Another new toddler outfit
newoutfit.jpg - width=263 height=437
newoutfit2.jpg - width=231 height=356
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You know, I really gotta bother trying to recolour the shoes too and not just making them shades lighter or darker. oh well. oh of these days I might get around to it. Anyway, here's another outfits for toddlers.The boy's wearing a shirt I wished I owned with a ... fabricky.. overshirt and pants. WHOOHOO! Oh yeah. My vocabulary is SO huge right now. Bow down in fear and worship my vocab! Men tremble in envy and women line up for a go. *obnoxious wink* lol anyway, enjoy. happy simming.
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Uploaded: 9th Sep 2005, 120.3 KB.
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None, this is Sims 2 base game compatible!
Download Details
Uploaded: 9th Sep 2005 at 5:14 AM
Updated: 5th Nov 2008 at 3:08 AM by CatOfEvilGenius
Updated: 5th Nov 2008 at 3:08 AM by CatOfEvilGenius
– Toddler
– Male
Clothing Type:
– Everyday
Clothing Style:
– No Style
: None of the below styles
– Modern
Other Type:
– Not Applicable
Maxis Flags:
– Not Applicable
Outfit Type:
– Full Outfit