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Have You Ever Dreamed of the Sims?
Have you ever had dreams related to the sims games? Maybe dreams about your characters, or nightmares about your computer exploding when trying to play the sims. I know I have dreamed about the sims before, but I can't remember my dreams about the game. Can you?
I frequently have dreams relating to the Sims. Often they helpfully give guidance on how to resolve some plot "bug" that's been annoying me.
Not really The Sims but life simulation games and related stuff. I've always wanted a game that was just like real life - not cartoony or anything.
That will never happen, of course. |
I remember dreaming about Sims 1 shortly after we got that game. I dreamt about all these fascinating houses and I was about to go into them and then was interrupted by waking. That led to a building frenzy.
Yes, I've had dreams involving building in the Sims. There was a really cool one recently where I could build houses and have them manifest in real life, and I had built a massive spaceship with this power of mine. On its maiden voyage, someone brought an unexpected guest onboard and I paused time so I could decorate a room for her without her having to wait for it. Then zombies came and the dream went in a different direction...
Yes I love my Sims, yes I am addicted to the Sims game. But if the Sims start crossing over into my world of dreams, then I know it is high time for me to take a long over due break.
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My only two truly memorable sim dreams date to Sims1.
In the very early days, when I was learning the game and having a horrible time with my first family, trying to keep them to a realistic schedule, not hiring a maid, and all that, the housewife started refusing to do anything I directed her to do, stomped off-screen, and came back wearing a scuba mask with snorkel, wet suit, and flippers, announced that she was going on vacation, and stalked off. This was before the Vacation expansion had even been announced, by the way. And we're still waiting for sim scuba diving! Later, after I'd gotten better at the game, I dreamed that I caught my husband (who didn't and still doesn't see the appeal) secretly playing and found that he had built the most wonderful kitchen, with a doughnut machine! He'd also discovered a driveable car - which you'll recall never happened in Sims1. I was thrilled that he was so good at the game. |
I do not play just the sims only so they are in my dreams only as a dynamic of many dreams of many games.
I only dream about the Sims after a long playing session. After I turn off the game, it still plays in my head. Then the next time I boot it up, I wonder what happened to all the stuff I did.
Yes. Mostly nightmares about neighbourhood corruption. >.< And I have this one very common dream where something goes wrong with my game, and pressing the pause button doesn't pause it completely any more. That usually really freaks me out, just shows what a control freak I am when it comes to TS2!
I've dreamed that I'm playing the game a few times. Sometimes, if I can't sleep, I'll plan the next chapter of their lives, so I'm surprised I don't have dreams about them more often.
Yes, I dreamed my Sim saw some vermin outside by the bins and called the exterminator who said they will be there the next morning, however he didn't and the maid came instead. lol
I don't dream about sims, but I sometimes have nightmares about my computer crashing or getting viruses. Guess who wakes up all sweaty and terrified.... *shudders* At least it makes me take backups once in a while.
I've had a few dreams about Sims 2. In one of them, I was talking with Circe Beaker, who had grown her hair out. In another, somehow I had used the SimBlender to impregnate either Samantha or Peter Ottomas with Loki's baby. In another, someone had died and for some reason I was able to see the HUD of one of the people and saw a want being fulfilled, and it was a wish for that person to die. And in a recent dream, I saw the Grim Reaper and was wondering who died.
I often get confused whether I've been dreaming about Sims or real life people.
Or Sims-looking real life people. Or vice versa. But I occasionally dream about my third grade religion teacher driving a tram off tracks around the main square having a completely straight face and causing people to scream. ![]() |
I have dreamed of Sims 2 several times. In the craziest dream, I dreamed I was a sim, who at the same time could control everything the player can...
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Quote: Originally posted by ButchSims
Quote: Originally posted by DJ.
Both of these pretty much summed up. I often dream about moving into my Sim neighborhoods and communicating with my Sims. Or a lot of the time, I just dream about playing the game. ![]() I remember a while ago I had a dream that EA started developing for TS2 again and I was so freaking happy you don't even understand. Then I woke up. ![]() |
I often dream of the pre-and-post war lives of my sims. But that only partly counts.
Your Sims are at war?
Yes, well right now we're in a bust after the war, but they were for a while. I enjoyed making each neighborhood filled to the brim with enemies. Our depression is coming to a close though; I don't know if another war will be waged.
Have I Ever Dreamed of the Sims?
Far too much! I think I dream about the Sims every night. Rather confused muddled dreams with Sims and real people all mixed up. It probably reflects the fact that I'm spending too much of my time thinking about the Sims. I fear It's time that I took the disk out of my DVD drive and hid it at the back of a drawer for a week or two! (Even when I do take the disk out I still can't resist the temptation to come to MTS and see what everyone is posting on Sims 2 Discussion.) |
I used to have a lot of nightmares about Sims back then when I was literally addicted to the game. It was almost always about my sims being in a bad mood and losing control over everything.
But there was also a pretty funny dream I remember about playing a really old, gloomy house. Suddenly Bonehilda appeared and started to talk to my sims (It was all TS1-style) when suddenly Bella Goth (TS2-style) came up to my lot saying that she's back. I was quite confused when I woke up afterwards ![]() ' |
Quote: Originally posted by AmandieLove
When I build a long time before going to bed, I sometimes dream of changing this or that on a lot. Never sims, just building things. |
A while ago I dreamed that my sister ruined my favorite family. Then later on I dreamed that in the same family one of the sims continued to be starving no matter what I did.
I had a baby-boom in one of my hoods. I played for hours on end to teach all of them their toddler skills. They're all children now, and all friends with one another. For some reason they keep popping up in my dreams, since I always get some sort of attachment to my Sims.
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