Buffy's Ring
Buffy's_Ring_Shot_02.jpg - width=361 height=374
Buffy's_Ring_Shot_01.jpg - width=431 height=680
Buffy's_Ring_Shot_03.jpg - width=420 height=358
Buffy's_Ring_Shot_04.jpg - width=420 height=358

Yes it's another Claddagh Ring. bigbry_2442 has uploaded some this week too. But my Rings where based on Buffy's one.
They come in two ways, the one for your single sims and the other one for sims wich are in love.
Credits for mesh goes to SimChic (included).
Have fun with this item and tell me what you think about it

Oh and I don't know if any EP's or SP's are required, I have installed all.
Sorry for my bad english! I hope you can understand everything *g*
/edit: Have changed the picture description.
Uploaded: 19th May 2007, 150.5 KB.
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Updated: 19th May 2007 at 6:17 PM
#Buffy, #Angel, #Ring, #Claddagh Ring, #Vampire Slayer
by Lunar Eclipse 30th Oct 2005 at 11:18pm
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by saracleitao 8th Jul 2006 at 12:25am
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And please link back to the site you have downladed something from my objects.
Thank you :)