If You're Not the One [FINISHED]
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This story takes place in Denmark, and even though Silkeborg IS a real city here (and a beautiful one at that), the story is completely fictional (well, not completely, some of it was inspired by one of my friends).

In the beginning I came up with standard English names for the characters (just to please you guys), but I wanted it to be a bit more realistic – so I changed them into standard Danish names instead (most first named also easily pronounced in English). Hope you guys don’t mind.

As it is my very first story I hope you will be kind to me – and now, done with the intro. I hope you will enjoy the story. :P

NOTE: This chapter contains WooHoo, a little talk about WooHoo, and some violence. Just so that everyone’s warned.

Chapter 1 – The Beginning and the Party

I was a simple girl all of my life. Not pretty, but not ugly. I had a normal childhood. My parents were a bit strict, but I guess that’s alright. After all, I am their only daughter. They also have a son, my big brother, Jan. Oh, right, my name is Michelle Lauritsen, by the way.

When I turned 16 I went to boarding school. I am a bit shy, but I made a few friends.

I had never had a boyfriend up until this time, but that was about to change. When I was home for the weekend I met a guy at a small party – Peter Larsson. He was sweet and funny and seemed to really like me. He became my first boyfriend, and we were together a few months. We hadn’t WooHooed at this point though, since I didn’t feel ready yet. He was a few years older than me – 21 – so I knew he was hoping we’d get there soon, but he wasn’t pressuring me.

I went home for the weekend, which I did ever so often, because I wanted to visit Peter. We became closer each week.

We went to a private party where I had a lot of fun, and had some alcohol… I wasn’t much of a drinker, so I guess I shouldn’t have been drinking that much.

(And notice – in Denmark, which is where I live, the legal age for drinking is 16! So I wasn’t doing anything illegal.)

Eventually I passed out, and Peter carried me into the bedroom, where he kissed me on the forehead. “Feel better, honey”. Peter went back into the living room with the others, where he continued partying.

I don’t know how much time passed, but suddenly I felt a presence in the room. I thought it was Peter, especially when he bent down beside the bed and caressed my hair unsteadily in a drunken manner. I mumbled “Hey Peter”, and he replied with “This isn’t Peter… now shut up, girl!”


Suddenly I felt very sober, but my body wouldn’t function right. I was too drunk to put up much of a fight. Who was this? It was dark, and I couldn’t really tell. “Please, no… who are you?” He laid himself on top of me – he was very heavy and I had trouble breathing. I tried calling out for help, but he immediately put his hand over my mouth to strangle my attempt.

Suddenly there was a person in the doorway. “Martin, what are you doing? Are you cheating on me again?” “Nah, girl… she’s the one who wants it! She’s begging me for it!”

Then I knew all too well who it was that was way too close to me. It was the guy throwing the party, known to be a bit of a loverboy. His girlfriend, Sarah, always had trouble keeping him all to herself, and they had a pretty open relationship.

“Alright Martin, but this means you won’t be getting’ something from me tonight!” Sarah spat, then left the room, and closed to door. We were all alone again.

He fondled me everywhere and began pulling off my pants and panties just down over my hips. I shrieked, and he told me that I had best be quiet, or he’d bring his knife into the game. He opened up his own trousers and moved all to close…


… A few minutes later it was over. I had lost my virginity. Had he even used protection? I didn’t know. Didn’t really care. I felt numb, both inside and outside. I dozed off into a restless sleep, where nightmares consumed me.

Comments are of course appreciated.
I will be updating again soon if you guys think the story is worth reading.
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