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Matching Elf Ears

by Dove the Unoriginal Posted 13th Jan 2006 at 2:19 PM - Updated 15th May 2010 at 1:53 AM by CatOfEvilGenius
6 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 5 Feedback Posts
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 13th Jan 2006 at 7:28 PM

now I can create a Sim that looks like me

thank you
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 13th Jan 2006 at 9:11 PM
^^ WTS? LoLWTFBBQ? Anywho, thanks sug for your work and the conversation! :o*
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 14th Jan 2006 at 1:32 AM
GREAT! This is a real help.

If you have time could you possibly make a light-med. peach skintone (and ears too)?

(Peach is my fav. color and I've wanted peach skin for quite a while.)

Thanks for sharing your work.
Field Researcher
#5 Old 14th Jan 2006 at 4:22 AM Last edited by HystericalParoxysm : 19th May 2006 at 5:57 AM. Reason: Signatures cannot exceed 4 lines.
Whew! I can tell you put some time into this! Good job!!!
#6 Old 15th Jan 2006 at 4:09 AM
hey those ears are awesome but can u put them into a zip file for me.
My Computer is very stubborn.
Test Subject
#7 Old 15th Jan 2006 at 1:30 PM
I need dark pink ears, Do you think you could make some, Btw thanks for thes ears i have thes skin tones and I love elfs <3! ^^