Testers Wanted: ICP Jokers Cards (Plus 2 more CD covers) Wall Posters *CEP*

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Color-Enabled Packages Required: In order for these recolored objects to appear in your game you will need to download and install the Color-Enabled packages (CEP). Please see this thread http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=92541&c=1

This is a collection of the six ICP Jokers Cards and 2 extra CD covers as Wall Posters for all you Juggalos and Jugglettes out there. :juggle:

Unpack the archive, choose the picture/s you want in your game (you may want all of them), and place the file/s into <My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads>.

All of the files are contained in two .rars. The ends of each of the ".package" files correspond to the name under each of the pictures in the attached images (the images are in the archives as well).
For example, the picture "The Amazing Jeckel Brothers" is from the ".package" file "Rrngdrgn_JokersCards_TheAmazingJeckelBrothers". I hope that makes it easier for you if you would rather not have all of them.

The picture/s will appear under the "Searing Indifference" Wall Poster.

Enjoy! Feedback is certainly welcome!

:flamer: :evil:

*Changed with SimPE v0.17c. These files are now EP Ready.

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