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HobbesED 5th Jun 2020 4:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Diovanlestat
Well thank you for your answer, so helpful and kind. You don't have any specs to offer me that might help me with my troubles, if you don't mind me troubling you.

My system is a 9-year old HP 580 tower with 16GB of RAM on Windows 7 and using an NVIDIA GeForce GT 440 graphics card with 4GB memory running dual 22 inch monitors. I'm running the UC with graphics settings at max.

That's probably not a lot of help for people running on laptops or notebooks now but performance can be one of the trade-offs between running TS2 on desktops and laptops/notebooks.

Orphalesion 5th Jun 2020 4:49 PM

Yeah I switched to a desktop computer a few years ago after years and years of laptops and...I'd never go back to laptops; desktops provide more processing power, and better graphics for less money, last far, far longer,a re easier to repair.

And in cases were I have to take a computer along somewhere I have a little Huawei tablet that serves that role perfectly.

Bulbizarre 5th Jun 2020 5:00 PM

Laptops make me uneasy anyways. Practically no airflow and all the components crammed so tightly together seems like an overheating disaster waiting to happen.

Peni Griffin 5th Jun 2020 5:19 PM

Not to mention, a backache waiting to happen. Those keyboards are so tiny! I know a lot of people can only afford one computer and need to be able to take it with them; but ideally it seems to me that a laptop should a supplemental thing. A desktop can better handle resource-intensive programs like games, and is much better adapted to long-term work without damaging yourself.

We all have to cope with whatever limitations our lives impose on us, alas, and set our own priorities for how we use the resources we have within those limitations. The important thing is to be realistic and adjust our expectations to our circumstances.

Rosawyn 5th Jun 2020 9:30 PM

The reason I use a laptop rather than a desktop is that we are 5 people somehow shoved into a 2-bedroom apartment, and I do not have room for another desk.

Primavera 5th Jun 2020 9:37 PM

While I still enjoy my desktop I really only use it to play sims 2 nowadays, I hardly play minecraft and sims 3 anymore. I tend to slouch in my seat which leads to my back tightening up, and my legs get numb after a few hours. I've resorted to using an old pillow to help take the strain off, but I'll more than likely get an average gaming laptop within the next year or two just for sims 2 and give this desktop to my mom. Obviously having a desktop gives you the advantage, but I miss playing sims on my bed

Diovanlestat 5th Jun 2020 11:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HobbesED
My system is a 9-year old HP 580 tower with 16GB of RAM on Windows 7 and using an NVIDIA GeForce GT 440 graphics card with 4GB memory running dual 22 inch monitors. I'm running the UC with graphics settings at max.

That's probably not a lot of help for people running on laptops or notebooks now but performance can be one of the trade-offs between running TS2 on desktops and laptops/notebooks.

Thank you, that helps. I got so used to using this, that I forgot it's my laptop and not a desktop. I needed to be mobile when caring for my dying mother, and it's useful now when I have to visit my elderly father. I used to encourage them to use computers for entertainment, and my dad at 85 has become quite good. It's also good for extended hospital admissions when the Sims becomes very necessary for me. But I forgot laptops, no matter how expensive will of course have drawbacks, and this one now is pretty old.

Shadow214 6th Jun 2020 3:14 AM

"Why does he need to go to work right now?, he just gave birth for goodness sake."
The carpool literally just came after Phil gave birth to a son called Mars.

HobbesED 6th Jun 2020 4:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Diovanlestat
Thank you, that helps. I got so used to using this, that I forgot it's my laptop and not a desktop. I needed to be mobile when caring for my dying mother, and it's useful now when I have to visit my elderly father. I used to encourage them to use computers for entertainment, and my dad at 85 has become quite good. It's also good for extended hospital admissions when the Sims becomes very necessary for me. But I forgot laptops, no matter how expensive will of course have drawbacks, and this one now is pretty old.

I understand... The company I worked for back then provided me with a laptop so I decided I could go all in on a nice desktop for me at home. That's how I ended up with what I have after upgrading it over the years. And if I needed to be mobile on the laptop, there was always solitaire. (And MS actually included a free pinball game on whatever OS it was back then which passed the time since we couldn't put any non-company-provided software on their laptop without clearing it with IT Security first).

Primavera 6th Jun 2020 5:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by HobbesED
(And MS actually included a free pinball game on whatever OS it was back then which passed the time)

Do you mean Space Cadet? I loved that game as a little little kid

NefariousShadow 6th Jun 2020 6:28 AM

There are mods to remove that irrational kiss hello/goodbye thing.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I find it hilariously random though, so I will probably leave that in :D

Orilon 6th Jun 2020 5:17 PM

"Ugh Family Sims. You are too old to have a child. You are going to have to raise the toddler you are holding through most of elderhood anyway."
A Family Sim 5 days away from elder rolled a want for a baby. I forget when the pregnancy cut off is, but as I said she has a toddler that just aged up to toddler that she and her husband will be a child and teen while they are elders.

BlueAlien 6th Jun 2020 6:06 PM

Five days to Elder is the last day a Sim can conceive, as Calista Dietrich recently found out the hard way (I have Inteen, so oopsies happen). One more day and she'd have been safe!

There seems to be a trigger for the Baby Want at that point, because I see a lot of Sims rolling it then, not just Family Sims. Calista wasn't one of them, and neither was her husband.

Rosawyn 6th Jun 2020 8:59 PM

Since it's relevant and some people might not have heard of it yet (it's still relatively new), here's a link to Midge the Tree's Young Enough For Pregnancy Fix:

TadOlson 6th Jun 2020 10:46 PM

Eli,Why are you rolling a wish for a baby now?You've only just moved in last year and are still working on getting your main home built.
I've had sims roll wants for babies at crazy time like when they just arrived in town and are dirt poor.I just tell them they'll have to wait on that baby until they've gotten well settled into the town and have saved up quite a bit of money.

Orilon 7th Jun 2020 4:21 AM

"I'm tired of the game giving girls the same hair, should I try to find hairstyles similar to the characters I named them after?"

The game seems to like to give every single girl born in game the base game hair Angela and Lilith Pleasant have. Two of my child age girls are about to age into teenagers and I'm thinking about giving them different hair styles. I named two after characters in other video games, but I'm not sure if I could find hairstyles to the characters they are named after.

Aysarth 7th Jun 2020 11:24 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
"I'm tired of the game giving girls the same hair, should I try to find hairstyles similar to the characters I named them after?"

The game seems to like to give every single girl born in game the base game hair Angela and Lilith Pleasant have. Two of my child age girls are about to age into teenagers and I'm thinking about giving them different hair styles. I named two after characters in other video games, but I'm not sure if I could find hairstyles to the characters they are named after.

Yeah, I call that hairstyle the Marsha Bruenig. About 90% of my girls grow up into it. I always change it right away.

natbsim75 7th Jun 2020 11:33 AM

"Oh oh... Busted!"
Dirk didn't have something else to do on a Sunday around noon and he booty-called Lilith. When he was greeting her outside on the pavement, Daniel walked by! I waited for a reaction but it never came. He just watched Lilith kiss Dirk for a moment and then he walked away shaking his head. I don't even know how to interpret that

"Are you clueless? Do you want to wake up the... beast?"
On the same day, Dirk and Lilith had their first woohoo (on Darren's bed!) and then Dirk had to leave for work. Lilith stayed and she started to play Darts. Soon enough Darren joined her and for a while they were playing and radomly talking. That changed the moment Darren started to talk about memories of "growing up well" and "potty trainning". That was Lilith's trigger to get mad and their happy conversation turned to red (-) in no time at all!

"Lucky girl... You found a boy who can chase away your inner demons!"
Dirk came home to find Lilith still arguing with Darren. He hugged her and he took her to his dad's bed again! I don't know if he wanted to take her away from the argument or he was just h***y again but it worked
Later on, Darren went to cook and the three of them had dinner and it was like the argument never happenned!

SIMposiast 8th Jun 2020 6:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Aysarth
Yeah, I call that hairstyle the Marsha Bruenig. About 90% of my girls grow up into it. I always change it right away.

I mind that waaaaay less than how all female babies acquire that female toddler bob. I'm always changing their hair to short, see-through, or bald as a result because I just cannot stand that bob cut any more. I actually like the Marsha Bruenig style on some of my female sims but maybe I would hate it if all girls always acquired that particular style.

Imma go look at the defaults database now to see if there's a good DR replacement for the bob.

Edited to add: Nope, nothing good. (I was hoping for a not-bob replacement.)

yavannatw 8th Jun 2020 7:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by SIMposiast
I mind that waaaaay less than how all female babies acquire that female toddler bob. I'm always changing their hair to short, see-through, or bald as a result because I just cannot stand that bob cut any more. I actually like the Marsha Bruenig style on some of my female sims but maybe I would hate it if all girls always acquired that particular style.

Imma go look at the defaults database now to see if there's a good DR replacement for the bob.

Edited to add: Nope, nothing good. (I was hoping for a not-bob replacement.)

Yeah the defaults database is pretty hopeless for toddler hair. I went there just recently as all my baby boys grow to toddler with the fuzzy cut which I'm sick of.

Orilon 9th Jun 2020 12:09 AM

"How do they know?"
The cat became an elder and all the sims in the household rolled fears of her dying. According to the days left shrub she has about 7 days as an elder before she dies of old age. The Sims have around 20 days.

"You are too old to have children."
A Family Sim had two days left before becoming an elder and she had a want to have a baby.

"He's two days away so it shouldn't matter."
The husband and wife are the same age, so the fact that he was 2 days away from elder meant that if he got abducted by aliens he wouldn't come back pregnant. He didn't get abducted.

Sunbee 9th Jun 2020 3:21 AM

"That is a bad life choice Brandi, but it'll be interesting for me."

Woohoo three sims and have ten babies rolled up simultaneously.

shyboy95 10th Jun 2020 3:21 AM

You have 10 kids, you're 3 days from turning into an elder, and you want another kid!!

BlueAlien 10th Jun 2020 4:37 PM

"Look, guys, I know you're in lockdown and the money's a bit tight, but you still have to pay the rent."

Everybody had enough saved up to pay, but for some reason the 'pay the rent' action kept falling out of the queue, in several different households. There must have been a rent strike I didn't know about.

raise20puppiesorkittens 10th Jun 2020 5:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BlueAlien
"Look, guys, I know you're in lockdown and the money's a bit tight, but you still have to pay the rent."

Everybody had enough saved up to pay, but for some reason the 'pay the rent' action kept falling out of the queue, in several different households. There must have been a rent strike I didn't know about.

Sounds pretty accurate. My dad is the landlord for a two-family house. Because of the quarantine and lots of people losing their jobs, NJ allowed people to not pay their rent. I wish PA did the same - I am still paying rent for my apartment in Philadelphia even though my classes are online. I moved back in with my parents (which I am very lucky to be able to do so) since the area of Philly I live in is a food desert and most takeout places closed. Also there's a 6 PM curfew and I walk my dogs at 6 and 10 PM - don't want my pups to get hurt. I don't get rent forgiveness, but I am definitely canceling "Pay Rent" in my queue until I can work again. Funny how the Sims can be a perfect breather from reality but also relate to our lives so much.

Shadow214 13th Jun 2020 4:45 AM

"Who knew that Buzz would turn into the town's aggressive drunk?"
I made Xizzle and my main sim Eva and had them run a home-based saloon,it's been rather fun. Buzz keeps fighting with PT, .Olive and Lazlo every time he comes over.
"Why are the Garden Club members so attractive to every other sim?"
Both Chole and Nervous have kissed Garden Club members.

Pebblerocker 13th Jun 2020 9:28 AM

The garden club members are attractive to me, because even in hoods where other NPCs are Maxis ugly, they spawn with my chosen face templates and can have townified skins and eyes as well as CC hairstyles. That shouldn't mean they're necessarily attractive to sims as well, but I have a grandmother who's slept with both male garden club sims and several residents of that hood have high chemistry with garden clubbers.

natbsim75 13th Jun 2020 12:05 PM

Back in the day when I started to play the sims 3 (the year was 2010) and I was trying to learn the game, whenever my sims had food leftovers and I had to choose between "clean up" and "put away", if I used the "clean up" option a pop-up appeared, saying "Don't throw away good food, there are starving children in Strangetown". The first few times that happened, I remember saying: "Cool, the game tries to create the illusion that it's not only Sunset Valley but there is a whole sim-world with more towns" and this opinion became stronger when my sims read in the newspaper that "the most visited vacation destination is Twikkii Island".
But, after I threw away good food a few more times, I remember yelling to my screen "Enough with the guilt-trip game, there is NO Strangetown or starving children"...

2014 came and I got the Ultimate Collection.
Me, seeing the main menu for the first time: "OMG, it's Strangetown"

sugoisama 13th Jun 2020 7:01 PM

Sometimes, two townies will sit at one table in a restaurant in my game. I usually pretend it's because they're on a date, because it makes it seem like they have lives.
Well today I found Abhijeet Depiesse (adult) sitting with Tosha Go (teen).

Annaminna 13th Jun 2020 9:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sugoisama
Sometimes, two townies will sit at one table in a restaurant in my game. I usually pretend it's because they're on a date, because it makes it seem like they have lives.
Well today I found Abhijeet Depiesse (adult) sitting with Tosha Go (teen).

This is "Outing just for fun" for me and no problems.

TadOlson 15th Jun 2020 6:25 PM

I found it so realistic to finally be able to play a town that in it's infancy actually looks authentic like a ghost town when my residents are visiting the community lots and there's almost nevery anybody else there in the barren homesteading township.
I always though how it used to be in my old vanilla games was so phony and fake with everything overcrowded and with too many sims showing up like it was Dowtown in New York City when it's a barren town in it's infancy.

Shadow214 17th Jun 2020 5:26 PM

"What happened to all the adults in this neighbourhood?"
When I was rolling for prosperity challenge only rolled one adult sim but got a whole load of elders who are going to have to raise their orphaned grandchildren.

BlueAlien 17th Jun 2020 7:53 PM

"Well just who did you think was going to give you a tip, anyway?"

Having fled to the mountains ahead of the apocalypse, Malcolm Landgraab IV sits down at the piano in his country manor and plays for tips, then complains when he doesn't get any. He's the only Sim in the hood; no townies here and his henchmen have flown back to Bluewater to rescue his girlfriend and her cousin (Malcolm having been too interested in self-preservation to risk waiting for them!).

Orphalesion 18th Jun 2020 6:19 PM

Not strictly while playing but...

"Why do I keep downloading CC when I'm not even playing the game anymore?"

Rosawyn 19th Jun 2020 1:49 AM

"Oh, go to work."
My sim, on his way out the door, had a want to buy electronic entertainment so I bought him a game console and of course he immediately rolled a want to play video games.

Charmful 19th Jun 2020 1:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Rosawyn
"Oh, go to work."
My sim, on his way out the door, had a want to buy electronic entertainment so I bought him a game console and of course he immediately rolled a want to play video games.

That sounds like my husband.

monijt1 23rd Jun 2020 4:50 PM

"Eh, It's Strangetown. I'll allow it."
"This darn game!"
*Headdesk* "This darn game and it's mods!"
"All I wanted to do is throw an innocent birthday party. If I knew that was going to happen, I wouldn't have invited anyone."
"These next few rounds are going to be a mess."

Charmful 23rd Jun 2020 6:00 PM

"All I wanted to do is throw an innocent birthday party. If I knew that was going to happen, I wouldn't have invited anyone."

Murder? Woo Hoo? Spill!

Shadow214 12th Jul 2020 5:47 PM

"Well, they're probably to be terrible parents."
My sim Max Cash and his wife rolled the fear to change a dirty diaper right after their daughter, Penny was born.

kamoodle5 13th Jul 2020 4:40 AM

"Why are you observing that one?!"

As a Sim was observing whatever decorations were available at this community lot, the third item he viewed was the "Great Sky" miniature dome. It can only be seen through buy/build mode, but Sims can interact with it. Dunno why though.

HarVee 13th Jul 2020 4:52 AM

"Forget the stupid painting and work!" - Me to a Sim that kept viewing a painting instead of 'dazzle'.

Peni Griffin 18th Jul 2020 9:04 AM

"Geez, Vidcund, I love you so much!"
Vidcund is very close to elderhood, but thanks to the signalling perk he squeezed in a second alien pregnancy. Last time I played the household he'd just been returned and his wife had run out to fret about him. When I opened the game, he had a want for a baby, a want to meet aliens, a want for Loki to meet aliens, and a want to talk to his wife. So what was he on his way to do? Straight upstairs to make the bed his wife didn't stop to tidy up before rushing down to meet him coming home.

Shadow214 19th Jul 2020 3:30 AM

"Thank goodness that Miliarty pays really well."
I rolled that career for Random Legacy but unfortunately also rolled five children.
"That poor maid."
Zo decided to woohoo with a townie in the living while the maid was cleaning the room.

BlueAlien 20th Jul 2020 10:04 PM

"You're the one who made the mess, you're the one who's screaming at me about the mess, you're the one who wants to earn a Cleaning skill point - so YES, Gilbert, I'm telling YOU to mop it up."

AndrewGloria 21st Jul 2020 3:31 AM

"Don't do it, Julian! Please don't do it! It would break Andrew's heart."

I was playing Jack Gill. It was Tuesday afternoon and Jack had just arrived at PaintBoyz, Veronaville's slightly sleazy club for gay teens. His live-in boyfriend Ravi had gone out to work so Jack had gone to PaintBoyz to try to pick up another boy. (This doesn't count as cheating in Jack's book -- any boy he picked up he would take home to share with Ravi!)

Anyway, amongst the gay teens there was Julian Moltke, Andrew's long term boyfriend. And Julian was in Jack's queue. I paused the game and checked, and it said "Be kissed lightly." Julian was going to kiss Jack Gill! A further check revealed that Jack and Julian had a mutual crush on each other!) I was shocked! How could this have happened? I don't have ACR, and Pescado's Romance Mod, which I do have, is supposed to increase fidelity in long-term established relationships. I would have thought that seven and a half real years going steady (longer than real people are teens for!) would be enough to count as a long-term established relationship! Anyway, what should I do?

With other Sims, I might just have let things proceed, and see how it worked. But Julian is Andrew's much-loved boyfriend, and Andrew is my special friend. He and Julian recently got engaged and a planning a church wedding. Andrew would be devastated by a break-up. I had to do something to help my friend.

Well, I cancelled the Kiss Tenderly action, and then used the Sim Manipulator to remove the Crush flags. I replaced the Kiss Tenderly action with BoilingOil's Kiss Cheek (a social action, not a romantic one). Hopefully this will return Jack and Julian to their previous state of being very good, but platonic, best friends.

How could this have happened? Despite Pescado's mod? I checked Julian's memories, and he has no memory of cheating on Andrew or having an affair. Since he and Andrew are engaged, he probably would have got such a memory if he'd gone ahead with that kiss. I have quite a lot of mods, and sometimes the combined effect of them all might be a little unpredictable.

But I prefer to look at my Sims' lives in their own terms. Jack Gill is undoubtedly a likeable and attractive boy, and both Andrew and Julian are on best friend terms with him. And in the past, even Andrew has been tempted to flirt with him. But Andrew resisted that temptation without my help. The gay culture in Veronaville is very promiscuous, especially amongst the teens, and it can't be easy easy to stick to one's own principles in such surroundings. And, to be honest, the idea of celibacy before marriage is more Andrew's thing than it is Julian's. Julian has told me that he sometimes finds Andrew a terrible tease, slow-dancing and making out with him while wearing the stripiest of undies, and sharing a bed in a similar state of undress, but refusing to ever go beyond making out. Maybe it should be no surprise if he's attracted to Jack, who certainly has no such hang-ups. Bit I'm sure Julian still really loves Andrew and wouldn't want to hurt him. Trying to kiss Jack Gill really is rather out of character. Though I have to say Julian has been acting a little oddly lately: he's noogied two boys in the last few days -- something he's never done before in all the tome I've known him. Maybe it's just a last fling of independence before he gets married. So actually I think it might be a good idea if they get married soon. Surely then Andrew won't think of any more excuses for not consummating the relationship! I'm not sure where Andrew gets his prudishness from; it's certainly not from his mum, who says she "needs" to woohoo at least once every day!

Anyway the relationship seems to be back on track. I don't think I'll tell Andrew. Nothing seems to have actually happened, so there's no point in upsetting him. If anything had happened, I'm sure Julian would have some memory of it. So it looks like Julian and Jack never got beyond the mildest of flirtation. I'll leave it up to Julian if he wants to tell Andrew.

All told it tends to strengthen my belief that Sims are far more than mindless automatons controlled by algorithms. They're real little people trying to give their best shot at this game we call "Life". And, much like ourselves, they sometimes make mistakes!

Annaminna 21st Jul 2020 9:46 PM

(when I thought it is good night to stargaze)

sturlington 22nd Jul 2020 1:54 PM

"You just married Tank Grunt, the richest Sim in Strangetown with a net worth of over $110K. If that doesn't fulfill your want to marry a rich Sim, nothing will, Stella!"

Annaminna 23rd Jul 2020 5:47 AM

To fulfill the want sims must live separate and she must move in via wedding.

sturlington 23rd Jul 2020 2:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Annaminna
To fulfill the want sims must live separate and she must move in via wedding.

That explains it, but in my mind, Stella just doesn't know what she wants.

AndrewGloria 23rd Jul 2020 8:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sturlington
That explains it, but in my mind, Stella just doesn't know what she wants.
In a case like that, if she still has the want, I'd fulfil it manually by turning on Boolprop TestingCheatsEnabled and then Control-Click on the want. RoxEllen reminded me how to do it a few days ago here.

Orilon 29th Jul 2020 6:35 AM

*Hears lullaby*

"I didn't click try for baby"

I really didn't click try for baby when my Sim couple wanted to to woohoo in the hot tub, but most likely ACR risky chance came into play. Good thing I moved them into bigger house.

Annaminna 1st Aug 2020 4:34 PM

"Please do not get abducted until I go take a coffee."

crazyangrysim974 3rd Aug 2020 10:25 PM

Definitely something like "stop dragging the poor kid to dance and leave her alone!" when 2 of my sims would kept dragging the kid to dance non stop!

Peni Griffin 6th Aug 2020 4:29 AM

"Stop trying to annoy Vidcund!" As I cancel yet another "look through" action on the telescope.

Annaminna 6th Aug 2020 6:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
"Stop trying to annoy Vidcund!" As I cancel yet another "look through" action on the telescope.

I am annoyed by this too and wondering why there isn't "no autonomous look through " mod made yet.

RoxEllen1965 6th Aug 2020 2:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Annaminna
I am annoyed by this too and wondering why there isn't "no autonomous look through " mod made yet.

Pescado's "Autonomy Controller" should work with all autonomous actions that use objects.

Annaminna 6th Aug 2020 4:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
Pescado's "Autonomy Controller" should work with all autonomous actions that use objects.

It is tricky. I don't want to ban the telescope. Just use it only at night.

sturlington 10th Aug 2020 3:06 PM

Let's see, you have no body points and have shown no interest whatsoever in fitness but you want to get an athletic scholarship? Not likely.

Coriel_Muroz 10th Aug 2020 3:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Annaminna
It is tricky. I don't want to ban the telescope. Just use it only at night.

You could put it in inventory during the day and Brit it out only at night. Or put it behind a locked door. I don't think there's an easy solution

sturlington 10th Aug 2020 11:39 PM

How in the world did Telegonus Beaker and Tina Traveller, both blonds, have a red-headed baby?

Peni Griffin 11th Aug 2020 12:54 AM

That's the miracle of recessives. Tina has two blonde genes; Telegonus has one blond gene from Loki and one red gene from Circe. He contributed the red gene, which is equal in value to Tina's blond one, and they flipped for it.

What I wonder is, how is it I never, ever get a brunette when breeding brown hair to black hair?

Charity 12th Aug 2020 5:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
That's the miracle of recessives. Tina has two blonde genes; Telegonus has one blond gene from Loki and one red gene from Circe. He contributed the red gene, which is equal in value to Tina's blond one, and they flipped for it.

What I wonder is, how is it I never, ever get a brunette when breeding brown hair to black hair?

That's weird. I thought black and brown hair were both dominant, so you should definitely get either black or brown for the child's hair.

Peni Griffin 12th Aug 2020 6:06 PM

Black and brown are both dominant, but someone brown hardly ever wins the coin toss for me.

Orphalesion 12th Aug 2020 7:24 PM

In my game brown hair frequently wins out over black hair. For example, in my Beginning of Pleasantview Hood I had a family where the father was a redhead (R/R) while the mother had black hair with a brown gene (Black/Brown) they had six children. After rolling the pacifier to avoid the first born effect I took whatever baby they produced (no existing without saving) and of the six children only the oldest daughter had black hair, the other five had brown hair.
The really funny part is though between each other the parents had genetics for Grey, Light Blue, Green and Brown eyes. The oldest daughter, witht he black hair, had brown eyes, all her younger brothers and sisters ended up with light blue eyes, no grey or green at all.
They didn't suffer from first born syndrome, except for their hair/eye colours they all ended up looking very different from each other and with different personalities.

Sunbee 13th Aug 2020 1:11 AM

I downloaded mods for hair dominance because even after seven generations I couldn't get a recessive or a brown to show up in a child. Founder and founder's spouse had black hair, no other spouses did, every single offspring for all seven generations had black hair. Everyone had recessives, and even with the supposed fifty-fifty chance of brown, I got none.

With mods setting all hair colors to recessive, now I get a reasonable variety.

Orphalesion 13th Aug 2020 7:29 PM

Well statistical clusters (where a 50/50 chance always lands on the same side) are a thing (just like I got 5 kids in that family, all with brown hair and light blue eyes) but as far as the game's programming is concerned, if a Sim inherits a black and a brown hair gene it's 50/50 which of them "wins out".

I think one of the problem's with he genetic system of Sims 2 is that, while it's totally awesome in it's realism, many neighbourhoods don't have a large enough population to showcase it.
By the time I got bored of my Beginning of Pleasantview hood the four hair colours were actually almost equally represented among it's population, with stuff like a blond hair gene showing up after 3-4 generations. But that also was a neighbourhood of over 200 Sims, so...

raise20puppiesorkittens 13th Aug 2020 11:17 PM

"Wow, he looks so much like his older sister!"
. . .
"He looks EXACTLY like his older sister."
. . .
"f you First Born Syndrome."

Bulbizarre 14th Aug 2020 7:18 PM

"Get on the damn OMSP!!!"

Coriel_Muroz 14th Aug 2020 7:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
"Get on the damn OMSP!!!"

I can never remember which ones have to be placed on the floor first or which order they need to be stacked. LOL

ieta_cassiopeia 15th Aug 2020 12:01 PM

"Dear Susan's Boss,

Your employee Susan has just moved into a new house, she's heavily pregnant with two children underfoot (admittedly also with a husband and aunt willing to help, but that's not the point) and if she'd simply skipped the day, you wouldn't have said a word. She's only here because she rolled a want to get promoted and therefore I walked her to work as soon as the move-in cinematic finished. You do NOT have authority to complain about her being 90 minutes late for her 10-hour shift.

Yours sincerely

I've a good mind to sethour everyone the day off work tomorrow in protest.

sturlington 16th Aug 2020 12:27 AM

I know he's really asking for it, but I just can't do it. I can't turn Ripp Grunt into a vampire. Ripp, go home to your wife.

jaytee95 16th Aug 2020 9:26 PM

For context, one of my playable teen male sims fell in love with a newspaper girl. The feelings were mutual and she was moved in with a teleporter shrub. The boy grew up a few days before she would, I don't have University or Free Time, and I didn't want to bother with elixir.

"Today's the day, and it's 6 PM!"
I click "grow up"; she rolls "meet someone new", "move out", and two aspiration-based unrelated wants.
"As you wish," I say to myself, as she picks up a newspaper and moves out.

sugoisama 17th Aug 2020 1:18 PM

This isn't what I said while playing the sims, but something Liz Lemon said about playing the sims:
"Look, Jack, I don't have a lot of personal life experience, but if I've learnt anything about my sims family, when a child doesn't see his father enough, he starts to jump up and down. Then his mood level will drop. Until he pees himself."

Neverwinter_Knight77 24th Aug 2020 10:32 AM

"How are you still alive?!" usually to an elder after 6 pm.

sturlington 4th Sep 2020 2:09 AM

Don't you ever get tired of spaghetti?!?

Essa 5th Sep 2020 9:40 PM

"Oh non" when the game crashed after Albin and Lys's dream date. He proposed and she said "yes". It was a surprise engagement.

simsample 5th Sep 2020 9:48 PM

Oh no @Essa- did you lose any game play?

AndrewGloria 6th Sep 2020 5:42 PM

"Oh Gerry, I'm so glad you're back."

When I opened up the McBain's lot about an hour ago, their teenage boy Gerry wasn't there, and I feared the worst.

I shut the game down and checked in SimPE; he had become a townie.

I reopened the game and went back to their lot. I summoned him as a townie using Inge's teleporter painting, and then used it to move him in. He rejoined the family with all his relationships and memories intact. The only changes were his motives -- bladder now half full and all the rest in the green. (When I last saw him his Fun meter was almost red!) And the homework that was lying for him to do disappeared! Gerry certainly wasn't complaining about that! He was now in a very good mood and he happily tidied up the house while the rest of the family slept.

I think I must have turned him into a townie myself, by clicking on the teleporter painting when I was only half awake.

Well, I was worried for a while, but, as they say, "All's well that ends well!" Which, come to think of it, is a play by Wullie Shakespeare. ("William, if you you please, till we're better acquainted," he says.) Who, even though he doesn't live there, is really quite a significant figure in Veronaville!

(NOTE: "Wullie" is a Scots variant of "Willie", familiar short for "WIlliam".)

Essa 6th Sep 2020 9:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Oh no @Essa- did you lose any game play?

No, just the date at an owned restaurant. I try to save after each worthy event.
After launching the game again, Albin asked her for a date at his place. He didn't have the time for proposal. She left around 2 AM complaining that he didn't care about her enough.
On a side note, she got pregnant after their first date when I was playing her household (I play with silent pregnancy and risky woohoo so I don't know how). She has morning sickness.

Charmful 11th Sep 2020 4:37 AM

Me, just now: "Why are all the hookers hanging out at the gym?"

My husband turns around from whatever MOBA he's playing: "Well, if you think about it, when their profession relies on their looks, it makes sense."

For the record I have 5 escort service sims and two of them showed up at a gym I was taking my active sim to to fulfill a 'get fit' want.

Essa 12th Sep 2020 12:13 AM

Arnaud Phaneuf invited Coline Bureau-Lagrange on a date at his house.
Me: What?! He was about to cook for you ! when pregnant Coline decided to end the date. She was hungry.
They're engaged and I wanted him to roll the want of getting married. Since he also fears of being left at the altar, I'll deal with it later. Not sure they'll get married before she give birth.

simsample 12th Sep 2020 1:36 PM

Did I remember to put a sink in that last house I built?

CrystalFlame360 12th Sep 2020 6:04 PM

Oh, I'm known within my household for talking to myself while I'm playing games; The Sims is no exception to that rule.

When any of my sims are quite low on hunger and someone else in the household has prepared a meal, some sims will just go to do something else and not eat:

"What are you doing?! You're hungry, go eat!" or "What are you doing?! Are you trying to starve yourself?!"

Or if they 'Stuff Face' instead of eating the full meal:

"What is that going to accomplish? Very little. Eat the spaghetti on the counter."

When a sim complains due to a 'cheap object,' even when that 'cheap object' in question is a dog bowl:

"Why are you complaining? I didn't buy it for you, unless you're wanting to eat from the floor."

When sims complain due to low environment score with there being weeds outside:

"Instead of standing there and complaining, just pick the weeds up!"

Someone kicks over the bin:

"Oh, you suck!"

Other situations:

"John, you idiot!" (Me to John Burb after he set the house on fire)

"Of course they brought Johnny home, it's always Johnny!" (When one of my teenage sims brought Johnny Smith home for the third household in a row)

"You can't do Tank, he has a girlfriend." (Me to Garnet Lothario after I looked at her 'One Sim' for ACR. I set it to none after that)

"Mortimer, calm down, it's just a bed!" (Me to Mortimer's ghost)

"Huh? When did this happen?" (Me loading a different 'hood up after a while)

"Don't smustle by the door!"

"That's not your bed! Get out!"

"I told you to to change the baby's nappy, not dance!"

"Why did you smack him for? He didn't do anything!"

I have more, but I'll leave them for another day. I'm also going to leave out the more 'colourful' things I say, as I doubt that's allowed here.

Shadow214 13th Sep 2020 1:01 AM

"Maybe it was a bad idea to put in a hot tub."
During my play session, about five sims got struck by lightning while in there and resulted in one sim's death.

BlueAlien 13th Sep 2020 3:18 AM

"No, Rachel is not available to talk. She asked you to leave because it's late and she's going to bed. What part of that makes you think she's dying to chat to you as soon as you get home?"

kiddypatches 13th Sep 2020 5:19 AM

"No, you are NOT going to 'visit campus!' You already have 500 pizzas, we don't need any more stinking up the fraternity, damn it!!!"

Shadow214 16th Sep 2020 4:07 PM

"Redundant much?"
When I saw that one townie had the name, John Johnson.

TadOlson 16th Sep 2020 5:51 PM

It looks like my apartment housing options just became affordable housing for sims of lower and modest incomes.
Said when I noticed another rental complex got affected by that halved rent Mod I added to my game to fix the way too high rents that were EA defaults and left very poor sims no housing options and made it alomst impossible to move new sims into town.

sugoisama 16th Sep 2020 10:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Shadow214
"Redundant much?"
When I saw that one townie had the name, John Johnson.

Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin would like to know your location

AndrewGloria 21st Sep 2020 9:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Gerry, please just take it easy and try to relax. Stop worrying about the toddlers. The rest of the family will look after them. You're a good kid Gerry, and your heart's in the right place, but you really are not well just now, and you've got to put yourself first. You've got to look after yourself. Please just relax. If reading helps, then read! Concentrate on your own needs, and try to enjoy yourself. Well, as much as it's possible to enjoy yourself when you've got 'flu! When you start to feel tired, just go back to sleep. The more you take it easy, the sooner you'll start to feel better. Your mum, your dad and your sister will all look after Peni Jo and Peregrine, and see they're all right. And I'll keep an eye on them too. I promise!


Clashfan 22nd Sep 2020 6:26 AM

What were you thinking, building a family home, and only putting in a single spiral staircase? That was supposed to be the backstairs off the kitchen option, not the main staircase, you moron.

Why did you think it was a good idea to use a Maxis built house for a legacy family again? It is literally the house of endless routing failures but sure go ahead and stuff the grandparents, new couple, and kids all in there and see how it goes. Idiot.

(All things I said to myself outloud today minus the sweary bits and self inflicted insults.)

Charmful 30th Sep 2020 5:58 PM

Ok this isn't so much as things said while playing but I was walking through the woods with my husband on our semi-daily walks and was musing outloud on what my next project for the game would be and my husband says, "Or you could blow it up" and then cue me giving him the most scathing look and replying, "I've had my sims 2 neighborhood longer than I've known YOU."

raise20puppiesorkittens 30th Sep 2020 6:05 PM

Lol, the way I feel about Sims 2 is the way my boyfriend feels about Runescape. We have an understanding that even though I can't understand what's so special about Runescape and he can't understand what's so good about Sims 2 that we can respect the love we have for our nostalgic childhood games.

simsample 30th Sep 2020 10:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charmful
... then cue me giving him the most scathing look and replying, "I've had my sims 2 neighborhood longer than I've known YOU."
I can't say that to my husband, we've been married for 28 years! He can't even remember that far back though, so I think he's forgotten that there was a time when The Sims didn't exist...

Charmful 1st Oct 2020 12:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I can't say that to my husband, we've been married for 28 years! He can't even remember that far back though, so I think he's forgotten that there was a time when The Sims didn't exist...

Wow! Congrats I just came up on 4 years of marriage but have known him for twice that long (2012) however my hood has been in play since 2007.

sturlington 1st Oct 2020 1:01 AM

"I can't believe it took me this long to download SimSplice beer."

The first party I put it in, Sarah Love proposed to Jasmine Rai and Guy Wrightley got in a fistfight with Blossom Moonbeam.

Clashfan 1st Oct 2020 2:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by sturlington
"I can't believe it took me this long to download SimSplice beer."

I've never even heard of it.

raise20puppiesorkittens 1st Oct 2020 2:39 AM

@sturlington any chance you could link to that? sounds fun!

sturlington 1st Oct 2020 2:44 AM

Sorry, it's SimSlice beer. Typo in my first post. Maybe I've had a beer or two myself this evening.

Beer keg:
Six pack:

Use at your own risk!

BlueAlien 5th Oct 2020 9:35 PM

"Whaddaya mean, Catherine lost a grade by missing school today? Catherine's AT school!"

Not sure what was going on with Catherine Goodie. She couldn't make any calls using the house phone; she'd pick it up, then hang up again. Herbert used the house phone just fine, so I figured maybe it was something to do with Catherine having just bought a cell phone. I had her use that instead and it worked just fine.

The next morning, the bus showed up but Catherine didn't queue up a "go to school" action. I clicked on the bus but got no menu, although the two kids in other apartments were able to use it, so I told Catherine to walk to school. She walked off the corner of the lot and got the "at school" icon on her thumbnail. Then this "missing school" message popped up. I changed her back to Simlogical Flexischool, bought a homework table and had Faith set her some work so she could make up the lost grade - and promptly got a "Catherine's grades are going up" message! Sure enough, she came home on the bus with the teen from upstairs.

I've had the bus not show up on apartment lots many times, but this is the first time it's showed up but the student couldn't board, and the only other time I've had the "lost a grade for missing school" while the Sim was actually at school was when I changed a child from public to private school via Monique's computer after he'd already left for public school. Just to be safe, I think I'll stick to homeschooling Catherine!

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