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Jensen Ackles

by ediblemalfoy Posted 16th Jun 2006 at 10:54 AM - Updated 29th Jun 2006 at 5:58 PM by ediblemalfoy : picture bandwidth problem, changed some links
29 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 28 Feedback Posts
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Original Poster
#26 Old 2nd Mar 2007 at 8:34 AM
Err, sorry. I didn't have this thread on alert, so I didn't see your comment earlier than this. I had a clean install recently, so I'm afraid I don't have those custom contents with me anymore. :S

...Love your enemies just in case your friends turn out to be a bunch of bastards...
:: ramblings of the deranged mind ::
Test Subject
#27 Old 22nd Mar 2007 at 4:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ediblemalfoy
Err, sorry. I didn't have this thread on alert, so I didn't see your comment earlier than this. I had a clean install recently, so I'm afraid I don't have those custom contents with me anymore. :S

Well don't worry about it, heleane has put up her old custom content.
Test Subject
#28 Old 1st Jul 2007 at 1:47 AM
It's a nice looking sim, but I don't think it looks anything like Jensen/Dean. Good job though. :]
Test Subject
#29 Old 3rd Oct 2007 at 9:56 PM
It's a good sim, like others have said, but it's definitely not Jensen.
Test Subject
#30 Old 5th Sep 2020 at 6:55 PM
HELLO , Is anyone here in this thread? I was wondering if I can contact the creators of these images to license one of them for a project. Does anyone know where and if I can find them? The sites displayed don't seem to exist anymore.Thx.
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