All of simler90's Mod Descriptions - The Ultimate TL;DR Version!
I think the people who will find this the most useful are the ones who are interested in getting one of the big mods, such as the Business Mod and Romance Standards, but feel overwhelmed when trying to read through the many update notes. Simler90 describes all the changes made in an update, which makes sense when coming back to the mod to update it, but could feel like too much noise when approaching the mod for the first time. An example are the following updates of the Business Mod:
Quote: Originally posted by simler90
UPDATE 5:(...) the game now also prevents the owner and employees from restocking harvestables and craftables if the owner or family of the owner is unselectable, because these objects are restocked from the owner's inventory, and if the owner is unselectable, they won't be making any money
UPDATE 11: In UPDATE 5, I made it so that the owner and employees would not be able to restock craftables and harvestables if the owner or family of the owner is unselectable. I now found out that Maxis did think ahead and added a feature which makes it so that whenever a craftable or harvestable is sold when the owner or family of the owner is unselectable, the game returns the craftable/harvestable back to the inventory of the owner. So, this update reverts the change I made in UPDATE 5
UPDATE 13: In UPDATE 11, I said that Maxis thought ahead and added a feature which makes it so that the game gives any harvestables or craftables customers purchase back to the owner when the owner or family of the owner is unselectable. I am taking that back. They did not think ahead. (...) This update fixes this, and makes it so that the game properly gives any craftables or harvestables back to the owner if the owner or family of the owner is unselectable.
UPDATE 15: I realized that harvestables/craftables still had a problem. (...)
In my take of the description, all of the "restocking of harvestable items" problem boils down to just one (of multiple) points that this mod addresses:
Quote: Originally posted by topp
fix: business inventory of harvestables/craftables now properly managed (if owner's family isn't the active family and the employees restock the harvestables/craftables, none are taken from the owner's inventory, because OFB lots don't get saved in such case)
The vagueness of my descriptions somewhat resembles Pescadoesqueism, where the mod would be outlined in a number of bulletin points. I have however refrained from adding quirky remarks and the premium dictionary content to the mod descriptions (i.e. you won't be seeing words such as fambly and babby, or descriptions such as "stops scum from trying to dine with your Sims"). Sometimes though - only sometimes - I wish I had left some of it in.
Have fun exploring new mods!
30th Mar 2024 11:00 PM
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fix: landlords invited to spend time after shift no longer prevented from leaving the apartment
fix: vampires now pay rent at 19 instead of at noon
fix: vampires now asleep during day and awake and possibly outside their apartment at night
fix: werewolves now always awake on apartments
fix: Sims who are on a date/outing no longer pushed to go to their apartments when it's time for them to sleep
fix: apartment neighbors' sleep states no longer glitching (would cause them not to turn on lights when walking into rooms when awake, or be pushed into sleep state even though there's a playable visiting their suite etc.)
fix: corrects a Maxis mistake in relationship checks which prevented visitors from performing Shower/Bath/Sleep interactions despite being in good relations with the tenant
if Sims go into aspiration failure, their FT LTA meter gets decreased by a random amount (except YA and Sims with LTA maxed out)
LTA UPDATE MOD; 2020/12/16
fix: Sims no longer gain LTA points if they're sleeping or off-lot (because they can't gain/lose short-term aspiration when off-lot/sleeping either)
fix: the following objects are now properly recognized for wants/fears purposes:
AL elevator
FT DJ booth, RC car, helicopter
UNI exercise machines (except for treadmill)
PS conversions if present: exercise machine, one-tile karaoke machine
LS conversions if present: Game Development career reward video game console
for Smustle dance wants: all stereos and DJ booths
fix: Sims no longer roll wants to Work as DJ on dorm/greek/apartment lots
fix: Sims no longer roll wants to WooHoo in car after traveling to lots on foot, unless an ownable vehicle is present on lot
fix: Sims no longer roll wants to become friends/best friends/BFFs with pets, and instead roll the appropriate become pet friends/pet best friends wants in such case
fix: Sims now properly receive wants to repair objects (used to work only for stereos)
fix: want conditions to roll Fall In/Out of Love now properly tied to the Love flag instead of the Crush flag
regular version: changes to how lights set to auto behave
advanced version: further changes, where the lights are less likely to turn on along the way in other rooms when Sim is routing to sleep or towards a vehicle (leaving the house)
outdoor and pool lights now turned on 18-06
auto indoor lights now always on at community, secret society, and secret hobby lots, and when there's an ongoing party
auto indoor lights now turned on at other lots during daytime in a room that's windowless, and with at least one awake Sim
auto indoor lights now turned on at other lots during nighttime when there's at least one awake Sim in the room
delay of 15 in-game minutes before toggling the auto lights
fix: Sims now recognize all (i.e. FT) cribs and changing tables as such, not just the BG crib and table
fix: no more bathing baby/toddler if they have a dirty diaper
fix: Sims holding a baby/toddler can now autonomously: change its diaper, use a shower+tub combo to bathe it, won't consider using an inaccessbile object to mend its needs
fix: toddlers being held now properly show low motive distress thought bubble
fix: Sims won't consider initiating interactions towards babies/toddlers if the baby/toddler is: in a crib with low energy, being held by another Sim
fix: if there's non-spoiled bottle of milk available in the room or toddler is in high chair eating, Sims and nannies won't take any more bottles out of the fridge
fix: Sims cannot take toddler mush or bottles of milk from a fridge without enough food points
fix: Sims don't try to put baby/toddler in an occupied crib
fix: nannies can potty-train toddlers now, instead of only being able to take potty-trained toddlers to the potty (only Maxis potties)
fix: Sims don't lecture babies for bladder failure anymore
family Sims interact with the toddler they're holding more, romance Sims less
enables the breastfeeding interaction: the female YA/adult mother of the baby can breastfeed the baby (required extra file)
parents with FT parenting skill now: have a larger impact with the "encourage" interactions, teach toddler skills 50 % faster (only Maxis potties for the potty-training skill)
fix: while playing another household, if the visiting female Sim is a playable, she can now get pregnant (if her household is not full)
fix: first trimester (non-showing) Sims don't get the second trimester pregnant walking animations and instead walk normally
Romantic Standards version: download this if you have ROMANTIC STANDARDS
regular version: (read on below)
new autonomous Fight.../Slay interaction (inspired by The Sims 4 "Slay" interaction on vampires)
if the non-vampire loses the Slay interaction, there's a small chance the vampire will bite you (chance depends on whether the vampire is Nice or a Grand Vampire)
Grand Vampires more difficult to Slay
a bigger chance to Slay if the attacker is in Werewolf form
no text notifications anymore
Bite Neck doesn't require STR that high anymore, and the success now also slightly depends on vampire's Charisma and target's Logic. Greater chance to successfully bite if target is Knowledge Sim, vampire is Grand Vampire. Lower chance to turn werewolves
Bite Neck decreases vampire's energy to prevent spam. Also maxes out Hunger
vampires can only Bite townies autonomously
new non-autonomous Fight.../Slay interaction (inspired by The Sims 4 "Slay" interaction on vampires)
can only initiate if the initiator has Vamprocilin-D in inventory and the target is a vampire
vampires cannot slay other vampires
these fights are more difficult to lose to vampires
fix: Sims can now autonomously swim in the ocean
Sims prefer to swim during daytime, summer (except for bigfoot, active werewolves, vampires, plantsims and zombies who won't care, and servos who won't get in ocean)
to have Sims be more likely to swim in the ocean if they have high body temperature: downloadTEMPERATURE AD MODIFIER MOD
fix: combing for seashells now properly increases the fun motive instead of the non-existant chew/scratch motive
fix: only the discoverer of a beach collectible will be able to initiate Share Discovery Story interaction on said collectible (applies only to collectibles acquired after the mod)
fix: getting pinched by a crab decreases comfort now
fix: the invited vacation party will now be able to collect beach collectibles autonomously
SUNBATHE MOD; UPDATE 2; 2020/08/31
unselectable Sims can also get suntan/sunburn from sunbathing, and will sunbathe on any beach lot
Sims now always get suntan/sunburn from sunbathing in the summer
Sims change into casual after sunbathing
fix: Sims no longer get stuck with a permanent suntan/sunburn due to a glitch
fix: during scaring, ghosts no longer temporarily change color to white before changing back to their original color
fix: nice and neat Sims now sometimes pushed to clean instead of making a mess
fix: grouchy and sloppy Sims now sometimes pushed to make a mess instead of clean
fix: Sims no longer lose death type (ghost color) after the Move Grave interaction
fix: tombstones will no longer sometimes get deleted after a ghost possessed it
fix: ghosts now normally haunt unowned community lots instead of being randomly deleted mid-haunt
fix: Sims that died by getting eaten by the cowplant no longer overly obsess with the cowplant and now properly can haunt the lot as well
max number of ghosts on lot raised from 3 to 5
changes in ghost behavior depending on their death type:
electrocution: ghosts always turn on all electronics in range, regardless of anger level; ghosts restore the power motive of nearby servos as they float; servos have a higher chance of running amok if scared by them
disease: ghosts can now leave disease markers around, making other Sims that come into contact sick with a mysterious disease. Severity depends on how angry the ghost is
flies: ghosts decrease the hygiene motive of nearby Sims as they float
fire: ghosts now have a low chance to set adjacent Sims/flammable objects on fire. More likely to set enemies and disliked objects on fire
sunlight: ghosts decrease all motives of nearby vampires as they float
hail: ghosts always level 2 angry if it's hailing outside
lightning: ghosts have a low chance to strike Sims with a lightning bolt if the Sim is close
rally forth: ghosts always wake up sleeping Sims in the same room, regardless of anger level
wishing well: ghosts always level 2 angry when there's a wishing well on the lot
satellite: stargazers/cloud watchers have a higher chance of dying from a falling satellite if the ghost is in the same room and close to the Sims
fright: ghosts always have a high chance of scaring Sims and their scare is always more severe on the motives
coffin scare: ghosts always have a high chance of scaring vampires and their scare is always a lot more severe on all the motives; vampire servos have a high chance to run amok if scared by them
if no one is around to scare, ghosts near an object now have a chance to either possess the object or keep floating instead of always possessing the object
only angry ghosts now able to wake Sims up if they're in the same room as the sleeping Sims (except rally forth)
ghosts now scare Sims by chance instead of always. The lower the LTR towards the Sim, the higher the chance
active werewolves/bigfoot get less of a motive hit when being scared
servos have a low chance of running amok if being scared; cannot die of fright
motive hit on scared Sims now determined by how angry the ghost was
ghosts now have a further chance get level 1 angry depending on their nice points (old age ghosts less likely to get angry), which enables community lot ghosts to get angry too
kicking a ghost's tombstone or smashing their urn will now always make the ghost level 2 angry
fix: Give Medicine To (child Sim) now works properly (child's disease severity lowered instead of doing nothing)
fix: vials (created if the Give Medicine To interaction is interrupted and Sim puts down the vial before handing it to a child) now no longer throw Slot Number Out Of Range/Could Not Find Object Reference errors
fix: added proper teen/adult/elder animations to the Give Medicine/Virus To interactions
game now checks Sim's aspiration score instead of their mood when determining whether they could perform the Take Virus option
Sims (teen and older) can now perform Give Virus To (child and older) interaction:
targets can only take the vial if they're already sick and they're a playable
target needs to have at least 10+ STR with virus giver, and lower Logic than virus giver's Charisma, in order to accept
target less likely to accept the more diseases they currently have
vials do not expire anymore
medicine no longer decreases the severity of morning sickness
vials take longer to make the lower the Logic skill. Viruses take even longer
new interaction: Put Vial into Inventory (enabling to make pharmacy businesses that sell medicine)
strong medicine (dark blue) price is now set to §200, moderate medicine (light blue) to §100
viruses only sellable via the biotech station. A chance to get busted by police (chance is higher the more viruses sold). If busted, the fine is §7,500
Sims can now get a Mysterious Disease when making a virus
Give Medicine/Virus to is now of maximum priority instead of autonomous priority
fix: the game no longer considers ghosts, off-world Sims and special NPCs (spectral assistants, therapist, social bunny, flying birds) as awake Sims which prevent the burglary from happening
fix: car alarms no longer go off unless the burglar is in the same room as the car and about to actually steal the car
fix: burglars won't make ghosts and zombies run away, and will be able to make apartment neighbors and employees to run away
removes the burglar sound cue and the PIP camera when the burglar shows up, to make the player less aware of the ongoing burglary (tunable: able to undo)
depending on the burglar's Mechanical, Body and Logic skills, the burglar may be able to avoid the regular burglar alarm or the car alarms
burglars are given an extra change to avoid the car alarm if the car is outside (except helicopters), to make the garages appear safer
fix: business owners now properly credited when customers buy at the till/food stand/espresso bar/lemonade stand/vending machine/ticket machine (sometimes the active family would wrongfully get credited instead, which isn't necessarily the owner's family)
fix: business owners now credited 10 % of each pet sale made as the sale profit (because non-owner-family visiting Sims get charged depending on the new pet's learned behaviors instead of business owner's set price)
fix: controllable customers no longer falsefully credited when the owner/employees/cleanbots pick up after customers that dropped the bags on the floor, or when uncontrollable Sims had had more in the cart than they could afford so the items got removed from the cart
fix: customers properly charged when paying at the till (even when the owner is the currently active family)
fix: Sims part of a date/outing no longer randomly decide to leave the lot mid date/outing after paying at the till
fix: Sims no longer attempt to buy food from the food stand if they can't afford it
fix: the ticket machine lots no longer prevent Sims from leaving by car (an interactible object on the lot) if they're not currently paying for a ticket
fix: business owners now won't be charged for restocking items if the owner's family is not the currently active family (to prevent owner bankrupcy, because OFB lots don't get saved unless visited by the owner's family only)
fix: business inventory of harvestables/craftables now properly managed (if owner's family isn't the active family and the employees restock the harvestables/craftables, none are taken from the owner's inventory, because OFB lots don't get saved in such case)
fix: when dining at an OFB restaurant, the actual customers now charged instead of a random Sim in the neighborhood
fix: OFB employee jobs now properly recognized in some in-game checks, and Sims already working for a business can't be hired by another business unless they quit/are laid off/fired
fix: owners no longer able to hire family bin Sims/vacation locals/tourists
fix: game no longer miscalculates the fair wage of some employees/recently promoted managers (further tunable)
fix: disabled autonomous social interactions towards Sims who are paying at the cash register
fix: the owner's family no longer able to order drinks/espresso at bars (beause interactions don't cost money when not via a business)
fix: on an owned lot, visiting and non-owner-family Sims can no longer make/serve espresso at the bar
fix: easel paintings/draft board drawings/university camera photos/potions no longer wrongfully considered as a wholesale purchase
fix: the reporter NPC now congratulates the business owner after a good review, instead of initiating the Change Wage interaction on the owner
fix: love potions/evil pitchers/robots/produce will now be restocked by proper objects (no longer restock love potion with nice potion, broken hydrobot with a working cleanbot etc.)
fix: garden produce is now properly being added to the owner's inventory when harvesting
fix: Buy a Potion wants now fulfilled when buying at OFB lots (not just from NPCs). Affects custom potions too
fix: owners who own more than one business and are assigned to be the restaurant chef at one of them no longer hang on the other lots without a chef stove
employees don't need to be fired/rehired to work for a different business of the same owner than the business they currently work for
fix: Buy Clothes/Jewelry/Collar wants now fulfilled when buying at OFB lots
a notification is displayed when having bought jewelry (similar to the new clothes/collar notifications)
fix: fixes the employees' appearances if they have their uniform set (they no longer change face structure and lose eyebrows)
the Try On window for everyday clothes comes up when you select to set an employee's uniform. If you select cancel, the Try On for formal comes up, then gym, swimwear, PJs, undies, outerwear, to enable setting uniform from any clothing category
limitation: you cannot set your employee's hairstyle; you need to reset the employee's uniform if they have aged up in the meantime
mod perhaps not needed as there is a workaround around the uniform glitch detailed in the original download thread
to get fix: butlers now clean stacks of dishes, downloadCLEANING MOD
butlers can now (low-chance) grill and serve desserts
butlers don't greet furious walk-bys
improved butler logic on considering when to cook meals (ignore for-sale food, consider guests' motives, ignore servos, ignore sleeping Sims unless close to waking up)
fix: butlers and apartment nannies when feeding pets now properly charge the household for the refill instead of paying for the food themselves
fix: Sims won't clean if there's a maid or butler etc.
fix: Sims won't throw away plates if the sink is unavailable, and will instead simply put the plate down until a sink becomes available
fix: espresso cups being washed in the sink no longer randomly reset the Sim and leave the sink running
fix: stuck dining tokens no longer prevent Sims from washing dishes at their home lot
fix: maids/butlers/housekeepers with very low/very high Neat skill no longer sometimes prevented from cleaning stacked dishes
fix: mugs/cups/dishes within an apartment unit will only be considered to be washed in a sink that's in that very apartment unit
changes the requirements for a Sim to be allowed to autonomously clean objects/dishes/take out trash/dispose of newspapers
Sims are prevented from washing dishes on hotels/community lots with a dining podium (so that owner/employees will wash dishes at OFB restaurants and NPCs on unowned lots)
customers won't clean up coffee mugs and espresso cups on OFB lots
NPCs won't empty the trash if it's less than 1/3 full
DISHWASHER MOD; 2020/07/21
the dishwasher won't run until there are 10+ items in the dishwasher
dishwashers run for longer now and cannot be opened to add more dishes while in operation
WASH DISH MOD; UPDATE 2; 2021/04/20
regular version: Sims take longer to wash dishes depending on the number of dishes they're washing, their Neat and Cleaning levels
skill version: additionally, Sims gain the cleaning skill when doing the dishes
effect of wants/fears on date or outing score now heavily decreased (tunable), encouraging players to focus on improving STR/LTR and achieving the unique score-boosting events determined by Maxis
maximum distance outing/dating members can be from the leader increased from 4 to 15 tiles/from 1.5 to 2 tiles (tunable)
fix: Ask Sim on Date want no longer fulfilled if Sim actually got rejected
Be Rejected for Date fear now fulfilled when asking over the phone if the other Sim is sleeping
Sims have to pay §100 (tunable) to be able to successfully ask Sims on dates, except for a networking reward date
fix: members of the date/outing no longer follow the leader if the leader is in an inaccessible room, causing a game hang
fix: when Sims are being seated at a restaurant, the game now able to group all unplayable Sims (i.e. playable but not currently from active household, social groups, vacation tourists/locals, garden club etc., as opposed to townies only)
tunable to allow larger dining groups, default up to 3
DINING TIP MOD; 2022/09/27
fix: when an unselectable, dining Sim decides to tip an unreachable employee (i.e. behind locked kitchen doors), the game no longer cancels the tip interaction and instead tips the staff properly
fix: interaction renamed to remove an asterisk from the pie menu
FOOD SERVE EAT MOD; 2021/03/19
fix: Sims will no longer serve meals for servos, plantsims, Social Bunny, Therapist, RC car, etc.
Sims inside an apartment suite will only consider the apartment suite objects to prepare/cook/serve/eat/drop food on
Sims inside an apartment suite will only serve meals to neighbors if the neighbor is in that same apartment suite
fix: other Sims no longer able to steal food/drinks that your Sims ordered and received, but haven't started eating just yet
fix: cold now develops to pneumonia when it worsens instead of killing the Sim
fix: Sims cannot catch a cold anymore if they're already sick with pneumonia
fix: the game no longer interrupts a Sim's current interaction when trying to give them a mysterious disease through a disease marker
fix: Sims no longer have show of symptoms queued up and then spammed when they complete an action, and instead show symptoms straight away
fix: apartment roommates now susceptible to diseases (unlike other townies)
fix: Sims who have pneumonia no longer drop pneumonia markers and instead spread cold (to prevent the illogical "Sim's cold got much worse and now they have pneumonia" message when a healthy Sim gets sick via contagion)
bigfoot recovers much faster now
game won't show a notification when a Sim who is not part of the currently played family gets a mysterious disease from a disease marker
regular version: introduces additional rules and checks in the disease code (used to be +8 for sleeping, +6 for sitting, +4 for high Energy/Comfort, -4 for low Energy/Comfort) (tunable)
+4 recovery points: during sleep; during the platinum aspiration
+2 recovery points: during sitting; during the gold aspiration; for more than three quarters full Energy/Comfort/Hygiene/Water/Hunger; being fit; having lycantrophy; being in a vacation neighborhood
-2 recovery points: not sleeping nor sitting; during red-high aspiration; for less than half full Energy/Comfort/Hygiene/Water/Hunger; being fat; being elder
-4 recovery points: during red-low aspiration
advanced version: like the regular version, but gain/loss of recovery points and contracting a disease from disease markers now allowed everywhere at all times (used to be only currently played family on a residential lot)
fix: Sims in apartments that need to throw up now only consider toilets within the current apartment suite (and only consider communal area toilets if they're currently in the communal area)
fix: apartment visitors that need to throw up now only use the currently active family's toilets if they've previously been greeted, otherwise choose a communal toilet or throw up on the ground if none are available
eating the soup no longer instantly cures the Sim of all diseases, and instead only gradually decreases the severity of one of the Sim's diseases
combine with SLOWER FITNESS GAIN MOD so that if a Sim got fat (because of too much soup) may now have to work harder to become fit again
combine with ROMANTIC STANDARDS MOD so that if a Sim got fat (because of too much soup) may now possibly ruin a relationship because of different chemistry due to fatness
combine with BIOTECH STATION MOD to actually consider buying medicine from a pharmacy despite soup access, because the medicine is more effective and doesn't make Sims fat
fix: slapping now accordingly changes relationships
active werewolves, grand vampires, bigfoot more likely to win fights
parent Sims now react to their children slapping, shoving, and poking
Attack and Savage interactions lower the comfort and hygiene needs (loser gets a bigger motive hit)
the Throw Drink interaction now raises Water motive when water is thrown at plantsims, and decreases hygiene in others
Sims can defend themselves from being Savaged (werewolves won't always win and therefore turn the other Sim)
FRIDGE PLAY FIX; 2020/08/02
fix: Sims no longer loop play with fridge - stop - play with fridge - stop if they have high Fun
IMMATURITY MOD; 2020/01/09
enables YA/adult/elder Sims to act immature (jumping on couch/playing on fridges/fighting others due to red aspiration), but to a lesser extent than child/teen
fix: when Sim A influences Sim B to talk to Sim C, Sim B no longer chooses the BV What's Cool Around Here and AL Complain about Noise/Complain about Smell interactions to talk to Sim C
fix: Sims won't receive pension when on vacation anymore
fix: teens/elders don't receive the top level memory for reaching level 3
the higher the job performance, the more difficult it is to increase job performance
along with mood, season, and reputation, further factors affect the calculations: having graduated/with a career-relevant major/with honors
after passing the performance threshold needed for promotion, Sims have now 15 % instead of 100 % chance of promotion via performance meter, further increases if high reputation, if living downtown, if living on a high-class lot, if graduated/with a career-relevant major/with honors
penalty for missing work doubled
maximum level job available at computer listings is now 4 (graduates can't immediately get a high-level job)
fix: the landlord will take care of gardening only within communal areas, which is everywhere outside individual apartments (as they don't clean inside apartments nor burst in to charge overdue rent either)
fix: taxi no longer hangs indefinitely if obstructed from leaving between 23-00 due to a logical error in computing the time
Sims no longer autonomously attempt to stock the fridge if they arrive home with a market basket in their inventory
fix: owner family traveling to their OFB lot no longer arrives with motives all green
WALK TO LOT MOD; 2019/09/20
fix: game no longer raises motives when Sims walk to lots/school/work
walking to lots/work/school decreases Energy, Comfort and Hygiene depending on the distance between the two lots, making vehicles a relevant mean of transport
motives further decreased for traveling between neighborhoods or with low Body skill
servos instead have only Power need affected, Plantsims only Water if it's not raining (and Sunshine if traveling by night)
witches/bigfoot/zombies unaffected, vampires unaffected by night, active werewolves affected less
combine the effects of this mod withWALK TO SCHOOL/WORK MOD(especially Advanced/Special versions)
fix: Sims no longer put magazine or newspaper on the ground if the Read interaction is cancelled by the user (now they always try to put it on a proper surface)
can assign employees to be a masseur/masseuse, employee will only offer massages they've previously learned (always know swedish)
customers less likely to purchase a massage if their comfort/shopping need is high, their hunger/hygiene/water/bladder/energy is low, mood is low, or the more expensive a massage is
customers likely to remain in towel after massage if outgoing
Mrs. Crumplebottom now only able to scold Sims that are in the same room as her (to prevent her from scolding customers wearing towels and preventing massages)
Sims can now autonomously purchase a massage on non-OFB community lots
the manager (either the business owner or an employee assigned to mind the store) no longer reassigns masseurs/masseuses
special instructions need to be followed to cover for the missing UI string Management.../Assign.../Be Masseur (Live.package); not included due to many players having a custom Live.package already (i.e. custom townie names)
fix: platinum mood effect changed from +200 to +500 to actually reflect the platinum mood meter (max mood) in all cases where the mood is otherwise severely bad without the platinum mood reward
fix: Perk Up OFB interaction no longer leaves Sim in a permanently low mood if the Sim satisfied a want/fear or if their aspiration level changed during the 3-hour effect of the interaction
fix: the game will now recalculate every Sim's mood every hour (as opposed to only selectable Sims' moods every hour)
regular version: the above fixes, plus makes the aspiration meter directly influence the Sim's mood (range from -100 to +100):
the last 100 memories affect a Sim's mood based on the collective memory strength (the more strong/positive memories, the better Sim's mood is), capped at +25/-25
known gossip (good and bad) about Sims the Sim is best friends/BFF with now also affect mood, up to +10/-10
zombies always receive an additional -15 on mood
extreme body temperature (90/influences mood (except for zombie, bigfoot, active werewolf, vampire, servo) up to -25
make sure you also get MEMORY MOD which fixes the glitched private school memories in order to work as intended with this version
regular version: fixes and changes related to dance together/slow dance/classic dance
Romantic Standards version: if you also have ROMANTIC STANDARDS, further changes to dance together interaction (Sims able to develop crush/love depending on their Music enthusiasm)
fix: Sims no longer dance behind the FT DJ booth
fix: DJ booth wants fulfillable on the FT DJ booth too
fix: Sims now navigate to audio source before starting to smustle/hula/slap dance
fix: dancing together now increases Sims' body temperatures
fix: DJ booth now properly marked as not in use if employee assigned as DJ leaves the lot after DJing
fix: no more error when Sims dance to a DJ booth which an employee was assigned to
fix: Sims that goofy dance continue doing so until everyone finishes reacting (to avoid reacting Sims being reset once the goofy dance stops)
Sims will route to the area below the stage to dance/hula/smustle to instruments (doesn't apply to DJ booths/karaoke)
slower Dance skill gain, also now dependable on Sim's Active, Body and Creativity points (and DJ's Creativity and Music enthusiasm if dancing to DJ booth)
classic/slow/dance together now increases both Sims' STR and/or LTR each loop, depending on their Music enthusiasm and the other Sim's dance skill
fix: Sims can watch an instrument player from sofas, dining chairs, and living chairs
fix: Sims who are sitting in a chair will move to the room where the intrument is to watch the instrument instead of remaining seated
regular version: changes in audience-performer relationships
Romantic Standards version: if you also have ROMANTIC STANDARDS, further relationship changes (Sims able to develop crush/love while watching a performer)
fix: visitors can use the AL microphone
fix: audience now reacts according to their mood too, when listening to performing Sims
audience won't gain Fun if the performer has Creativity <300
Sims gain/lose STR towards the performer Sim depending if they like/dislike them to begin with
karaoke singers won't receive relationship change towards their audience
³ note: download only if you have no custom eyes (defaults are ok)
⁴ ALIENS RICH POOR; UPDATE 9-2; 2019/06/17
fix: some broken Maxis turn ons completely replaced (i.e. Glasses, as wearing glasses sets both the glasses trait and the jewelry trait; Full-Face Makeup as it makes Sims attracted to supernatural Sims with a full face overlay, etc.)
fix: Sims being asked Do You Like What You See no longer display random turn on speech balloon if their turn on is Robots, Plantsimism, Lycanthropy, Witchiness
fix: jewelry trait no longer sets the Werewolf trait
fix: plantsims no longer considered to have a hair of certain color (because they have leafy hair)
fix: plantsims considered to have green eyes now (instead of their non-plantsim eye color)
fix: OFB business owners, and young adult Sims no longer considered to be unemployed
fix: Sims who have alien eyes but not alien skin also considered to be aliens
the following are considered to be hard-working if any of the following criteria is met:
they are a manager of an OFB business
they are a business owner with a level 10 business
they are a teen with a level 3 job
they are an adult or elder with a level 6+ job
they are a young adult with a 3.7+ GPA
¹ ² ³ ⁴ the new turn ons:
Education (replaces ¹Glasses): attracted to Sims with a university degree
Influential (replaces ¹Hats): attracted to Sims with a fully unlocked influence bar, i.e. Sims with 12+ friends (regardless of current influence points)
Young Adult (replaces ¹Custom Hair): attracted to young adult Sims
Travel (replaces ¹Accessory/²Formalwear): attracted to Sims who have had 5+ good vacations (have the "Become a Frequent Traveler" vacation memento)
Great Dancer (replaces ¹Makeup/²Swimwear): attracted to Sims with 6+ Dance hidden skill
Pet Lover (replaces ¹Facial Hair/²Underwear): attracted to Sims who have 5+ pet friends (including deceased pets)
Great Fighter (replaces ¹Facial Hair/²Underwear): attracted to Sims whose Won Fight memories count exceeds their Lost Fight memories count by 15+
Aliens (replaces ³Facial Hair/⁴Custom Hair): attracted to Sims with either alien skin or alien eyes
Brown Eyes (replaces ³Glasses):
Light Blue Eyes (replaces ³Makeup)
Dark Blue Eyes (replaces ³Full-Face Makeup)
Gray Eyes (replaces ³Hats)
Green Eyes (replaces ³Jewelry)
Rich (replaces ⁴Glasses): attracted to Sims with §100,000+ net worth
Poor (replaces ⁴Full-Face Makeup): attracted to Sims with up to §25,000 net worth
definitely plays well withROMANTIC STANDARDS which puts attraction/chemistry at the forefront of romance
fix: paintings and sculptures still considered viewable even if there's an object, fence etc. in front of it, as long as the object is still fairly visible
fix: the Creativity skill now properly saved to the painter/painting
fix: the author of the painting can now react to others reacting negatively to the painting, if the painting had been moved across lots
fix: animations of the View interaction on painting/drawing no longer snappy and unnatural
mod doesn't affect custom canvases and drafting board drawings
regular version: fixes behavior of Sims being painted, adds a relationship increase between paintees and painters after the painting is complete
crush version: further relationship increase: Sims can develop crushes on their painters as well
fix: Sims being painted are animated properly
fix: Sims being painted may no longer potentially die of hunger (motive checks added)
regular version: new types of parties available via phone's Throw Party dialog:
formal parties: like house party, but all forced to arrive in formal
pool party: can only throw when warm enough outside and when there's a pool ladder on lot; Sims arrive in swimwear and chill around pool; active and low-Fun Sims may swim
slumber party: only for teens by teens; throwable between 22 and 02; Sims arrive in sleepwear; teens likely to pillow fight and hang out; guests sleeping will slowly increase party score too
bachelor/bachelorette party: throwable between 19 and 00; only engaged YA/adults can throw; only older than YA & same gender as host can be invited, but fiancee and pets can't be invited; chance of two "party dancers" arriving
bonfire party: bonfire object needed; throwable between 08 and 00; Sims more likely to perform bonfire interactions
campaign fundraiser: only throable by Sims of level 4+ in Politics, only between 19 and 00 on Fridays; no pets; Sims arrive in formal; by the end of the party guests donate §10
§750 depending on certain factors; Sim's job performance affected by the final party score; police cannot end this party
pay version: all the parties, including regular version ones, now cost money to throw:
§500 to throw a wedding party
§75 to throw any other party, except New Year Bash which is free
useTEMPERATURE AD MODIFIER MOD so that Sims with high body temperature more likely to jump in the pool at a pool party
TOASTING SET MOD; 2021/04/03
fix: Sims' bladder motive no longer severely hit to the point where they leave the party or wet themselves after toasting
fix: toasting set no longer sometimes causes an error
fix: Sims will only initiate Toast to the Newlyweds if the toasting set hasn't been used before, to prevent the entire parties being spent toasting
fix: Sims who are off-lot or ungreeted guests won't appear in the pie menu as an option for toasting
Sims won't autonomously dispose of the toasting set anymore
fix: non-selectable YA/adult Sims are able to autonomously use the perfume now, making selling perfumes and the perfume turn on/off relevant again
Sims more likely to apply perfume if: they're neat, have low social need, are on date, there is an ongoing party, they are on a community lot, they are downtown, their hygiene is low, they have romance aspiration etc.
(tunable to further enable autonomy for teens and elders)
fix: if a school declares a snow day, other Sims callable on the phone that attend that school now no longer considered to still be in school
fix: game can now properly keep track of whether Sim ordered a single or group serving when ordering room service over a cell phone
fix: landline phones on owned community lots no longer ring if the currently played family is not the lot owner's family
fix: when a player initiates the Call.../Service/Emergency interaction, the Sim will now run to the phone if there's an active fire or a burglary
fix: Invite SimB Over want now satisfied if SimA invited SimB's household over
fix: when a Sim invites another Sim over, the game now also takes into account Sims' chemistry (as well as their relationship like it did so far)
fix: random regular phone calls now actually random, instead of it always being the last calculated Sim (i.e. burglar after a burglary keeps calling forever)
fix: after teens run to get the phone, they now stop running instead of keeping running forever
SimA won't react to a naked/underwear SimB if SimA is: naked, zombie, active werewolf, bigfoot, servo, married/engaged/steady/crush/love with SimB
SimA won't react to a naked SimB if SimA is: >=900 Outgoing
SimA won't react to a underwear SimB if SimA is: in underwear
SimA grandparent/parent to a SimB won't react to the naked/underwear SimB if SimB is: child or younger
SimA won't react to a underwear SimB at residential/hotel lot if SimA is: >=500 Outgoing
SimA won't react to a underwear SimB in same apartment suite if SimA is: >= 700 Outgoing
if SimA reacts to underwear SimB, SimA uses "embarrassed" reaction if SimA is: <=300 Outgoing, grandparent/parent to SimB. Else, SimA uses "laugh mildly" reaction
no reputation change on vacation destination lots, secret lots, secret society lots, secret hobby lots and secret witch lots
reputation changes when on community lots that don't fit the above categories
reputation of SimA changes when SimA is in the same room with at least 1 other Sim who is: awake, child or older, not a member of SimA's household, not a zombie, not a bigfoot, not a ghost, not a special NPC
prevents townies from giving your Sims the expensive/cheap buy mode reputation rewards
a synopsis generated by Google Gemini:
Romantic Standards mod by simler90 for The Sims 2 aims to create a more realistic and intricate romantic gameplay experience. Here's a more detailed breakdown: Focus on Compatibility: Instead of random attraction, Sims prioritize personalities, interests, and preferences when considering romance. They become more selective, pursuing partners who share common ground and aligning with their turn-ons (desired traits) and turn-offs (undesired traits). This can lead to more meaningful relationships based on compatibility. Emotional Complexity: The mod introduces jealousy. If a Sim witnesses their partner flirting with or showing romantic interest in another Sim, they might become jealous, leading to arguments, decreased relationship points, or even breakups. This adds a layer of emotional complexity and potential conflict to romantic relationships. The Power of Actions: The mod likely takes into account the context and severity of the jealous situation. A playful flirt might evoke mild annoyance, while a full-blown romantic interaction could spark intense jealousy. This adds a layer of nuance, making the emotional response more believable. Consequences of Jealousy: Depending on the severity of the jealousy and how the Sims involved handle the situation, there could be consequences. This could range from temporary relationship strain, a decrease in romance points, all the way to a dramatic fight or even a break-up. Beyond Just Jealousy: The mod might introduce other emotions besides jealousy. Perhaps witnessing displays of affection between other Sims could make single Sims feel lonely or envious. Unrequited crushes could lead to sadness or frustration. Realistic Relationship Dynamics: Incompatible Sims may choose to end failing relationships. If a couple lacks chemistry or constantly clashes due to conflicting personalities or traits, they might decide to break up, mimicking real-life scenarios where relationships sometimes reach a dead end.
Overall, the Romantic Standards mod seems to move The Sims 2 romance system away from a purely chance-based approach towards a more deliberate and consequence-driven experience. By prioritizing compatibility, jealousy, and realistic relationship dynamics, the mod aims to create a more engaging and emotionally charged romantic gameplay experience for players.
autonomous behavior:
better AI, taking into account if SimA is furious with SimB, what are their aspirations and personalities, if they're committed etc.
SimA are more aware of their surroundings (i.e. Sims in this and adjacent rooms) before initiating touching romantic interactions:
zombies/servos not taken into account when Sims check surroundings before initiating romantic interactions
zombies/Drama professors/grouchy Sims don't take surroundings into account
servos don't care about presence of other servos
Sims slightly more likely to romance if they are near a lit fireplace/campfire/bonfire
babies, toddlers and sleeping Sims not taken into consideration
if there are Sims around who are family/committed to SimB, SimA much less likely to romance
if the time is frozen from Tempus Interruptus, Sims only care about presence of witches
romance Sims much more prone to engage in autonomous romantic behavior
pleasure Sims and tropics locals more likely to romance, unless committed
Sims need to have 5+ Music & Dance enthusiasm or pass the crush chemistry threshold to autonomously Serenade
Sims in a committed relationship much less likely to flirt with each other
Bite Neck is now a romantic interaction. Sims need to pass the mod's checks to accept it. Grand Vampires no longer bite Sims of non-preferred gender
many features added to the romance emitter object (it makes Sims react more intelligently to romance happening around them, i.e. if their crush romances with someone else, react accordingly)
Sims are more faithful (also by committment type: Sims more faithful if they're married than if they're for example going steady)
SimB now declines SimA's advancements if SimA is not SimB's preferred gender, or if SimB's committed partner is nearby, or if they're a student-professor or student-coach type situation
Sims now able to show loyalty to their deceased crushes/loves. Family Sims show more loyalty than non-Family Sims
chemistry now plays a significant role with couples; no matter their relationship level/status, if there's negative chemistry, Sims will start declining interactions
squeeze/leap into arms/goose/smooch/makeout/woohoo more difficult to initiate and accept (passing checks for crush, love, chemistry)
Sims no longer need to be crush/love to propose (but still need to pass other checks)
Compello Acceptus/Discrepo witch spells override all checks (i.e. Acceptus makes Sims always accept romantic advancements)
the romance LTA reward Massive Attraction or BV Je Ne Sais Quoi vacation benefit no longer guarantee high chemistry with everyone (but still function as intended)
jealousy - main:
SimC romances with SimB. SimA won't react if SimA also crush/loves SimC
SimC romances with their committed partner, SimB. SimA won't get jealous
if SimA gets jealous, they act different now, depending on personality. Grouchy = SimB gets slapped. Nice but Shy: watch in distress + rel decrease. Nice but Outgoing: yell + rel decrease. Just Nice: angry anim + rel decrease.
severity of the romantic relationship also taken into account (i.e. wolf whistle should be nowhere near as grave as making out)
spooning can make other Sims jealous now
jealousy - scolding:
SimA will only scold SimB if they're in a committed relationship (steady/engaged/married)
SimC who is family/committed to/BFs with SimB can scold the cheater, SimA; even if SimB rejected SimA
SimC won't scold if they're furious/enemies with SimB
SimA can now scold family member SimB for romantically interacting with someone SimA is furious/enemies with
SimA no longer scolds SimB for woohooing with SimC if SimB actually rejected SimC for woohoo
SimA's reputation no longer lowered for romancing with SimC if SimA is being scolded by a family member SimB, just because SimB was furious/enemies with SimC
jealousy - severity and attenuation:
recategorized standing romantic socials into severity categories. flirts, smooth talk, classic dance and romantic hugs are category 1 (low impact), other hugs and most kisses are category 2, and dance kiss/smooch/makeout are category 3 (high impact)
fix: peck kiss now properly recognized as romantic (will trigger jealousy)
fix: kiss hand now of lower severity (as it originally never even adds the kiss memory)
fix: jealousy code added to tents, and Nightlife Blow Kiss/Feed Bite/Hold Hands dining socials
Sims now only get the had an affair memory if they woohoo or kiss (except kiss hand/up arm)
chance-based crush/love:
Sims won't get a crush or fall in love right away after a successful romantic interaction. Instead, it's attraction and personality based whether SimA or SimB will get crush/love
there's a cap on the chance to get a crush/love, so you can't guarantee a crush/love just by stacking multiple effects
romance in general is more difficult. Sometimes you may come across Sims who cannot successfully be romanced even with a love potion
higher chance of crush/love in Spring
it's a lot more difficult for committed Sims to develop crush/love when they interact with Sims other than their committed partner
the younger the Sim, the easier the romance
much lower chance of Diva having crush/love
makeout can cause Sims to get crush/love
higher chance of crush/love if Sims are friends, even higher for BFs/BFFs
even smaller chance of crush/love if Sims are furious/enemies
zombies 20 % less likely to develop crush/love
Sims need to have a crush to cuddle intensely. If not, they have to have high enough chemistry
Sims need to be in love to spoon in bed. If not, they need to have high enough chemistry
a successful wishing well Romance wish will result in 100 % acceptance of the First Kiss interaction
stronger romantic interactions yield a higher chance of falling in love (i.e. easier to fall in love after making out vs after Charm)
voodoo doll Romance magic, if succeeded, makes SimB develop a crush too
if SimA has high Music & Dance enthusiasm, they're more likely to develop crush/love with SimB if there's a good violinist, SimC, performing nearby (6+ Creativity)
adults can now classic dance with elders
fixed an error that prevented extra hot tub makeout animations from happening
female SimA can no longer get pregnant by trying for baby in a closet even though SimB had rejected or couldn't get to the closet
ghosts no longer sometimes get jealous (not to be confused with ghosts getting angry for spouse remarrying)
small mistakes with the hot tub Splash interaction fixed
Dance Together/Classic/Slow now (only) available if there is a stereo or a playing instrument in the room (either on floor or on stage)
when SimA and SimB attempt hottub woohoo, the cinematic no longer plays every time if SimA had had their very first woohoo with someone other than SimB
bed/hot tub woohoo no longer broadcast to the entire lot that SimB is cheating on SimA with SimC (instead, now it's "heard" from a smaller radius and depending on SimA's Logic). All woohoos are "heard" equally, i.e. makes no difference if Sims use the bed or car etc.
SimA can now get jealous of SimB that is performing a romantic with SimC while standing on the beach part of a beach lot (jealousy emitters couldn't get placed there before)
all object-based romantic interactions now enabled for attraction (previously it was just the person romantic socials)
makeout/smooch/hugs, and bed kiss/hot tub tender kiss don't require crush/love to accept to make consistent with the other interactions (instead, only STR/LTR checks)
Do You Like What You See now coded properly and made consistent
chemistry now affects Woohoo interactions too
chemistry now properly impacted if there happens to be repulsion from one side
removes the "Feeling Embarrassed" when Sims witness someone performing the Goose flirt interaction, as no other interaction has it (not even makeout)
Sims now need to have a crush before being able to fall in love
if SimB in a committed rel with SimA dies, only the married/engaged/steady flag is removed (before, married Sims were reset to 0/0/never met which is inconsistent with engaged, and steady was stuck, not removed at all)
familial relationships now properly assigned and checked (i.e. for autonomous romantic interactions). Also, Sims can no longer propose going steady to family
Sims only kiss during greet/goodbye/end date/classic dance if they had kissed before and have crush on each other
Sims cannot Slow Dance-Dance Close unless they've kissed before (because they end up kissing after the interaction ends). They can still Slow Dance non-close normally
Sims will no longer intensely cuddle if they hadn't kissed before (the threshold for intense cuddling was too low and Sims rarely midly cuddled)
teens going steady now properly get the affair memories
SimB received a pink love letter from SimC. SimA's committed partner reads the love letter. Now it no longer throws an Invalid Constant error
beauty wish now properly increases chemistry by 100 instead of setting it to 100. Beauty wish no longer also makes the wisher attracted to everyone (instead of only the other way around)
Check Sim Out and Scope Room now properly show all Sims that SimA may find attractive. Additional coding fix for Check Sim Out regarding marriage/family checks
memories now directly affect Sims' chemistry (higher chemistry if SimB is SimA's first kiss/woohoo, lower if SimA knows gossip about SimB where SimB was caught cheating, left SimC at altar etc.). Romance and Pleasure Sims care about memories less, Family even more
chemistry and attraction calculation fixed for off-lot Sims when SimA has the romance LTA reward Massive Attraction or BV Je Ne Sais Quoi vacation benefit
SimA tries to woohoo with SimB in hottub. SimB rejects. Now SimB will no longer get the Rejected for Woohoo memory (only SimA will)
SimA now swoon at Romance aspiration SimB only if SimB is at least gold aspiration, and SimA finds SimB at least mildly attractive
teens who have acne are found to be slightly less attractive by others
Sims who are tanned/burnt from sunbathing are found to be slightly more/less attractive by others
low chemistry now consistent across UI and game behavior (i.e. Sims with crossed-out bolt are repulsed, but there were certain scenarios where they didn't behave as repulsed)
both Sims' relationships now checked when game determines whether they should spoon in bed and romance in photobooth
if SimA catches SimB cheating, SimB's fear "Catch SimA cheating" no longer satisfied
if SimA leaves SimB at altar, all Sims on lot who are SimB's family and not furious with SimB will now dislike SimA more
Ask for Blind Date now considers both Sims' gender preferences
jealousy emitters no longer deleted after 1 Sim hour (because certain interactions can last longer, i.e. spooning in bed)
Sims no longer reset if SimA rejects SimB's woohoo in tent. Also, SimB properly gets the Rejected for Woohoo memory
Sims who are skating on a rink can no longer perform Kiss if they hadn't kissed before. They can only develop crush/love if they kiss each other
changed the acceptance code of all hugs except friendly, and all makeout and woohoo interactions to make more sense
a more streamlined scolding code, to prevent lag in highly populated neighborhoods
SimA now properly gets the failed engagement memory if SimB rejects them for Surprise Engagement social
Sims cuddling/snuggling now continuously receive a Social boost so that they get a chance at stopping cuddling/snuggling on their own
Dining interactions disabled on food stands because they were causing errors
Nightlife's Romantic Rivalry system fixes:
Romantic Rivalry is a feature which makes Sims initiate romantic interactions towards the committed partner or date of another Sim, especially if they're furious/enemies with the Sim
(You'd know SimC is a rival if they hit on SimB who is committed to SimA, and options such as Attack, Buy Off with §50 or Influence to Leave Us Alone appear when directing SimA to interact with SimC.)
SimA cannot become rivals with SimB:
if SimA is BFFs with SimB and not currently furious/enemies with
if SimA is 8+ Nice
if SimB is currently on lot but invisible, i.e. Sims in apartments/dorm rooms
if SimA is teen and SimB is older than teen (which would mean SimA would have to romance with someone older than teen)
SimA can only become rivals with SimB (who's romancing with SimC) if SimA is furious/enemies with SimB
SimA is more likely to rival with SimB over SimC:
if SimA is in red aspiration
if SimA has a crush/love towards SimC
SimA is even more likely to rival with SimB:
if SimA is in lower red aspiration
if SimA is Grouchy
if SimA bought off/won a fight with/influenced SimB to leave them alone, SimB can no longer initiate any sort of romantic relationship with SimC (SimA's partner) as long as SimA is present on lot. Previously, while being bought off/etc, romantic rivalry interactions were disabled for SimB towards SimC, but regular romance was still enabled
autonomous romantic rivalry interactions pushed onto Sims no longer considered to be user-driven (high priority)
Sims won't initiate romantic rivalry Kiss interactions if they don't have a crush/don't meet the chemistry threshold for a crush
Sims no longer reroll wants after a Do You Like What You See/Scope Room/Check Sim Out interactions
if SimA tries to autonomously ask SimB on date via phone, they need to pass checks now. If they fail, they'll ask out on outing instead
there are now some additional custom checks Sims need to pass for initiating the Tickle/Backrub/Dance Together interactions
more severe AL reputation hit for cheating
only married/engaged/steady Sims receive "Get Caught Cheating by Sim" fears
finishing a bugbox no longer gives a tiny boost when two Sims chat while standing near it. Instead, romantic interactions get a slight boost
when Sims cuddle in a hot tub or sofa, the Cuddle interaction is now of lower priority
scolding other Sims now decreases reputation
serious Sims much less likely to Throw Food/Steal a Bite
SimA may reroll some wants after they perform the attraction animation towards SimB
chemistry version:
allows Sims to care about the feelings of the other Sim in the relationship, rather than just caring about their own. Even if the Sim has no attraction towards their crush/love, as long as their crush/love is very attracted to them, and they have high chemistry, they will care more about the relationship
"In the Regular version, the game sets the threshold to the one-way attraction value between the sim and their crush/love, and then modifies that value depending on the one-way attraction value between the sim and the other sim. In the Chemistry version, the game sets the threshold to the chemistry value between the sim and their crush/love, and then modifies that value depending on the chemistry value between the sim and the other sim."
Sims need to have been kissed at least once before they can initiate kiss/woohoo
Sims won't initiate interactions with Sims who are busy eating, dining, reading etc.
AutoBedSocials: young adults and older Sims can autonomously cuddle/kiss/makeout/woohoo/try for baby in beds. More likely to woohoo at night
AutoClothingBoothWoohoo: Sims can autonomously perform Try On and woohoo/try for baby interactions on clothing booths
AutoHottubSocials: Sims now perform any hot tub social autonomously
AutoSofaSocials: Sims now perform any sofa social autonomously (including the non-romantic Snuggle, Pet Cat)
AutoSectionalSofaBoothSocials: recommended if you also use the sofa socials. Further enables Hot Smooch and Love Talk to be autonomous
InviteToBedMod+Controller: (both files required) new interaction where SimA can ask SimB to go relax on the same bed with them (combine with AutoBedWoohoo). Less likely to invite to bed during day. Young adult and older only
aliens increase badges 50 % faster than others (determined by skin or eyes)
for each learned toddler skill, the badge gain rate is increased a bit at all ages
combine with SKILL SPEED MOD (same thread)
Sims gain the cooking skill faster while actually preparing and cooking a meal
combine with SLOWER SKILL GAIN FROM BOOKS MOD (same thread) for best effect
fix: Sims won't throw route fail tantrum when their interaction to prepare food is merely canceled
fix: prevents free community lot grilling and removes food from inventory if any has been used for grilling, i.e. fish
fix: NPCs now no longer walk away from the microwave until it's done cooking (NPC would get pushed to do chores and therefore would never return to get the food)
Sims take twice as long to prepare the group meals as opposed to preparing the single serving
fix: the leaf pile now pushes gardening code to Sims to allow them to continue gardening, except for active NPCs
fix: garden objects, i.e. weeds, shrubs etc. no longer push gardening code to NPCs which are supposed to run their own gardening code
Sims now route as close as possible to the unreachable garden objects and trim bushes/water flowers/pull weeds instead of throwing a route fail tantrum
Sims only take 1 loop + however many days the shrub is untrimmed to fully trim the shrub, instead of the original 4 loops + days
REPAIR DORM MOD; 2020/08/02
fix: objects can now become broken on dorm lots
when a Sim fails repairing an object, their fun and comfort motives will be decreased, to prevent spamming the Repair interaction
it takes zombies twice as long to increase skills
aliens increase skills 50 % faster than others (determined by skin or eyes)
for each learned toddler skill, the skill gain rate is increased a bit at all ages
witches increase the witch skill slower (unless their Familiar that considers them Mine is on the lot, in which case they learn the witch skill faster)
halves the rate at which Sims increase badges
halves the rate at which Sims clean objects
Sims with >= 500 Neat get a bonus to the cleaning rate
Sims with 1000 Neat get an even higher bonus to the cleaning rate
halves the rate at which Sims repair objects
heavily reduces the rate of skill gain from reading books (Education career reward books are unaffected)
fix: chairs, sofas and dining booths no longer have an issue which sometimes prevented the game from properly animating sitting Sims
fix: Sims less likely to loop sit - get up - sit; and lounge - get up - lounge
DAY DREAM FIX; 2022/09/27
fix: Sims no longer hang momentarily when daydreaming about other Sims (game now uses a way more efficient algorithm to pick Sims that the Sim should think about)
fix: sleeping, dreaming Sims no longer throw an error when the lot is saved and reloaded during their dreaming in case they need to be removed off-lot (i.e. died somewhere else by the next lot load)
fix: a bug no longer occurs when Sims sometimes dream about random other Sims they know
Sims when waking up may now autonomously change from undies to PJs/casual; or from PJs to casual, depending on their personality and whether they're about to leave for work
fix: the autonomous Sleep/Relax interactions now makes Sims use their own beds (beds that they've used the most in the past), except when critically low Energy
fix: non-vampires will not autonomously sleep in coffins anymore
fix: the threshold for when a player can direct Sims to sleep, and threshold for when Sims can autonomously consider going to sleep now equal
fix: Sims less likely to loop relax - get up - relax due to high comfort or low hunger needs
visitors who have been invited to stay can now autonomously relax on beds
slows down fitness gain (changed all to 20 fitness points per hour, whereas originally yoga was at 40 FP/hr, exercise machines at 100 FP/hr etc.)
Sims now take longer to get from 0 (fattest) to 333 (thin) or 666 (fit) fitness points
instead of changing every fitness object to a flat 20 fitness points per hour, their original values are divided by 5 so that it's still faster to get fit from using an exercise machine than it is by doing yoga, but it's overall 5 times slower than vanilla
fix: jump rope now increases fitness
fix: soccer used to increase 10 fitness points per hour in a vanilla game, while other sports increased by 100. This mod makes it so that it increases fitness by 20 (100 divided by 5)
cheer up interaction slightly boosts target's comfort
JOKE MOD; 2022/10/04
fix: failed jokes no longer satisfy the teller's "tell (dirty) joke" wants
more difficult joke telling
successful jokes raise target's Fun depending on how funny they find the joke
fix: SimA no longer initiates autonomous interactions (i.e. greet) to SimB if SimB is seemingly busy with something untrivial (eating/relaxing/playing/other)
Sims will only consider putting the phone handset on the ground if they are <=100 Neat
Sims can now Spy on their neighbors (more likely to spy on disliked Sims) and gain tinkering enthusiasm and Mechanical skill
the spies have a chance to learn random memories (and earn §10 for it) of the neighbor they're spying, depending on the spy's Mechanical and Logic skills
those learned memories function like in-game gossip that can be spread around by chatting or gossiping with other Sims
if the Sim being spied has a high Logic skill, it decreases the chance for the spy to learn their memories
higher chance of learning memories if they're on a higher floor (e.g. consider building a spy tower)
there is a very low chance that a spy not currently enrolled in Intelligence/Law Enforcement/Military careers gets busted if spying (like they do for counterfeiting Simoleans)
fix: lit fireplaces and radiators that are on now constantly increase body temperature of nearby Sims up to a certain max
fix: ceiling fans that are on now constantly (depending on set speed) decrease body temperature of nearby Sims up to a certain min
fireplaces, radiators and ceiling fans that are outside don't affect Sims' temperatures, unless Warm Self interaction is used
regular version: Sims now likely to perform certain interactions depending on their body temperature (i.e. warm self, get drink, snowball fight)
light version: like regular, but the likelihood of those interactions is a bit less than the regular version
regular version: when a Sim gets indoors, their body temperature is normalized much slower than before (tunable)
fix: visitors now able to freeze from cold and pass out from heat
Sims have a chance to spontaneously combust: 0.1 % if very hot
Sims with a low body temperature now have a chance to get a cold (the colder the Sim is, the higher the chance)
advanced version: like regular version, but there's no guarantee that the indoors will always neutralize a Sim's temperature, depending on the outside weather
special version: like advanced version, but Sims also have a 0.01 % of spontaneously combusting if just hot, except if wearing swimwear/undies/work/naked
fix: Sims' mood no longer capped depending on their body temperature (this resulted in i.e. platinum Sims having a much lower mood than platinum if very cold)
fix: Sims now arrive in outerwear depending on outside temperature instead of only whether it's Winter
fix: ghosts not changed to outerwear during winter
fix: Sims don't change to outerwear when passing through gates
uniformed employees on duty/zombies/vampires/active werewolves no longer switch to outerwear
zombies, vampires, active werewolves' body temperature capped at a point that prevents them from getting cold
fix: game no longer pushes Sims to react to weather who are off-lot or swimming in the ocean
Sims don't necessarily pick the closest window while reacting to weather from inside (would cause a crowd)
regular version: Sims switch to towel after a shower or bath, and autonomously change back after a while
advanced version: like regular, but Sims also switch directly to PJs/undies after shower/after being in towel if it's late at night, there's no party going on and other smart checks
every Sim has a personal towel color
NPCs on duty/vacation locals/plantsims won't switch to towel
Sims who get out of a sauna will remain in towel if warm enough
fix: sleeping Sims will be woken up by someone smashing the doll house
TOY SKILLS MOD; UPDATE 10; 2020/12/07
enables slow skill gain of Sims of certain age while using a variety of objects:
Logic - all Sims: observing ants in the ant farm; playing mahjong, poker, pool, pinball, computer/console/arcade video games
Mechanical - all Sims: playing darts, Don't Wake the Llama; performing a pool table trick shot; interacting with the train set; - child and younger: playing with RC cars, OFB toy robot, OFB clown-in-a-box
Creativity - child and younger: playing with toys, paper plane, OFB firetruck, dollhouse; being read a book
Charisma - child and younger: playing with stuffed animals
Body - child and younger: flying a kite; playing with OFB water wobbler; pushing a merry-go-round; - toddler only: riding a spring rider
fix: Sims won't initiate the Talk Through interaction towards sleeping and off-lot Sims anymore
fix: no more routing issue when picking up the stuffed animal to talk through
Sims spend 15 loops instead of 3 when talking through
Sims need >=700 Playful to talk to teen and older Sims now
fix: furious walkbys no longer ineligible Sims (i.e. vacation locals at the home lot)
fix: Family Bin Sims no longer show up to secret hobby lots as visitors
fix: when a Sim visits a secret hobby lot, other Sims from that Sim's household no longer show up to the secret hobby lot at the same time as visitors
YA will now start visiting non-uni non-residential lots as walkbys (rarely)
YA will now stop visiting campuses other than their own as walkbys as often
controllable Sims will now stop appearing in neighborhoods other than their own as walkbys as often (except townies that don't live in apartments
left unmodified)
anyone (except YA as much) can appear normally on downtown lots which are supposed to be a crowded area
fix: furious walkbys who are witches no longer immediately leave the lot
you don't need this fix if you have the OUTFIT SENSE
[i]fix: up to 4 members of the same household can arrive as visitors to a community/OFB lot
pedestrian only version: every visitor arrives on foot (standard Maxis behavior)
taxi version: Sims can now arrive (in groups up to 3) to community/OFB lots in a taxi that drops them off and leaves
getCAR DRIVE LEAVE FIXwith the taxi version to make taxis able to leave and not glitch out
fix: game no longer pushes visitors to collect visiting children if the Sim or the child is off-lot, or if the Sim or child are dead, etc.
prevents i.e. the Witch Doctor NPC from spawning in the middle of the night to pick up a child that's actually an actively haunting ghost, causing the NPC to hang around indefinitely
fix: visitors no longer leave when every household Sim is currently busy WooHooing in a bed or AL closet (which made visitors think that no one is home anymore or everyone is asleep)
visitors who aren't overly neat no longer necessarily pushed to leave lot due to low hygiene
extremely sloppy Sims won't complain about the environment score
doubles the Maxis' maximum visitor numbers, allowing many more Sims to appear at any given time
make sure your userStartup.cheat file contains the line intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims X, where X is 30 or higher
fix: teen/child Sims now normally appear on community lots as visitors in respect to curfew (teens/children disallowed 21-06/19-06), with no need to bring a playable teen/child to the lot first
fix: teen/child Sims no longer appear on lot after midnight (causing them to disappear immediately due to curfew)
fix: stray/runaway/visitor family's pets now normally appear on community lots without the need for the currently selected household to bring a pet first
fix: game no longer expects the number of secret society members to be equal to the maximum visitors number (as determined by the intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims code), creating new secret society Sims up to the maximum visitors number
sets the maximum secret society members count to 16
regular version: disables the Walk to Work/School interaction (can still drive/be driven to Work/School by car), making owning vehicles relevant again
advanced version: like regular, however Downtown Sims are still able to walk to work/school (and OFB employees can walk to work if the business is in the same neighborhood their house is)
special version: Walk to Work/School enabled regardless of whether Sims live downtown, but Sims take a long time to reach the destination, making it very likely for them to be late (25 min to reach destination when house is downtown, 60 min otherwise, plus up to 15 additional min)
consider also usingBILLS MODthat increases bills if Sims live downtown
fix: different types of WooHoo memories about the same Sim (i.e. public WooHoo, normal WooHoo) no longer counted as separate WooHoos for the purposes of the WooHoo With X Different Sims wants
fix: visitors can now do yoga properly when asked to join yoga
31st Mar 2024 12:50 AM
That author is a novelist in his descriptions. Lol.
31st Mar 2024 1:59 AM
I'm exactly the type of person this post was made for! Seriously though, thanks so much for this. It's super helpful.
31st Mar 2024 10:51 AM
Thank you!
Great idea and a lot of hard work put in here - appreciated.
I think this qualifies for a sticky post.
31st Mar 2024 11:59 AM
Thank you @topp ! This makes it so much easier, I was always reluctant to use these mods because I wondered whether the code was as messy as the documentation!
31st Mar 2024 1:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I wondered whether the code was as messy as the documentation
I've no idea whether the code is optimized. I just love reading a quick line of what the mod does, plop it into my game and watch my Sims behave differently!
Seeing how complex some mods' changelogs are, I got a firm impression that simler90 is excellent at reading code and arranging it to be as Maxis-matching or RL-matching as possible. It's just the non-optimization of production Maxis code is what has possibly made them use the mod descriptions as a vent diary (e g. Business Mod). Others I see to be a product of true passion, for example the TV Watch mod. I can easily see myself being too excited not to share that I've learned a better way of determining line-of-sight, or in case of some other mod, that Set To Next neighbor primitive is not an optimal tool to cycle through all Sims if you ever have a big neighborhood etc.
But there really should have (also) been a short "oh, you're 14 and bored/35 and busy/66 and tired, and also annoyed at some game behavior X? This mod just does Y."
3rd Apr 2024 1:47 PM
Seconding a sticky request! (Also bookmarking this just in case.)
4th Apr 2024 12:52 AM
So it sounds like Romantic Standards replaces ACR?
4th Apr 2024 3:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by DrChillgood
So it sounds like Romantic Standards replaces ACR?
I think, basically, it's either/or. ACR has a lot more options and is somewhat customizable, but it also pushes romantic interactions much harder and takes a lot more managing. (Also you will want to have the ACR Controller on all your Playable lots, and if you ever remove the mod, it's a nuisance to get rid of all the Controllers - they turn into inert stacks of phone books and have to be deleted with MoveObjects On.)
Romantic Standards just operates in the background, doesn't push as hard (though you will see more romantic actions than in a game with no mods), and is somewhat less predictable/controllable as to who will/won't do what with whom.
But no, you can't use them both together, so it's a question of which one is closer to your preferred playing style.
4th Apr 2024 6:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sims2Maven
I think, basically, it's either/or. ACR has a lot more options and is somewhat customizable, but it also pushes romantic interactions much harder and takes a lot more managing. (Also you will want to have the ACR Controller on all your Playable lots, and if you ever remove the mod, it's a nuisance to get rid of all the Controllers - they turn into inert stacks of phone books and have to be deleted with MoveObjects On.)
Romantic Standards just operates in the background, doesn't push as hard (though you will see more romantic actions than in a game with no mods), and is somewhat less predictable/controllable as to who will/won't do what with whom.
But no, you can't use them both together, so it's a question of which one is closer to your preferred playing style.
There is a stripped down version of ACR if you want to auto socials but want to use romantic standards or midge the tree's version of it
15th Apr 2024 2:56 PM
Stickied! Thanks for making this btw! It reads much neater, sort of like a patch note
16th Apr 2024 9:33 AM
Exactly what I was aiming for Thanks!
22nd Apr 2024 12:06 AM
@topp just wanted to thank you again, this has gotten me to try out a few Simler mods that I was afraid to touch before.