Royalty Mod - Gerson
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Become the Monarch (King Regent) of your world and have a legacy. This mod has:
-Traits: Divided by Titles, Lineage and Class. Also a Lot and Aspiration trait. All with masculine/femenine differentiation. (Ex: here i'll write King but in game is King for male and Queen for women, and so).
*Royal Titles: King Regent, King Consort, Crown Prince, Prince Consort, Prince, Crown Heir (Only aspiration).
*Noble Titles: Lord, Baron, Earl, Duke.
*Lineages: Iron (1st generation, the first king), Bronze (2nd gen, Silver (3rd gen), Gold (4th gen onwards). Only apllied to Royals and ther descendants.
*Classes: Royal, Noble, Subject (If a Subject's incomes in money and lot value are over 100.000 they will become a Gentry).
*Special: Royal Palace (Lot trait) and Crown Seeker (Only aspiration).
-Inheritance: At Birth or Pass their title under the Friendly/Compliment pie menu.
*King Regent and Crown Prince will pass the Prince trait to their children. Just Prince's children would inherit a Noble trait. - At birth -
*A title holder can give their title to their spouse: King Regent - King Consort, Crown Prince - Prince Consort, Prince - Duke, Duke - Duchess, Earl - Countess, Baron - Baroness. Lord doesnt give the title. -Pie menu-
*The lineages pass at birth. (Starts with Iron and goes Bronze, Silver, Gold).
*When the Monarch dies the Crown Prince has a self pie menu option to become a Monarch.
*With testingcheatstrue there is a Pie Menu to add and remove Titles, Class and Lineage.
-Careers: Prince (Must have Royal trait) and Lord (Must have Noble trait)
*Royal: Prince, with two branches (King Regent, King Consort), to get promoted they must have King R/C trait. I couldnt find a way to condition these with KR-KC titles, so it's under your choice to have their career with their right title.
*Noble: Lord, with three branches (Baron, Earl, Duke) I couldnt find a way to condition these with B-E-D titles, so it's under your choice to have their career with their right title.
-Gigs: Royals and Nobles has some gigs to attend. Under self pie menu interaction Activities.
*Royals: Art, science, sport and ecology events. Visit hospitals, orphanages, quarters and court.
*Nobles and Royals: Go to bank, hunt, opera, party, stables, tailor, tea and temple.
-Buffs: There are a lot of buffs. Some class and some title has its own. Social interactions and gigs have their buffs as well. There are proximity buffs: A R-N near a Subject feels tense and Subject near a R-N feels embarassed. Theres also a sad buff to everyone when the Monarch dies.
-Milestones: There are some milestones when the sims get certain traits: King Regent, K-P Consort, Royal, Noble.
-Event: There is a situation event when Royals can host a ball and have Royal and Noble guests.
-Aspiration: There is an aspiration called Royal where your sim can go from to Subject to Monarch. It has four levels, special traits (Crown seeker, Crown Heir) and special interactions.
I wanted to do something like when the Sims have a title, it shows in red letters over their name in Live game (Like the butler, maid and so). I've managed to show it in game as a situation job, but it leads to the sims leaving their workday and returning home every time they are working and I load the lot.
I also wanted to get their title in their information social window relbit (like kwno alien) or among their other traits but I could find a way to do it. If anyone know how to do this one or the red letters, I take advice.
This mod is highly based on llazyneiph's Royal MOD. Theirs is a very extensive and complete mod with many good features, but I only wanted to focus in traits and lineage so I made this one instead.
Strings in english and spanish
Thanks to Zerbu's Mod Constructor
Thanks to XML Injector
Thanks to MAL22 for their Lineage scripts
Thanks to MizoreYukii for the plumbob tweaking
Thanks to Serra. Her videos about tunning files helped me a LOT.
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Gerson_Inheritance_traits.package | package | 542 |
GersonClubRequirements.package | package | 9106 |
Gersonjoseantonio_RoyaltyTraits.package | package | 2075622 |
Gersonjoseantonio_RoyaltyTraits.ts4script | ts4script | 4483 |
PCRoyals_InjectorGerson.package | package | 5353 |
| A game mod with traits, careers, buff, situations, milestones and more.
Uploaded: 5th Nov 2024, 1.81 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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