 2024 2:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by inspiredzone
Unless it's a stylized lot concept, I rarely see Maxis match lots where the CC items make or break the overall vision of the lot for me. I'd rather have the CC free version and use CC I already have to tweak the lot versus adding a random assortment of CC recolors or items that just happen to be that builder's fav.

FWIW, I upload a shell of my houses that are unfurnished and undecorated and still get about 50% of the downloads of the fully furnished version. Sometimes people hate your vision and just want the shell

I'm far too lazy and untalented to furnish stuff myself. XD

Bulbizarre 14th Apr 2024 2:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I'm far too lazy and untalented to furnish stuff myself. XD

IKEA furniture in literally every house. It matches everything.

Justpetro 16th Apr 2024 10:11 AM

I just started a new hood, and the Ferndale family has been growing at an alarming rate.

As dad comes home from work, the first kid runs out to hug him but

the youngest toddler is a very active litte sim and he crawls out at Olympic record speed to Dad at the mailbox too (Awwwww).

FranH 16th Apr 2024 11:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
IKEA furniture in literally every house. It matches everything.

Not in the medieval period it does not...

Bulbizarre 19th Apr 2024 9:46 PM

The unintentional hilarity of the social debug dialogs.

StrangeTownChick 20th Apr 2024 3:52 AM

The most bizarre part there is that the options are "Accept" and "Decline". It's either "Yeah, okay, you're right, bad timing, maybe we can talk about this again in a few weeks" or "No, I don't care how you feel, we are getting married NOW."

inspiredzone 23rd Apr 2024 3:18 AM

-Other sims' silly reactions to PDA depending on their personality/relationship. Recently I had a teen reacted with "You're crazy!" and rolled her eyes at her parents slow-dancing in the living room. Then I had a shy sim shake her head in disapproval at her cousin making out with her boyfriend

-The moment when a sim's last name changes on their cursor after marriage. For some reason, that makes the marriage feel more official than just fulfilling the wants.

monijt1 5th May 2024 7:45 AM

The squeeze animation for teens is seriously adorable.

iforgot 5th May 2024 7:50 PM

One of the things that make me do it is if there's an argument between adults and a kid runs away and cries, one of the parents will autonomously (in my case, usually the dad) go and comfort the kid that ran away, kneeling next to them holding the kid in their arms trying to calm them down.

It's also one of those things that's easily missed if you rush through a childhood.

Justpetro 6th May 2024 9:37 PM

I agree with @AndrewGloria! (Warning - some things I probably said before on this thread)

Just last week the school kid ran to hug their dad. The one very active toddler twin crawled at record speed to dad on the sidewalk as well (AWWW).

I love it when neat sims pump their fists when you tell them to clean on a community lots and when lazy sims look at you as if you are crazy, (who, Me? Me? You want ME to clean this restaurant's kitchen???) and when sims who are both neat and active clean up in record speed (including making the bed). I have told you about the late Stirling Hamilton, who, after his visit to the Far East, chose to teleport to places which needed cleaning

I have never understood the welcome wagon hate - that is where your sims meet some of your other sims? Have you never had a single sim, made him a partner in CAS, moved said partner into his own house - and your single sim is leading the welcome wagon? DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE MISSING?

I loved the late Mr No Nice Points in my previous hood - he tended to start fights wherever he went. He particularly loved to fight his best friend's wife (she had only one nice point, so...) There was a huge fight on the wedding day - she attacked him first, probably not wanting him there at all? Both of them were fit - they drew the crowds I love it how some sims cheer the fighting, others look completely hopeless and here and there, one even leaves the lot as quickly as he can! I was fond of the bugger. He died in platinum! Lamare could make a LTW of winning 200 fights - it would have suited him perfectly (Although he lost a lot of them to the best friend's wife).

And as for that sims petting the cat - AWWWWW. A picture perfect for Peni's thread?

LauraPamplonaS 11th May 2024 9:47 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I like CC lots. Why does everyone avoid them so much? XD

Late to the party as I am just now catching up on the site but I wanted to share my opinion, coming from a CC addict.

I used to purposefully look for lots that had cc in them so that I could fill my game with cool things that I would've probably not found on my own. I remember installing a bunch of lots and then going through the catalogs and finding that my game had "upgraded" without me having to do hardly anything at all. Some of my favorite cc has come from downloaded lots.

However, there are a few downsides . One that I find very annoying is when I installed a cc lot, only to find that I now had a bunch of flashing-blue items in my game. I think it's easy to forget which objects are slaved to other ones, so I believe we're not thinking about that when we share a cc lot, and if you want a clean catalog, you're in for a ride trying to look for the missing meshes and fixing it, or deleting them altogether. Not to mention that sometimes you end up flooded with cc that you don't really like and never use. (Why do I have this painting of a naked alien eating ice cream and where did come from?!?!)

I still love finding new cc through lots, but ever since I started working on cleaning and organizing my downloads folder, I've been extra cautious. I'll install the lots with an empty downloads folder and go through the new custom content that comes with them to decide if I like it or not. Then it's a task to organize it properly (because I need it to be sorted out) and figure out where it came from (because I like to have the original links).

Sometimes it's just easier to avoid cc lots

Anyway, I came here because I went "awww" while looking at my game screenshots. One of my heirs, Levi (Gen 3) loved to look at the fish when he was a baby, which is how I realized that toddlers could look at the aquariums and it's super cute. And then when he got older, he would autonomously look after the same aquarium (some long-lived fish I think). I found it adorable

Charity 12th May 2024 1:56 PM

Yeah, I use CC lots to find nice CC as well. I've never really had a problem with stuff I don't like; I guess that I make sure that I like everything in a lot. Flashing blue can be a PITA, but I've been lucky that CC lot creators on MTS usually document everything that's included and not included.

Peni Griffin 12th May 2024 3:01 PM

Well, it's a rule that we do so, and flashing blue + creators rights (some people don't want their cc shared by anybody else) are why. Uploaders complain about how much work it is following MTS's rules, but they're very good rules from the downloader's point of view.

Bulbizarre 17th May 2024 5:28 AM

Having a Sim use a restaurant coupon and then getting another one in the mail!

Justpetro 17th May 2024 10:03 PM

Watching a toddler dancing to the stereo (and almost never does anything else, her twin does) - I am thinking: I am going to enjoy seeing you dance on your golden anniversary one day

iforgot 18th May 2024 5:34 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
The unintentional hilarity of the social debug dialogs.

Uh oh, although amusing, it looks like you got some serious corruption going on there. Might want to check your family trees.

Bulbizarre 18th May 2024 6:44 AM

It's not corruption.

iforgot 19th May 2024 10:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
It's not corruption.

Okay, I'll have to see if I can get my pets to get married to a human like that, that sounds funny.

Bulbizarre 19th May 2024 10:48 AM

The social debug dialog just grabs random Sims and strings. I think in this case I was trying to get a specific Sim (who was not a cat) to accept becoming a roommate.

Charity 19th May 2024 11:09 AM

Yeah, you don't get a choice if a cat wants to be your roommate. XD

Now I want a hack where the cat distribution system makes cats randomly show up at sims' doorsteps and want to move in. XD

sturlington 19th May 2024 1:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Yeah, you don't get a choice if a cat wants to be your roommate. XD

Now I want a hack where the cat distribution system makes cats randomly show up at sims' doorsteps and want to move in. XD

At one of the houses I downloaded, stray cats kept getting stuck on the porch, so my Sim who lived there basically had to adopt them or they'd starve. I don't use that house anymore but I still play that if a stray cat keeps showing up on the lot, I take it that it's insisting on being adopted, so I use the Sim Blender to move it in.

Bulbizarre 21st May 2024 5:47 AM

Sanjay Ramaswami aggressively smustling in the cutscene background as Priya gave brith.

Justpetro 22nd May 2024 2:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Yeah, you don't get a choice if a cat wants to be your roommate. XD

Now I want a hack where the cat distribution system makes cats randomly show up at sims' doorsteps and want to move in. XD

I raised 18 of those in RL. Some of them moved in in small groups

Justpetro 23rd May 2024 6:57 PM

Sorry for double posting.
One of my sims just fell in love with Amin Sims.
Aww, he is such a cutie

sturlington 23rd May 2024 7:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Sorry for double posting.
One of my sims just fell in love with Amin Sims.
Aww, he is such a cutie

He's the OG naked hot-tubber. Love him. I remember when I first was playing, I thought he was some kind of stalker because he was constantly calling all my Sims. It took me a while to realize he was just super outgoing.

Justpetro 23rd May 2024 7:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sturlington
He's the OG naked hot-tubber. Love him. I remember when I first was playing, I thought he was some kind of stalker because he was constantly calling all my Sims. It took me a while to realize he was just super outgoing.

He is a social sim and has 15 friends when you move him in He is very likeable, and I enjoy playing him.

sturlington 24th May 2024 9:47 PM

Dirk Dreamer is so nice. He made spaghetti in the dorm cafeteria and invited the cafeteria lady to join him in his meal. Then he bought himself an expensive bed with his scholarship money and didn't even object when Puck Summerdream wanted to share it with him instead of sleep in his cheap bed, although they are not at all romantically interested in each other.

Bulbizarre 25th May 2024 3:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Sorry for double posting.
One of my sims just fell in love with Amin Sims.
Aww, he is such a cutie

In one of my hoods, due to some weird glitch or another, he went bald. I removed his eyebrows and just pretended it was a medical condition.

Bulbizarre 31st May 2024 5:32 AM

Mrs. Crumplebottom showing up at the public pool and being utterly shocked that everyone there is in their swimsuits. It's a delight.

pinkdynamite 1st Jun 2024 10:26 PM

While Samantha was out parting at the local club, two elder strangers just had a "first kiss" cutscene on the middle of the dancefloor.

Side note: I just installed ACR for the first time and the pairings that keep popping up never fail to amuse me.

Bulbizarre 1st Jun 2024 10:51 PM

In one of my apartment buildings, several neighbour townies have developed romances. One couple decided to consummate it in my playable's bed.

Charity 2nd Jun 2024 2:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
In one of my apartment buildings, several neighbour townies have developed romances. One couple decided to consummate it in my playable's bed.

OMG. Use your own bed!

pinkdynamite 3rd Jun 2024 3:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
In one of my apartment buildings, several neighbour townies have developed romances. One couple decided to consummate it in my playable's bed.

Sounds kinda like a college party to me.

Bulbizarre 3rd Jun 2024 4:56 AM

In one of my old hoods, I stuck a double bed in the middle of the dorm hallway just for ACR. It was always funny seeing other Sims wander in during the cinematics.

Bulbizarre 3rd Jun 2024 7:03 AM

Every member of the Ottomas family except for Tommy woke up and rolled the want to eat pancakes. I think i know what's for breakfast.

existerande 4th Jun 2024 7:31 PM

The family gathering memory is one of my favourites, together with the "dropping of teenager at uni"-cut scene 🥰

Bulbizarre 25th Jun 2024 6:31 AM

Adding fruit trees to the public areas of apartment lots. The landlord maintains it. Free fruit!

Justpetro 25th Jun 2024 8:58 AM

Toddlers hugging.

And then there is that one who refused to be hugged by her twin once in a while

Bulbizarre 25th Jun 2024 9:00 AM

Toddlers hugging pets!

simmer22 25th Jun 2024 3:39 PM

Toddlers hugging kittens/puppies!

Charity 25th Jun 2024 4:34 PM

Bulbizarre 27th Jun 2024 2:14 AM

Sims going into the strip poker room at Club Dante and then being repeatedly shocked at all the naked people.

I might summon Crumplebottom...

Bulbizarre 28th Jun 2024 7:40 AM

Sims autonomously giving treats to stray pets!

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