Bedwetting for everyone
IwnBedWetting_v0.21.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
Shouldn't the toddlers are using the diapers?

In this current state of beta, both traits can be acquired by using 100 reward points in the reward store.
Sims without one of the 2 traits will not wear diapers or act different in any way.
You can acquire both traits at once that way, but it does not make your sim more incontinent, just because he is a bedwetter too.
- The bedwetter trait stops sims from waking up at night to go to the toilet. But more so wetting the bed. (Ages child and up)
- Toddlers are all bedwetters, even if potty trained to lvl 3. They will never wake up at night because they need to go to the potty. If they are asleep they wet there diapers.
- The incontinence trait stopps the sim from realizing that he has to go to the toilet. Incontinent sims will have diapers equipped all the time by default (like toddlers).
- The state, if a sim has diapers equipped or not, is traced. Currently you can not equip a diaper by choise. Bedwetter will equip one while sleeping and incontinent sims always.
- Sleep and nap did not allow for the execution of other functions (like using diaper or wetting the bed). Function added as exception.
- In case of usage of diaper while unsupported functions are running, the usage of diaper will wait for the end of the unsupported function before execution. Usage of diaper can not be cancelt.
- If (because of bedwetter trait) an accident happens over night, the sim will have a diaper equipped until he changes (out of) diaper.
- Bigger sims (child+) can change theire diaper by using a dresser.
- Taking a shower or bathing (any type) changes diaper too, but only after the shower/bath is finished. By doing so, slows down cleaning process depending on how dirty the diaper is. This represents the additional time needed to clean up.
Featurs in development:
- Sims need to put on diapers and can do so even if they are not incontinent or bedwetters.
- EVERY Sim will require potty training. Every use of the toilet will reinforce the potty-training, time and more so using diapers/peeing pants works against that.
- Very young and very old sims will have a more difficult time having no accidents. Accidents can happen at random with low potty training skill.
- Different traits and rewards can make potty training more or less difficult. Some sims may have difficult with dry beds at young age, while growing out of it later.
- Sims will try to equip diapers autonomous, but have no longer one quipped by default if a trait applies. This can lead to accidents without one.
- Putting them on or changing diapers will always be embarrassing. Sims with the shameless-trait do not suffer from this.
- Autonomous change of diapers, not only by taking a bath/shower.
- Urine and poop will be 2 different things and be handled differently.
- Diapers will keep track of content and its age. Not changing diapers can lead to rashes or infections, also for toddlers. (The current rashes are just to easy to fix, just change the diaper...)
- Beds and chairs can get messy if a sim does not has a diaper equipped and has a "bladder failure" (for whatever reason). He will no longer just stand up and play the animation, following a puddle on the floor.
- Because of "looping_content"-animation, "toddler_UseDiaper" or "toddler_UseDiaper_Continuation" can not trigger, and because of this diapers not used while one of the following functions are running:
bed_Nap, chair_Nap, ToddlerhighChair_Nap, sofa_Nap, sofa_Nap_Toddler, chair_Nap_Toddler, napOnGround
As you can see from this list, even nap functions of toddlers are affected, even in the original sims 4 version (without any mods).
I could not fix the functions for toddler, but "bed_Nap", "sofa_Nap" and "chair_Nap" work just fine now.
If someone knows about a fix, please share!
- McCmdCenter was incompatible to my mod. That was because of a xml used for debuging only. Should now work fine.
- I added interfaces to python-functions into the xml. They do nothing in this version (short generating a log if you activate this). Will be used for messages for the player in case of accidents
- "bed_Sleep_Butler" and "coffin_Sleep" now support nighttime accidents too. "Tent_Sleep" can not because of the same problem with "looping_content"-animations. The only solution would be to remove the animation for now...
- Cleanup of translation files, should be now the last problem involving McCmdCenter. In 0.23 McCmdCenter was working, but some translations where missing because of the overwrite by my translation nodes.
- Any type of shower or bath action is now supported for changing diaper, but any of the 2 actions have to end on there own. Use the dresser if you only want to change the diaper.
- New log system that now works even if the program is packed. Because of stupidly bad error reporting by sims 4, 3:30 hours debuging and 18 restarts of sims 4 are included.
- Config file writer that can save/load configurations. Config file can be changed by program or user to change behaviour of this mod (currently no working settings, even if it looks like it)
- Compatibility patch for version Changes for Pets expansion pack changed the way "species" is handled.
StormchaserOne, LilNinthel and Lavarocks made future updates
In general this mod will clash will all other mods modifying one or more xml i modified too.
"motive_Bladder", "sim_BladderDistress", "bed_sleep" or "shower_TakeShower" for example.
I also overwrite "whims.whims_tracker", so all mods modifying/adding rewards will probably not be compatible.
If you implement other mods with rewards after this mod and you can not find my traits any longer, you can also add them by console command.
10681667233809116289 - IwnBedWetting_Bedwetter_Trait
18413237242677847804 - IwnBedWetting_Incontinence_Trait
A complete list of all overwritten xml so far:
- Adds both traits as rewards into the reward store. I have not found another way to do so. If you know one, please comment.S4_03B33DDF_00000000_CEE9A466EBFC13D1 - whims.whims_trackerBuff:
- Stop sims from running to a toilet or waking up (depending on the trait).S4_6017E896_00000000_00000000000069E4 - Buff_Motives_Bladder_ReallyHasToPeeInteraction:
S4_6017E896_00000000_00000000000069E5 - Buff_Motives_Bladder_HasToPee
- Implement changing diaper as part of cleaning up in shower/bathS4_E882D22F_00000000_000000000000367E - shower_TakeShower- Unify toddler and bigger sims with diapers and autonomy
S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000005F0C - shower_TakeShower_ColdShower v0.25
S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000009BA5 - shower_TakeShower_Thoughtful v0.25
S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000009BB4 - shower_TakeShower_Steamy v0.25
S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000009C1D - shower_TakeShower_Brisk v0.25
S4_E882D22F_00000000_000000000000331C - bathtub_TakeBath
S4_E882D22F_00000000_000000000000331F - bathtub_TakeBubbleBath v0.25
S4_E882D22F_00000006_000000000001D610 - bathtub_TakeMudBath v0.25
S4_E882D22F_00000006_000000000001D693 - generic_Relaxingbath v0.25S4_E882D22F_00000000_00000000000263DC - toddler_UseDiaper_failure_standing- Stop sims from running to a toilet or waking up (depending on the trait).
S4_E882D22F_00000000_00000000000267FD - toddler_UseDiaper_WhileEating
S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000022588 - toddler_UseDiaper
S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000026576 - toddler_UseDiaper_Continuation v0.23S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000012EE8 - bladder-route-fail- Allow using diapers while sleeping (action with exception)
S4_E882D22F_00000000_00000000000036A9 - sim_BladderDistressS4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000003323 - bed_NapLoot:
S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000003326 - bed_sleep
S4_E882D22F_00000000_00000000000037E1 - sofa_Nap v0.23
S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000003350 - chair_Nap v0.23
S4_E882D22F_0000000F_0000000000023F87 - bed_Sleep_Butler v0.23
S4_E882D22F_00000011_00000000000249AF - coffin_Sleep v0.23
- To stop sims from making there clothing wet and needing a bath in case they have a diaper equipped in case of a fart gone wrongS4_0C772E27_00000012_00000000000277D5 - loot_GrossManners_OopsFart- Inject point for my own statistic module.S4_0C772E27_00000000_00000000000254DA - loot_Statistic_Toddler_Diaper_Use v0.24Motive:
- To stop sims from running to a toiletS4_339BC5BD_00000000_000000000000410C - motive_Bladder
Original py-files are included, take what you like. Go nuts.
For simple interfaces see "help_IwnBedWetting.txt"-File in any release-download.
Additional Credits:
All sims wet their bed by sachamagne - Mod is outdated, so i have written this one.
NUK Pacifier by victorrmiguell - They even move with the mouth of the toddlers. Used in the screenshot.
Pampers Cruisers Diapers by kratoscheky - Even with cloth, diaper sticking out. Used in screenshot.
IWNBedwetting Extended+ - A big extension to this mod for the ABDL subgroup by LilNinthel
Sadly exclusivly accessable by closed subgroup:
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Credits.txt | txt | 239 |
Iwnbedwetting.package | package | 109779 |
IwnBedWetting.ts4script | ts4script | 33395 | | py | 1724 | | py | 889 | | py | 4470 | | py | 18968 | | py | 3351 | | py | 801 | | py | 1110 | | py | 8210 |
file_io.cpython-37.opt-2.pyc | pyc | 1967 |
injector.cpython-37.opt-2.pyc | pyc | 1134 |
inspector.cpython-37.opt-2.pyc | pyc | 3450 |
main.cpython-37.opt-2.pyc | pyc | 13492 |
maybecats_choices.cpython-37.opt-2.pyc | pyc | 3482 |
reload.cpython-37.opt-2.pyc | pyc | 1003 |
S4Logs.cpython-37.opt-2.pyc | pyc | 1166 |
S4Logs.cpython-37.pyc | pyc | 1166 |
settings.cpython-37.opt-2.pyc | pyc | 6877 |
Note from the Creator:
To make scripts work (and with them this mod) you need to activate script mods in Sims 4.
This can be found in the settings of Sims 4 after starting the game.
| Tested for Added version information into code and notifications. Added compatibelity informations. Removed second copy of the package-file i added to the ts4script on accident.
Uploaded: 24th Sep 2017, 487.3 KB.
| Tested for Patchlog added. Compatible patch for McCmdCenter. Support of other types of sleeping added (butler/coffin). Patch for non-continuation of diaper usage while bed_Nap, sofa_Nap and chair_Nap.
Uploaded: 25th Sep 2017, 492.6 KB.
| Tested for Cleanup of translation files. McCmdCenter 3.7.0 (public release at this time) tested as compatible. Version was tested multiple times, the new size is real! 70kb instad of 493kb!
Uploaded: 26th Sep 2017, 70.1 KB.
| Tested for Any type of shower or bath action is now supported for changing diaper, but any of the 2 actions has to end on there own. Use the dresser if you only want to change the diaper. Accurate future featurs added.
Uploaded: 3rd Oct 2017, 70.7 KB.
| Tested for Added new log system that works even while files are in package/compiled. Config file writer that can save/load custom configurations. Will be used for both internal and user defined config.
Uploaded: 31st Oct 2017, 112.4 KB.
| Tested for Changes for Pets expansion pack changed the way "species" is handled. Debuging is deactivated in this version.
Uploaded: 8th Nov 2017, 112.8 KB.
| Update by StormchaserOne. Didn't test it myself. If this version is/isn't working, please leave a comment.
Uploaded: 20th Apr 2020, 122.6 KB.
| Updated thanks to Ayum for the fix, Stormchaster for DU Expansion Update and Lavarocks for posting it
Uploaded: 29th Dec 2023, 125.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 7th Jan 2024 at 1:49 AM
#bedwetting, #bedwetter, #diaper, #diapers, #incontinence
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