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Dizzy-noodles 11th Jan 2014 8:05 AM

Help with icons please :) FIXED, see last post
Hello, today I have done something weird to my desktop. I pressed something by accident, and now my icons have gone all weird, with a gap between them (about halfway down the screen). Does anyone know how to fix it please? Sorry I don't know much about computers.

Nysha 11th Jan 2014 12:01 PM

I'm not sure what you could have pressed, but can't you drag and drop them (several at a time if you like) back into place?

Karen Lorraine 11th Jan 2014 12:58 PM

Oh mine does that all the time on my work laptop and then when I've placed my icons where I want them it moves them all back again!

Dizzy-noodles 11th Jan 2014 5:12 PM

Thanks for replying.

Well it's not just that they've moved, they seem to have got smaller aswell. There wouldn't have been room for a gap there before. I just had a go and they will move, thanks, so now I just have to make them bigger, does anyone know how to do that?

ajaxsirius 11th Jan 2014 6:49 PM

Hold Ctrl and use the scroll wheel on your mouse up or down.

Karen Lorraine 11th Jan 2014 7:26 PM

Any idea how you get them to stay where you put them? Mine jump back to all being lined up, rather than where I put them a few days later.

Dizzy-noodles 12th Jan 2014 12:45 AM

Thanks everyone. I managed to get them bigger by right clicking on the background and selecting View, then Medium Icons. So they're back to normal now

ajaxsirius-I think that must be what I pressed by accident. The mouse scroll wheel pops up all the time, when I don't want it to, it's really annoying.

karen lorraine-With mine it just seems to be a case of keeping trying. After I've moved mine, they sometimes move back, but I just kept moving them where I want them and it eventually seemed to stick.

Nysha 12th Jan 2014 12:59 AM

Do you ever change your resolution, or hook your computer up to a projector, TV screen etc etc?

Dizzy-noodles 18th Jan 2014 10:38 AM

Hi, sorry for the late reply.

No I never do any of those things.

I have managed to fix it though now, I used System Restore, and it looks nice again. Hopefully it's fixed my sims problem aswell, but I haven't checked yet.

Thanks for helping!

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