Knighthood Career
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Inspired by FennShysa's Paladin career. I liked that career, but it wasn't quite what I was looking for, so I decided to dive into the world of SimPE and Sims modding and make my own Knighthood career. It comes with 10 levels, with complete chance cards, but no uniforms or custom carpools - I wasn't happy enough with any of the medieval-style carpools I could find to see about asking to attach them.
1. Stablehand - §56 - M Tu W Th F Sa
You're working in the stables of the local lord, mucking out stalls and taking care of the horses. It's a dirty, thankless job, but it keeps you at the manor, and near the knights.
2. Page - §187 - Tu W Th F Sa
You've moved up in the world: now you're running errands for the knights, instead of their horses! Keep working hard and making friends, and maybe a knight will take an interest in your skills.
3. Squire - §256 - M Tu Th F
You've caught the attention of one of the knights, and you're now working directly for them...along with a handful of other squires. Together you look after the knight's horse and gear, as well as running errands and messages for him. Work hard to set yourself above the other squires and you may get sponsored for knighthood.
4. Aspirant - §512 - M Tu W Th F Sa Su
Your knight saw something special in you, and has sponsored you for knighthood. Unfortunately for you, all this means is more responsibility - you now act as your knight's representative when they can't be present, along with learning everything there is to know about being a knight and keeping the squires in line. If you don't drop dead from exhaustion first, you may just get knighted.
5. Knight Errant - §828 - M Tu W Th
You've been knighted! You have your own horse, armor, and a page, and are travelling the lands looking for adventure. There's a lot of strange things out there to see, so keep your mind sharper and your body in shape to deal with whatever comes your way.
6. Knight - §952 - M F Sa Su
Your days of wandering are over - you've proven yourself a worthy knight, and attatched yourself to a noble lord. You spend your days upholding your lord's honor and fighting in his wars, but you have little to do otherwise. Fortunately, there's jousting to keep you entertained - not to mention ladies to court, pages and squires to keep in line, and aspirants to work to death.
7. Landed Knight - §1125 - M Tu W Th
You've gained a noble title, and land to go with it! Your responsibilities have just increased, but so has your ability to delegate. Your work hours go down as you find yourself with more free time to pursue your interests - whatever they may be.
8. Crusader - §1200 - Tu W Th F
The call for fighters for a holy war has gone out, and you have answered! Your lands have been left in the hands of your trustworthy seneschal, and you're off to join the fighting army. Keep on your toes, you're heading out onto a battlefield now.
9. Kingdom Champion - §1567 - Tu W Th
Your achievements have brought you to the attention of your Queen, and She has asked you to stand as Her champion. Any challenge to the throne will be met swiftly and decisively - by you.
10. Legend - §2158 - M Sa Su
Ties of loyalty and land no longer hold you - your reputation and achievements have grown to such proportions that you recieve instant respect wherever you go. Kings and Queens ask YOU for audiences, and most of them owe you favours by now. So sit bit, relax, and enjoy the fruits of your labours.
A note about my chance cards: When I got my first chance card in Sims 2, I was incredibly excited to actually have some sort of a puzzle to solve. Then I got the same chance card again later, and realized the cards were completely random. It didn't matter what I picked. End of excitement, and start of hitting the 'ignore' button continuously.
Because of this, my chance cards do not have four possible outcomes - they have two. The result for picking a specific option on a chance card will always be the same. It may take some of the excitement out of it for some people (and makes the third work aspiration benefit completely pointless for this career), but I found it freed me up to give more interesting results.
Credit to: SimPE Bidou's career editor
lientebollemeis for helping me make it work when it broke, even if neither of us knows how or why it broke
1. Stablehand - §56 - M Tu W Th F Sa
You're working in the stables of the local lord, mucking out stalls and taking care of the horses. It's a dirty, thankless job, but it keeps you at the manor, and near the knights.
2. Page - §187 - Tu W Th F Sa
You've moved up in the world: now you're running errands for the knights, instead of their horses! Keep working hard and making friends, and maybe a knight will take an interest in your skills.
3. Squire - §256 - M Tu Th F
You've caught the attention of one of the knights, and you're now working directly for them...along with a handful of other squires. Together you look after the knight's horse and gear, as well as running errands and messages for him. Work hard to set yourself above the other squires and you may get sponsored for knighthood.
4. Aspirant - §512 - M Tu W Th F Sa Su
Your knight saw something special in you, and has sponsored you for knighthood. Unfortunately for you, all this means is more responsibility - you now act as your knight's representative when they can't be present, along with learning everything there is to know about being a knight and keeping the squires in line. If you don't drop dead from exhaustion first, you may just get knighted.
5. Knight Errant - §828 - M Tu W Th
You've been knighted! You have your own horse, armor, and a page, and are travelling the lands looking for adventure. There's a lot of strange things out there to see, so keep your mind sharper and your body in shape to deal with whatever comes your way.
6. Knight - §952 - M F Sa Su
Your days of wandering are over - you've proven yourself a worthy knight, and attatched yourself to a noble lord. You spend your days upholding your lord's honor and fighting in his wars, but you have little to do otherwise. Fortunately, there's jousting to keep you entertained - not to mention ladies to court, pages and squires to keep in line, and aspirants to work to death.
7. Landed Knight - §1125 - M Tu W Th
You've gained a noble title, and land to go with it! Your responsibilities have just increased, but so has your ability to delegate. Your work hours go down as you find yourself with more free time to pursue your interests - whatever they may be.
8. Crusader - §1200 - Tu W Th F
The call for fighters for a holy war has gone out, and you have answered! Your lands have been left in the hands of your trustworthy seneschal, and you're off to join the fighting army. Keep on your toes, you're heading out onto a battlefield now.
9. Kingdom Champion - §1567 - Tu W Th
Your achievements have brought you to the attention of your Queen, and She has asked you to stand as Her champion. Any challenge to the throne will be met swiftly and decisively - by you.
10. Legend - §2158 - M Sa Su
Ties of loyalty and land no longer hold you - your reputation and achievements have grown to such proportions that you recieve instant respect wherever you go. Kings and Queens ask YOU for audiences, and most of them owe you favours by now. So sit bit, relax, and enjoy the fruits of your labours.

A note about my chance cards: When I got my first chance card in Sims 2, I was incredibly excited to actually have some sort of a puzzle to solve. Then I got the same chance card again later, and realized the cards were completely random. It didn't matter what I picked. End of excitement, and start of hitting the 'ignore' button continuously.
Because of this, my chance cards do not have four possible outcomes - they have two. The result for picking a specific option on a chance card will always be the same. It may take some of the excitement out of it for some people (and makes the third work aspiration benefit completely pointless for this career), but I found it freed me up to give more interesting results.
Credit to: SimPE Bidou's career editor
lientebollemeis for helping me make it work when it broke, even if neither of us knows how or why it broke
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Uploaded: 10th Jul 2010, 17.4 KB.
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Basic Download and Install Instructions:
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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None, this is Sims 2 base game compatible!
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Uploaded: 10th Jul 2010 at 8:42 PM
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