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Original Poster
#51 Old 25th Aug 2013 at 8:14 PM
Asylum Weekly Report:
Since Arthur has been moved to a new ward, one that wouldn't count him as hostile or criminally insane he has 5 more months left to stablize, if he doesn't fulfill this goal he will spend more time in the children's ward, he will not be moved back to B503 he will still have his two same nurses until he is able to leave.
Scarlet has been moved to a less hostile ward as well, but it isn't the children's ward. She had another year or so until she can leave. Currently the only nurse able to stablize her is Janet.
No more new changes for this week.
Mad Poster
#52 Old 27th Aug 2013 at 7:45 AM
Agnus's private journal: My living quarters are on the upper floor, and I didn't think any patient rooms were under me, but I'm being kept awake by screams and crying. I don't know where Scarlet is, but I suspect she is the one keeping me awake. Janet tells me she has been assigned as her personal care-taker; fine with ME - the kid gives me the creeps. I guess I have gotten emotionally attached to Fern, which is forbidden. And I've been sneaking her cookies and fruit - which is also forbidden. I have been dreaming of snatching her - "breaking her out" and running away with her. She would be the daughter I lost, I would be her loving mommy. But I'm really feeling sorry for Arthur too. I wonder if they would get along together, or be jealous of sharing "Mommy". And what kind of a life would it be, hiding from the authorities? I could make it sound exciting, like joining the circus.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Lab Assistant
#53 Old 28th Aug 2013 at 2:10 AM
Fern awoke. she was pretty hungry, but decided she didn't want to eat this day. she wanted to just spend the day thinking and doing whatever else she decided. she thought hard about why she was here how long she had been here and how long she will stay here. she wanted to leave soon, but she'd miss Nurse Agnus. she didn't want to leave her but she didn't want to wake up and see the same thing everyday, her wight room. she would also miss the sounds. like cars rumbling outside, bringing needed items, and the other yelling, the nurses shoes and the opening of doors. the best opening of doors where when someone left. Fern felt happy for them, being able to join people in society. but Fern feard she couldn't, ever. she wan't normal and couldn't really ever be.

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
Test Subject
#54 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 7:31 PM
(Sorry for being away so long, my computer had to be fixed and I wasn't on for so long that I forgot my password. I had to make another account, but I'll still be keeping up with everything)
Mad Poster
#55 Old 4th Sep 2013 at 3:40 AM
News report: Agnus Crumplebottom was arrested today at her place of employment, the Hillsdale Asylum, on suspicion of kidnapping, trespassing, possessing controlled drugs, and theft. Other employees there said they suspected her of breaking into a locked narcotics locker on many occasions. The director of the Asylum had no record of hiring her, and it was determined that she had no credentials to work with disturbed children. A homeless woman known on the streets as "Gramma", she is accused of planning to kidnap at least one child from the hospital. As she was taken into custody the further charge of resisting arrest was added; she was heard to scream "Furn! I love you baby! I can be your REAL momma! And Arthur, you deserve a family!" She admitted to planning to "take them both far away, for their own good".

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Test Subject
#56 Old 4th Sep 2013 at 3:56 AM
Janet watched as Agnus left sighing. "She seemed nice at first... but I never knew." She walked off to my duties, helping out with Scarlet who has calmed down... but still was reckless. She soon came to Fern's big white room. She came in the a white jacket. "Fern.. I was told to do this, because of Agnus." She said trying to wrap it around Fern. She only wished Fern didn't struggle so much as so. She screamed and cried. Janet... though destroyed the doll that Agnus gave her. The asylum was cruel and wouldn't allow her to have it anymore. As for Arthur.... He would be leaving soon... even though he hadn't been here to long.
Lab Assistant
#57 Old 5th Sep 2013 at 1:51 AM
Fern cried when she heard Agnus was arrested. and then nurse Janet took Fami. and then nurse Janet (forgive me if im wrong) came in and put her in what she called a "hug me" jacket. Fern tried all she could to stop nurse Janet but nurse Janet got it on her and Fern screeched and cried even louder than she was before. Fern refused to do anything, she wouldn't even move. the entire time she cried and screeched for nurse Agnus and Fami. nobody could stop her from making so much noise. she didn't sleep either she just sobbbed the entire night and vowed to never move or do anything until Nurse Agnus returned.

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
Mad Poster
#58 Old 5th Sep 2013 at 6:54 AM
Agnus did not know she had been declared "mentally incompetent" and sent to the very asylum she had been "working" at. It had wards for the criminally insane, but her crimes were found to be minor. Mostly she sat on her cot and talked to her hands. Sometimes she sang, and danced with her imaginary children. She especially liked to sing a nursery rhyme: Tiny Thumbalina, tiny little thing, Thumbalina dance, Thumbalina sing. She would brush her daughter's long hair and tell her stories about Paris. She was happy. Until the lights went out and the dreams came, filled with screaming children and sobbing.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Test Subject
#59 Old 6th Sep 2013 at 12:02 AM
"Fern!" Janet yelled walking into the room with baby food. After she didn't eat she was told to be fed, fed anything that was in the fridge, anything soft. Two guards came behind her holding Fern still on her cot. Janet walked up holding a spoon with some food.
She forced Fern to keep it down by holding Fami up. She hadn't destroyed the doll, she kept it so Fern would keep her food down. She kept yelling, kicking and screaming for Fami and Agnus, but now that Agnus was a patient she was to be treated like one rather then a friend, besides Janet didn't make friends with patients since her father was let out of the asylum.
Janet walked out with the two guards locking the door tight behind her giving Fern a stern look as she left.
Lab Assistant
#60 Old 6th Sep 2013 at 1:11 AM
Fern now had a diet of baby food. she hated it so very much. but they wouldn't let her have anything but baby food. today it was applesacue, that's really all they kept but they would go and get more mainly for her. Nurse Janet didn't like that she had to feed her. infact, nurse Janet didn't like Fern at all, really. Fern had to be the most annoying, stubborn, stupid patient on that ward. But Fern kept the knowledge to herself and tried to scream even louder. she was now a pest, nobody liked her in the ward really. accept some of the patients who ignored her. Fern was sad all the time and screeched as loud as possible, even some of the adults could hear it. she had heard that some of the nurses told nurse Janet to put a muzzle on her.

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
Test Subject
#61 Old 9th Sep 2013 at 12:02 AM
Janet walked by Arthur's room. "Stop with the yelling, now you can barely speak boy!" Janet yelled at him unlocking and opening his door holding a tray of apple sauce, steak, soda and a chocolate bar. "This is for being good. You know you still have a while in this asylum until you can be free and live a normal life right?" She looked at him. She only hoped he wasn't turning crazy again. She didn't want to have to keep caring over these patients, even though she got herself into this.
Lab Assistant
#62 Old 9th Sep 2013 at 2:24 AM
Fern had heard the boy screaming. she wasn't quite sure who he was, she thought he might have been called Arthur or Artemis, something like that. she had stopped crying to listen to him. she could't scream or talk at all , her body wouldn't let her, so she couldn't respond. she wanted to get up and say something back , but she couldn't. so she began to bang on the bars in a response, it wasn't very loud because she hadn't been eating good. she'd accept a spoonful or two because of Fami, but when she realized she wouldn't get her , she refused to eat anymore. but she tried to make it as loud as possible. after awhile ,she gave up. she laid down on her floor and curled up. she took a long nap because she was very tired.

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
Mad Poster
#63 Old 16th Sep 2013 at 2:40 AM
Doctor Agnus reporting: Please cancel all my appointments for this week, I will be at my summer home. Um, I seem to be locked in the attack of my summer home. I've tried to stack up the furniture so I can look out the little window, but I fell and the servants got mad at me. I warned them I would fire them if they did not speak to me politely! But they just made faces and left, locking the door. I never got to look outside; I'm sure the grounds and the boat house are as lovely as ever.

Last night I heard someone screaming. A young man, saying I was not alone. I was frightened, but then I felt oddly comforted. Maybe I was dreaming. The service is terrible; I take great pains to write out menus, but their must be a new cook - the food is horrible. Since I am not allowed in the rest of the house, I spend my time writing to people I think I used to know. There was a girl with a garden name - Daisy, or Rose or Fern or something. And another one that eats people ... no, no that can't be right! Oh, and a young prince, George or Arthur? I seem to remember telling him he had magic powers, if he could just remember who he really was. And something about a cat, a cat that sits in a tree and disappears.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Lab Assistant
#64 Old 24th Dec 2013 at 3:11 AM Last edited by wilksfamily : 24th Dec 2013 at 7:02 PM.
Fern awoke and her stomach felt Knotted. it must be eating itself she thought, wandering what shed had to eat recently. then she remembered why she wouldn't eat, Fami. Fern missed Fami so bad, but the nurses would only take the stuffed animal out to convince fern to eat wich was verry little. Fern could barley stand up, she was weak and scrawny. but she managed to pull herself atop her bed and look at the wall. she had the sudden urge to throw a tantrum, screaming kicking tearing everything in her room apart, but she couldn't she just layed down and tried to cry, but every tear from her had been shed she couldn't cry or walk, what good was she now?

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
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