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Modding Reference by Category

Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference 

Game Version:The Sims 3


This is a Sims 3:RCOL chunk found embedded in MODL and MLOD resources. It contains the bone hashval and matrix for each index value used in the VBUF chunk it is linked with (from the MLOD chunk).

DWORD    // 'SKIN'
DWORD    version
DWORD    count
repeat count times:
   DWORD hash (of bone name)
repeat count times: 
   FLOAT[12] (4x3 matrix)

Based on contributions from karybdis and atavera

Modding Reference by Category

Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference