Ghost sdoj |
12th Mar 2013 10:41 PM |
Quote: Originally posted by strawberrieflavored
Requested username: Sunnyish
Reason for changing:
It was a dark and stormy night. All the townspeople were asleep, but knowing the mafia was still on the loose, sleep evaded me. Our town's detective had not yet managed to pinpoint the identity of the mafia, and it seemed the murders of innocent townspeople would continue until the mafia was caught... or I suppose until all the townspeople were offed and the mafia was the last man standing.
So that's how I came to be filling out my MTS site registration late that fateful night. I never suspected that I had become the mafia's next target. The sudden crash of a window smashing behind me tore my attention away from the registration, as I turned to see the mafia's hitman rolling into my living room. He reached his hand into the pocket of his trench coat, and whipped out a stick of gum. Realizing that wasn't the object he meant to grab, he tossed it aside, and this time withdrew a yo-yo, which he began to expertly wield as he stalked toward me across my living room. He whipped the yo-yo around and around in a large circle, so fast it seemed just a brightly-colored blur. The end of the yo-yo suddenly wrapped itself around my wrist, and he made to pull me towards him, but I was quicker, and yanked the yo-yo's thread off his finger.
Now clutching the weapon, I would have used it against him, except that I suck at yo-yoing. I didn't have long to enjoy my small victory, however, as he next drew a frisbee with dozens of spikes around the edges from behind his back, and flung it in my direction. Not having much time to think as the fanged disc whizzed toward me, I reflexively threw my arms up in front of my face, tossing the yo-yo into the air... and conveniently deflecting the frisbee.
Not waiting to find out what he next had up his sleeve, I dove behind the sofa, searching for something I could use as a weapon against him. All I could find was my dog's chew toy, but I figured it would be better than nothing. So I poked my head over the edge of the sofa, and lobbed the toy at his face. It made a hilarious squeak as it bounced off the henchman's forehead. It confused him for just a moment, just long enough for me to try and make a break for it. But just before I could reach the door, a jump rope suddenly lashed out and caught itself around my ankles, sending me sprawling. I lay there, face down on the rug, listening to the slow, measured footsteps of the hitman creeping up behind me, thinking this was surely the end... And then the angel saved me at the last minute.
After cleaning up the broken glass and the mafia's rather creative weapons that were strewn across my living room floor, I headed back to my computer to finish my MTS registration, relieved that my brush with the mafia was over, and I had lived to tell the tale.
Unfortunately, I tripped over a cord, and my face smashed into the keyboard, simultaneously typing out my username and hitting Enter.
Anyway, I'd really rather not be reminded of that traumatic night anymore, and I would like to politely request a new username, please!
Epilogue: When the townspeople awoke the next morning, the mafia had still escaped the detective's grasp. But two nights later, the mafia was finally caught, using a trained army of rabid chipmunks to polish off their last victim. Their plan might have succeeded, had the chipmunks not run straight back to their masters after the deed was done, leading the town's detective right to their lair.
Posted March 12, 2013