Mei-Lin, Puppet Master.
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[ author’s note: my mother language is not English, so I apologise for any possible misspellings or grammatically incorrect sentences. Apart from that, please keep in mind that this is a horror story in some way, and will contain a few transgressive things like homosexuality. Refrain from reading if such things bother you. But most of all, I hope you will enjoy the story! ]

Mei-Lin, Puppet Master.


There was something vile and wicked in this house.
Something unbalanced, impossible.
There was something that belonged in Hell.

The walls were ringing, shaking, trembling, singing. Screaming out in ferocious hunger. The attic’s bloodied hands of misery wrapped around my neck, choking me. I was terrified yet drawn to it.

So I surrendered to my emotions. I walked and walked, until my feet could hardly move anymore.

And I found her.

Beauty amidst destruction. She was unbelievable, perfect, catering to my every desire. With her lifeless eyes and rose-touched lips, she asked me to stay with her forever.

I said yes. . . what else could I have done?

She was my guardian angel, protecting me from all that tried to harm me.

When I said yes. . . I never knew there would be a day I regretted my answer.

When I said yes. . . I signed my own death.

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