Bad Lot
If you downloaded a house that isn't catagorized properly, it can crash your game.
First of all make sure you download only the houses that are made with the EP's you have. You can check this in the thread where you download from:
If you accidentally downloaded a house that is built with EP's you don't have, you can do the following to get rid of it.
- 1. Download the Sims2pack Clean Installer:
- 2. Open the Clean installer.
- 3. Click on "choose directory".
- 4. Scroll down until you see "Browse..."
- 5. Browse to your Lotcatalogue, which is located in My Documents/Ea Games/The Sims 2/Lotcatalog
- 6. Sort the folder and "Date&Time Installed" and find the lot that is causing you problems.
- 7. Right click the lot and choose "Remove package".
Congratulations, your problem lot is gone.
Note: If you don't know when you installed this lot, you can click on the packages and the clean installer will let you see a thumbnail of the lot. You can also find it that way.
Contributor Credits
Thanks to Angel f for the original article this FAQ is based on.