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Reasons why The Sims 2 is Better than the sims 3
You can do Alot more, more easily with the sims 2 in the way of creating. Sure you can create for the sims 3 pretty much almost everything you can do for the sims 2 now, but it's just so darn complicated! I got soooooo lost trying to make a mod for the sims 3, I just gave up completely! I really hate the idea of writing your own mods, simPE made things much, much more easier, and I hear that there will be no Sim3PE (as of yet), so until they make Sim3PE or something that does pretty much all that simPE did for the sims 2, I won't even bother with the sims 3. Sure you can do a lot more in the way of playing for the sims 3, but personally I find it more fun and engaging to create for it than to play. Also in playing the sims 3, I find that it really is a lot slower than the sims 2, and takes up waaaay more hd space than 2, I mean is 5.8 GIGS really necessary? Also the sims look very odd in the sims 3, kind of like putty, or claymation characters. The way they walk is retarded, and they always have an odd look on their faces. Also the custom content for the sims 3, is let's face not really the best. I much prefer the quality of the sims 2 cc to sims 3 cc. Well that's my rant for the day......
I received The Sims 3 as a gift, but The Sims 2 is a lot better. Kids look better, it's less... complex and dangerous for my Sims, more addictive, and CUSTOM CONTENT FROM MTS2!! Yeah!
I think sims 2 is better because it actually works on my laptop(well kinda works)but i can still recolour!!!!
well, i think the sims 2 is better cuz, i dunno, the cc-fied sims look much better (and cuter), plus, the sims in the sims 3 look a teeny-weeny bit artificial (no offense if you love the sims 3!).
I'm starting to like the sims 3 a lot better now that I learned how to mesh and make game mods for it.
Well coming back to this thread, I see that sims 2 is far more superior than sims 3. I like some things about sims 3, but really sims 2 is my all time favorite. On my computer, the graphics are better, actual gameplay is easier, and it's more fun to create for.
Yeah, I tried Sims 3 and it lasted only a couple of days. It's not addicting, it's kind of hard to move around (especially the camera) and control everything, etc... and it's still a toddler game, while Sims 2 is an adult, meaning that poses and such are so advanced yet they've only been made for the Sims 2 so far.
Oh, and the sims in Sims 3 look pudgy... but not in the fat way. More _too_ "soft" looking and flawless. |
When I first heard about the sims 3 i thought, Of Course I'm Going To Get That. but not, because the adverts reveal how different it is.
I don't actually have TS3 but from what I've seen the faces all look the same and have only one expression which can be changed very slightly, unlike TS2 where they actually do have different expressions. Also I thought for me (and surely lots of the people here) there was no point in getting it because I wouldn't have all my amazing downloads I have spent a year collecting (you can collect A LOT of downloads in a year - it is addictive). but the annoying thing is TS2 is now outdated and old. So the EPs and SPs are harder find in shops - you have to get them online. Although I did find Kitchen and Bath stuff in GAME for £2.98. Cheap! |
i do not like the chaeats do'nt work that will save motherlode and also the graphics are very bodgey on my laptop
1. It is easier to design, create objects for the Sims 2, you have to download something for The Sims 3 Workshop.
2. Better objects 3. Good detail-(Sims 2) (I had a swimming pool error in Sims 3) 4. The game is faster 5. More adventures to be had 6. Bad view of your Sim 7. Slow creation in Create-A-Sim This is my reasons why The Sims 2 is better than The Sims 3. ~Lila ![]() |
i argee orthough it is a not very thought game it has given me the new defernation of a carp game thanks very much ea!
sims 2 is better
Quote: Originally posted by Lavaster
When you go to get a professional porcelain doll made of ones self, you have weird lips and eyes that look to clean and babyfied ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Don't get me started...
Uhh...wasted my money on this when it came out. I would like it more if they hadn't changed the way the sims look!! It's god awful in the sims 3. They look too podgy and the graphics are too high. You either get anorexic sims, as thin as a pencil, or massive sims that look like they ran into McDonald's and ordered 700 big macs and ate them all in one go. They look too realistic and the voices are slightly creepy and pedo-ish too. The babies are cute but the toddlers and children are SO ugly.
On the plus side I like the way you can have YAs and Adults in the same place now, but what'll they do if they release a university EP?? I am rambling now... ![]() |
i got sims 3! How stupid was i! The menus are way better in sims 2 and you know where you are with Custom content! Yeah And i completely Agree with MissMercury1973!
I agree, I could go on forever on what is worng with sims 3!
yes i have a long list of things wrong with it! My mate and sister when the advert first came on were like "i've so gotta get this! i wasn't really excited about sims 3. it was like the day that came out i never saw sims 2 again. until i got into it!
You can t kill your Sim because you can use MaxMotives. ;-) When I play Sim 3 I all the time feel like "Nooh! I want to go adventure and wander around! Stupid Sim why are you HUNGRY again? " -_-'
Quote: Originally posted by Campion
Yeah, the Sims 2 offered so much more freedom in that aspect. Sure, you had to load every single destination each time you wanted to visit it, but even just the buildings were better. I'm not sure of the answers to the following as I haven't played the Sims 3 nearly as much as 2, but can you RUN your own business? Or interactively go to University? Or live in an apartment building which has more than one (minuscule) apartment in it and promotes the whole neighborly feel with BBQs in the apartment building's back yard? And properly cheat? Yes, you can go on holiday, and own a car, use a cheat similar to maxmotives, or... well, I've run out of similarities. In the Sims 2 I could emulate a computer enhanced life. That is, normal human life, but with enhancements (such as cheats). The Sims 3 seems to be a lot closer to real life in its limitations, but offers a lot less. I would rather have the Sims 3 graphics (but not quite as childish), but I'd much rather have TS2 mechanics. If you want to play at life, go outside. But we don't want to play life, we want to play a fun life. Which is why the Sims 2 still maintains a large following. Shift-clicking on a sim in cheat mode on the Sims 2 opened you up to a plethora of fun. You could do pretty much anything and know pretty much anything. In the Sims 3, it gives you around 4 options. As opposed to probably 25. |
I'm Lost...
Hey Simmers, I have all the Sims 3 games and all the sims 2 games.. but i dont know which game to install. My laptop can't handle both of the games installed on it so I can't choose which one to put on...
I like things about both games but I'm so lost... The sims 3 game has many problems but i love the graphics.... And the sims 2 i think the graphics are alright I guess, but the gameplay is actually pretty good... I hope someone can convince me to choose which game to stick with. Thank you.. I hope you can reply before i smash my computer. Amxzy ![]() |
The only thing i like about the sims 3 i how they made the objects better i mean lets face it you have to kill the sims 2 with cc to get nice stuff as the sims 2 the objects arent that bad ,also you have this recolor option in the sims 3 when you can change the pattern in any way and a more variety of choices such as curved pool [actual curved pool] you can putt tattoos on sims and change there size such as weight and boob size and you can change there shoe wear as suppose to the sims 2 the shoes are stuck with the pants or outfit BUTTTi just dont like the sims 3 all the sims always look the same no matter what you do and stuff and its so unrealistic like they teleport into cars am i the only one who think theres something wrong with that and dont forget the rabit holes, they really just rushed the sims 3 didnt even take there time
As suppose to the sims 2 i couldent even list all the good things about it to many |
The cheats that are in The Sims 2 are far more better than the ones for The Sims 3, and the time The Sims 3 takes to load, geez, I could have watched through an entire episode of Star Trek waiting for it to load.
I just wish that I had gotten the rest of TS2 EP's and SP's, but as I was only around 8 or 9, I wasn't allowed to get them. |
The Sims 3 is just sad. It came out about a year after the final Sims 2 ep. It clearly shows they didn't want to take their time on The Sims 3 project
Sims 2 is WAYYYYY better.
I can not stand the sims 3. I bought it after building up over 2,000 downolads in the sims 2. The people all look cartooney, and if you try to change that they look rediculous. But, the worst part is that YOU CANT BUILD YOUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD!!! I loved doing that. My little town of Windsor has sooooo many beautiful buildings. And downloading CC was hard too. I can't even imaging modding. I'm excited for the sims 4 though. I hope they learned from their mistakes. BTW, since we have a fellow Kate Bush fan in the room (JOINMOBILE), I'll quote the title of one of her songs. "Be Kind To My Mistakes." Yes. Be kind to EA's mistakes.
I tried playing Sims 3 but no matter how different I tried to make the Sims look, they all looked the same. The toddlers were all wrong and extremely ugly and the kids were creepy too. I couldn't stand it. No point playing if you hate the look of all your Sims, so I gave up and came back to Sims 2 (which I never actually left).
I can't agree any more than this! Sims 2 has always been a huge part of my life and childhood since i started playing it back in 2005. I remember how addicted I got. I always were so exited watching the new trailers for the new expansions pack and counting down for them to come. I enoyed it so much. I wont forget the day when Sims 3 camed out. I remember I werent that exited for it anyway. But when it finnaly dropped I byed it, played it and never looked at it again. I were so dissapointed. I rememeber I just compared all of the stuffs from sims 2 with this trash. The grapichs, the music, the landscapes and not to mention the faces! Why did they have to make all the stuff so freakin different and weird in sims 3? Couldnt at least the faces be a lot more relatabel to sims 2? ARGH!
I have a plenty of reasons why Sims 2 Is a waay better game than sims 3 but that is going to take me hours to write so this is some of the most importans: First of all 1. Faces. I have always though that the faces in sims 3 all look the same! I mean, you can change them, you can change skin color, size etc, but no matter how hard you try they all gonna end up looking the fraking same! And I don't think pretty is the best words to describe a sims 3 sim. If you look at sims 2, you can change just one thing and they will look completly different. And not to mention they'r features are so cute. You can make a sim in s2 look so pretty by just putting a litte make up on. I always though toddlers looks so cute! The toddlers in s3 has some weirdo eyebrows.... scary 2. Building. Building is my favorite part of playing sims, so why does it has to be so dissapointing and difficult in s3? I mean I can use a day and a lot more to make a house or a store in s3, at least many hours. I can make a beautiful, creative house i sims 2 by just a minute, cause it so simple! And not to mention way more fun! 3. The camera. I always found the camera in sims 3 so difficult to learn the options. The zooming is fraking difficult and you didnt get te same view of the sims in s3 that you got in s2. In s2, you can simply switch and zoom trough any directions and points of the game by not dying at trying, like I did in s3 ![]() And for my own point of view. Sims 2 has given me the feeling sims 3 never could have brought with any expansion pack at all! Sims 2 for the life ![]() ![]() |
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