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Half walls in 'Nightlife' expansion pack
Quote: Originally posted by averna13
I love the coffee shop accessories, but I'm curious about the half-wall appearing in your screen cap! Is that an actual half-wall, or is it a counter? If it IS a half-wall, is there somewhere I can get it??
The half wall comes with the 'Nightlife' expansion pack. I totally forgot! I was thinking it was standard. It's difficult to keep track of things like that when you have all the EPs. Thanks for asking. My reasoning for making wallpaper instead of placing it on a counter is that -for me- it allows the use of any counter behind the half wall. I also don't have to make recolors of every single counter. The wall paper is "complete". So, if you place it on a full wall you will see the exact wallpaper that is in the background image, but with coffee bins at the bottom.
Let me know if you use any of my recolors in a story, video, etc. I'd like to see it!