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Modding Reference by Category

Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference 

Material Definition - MATD
Game Version:The Sims 3


This is a Sims 3:RCOL chunk.

DWORD version
DWORD		// Material name hash or 0
DWORD		// Shader name hash or 0
DWORD length	// Length from 'MTRL' or 'MTNF'; 16+(16*count)+(4*parmcount)
--if version < 0x103
	DWORD 'MTRL'   // Used instead of MTNF if the internal list of resource keys is null.
--else if version >= 0x103
	DWORD IsVideoSurface	// boolean
	DWORD IsPaintingSurface //
	DWORD 'MTNF'		// Used if the internal list of resource keys is non-null.
				// Note that it may still just be of zero length.
	DWORD datasize	// Size of the data block (total parms*4)

DWORD count
--count repeats of
	DWORD param name hash	// Valid values depend on the Shader used
				// see ShaderParams for another list
	DWORD			// Data type code
	DWORD data size (in DWORDS)
	DWORD data offset	// From 'MTRL' or 'MTNF'

--count repeats of
	--data count repeats of  
		--insert data // see Param Datatypes for possible typecode/size combos
		--insert padding to DWORD boundry

Param DataTypes

Id Description
1 Float
2 Int
4 Texture
TypeCode Size(in DWORDs) Data Description
1 1 Float
1 2 Vector2
1 3 Vector3
1 4 Vector4
2 1 Int
2 * Int[]
4 4 Texture A resource key index. In most cases it is a RCOL reference, however in the case of GEOM, it is a Key Table index. This data is padded to 16 bytes with 00.
4 5 TextureKey ResourceKey(in ITG order) padded to 20 bytes with 00


  1. Valid texture reference types include { TXTC, DDS, ANIM } resource types.
Modding Reference by Category

Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference