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saltwaterroom 25th Nov 2009 4:14 AM

The Fame Monster- your fave?
I just bought it today.

I would have to say (Other than Bad Romance) my favorite is Speechless.
But I also REALLY love Monster.

What's your favorite?

missMSBplayer 26th Nov 2009 1:29 AM

Speechless, all the way. I love the classic rock, particularly Queen sounding, with a touch of Beatles it has to it. Love it. Love it!

But all her songs, I adore. She never fails to please me with her beautiful, sexy, bizarre, amazing music.

saltwaterroom 27th Nov 2009 4:16 PM

The only song I don't like is Teeth >_____>

Dj Music 27th Nov 2009 8:49 PM

I really don't like Teeth. Just something .. weird about it. So Happy I Could Die is okay. And Dance in the Dark is fairly good too. I'm not mad about Speechless.

But I love the other 4.

thelightelectric 27th Nov 2009 11:21 PM

Dance in the Dark. I love the whole 80's/trance vibe. And the whole bridge part is just so deliciously GaGa.

Really, the whole album is incredible. Every single one could be a single. There isn't a week one on the cd. But my rankings would be:

1. Dance in the Dark
2. So Happy I Could Die
3. Bad Romance
4. Telephone
5. Speechless
6. Teeth
7. Alejandro
8. Monster

missMSBplayer 28th Nov 2009 3:23 PM

Going with electric, ...

1. Speechless
2. Bad Romance
3. Monster
4. Telephone
5. Dance in the Dark
6. Alejandro
7. So Happy I Could Die
8. Teeth

But I love all of them. Teeth is okay, but it kinda sounds like a bunch of elephants stampeding still, GaGa is a genius. All of her songs are amazing.

ajr96 29th Nov 2009 1:15 AM

So happy I could die is my favorite. + it has so much meaning to it.
Lady Gaga recently did a interview with Fuse ( where she discusses the new album in great detail, and to me the monster in so happy I could die is probably the worst. Check that youtube channel out, they have great GaGa stuff.

vilverin 29th Nov 2009 10:49 PM

I like them all

But from best to great, here's my list:

Bad Romance
Dance in the Dark
So happy I could die
Bad Romance (Starsmith remix)

Anubis360 30th Nov 2009 3:41 AM

My ranking:
1. Alejandro - Monster - Dance in the Dark - Telephone - So happy I could Die
2. Bad Romance
3. Speechless
4. Teeth

And the extra song I got somewhere and I always listen is No Way.

v-ware 2nd Dec 2009 5:37 PM

I really like Teeth, Alejandro, Telephone and Monster!

Wartooth 7th Dec 2009 3:59 AM

I was only going to listen to the songs after the concert... I'm going, and I want to be surprised.

Naturally I've already listened to Bad Romance


missaaliyah 27th Dec 2009 7:26 PM

Dance In The Dark & Alejandro are my favourites, other than Bad Romance.

Liekomgz 29th Dec 2009 4:22 AM

I like Bad Romance, LoveGame, Poker Face, Paparazzi, Just Dance, and Video Phone ( ft. Beyonce ).

omgrawr213 31st Dec 2009 1:53 AM

Not many people seem to like Teeth. hmmm..

Bad Romance (getting old now, but that's what I get for listening to it at least 5 times a day.)
Dance in the Dark

Haven't reallly listened to the others much...
Great album though, unless you buy it from iTunes like I did. All the songs are clean, Alejandro ends 50 seconds early (even though it has the full running time listed), and iTunes does not offer an explicit version. Dx

EDIT: okay here are my favorites in order--
Bad Romance
Dance in the Dark
So Happy I Could Die

Like many have acknowledged before me, none of the songs are bad. Teeth isn't that bad either... the only thing I don't like is the acoustic guitar in it... kinda ruins the song IMO. Dance in the Dark has that really annoying high pitched squeal behind Gaga's vocals in the chorus, but otherwise it's a good song.

Wartooth 10th Jan 2010 6:05 AM

From best-to-worst

1. Monster
2. Telephone ft. Beyonce
3. Alejandro (getting tired of it as i've been listening to it like every single dayy)
4. Bad Romance (see above)
5. So Happy I Could Die
6. Speechless
7. Teeth
8. Dance in the Dark

Went to a concert. in December. It was awesome.

rmrm 1st Mar 2010 7:08 AM

In my opinion:
1. Bad Romance
2. Monster
3. Alejandro
4. Telephone
5. Dance in the Dark
6. Speechless
7. Teeth
8. So Happy I Could Die

It's very hard to rank them, though, as I love them all ever so much.

omgrawr213 2nd Mar 2010 12:07 AM

Again, I must re-iterate:
So Happy I Could Die
Dance In the Dark
Bad Romance

Ebonova 2nd Mar 2010 3:52 AM

Telephone, Bad Romance, and Alejandro!

From best to worst:

Bad Romance
Dance in the Dark
So Happy I Could Die

JackBarakat 25th Apr 2010 2:38 AM

Best to worst:

1. Speechless
2. Dance In The Dark
3. So Happy I Could Die
4. Alejandro
5. Monster
6. Telephone
7. Bad Romance
8. Teeth

fthomas 25th Apr 2010 1:27 PM

I love them all! (:

BellzIzInsane 28th Apr 2010 7:53 AM

Mine are Alejandro So happy i could die and Monster I really hope monster hits the radio next! Alejandro is gonna be her next number one though! ^-^

Dimentiza 2nd May 2010 1:59 PM

I love them all but Alejandro is good and so is Teeth.

dyonne930 14th May 2010 3:12 AM

I love the whole CD. I am always listening to it but if i had to rank them it would be:

Dance in the Dark
Bad Romance
So Happy I Could Die

mickies22 26th Jun 2010 2:59 PM


I loved it before i Went to the Monster Ball and loved it even more when i saw her set her Piano on Fire whilst singing it at The Monster Ball!

But honestly, As long its Gaga, I Looooooove it!

Me+U 20th Jul 2010 1:24 AM

Bad Romance,Dance in the Dark,Telephone,and I guess Alejandero because thats my name! Gaga wrote a song about me XD

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