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#26 Old 27th Aug 2009 at 5:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
As much as I adore True Blood, this stupid fricken maenad thing is going TOTALLY out of control. Grrrr, I wish they would hurry up and wrap it up like they did in the book, but of course they can't, because the story is now completely messed up. I too am wondering about Lafayette.

Oh, I loved the beginning of the episode with Sookie and Eric, but then she woke up, and I was like "ARGH! NO!". I really, really want them to get together in the show!

As of now, I want Sookie to stay with Bill.
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#27 Old 28th Aug 2009 at 9:23 AM
I'm such a big Sookie/Eric supporter. Bill, well, I have a lower opinion of him, purely because I've read the books. Also, Alexander Skarsgard is sexy, and more shirtless/naked scenes of him are always good
#28 Old 29th Aug 2009 at 3:52 AM
WooHOO! I just got me some True Blood t-shirts :D

Creator of the Sparkly Things
In Soviet Russia, the Sims mod you!

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#29 Old 29th Aug 2009 at 7:28 AM
Omigawd! Lucky! I've been looking at the Fangtasia shirts on the HBO website, but they don't ship overseas so I can't get them D:
#30 Old 29th Aug 2009 at 7:56 AM
I got mine at Hot Topic. They've become much better at having good shit nowadays.

Creator of the Sparkly Things
In Soviet Russia, the Sims mod you!

ZOMG Patterns! ZOMG! Patterns! the Group!
Awesomeness: When I get sad, I stop being sad and am simply awesome again. True story.
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#31 Old 30th Aug 2009 at 11:20 PM
I laughed so hard when Jason put on the gas mask and pretend to be "The God Who Comes"
I was like YEAH!!!! JASON!!!!!!

and i didn't know how to react when Jessica lost it and bit Hoyt's mother, although she was asking for it.
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#32 Old 3rd Sep 2009 at 12:00 AM

This whole maenad thing is totally out of freaking control. I don't know how they think they're going to solve the problem and then get life in Bon Temps remotely back on track without stuffing up the future storyline (that is if they follow the books). I wish they would hurry up and get rid of the stupid biyotch, and that it would all go back to normal.

Was it just me, or did Eric look especially yummy in this episode? I mean, he's gorgeous in every episode, but I thought he looked even more gorgeous this episode than usual.
My favourite part was the exchange between Eric and Pam about Arlene's kids. Ah, I couldn't stop laughing for so long, even though it wasn't that funny according to my brother.
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#33 Old 8th Sep 2009 at 7:44 PM
I thought it was funny. I thought it was funny how Pam was so disgusted. I mean come on she was a kid once too.
I can't wait for the season finale. It was suppossed to air, last sunday, but because it was labor day weekend I have to wait another two weeks. I don't have cable or a TV where I live. So I watch True Blood when I go to my Mom's house. and I leave to go back to where I live on sunday afternoon so I miss True Blood. Maybe I can convince her to let me stay until Monday morning...since it is the season finale. LoL
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#34 Old 9th Sep 2009 at 12:00 AM
As much as I can't wait for the season finale, I don't want it to come because it means no more True Blood until next season D:
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#35 Old 13th Sep 2009 at 4:24 AM
Yeah same here. I can't wait for the season finale to air tomorrow. but i am also going to miss True blood until season 3 airs
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#36 Old 15th Sep 2009 at 10:21 AM
Just watched the season finale, and I don't quite know what to think.

On the one hand I loved it, because hey, it's True Blood! Then again, on the other hand I was a bit disappointed and annoyed at how the whole town dealed with Maryanne and how Eggs ended up dying.

From reading the books, I know what is meant to happen in the next season, but I have a feeling (judging by the whole conversation between Sophie-Anne and (squee!) Eric) that they will have changed how that's meant to turn out.
Seeing as I am such an Eric junkie, my favourite part was the bit with him lying on the floor after Sophie-Anne had gotten up off of him (that sounds really bad if you haven't actually seen the episode) and his face was just like "Um...?".

Oh, and the having Charlaine Harris actually in the show irked me. I dislike it when movies or shows typecast the original creator into them.
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#37 Old 26th Sep 2009 at 3:10 AM
Who does Charlaine Harris play?

Dante: Let's get over with in ten minutes, and not let a single one of those suckers live.
Trish: Five minutes.
Dante: More than enough.
#38 Old 26th Sep 2009 at 3:36 AM
She had a minor part (ie: one line) in the finale.

Creator of the Sparkly Things
In Soviet Russia, the Sims mod you!

ZOMG Patterns! ZOMG! Patterns! the Group!
Awesomeness: When I get sad, I stop being sad and am simply awesome again. True story.
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#39 Old 26th Sep 2009 at 3:12 PM
oh ok jw.

Dante: Let's get over with in ten minutes, and not let a single one of those suckers live.
Trish: Five minutes.
Dante: More than enough.
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