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KKiryu007Joker 5th May 2012 1:31 PM

What are some we are able to do, for future reference?

Barbie Crash 5th May 2012 4:19 PM

Pretty much any roleplay, as long as we're not already doing it. If there are some in the Roleplaying thread that you want to do but can't (for instance, it's full, or too far into the story, or you just prefer a smaller roleplay) then just bring that roleplay over here.

Yazoo 8th May 2012 6:30 AM

I think we should start a new role play. Like just have random. You know make up the story as we go. Just have a background story with each character(s) if we do decide to make more than one *nods*

5M0K3 8th May 2012 11:03 PM


We could each have our own characters, with very detailed and completely different back stories, and, even if there is no particularly 'big' event, they face little challenges, and eventually they all meet each other. ^_^

Barbie Crash 8th May 2012 11:09 PM

I might. I have been up to my knees in school work lately, (funny, since it's almost summer, you'd think they wouldn't give us as much work. . . but HEY you think, but whatcha gonna do?) so I won't really be on as much.

KKiryu007Joker 9th May 2012 4:59 AM

This sounds interesting. I'll do it too. I know the others aren't gonna get any members, and I can make my own person. With you guys. I love you guys! (You're not guys, so I sound like derp..)

Yazoo 9th May 2012 5:17 AM

FYI my characters usually are in bars, because I have no clue why they are always drinking, seeing I do not drink in rl o.O BUT yes, I like the fact they will slowly blend in the story, not just:

"Well, lets do this idea, and pray it doesn't end up like the Sims, where you meet, you date, you f***, then you are married"

Eyup o.O

KKiryu007Joker 9th May 2012 5:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Levera
"Well, lets do this idea, and pray it doesn't end up like the Sims, where you meet, you date, you f***, then you are married"

EEP! Nobody puts their paws on my character, that's scurry! When do we start?

Yazoo 9th May 2012 6:21 PM

That is up to Barbie and 5MOK3 :D

5M0K3 10th May 2012 2:33 AM

That is up to Levera Because we love Levera.

Yazoo 10th May 2012 6:56 AM

LMAO xD Then let us start this >.> Bish up :P

KKiryu007Joker 11th May 2012 6:54 PM

I'll make somebody up then....

Jacky S.

Age: 21.

A young, very mean woman, but caring, who does what she feels like and uses people to get her way. She was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age, and has had numerous problems with the law and her relationships. She now changed states to lose her psychotic ex-boyfriend and works as a teacher at a school.

Yazoo 12th May 2012 5:07 AM

Name: Vex Carmine

Nickname: V, Vex, Vixen

Sexuality: Lesbian

Age: 25

Race: Human?

Martial Status: Single

Personality: Destructive, Aggressive, Dominating, but on occasion can be nice

Background Story: Vex was born into an abusive home. She was beat by her father, and her drunk mother just sat and watch. She didn't have much, as a child, she taught herself how to read and write. She learned to speak in different languages, usually to cuss out her parents without them not knowing what she was saying. She studied different cultures as well. As a teen she had her first relationship with a boy named Billy. Billy was like Vex's father, abusive. And even forced himself on her leading to her deflowering.

Vex grew up and showed the world that no matter the outcome of life, you can always work around it. And she did, she is a world renowned singer, and bass player. But she can be a very violent person due to her upbringing. Some people even believe that Vex isn't...Well, you'll have to meet her, to find out the rest of her story.


I am NOT Katherine Moennig! And the story that has been written and will be written is by me, and by me alone!

Now this is what Vex looks like:

Yazoo 16th May 2012 5:29 AM

Where is 5MOK3 and Barbie?! Should we just like start off, and let them roll in like a ninja? OR wait for them? *bashes eyelashes*

Because I want to get it a goin!

KKiryu007Joker 16th May 2012 9:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Levera
Where is 5MOK3 and Barbie?! Should we just like start off, and let them roll in like a ninja? OR wait for them? *bashes eyelashes*

Because I want to get it a goin!

Yeah let's start it.. you first.

Yazoo 16th May 2012 9:50 PM

WHOA! 5MOK3 and Barbie got banned?! I am not going to ask why, its none of my business. Just...A little sad. But I guess its just you, KKiryu and I.

KKiryu007Joker 17th May 2012 12:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Levera
WHOA! 5MOK3 and Barbie got banned?! I am not going to ask why, its none of my business. Just...A little sad. But I guess its just you, KKiryu and I.

I don't see how you'd ask me.. no clue.. again that is sad... oh well. Yep I guess so. It's gonna feel rather weird without them, it felt weird without Luvsims even though I honestly couldn't stand her... we still to play this, or we do have to find more members, or what?

Yazoo 17th May 2012 4:26 AM

Hmm, I guess we can wait for a few days, and if no one joins, we will start

KKiryu007Joker 17th May 2012 4:32 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Levera
Hmm, I guess we can wait for a few days, and if no one joins, we will start

Maybe we should make a new topic for this then, and okay.

Yazoo 17th May 2012 4:52 AM

Sounds good to me, hun

HystericalParoxysm 17th May 2012 9:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Levera
WHOA! 5MOK3 and Barbie got banned?! I am not going to ask why, its none of my business. Just...A little sad. But I guess its just you, KKiryu and I.

Because they were the same person, and four accounts total for one person was a bit much, when we only allow you one... Especially when they were using the accounts as sock puppets.

Yazoo 17th May 2012 10:07 AM

Thank you, HP. I hope that me asking or saying, wasn't over the line. And I didn't know that they were the same person. I didn't even know she had three other names o.O. I am oblivious to a lot of things -.-" Again I am sorry if saying or asking was out of line. But thank you for answering

HystericalParoxysm 17th May 2012 11:41 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Levera
Thank you, HP. I hope that me asking or saying, wasn't over the line. And I didn't know that they were the same person. I didn't even know she had three other names o.O. I am oblivious to a lot of things -.-" Again I am sorry if saying or asking was out of line. But thank you for answering

Don't sweat it - it's perfectly understandable to be curious.

KKiryu007Joker 17th May 2012 3:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
Don't sweat it - it's perfectly understandable to be curious.

Well that answers it, wow three other names.. why in the hell would she do that? Oh well. Thanks for answering, lol.

Yazoo 18th May 2012 5:18 AM

I KNOW WHY! Probably to start drama? I dunno. I just never knew she was like that, honestly. I was blown away when I saw that post from HP. Thanks again, HP

Curiosity killed the cat, but intelligence kept it alive.

Honestly, that saying...Is off. Killed the cat, yet something else kept it alive...Just odd.

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