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Help Us Build Petlandia, Part 3- the Extra EPs (TS3)
We are beginning the third and final phase of Petlandia- the extra EPs. Petlandia, the empty world, and Petlandia Village, the built world, need only the Pets expansion. We would like to add some buildings for some of the additional EPs. Petlandia is a full world, and as such, any lot added means we lose one lot. The way this project works is, if you would like to create a lot for an Expansion Pack, download the village (link below), and have a look around. Many of the residential lots are available for building, either bulldozed and rebuilt, or by using the house that is already there as a shell for your build.
This is a good way for new builders to be part of the project. We ask that you use only base game objects and objects from the EP that you are covering. For example, a laundry would use base game and objects from Ambitions only. Each of the following posts list an EP and one or more lots for that EP. If you are interested in building/ decorating a lot, quote that post and say where you might want to build. Make sure we confirm that this is available before you start. You can also ask us for a suggested location. Remember to say if you want to build from the ground up, or use the current house as a shell. We encourage you to post WIPs. First post will be edited to include a list of claimed lots. Let's get building! Petlandia Village link: http://www.modthesims.info/d/618017...by-m4bcreators/ Petlandia Lot Table
need: *stylist/ tattoo artist *laundry |
Late Night
need (can be combined): *bar (any type) * bubble bar *club for bands |
University Life
need (can be combined): *coffee shop- CLAIMED *comic shop- CLAIMED |
Into the Future
need: *restaurant with waitstaff and food replicators |
@fxchrfxchr Any interest in joining this project? |
Quote: Originally posted by M4BCreators
Thanks for the ping! Could I try my hand at a combined coffee / comic shop? Feel free to suggest a lot for me, I don't have any set preference, though I think I'd prefer working with an existing lot instead of building from the ground up. |
@orose that sounds great- I will save it for you. As soon as I can I will open Petlandia and see what seems fitting. Do you have any idea how large or small (we have mostly small
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Quote: Originally posted by attuned
I should be able to make any size lot work- I was thinking about one of the small 2 story lots, because then I could have the coffeeshop on the first floor and the comics upstairs, but it's just a thought. I'm not picky, lol. I can try to boot up the game tomorrow or the next day and take a look too ![]() |
@orose 2 suggestions for possible locations for coffee/ comics shop:
43 Calico Road (10x15)- Tiny Craftsman 81 Purr Road (10x10)- The Sister Townhouse Both are 2 stories, near town, and seem suitable to me. What do you think? |
Quote: Originally posted by attuned
Let's say the Tiny Craftsman? Just because I'm not sure the routing will work in the townhouse for the barista bar, they were fairly small inside so I'm thinking the 10x15 lot may have a better chance, lol. |
orose- tiny craftsman is my first choice as well, though I know you are very familiar with the sister townhouse.
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Quote: Originally posted by attuned
Haha, yes, I feel like sister townhouse and I are old friends, but the craftsman will definitely be easier for this project. I'll make sure it only has BG and Uni stuff. Glad you mentioned moving walls around, I was wondering how much leeway we had for changing structures of existing builds- so basically minor changes like moving a wall around here or there are okay as long as the basics are the same? I'm about to go in game now so I'll get started and get some screenshots as I go! Edit: Question- what lot type do you want me to use? I could do a Hangout (BG), Uni Hangout (UL), Rebel Hangout (UL), Java Hut (UL) or Nerd Shop (UL). I lean towards Hangout or Uni Hangout just because they don't have open/close hours, but I can do whatever works best. |
Johnny Bravo gave us permission to change anything, so change whatever you want, including exterior walls, windows, doors, wallpaper, landscaping, even the roof, or the footprint. It is your project now.
I was thinking about the lot type also. IIRC, EA messed up the java hut lot type, by giving it closing hours, while the coffee bar is 24/7. I think hangout would work best, especially since with two types of venues on one lot, it won't be assigned both lot tags anyway. |
I've had these homes just a simple shells, and gave them to you guys as a blank slate, basically. Do whatever your creativity pleases to do ![]() |
Thanks Johnny, and feel free to claim a build, if you are ever so inclined.
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Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
Thanks Johnny! I'll have the first round of screenshots ready soon. :D |
orose- Johnny reminded me that his tiny craftsman shell is available for download here: http://www.modthesims.info/showthre...315#post5348315 in case a clean slate is a better starting point. He did not build this for Petlandia, so it would still need to be checked for any non BG/ Uni build items.
*waves* I'm back and should have some screenshots within the next day or two- my computer decided it didn't want to run TS3 and due to finals I didn't have time to diagnose and fix it. The good news is that my last final of the semester is over and I finally had time to fix my computer today. (Drivers. Sigh. Why is it always drivers?)
Edit: *sigh* or not. now it's overheating. *headdesk* I'll be back. |
No worries, orose. The holiday season is busy for everyone. I don't think anyone has pictures to share.
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Laundromat-if wanted
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I built a laundromat on a 10x10 lot @ 80 purr road of petlandia village. It just uses base game and ambitions. If you want it let me know and I will send your choice of either package or sims3pack in compressed zip.
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@fascisthater Thanks for the laundromat. I think you missed these instructions from the first post "If you are interested in building/ decorating a lot, quote that post and say where you might want to build. Make sure we confirm that this is available before you start." The reason for this is that there are several of us that manage the group creators account, and so sometimes a lot, or lot type, may already be claimed. We are also in the process of reevaluating the lots that are available.
The lot you chose, 80 Purr road, is not available. We do have several other 10 X 10 lots, so this shouldn't be a problem. When I get a chance to open my game, I will give you a list of alternatives. I like the laundromat itself. The colors are great and it has a good layout. The building is a bit boxy, with a very simple roof. While this may be realistic, it is not something that is usually accepted by MTS, unless there is a compelling reason. A shape with more interest is needed, such as seen below. I also want to make sure you understand that the lot will be uploaded with other lot(s) that are also for the Ambitions EP. You will be listed as the creator, but it will be uploaded by the M4BCreatorrs account, as an add-on for out Petlandia Village world. If you would like, you can upload your lot (as a package is preferred), and I will look at it in game. Thanks again, and please post any questions. |
Regarding Laundromat
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I"m sorry attuned if I gave you the impression that I was claiming 80 purr road without any prior clearance. That is just a 10x10 lot where I built it (I usually state in my uploads where I build lots). I was just offering a laundromat lot since you said in pm that those were still available. You or the people making decisions on lot placement can place it wherever you want if you decide you want it. I did give this building a different roof to make it look more like a barn and recolor the supports, but I didn't alter the interior. I did notice though that 80 purr road and 81 purr road have fences at the edges of the lots but were not completely fenced in. You would probably know better if these gaps in fencing still allowed normal routing. I use game version 1.67 but don't know if everyone in group uses that version or if there would be conflicts with 1.69 lots. If you do want this building, do I post it here in this thread? Little worried that if I posted on the main site a building that may work in this quaint little weird world but not in most normal worlds, that people might think I took a ride on the crazy train.
fascisthater- yes, the version with the new roof is much better, and fits the town well, thank you.
![]() You can zip the library file, and upload it right to your post, or you can PM me a link to a file share site where you have uploaded it. If you would like a Sims File Share invitation, let me know and I will PM an invitation code to you. Thanks again! |
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Hi @fascisthater I looked at your lot in game and it looks good. I have two suggestions, which you are free to take or not, it will not affect our acceptance of your lot.
1. (see pics) you can CASt the edge of a floor tile. It doesn't usually matter, but when you can see the edge, like in the overhang at the start of your roof, coloring the edge gives it a finished look. I used a shade similar to the exterior on the first pic, and then a white for contrast. 2. Usually it is recommended to use windows and doors in similar styles. While different, mix and match styles can work, it is a bit more tricky to pull it off. The doors on the laundromat are very modern, and the front window more traditional. Since shops that aren't showing their wares in the windows don't really need windows, I suggest deleting the front window. The glass doors provide plenty of light. I also realized that if a builder is not using a shell from a building that is already there, then downloaders can place it on any same or larger size lot. I think we can offer those lots with or without suggested locations. |
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