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PANDAQUEEN 14th Nov 2015 12:25 AM

To those with smartphones, what do you have?
So after a year and a half, my phone died on me. So to the dealership I went and got a white Droid 2 and I got an Otter Box to help with dropping protection.

As my 1st phone was named Lootas after the naughty Seattle aquarium Otter that threw a rock so hard, it broke her habitat.

This new one looks like a blue-ringed octopus in the Otter box and had an Octo Processor, that I call my new one Ursula, after the giant octopus hiding under the marina's docks.

How would you best describe your smartphone?

Sims2Christain 14th Nov 2015 12:35 AM

A black touch screen Samsung. I don't know much about make and model.

That is how best I can describe my cellphone.

SuperSimoholic 14th Nov 2015 1:13 AM

My uncle was going to give me his old smartphone when he got a new one, but my sister wanted to borrow it and she let it get stolen, (more like she sold it and said it was stolen...) so she owed me a phone, and when she upgraded she gave me her iphone4 (which wasn't as good as the phone my uncle was going to give me), that had a nice biiiiiig crack down the middle of the screen. But I was fine with it, before that me and my partner were sharing an old flip-phone, so it was our first smart phone!

I still have it like 3/4 years later. My partner got an iphone6 from work as a work phone, and the company pays the phone bill, which is awesome.
But we also still had that old flip-phone as our emergency phone until recently, when it bit the dust (it was like 10+years old) and we got a just-as-crappy 'burn' phone, the kind with actuall button keys that can't use apps I actually prefer the old phone.

We also have a house phone/landline. Just because we both grew up in homes with landlines and it just feels practical.

Bigsimsfan12 14th Nov 2015 1:36 AM

I had to google it. Apparently I have a Samsung Galaxy mini s4 in white. Before that I had a Saumsung Galaxy mini s3. Before those I had a very old pink flip phone from ebay for £12 (at the time). I only really use my phone for texts and every once in a while calls. I don't really use apps or anything else - only internet if I really really need to use the internet. The only reason I have a smartphone is because my Dad bought it for me (It's on some kind of contract with his and my sister's phones) and he pays for it. It's an okay phone though, it's about a year old now (yet is already apparently "too outdated for Snapchat" which my friend had to force me to download!) and on the first day I got it, I dropped it into the ocean twice and down a cliff (not the whole cliff. I was trying to rock-climb and it fell out my pocket about 6ft up).

Viktor86 14th Nov 2015 2:57 AM

A black Sony Xperia Z, with Google Android as OS. I keep it in a black cover, because I know myself as being very clumsy (it's my second version of this phone), dropping it a few dozen times on sometimes hard undergound (stone, asphalt. concrete, tiles). Although, I hardly break my phone, even without that cover. Just bought in a local Media Markt, after changing my data plan at T-Mobile. It's quite big, because I happen to have big hands and I hate those tiny phones, making me press multiple buttons at the same time all the fucking time.

Before that, I had some wonderful Nokia, which even I wasn't able to break.

IAmDeath 14th Nov 2015 6:01 AM

LG G3. I fucking love it. No cover or anything, mainly because I can't find anything I like. I'm thinking about buying a clear cover and throwing some decoden on it.

Thranduil Oropherion 14th Nov 2015 6:41 AM

I HATE being attached to my phone. I hate having to have one, charge it up, take it places or take calls on it. I resent answering text messages; In real life I am Mr Verbosity himself, but I am that guy who will simply text 'K' as a reply to anything you may care to write, 'K' says so much, it says Yes, No, I don't Care, Whatever, Go Away, I Understand/Agree. 'K' does not encourage unnecessary conversation, because if you can only reach me by my phone, it means I don't like you enough to give you my email address, and I don't really want to be in touch with you. Period. Like Viktor, I have 'man hands' and I have all the texting speed and grace of an inebriated tortoise. So, 'K' is just fine. My phone has survived several attempts on it's life purely because, I believe, it's trying to piss me off. It is currently being repaired, despite my thinking it was at last irreparable. iPhones bounce .. Who knew? .. The sneaky little bastards.

IAmDeath 14th Nov 2015 6:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Thranduil Oropherion

Well there's your problem.

RomerJon17 14th Nov 2015 7:00 AM

I use Samsung Galaxy Note 4! I no longer buying new smartphones if my smartphone is dying in 30 years.

Thranduil Oropherion 14th Nov 2015 7:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by IAmDeath
Well there's your problem.

It won't die, Deathy .. I don't have it in a case, and it still won't die! I have thrown it across the garden in the middle of the night in a 'tired and emotional' state dropped it from my truck got it wet stepped on it let the dog carry it stood a hot cup of coffee on it *accidentally* pushed it off my desk ... My friend managed to kill an iPad by leaving it on the roof of his truck and driving away at speed; it could be my only hope!

IAmDeath 14th Nov 2015 7:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Thranduil Oropherion
It won't die, Deathy .. I don't have it in a case, and it still won't die! I have thrown it across the garden in the middle of the night in a 'tired and emotional' state dropped it from my truck got it wet stepped on it let the dog carry it stood a hot cup of coffee on it *accidentally* pushed it off my desk ... My friend managed to kill an iPad by leaving it on the roof of his truck and driving away at speed; it could be my only hope!

Have you tried one of these yet?

Seriously, upgrade to an Android. iPhones and iPads are shit. I'm actually surprised yours held up. Any other iPhone would have broken with a slight poke with a feather.

Noa1500 14th Nov 2015 11:31 AM

I have an HTC Desire 610 because there wasn't much of a choice really- I didn't want a subscription, and the other phones were ridiculously overpriced (not that it was cheap). The phone that I really liked was €600. Then again, what am I supposed to use a €600 phone for? Is it like a computer? No. Am I going to drop it while cycling? Probably. Anyway its not like I use my phone for much- telling the time (cos who wears a watch?), occasional contact with the parentals and other people, and listening to music. That's about it though.

It's quite a bit better than my old phone: HTC Smart, cos it actually recives calls now. To be honest the other phone was just dying of "old" age. Surprisingly the 610 has survived quite a bit: fell out of my zipup hoodie while cycling to school, dtopped on a brick road, drpped down the stairs. The corners are slightly chipped, but nothing significant. The only reason I have a case was because it amused me "Zombie: eat flesh", and that I figured keeping my travel card with my phone would be easier.

HarVee 14th Nov 2015 12:10 PM

Some shoddy Android from nearly 5 years ago. Don't even know the model name. Doesn't matter much though as hardly is it ever used apart from telephone calls. And that is all one really needs from a phone anyway.

coolsim22 14th Nov 2015 12:44 PM

I have a bright green Nokia 365, which is a windows phone. It's okay but it lacks a lot of features and good apps in my opinion. It's my very first smart phone but I'll know to get an android phone next time I get another phone.

Aaron4Ever 14th Nov 2015 3:09 PM

My second Galaxy S4, almost exactly identical to the last, if you don't count that the film and scratches are now gone.

Johnny_Bravo 14th Nov 2015 3:25 PM

Had a Sony Xperia ion who's microphone gave up a while ago. Couldn't call or get called for half a year so my only way of communicating was via whatsapp, e-mail or sms. Now I have a used Samsung galaxy note 2 which my dad got me out of nowhere and i'm happy with it.

candesco 14th Nov 2015 4:11 PM

I have a HTC Desire S for some years now. It has Android 2.3 aka gingerbread. Currently updated to 2.3.5. There were plans for Desire S users that they also should get 4.0 ICS, but that never happened.
Anyway, it works and that is what matters. I don't care much about new models or the newest android version. Why should i replace my phone if i can do with it what i want.

Viktor86 15th Nov 2015 2:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Thranduil Oropherion
It won't die, Deathy .. I don't have it in a case, and it still won't die! I have thrown it across the garden in the middle of the night in a 'tired and emotional' state dropped it from my truck got it wet stepped on it let the dog carry it stood a hot cup of coffee on it *accidentally* pushed it off my desk ... My friend managed to kill an iPad by leaving it on the roof of his truck and driving away at speed; it could be my only hope!

Sounds more like a Nokia in disguise.

ScaryRob 15th Nov 2015 3:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
How would you best describe your smartphone?

A picture speaks a thousand words:

This is similar to what is on the wall, no more than three feet from me at this very moment. Mine is a more advanced model with a couple of speed dial buttons and a redial button. This was one my mother's phones, which she bought sometime in the 80's.

On my nightstand next to my bed I have an appropriately sleek and sexy AT&T Elite 300 push button touchtone. Approximate purchase date, 1985.

I have never owned a cell phone.

TheOriginalFive 15th Nov 2015 7:38 AM

Some kind of Huawei media-pad my parents got as part of a newspaper package deal. Too big to put in my trousers pockets, but not so big it can't be put in my bag.

AGuyCalledPi 15th Nov 2015 10:07 AM

Samsung Galaxy Note 4. It's fucking glorious, if you'll pardon my uhm, French. It's easily the best phone I've ever had. No, best phone I've ever used. It's really quick, it looks good, and most of all, it's smart. I stopped typing on it because voice input is quicker. It serves me relevant information on relevant days, like how long my commute will be, and whether I should wear a jacket that day. I can use the stylus to write down complex mathematics and the handwriting detection will pick it up and solve it for me. I can also compose music on it with half a dozen different instruments. It also gave me 50 gigs of Dropbox storage and a bunch of free apps.

Gabrymato 15th Nov 2015 12:57 PM

I have an iPhone 5 that I love.
It's about 3 years old now but it still rocks. I wouldn't trade Apple stuff for any other brand. Their devices last forever if you treat them right, and they can be updated for a long time after they come out. I don't bash Android (some of my friends actually have some pretty great Android phones), but I've stuck with Apple for years and their products have never let me down.

efolger997 18th Nov 2015 10:16 PM

I have a blue iPhone 5c and I really like it. I've had it for about a year and a half, before which time I had an iPhone 4, and before that a Trac Phone. I really do like Apple products as well, the phones and iPods anyway, although I prefer other brands of computer (I have a Dell).

simmer22 18th Nov 2015 10:29 PM

I've had three and a half phones in about 13-15 years, which I think is quite good. The 'half' I shared with mom until I got my own. I think it was a nokia, but I'm not sure. The screen was green and black, had two lines, and the most advanced it could do was sending a SMS. My proper first was a Nokia that actually had a color screen (256 colors or something?). It just died one day. My second, a Sony Ericsson was a bit more advanced. It still worked when I got my third, but often didn't want to recieve calls or messages, which did create its own troubles, so I decided it was time to get a new one.

I think my current one, also a Sony Ericsson, is supposed to be one of the earlier somewhat-medium-smart phone. I use it for phonecalls, SMS and MMS, clock alarm, timer for cooking, calendar/birthday reminder, occasionally also camera (which is bad quality and difficult to use) if I don't have a proper one.

I'm not planning to get a proper smartphone until this one calls it a day. It has lasted about 4 years without needing repairs, has met the floor on several occasions without complaining all that much, and if I don't do anything that drains the battery it lasts from half a week to a week. Bottom line: It works for my use, and if it works, there's no need to throw it away for a 'better' (or in most cases, more breakable and buggy) model. My only complaint is that it sometimes gets a 'slow spell' on apps, so I have to force-close them, but I usually get it to work after a few tries.

I may consider getting a 'proper' smartphone if they do something about the screens. I do NOT want one of those where the screen breaks almost immediately after buying...

Quite honestly, I prefer my laptop and camera over a smartphone any day. Bigger screen and better quality pictures, if a bit more bulky...

IAmDeath 19th Nov 2015 3:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ScaryRob
On my nightstand next to my bed I have an appropriately sleek and sexy AT&T Elite 300 push button touchtone. Approximate purchase date, 1985.

Jesus, you could use that thing to bludgeon a horse to death.

I actually miss the days when my parents had landlines because I felt so sassy walking/lounging around the house while talking to friends for four hours, especially when I chewed bubble gum and twirled the god damned 30 foot cord around my finger. I was like a cool girl out of an 80s movie. Then we went to cordless phones which was still cool because we had two and keeping one in my bedroom made me feel like I had my "own" phone.

Now we cells and I feel like a tool.

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