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The Haunted Manor

by Vampire7639 Posted 21st Dec 2005 at 9:39 AM - Updated 1st Sep 2006 at 10:14 PM by VampireX13UK : I changed my signature
6 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 5 Feedback Posts
#2 Old 22nd Dec 2005 at 6:38 PM
Yay! I'm the first person to say thanks for this house!!! I just downloaded it, and can't wait to move some creepy sims in. Thanks!!!
:skull: :skull: :skull:
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 22nd Dec 2005 at 6:52 PM
Thankyou silvertreedrake. I am ever so glad to have you involved in the project. If you want to visit the team website, go to the project thread and see my new post about the website. And if anyone else wants to join the team, please visit the horror theme thread in the create/all posts/project proposals. You can also get there using the link in my signature.
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 22nd Dec 2005 at 6:52 PM
Looks nice, especially for our Horror Theme. I tried it out and it ran rather slowly on my computer, since it's a fairly big lot, but the greenhouse is lovely.

NOTE: Since I'm a stupid wanker, none of the clothing uploads I've created work (they're the bitmaps and mesh instead of the complete clothing file). If you're smart enough, go ahead and re-assemble the parts, or just wait for me to update my clothes. Many apologies.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#5 Old 22nd Dec 2005 at 6:54 PM
Yeah, it does go a bit slow, but it's still a fantastic house, isn't it?

It's also my first upload! Yay me! :wave:
Mistress of architectural mishaps
retired moderator
#6 Old 22nd Dec 2005 at 7:05 PM
Rather huge lot, it's probably gonna take some time to furnish 30 rooms.
Hope you don't expect us to come up with a whole warehouse full of furniture for it LOL :bandit:

Retired from Simming
#7 Old 27th Jan 2007 at 6:18 PM
That looks really great for %100 Maxis