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Ten Simple Bindis for Women & Men, Teen-Elder

by SnootCB Posted 13th May 2007 at 3:11 AM - Updated 13th May 2007 at 9:54 PM by SnootCB : Improvements
2 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 1 Feedback Posts
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 16th May 2007 at 5:35 AM
Great set! Thanks for sharing.

Would it be possible to place all the individual files into one for easier downloading? I don't use Q-xpress. I want to download and place the items myself so downloading ONE larger file would be easier than downloading all the individual ones.

Keep the individual files for those who only want certain ones, and have a file with all of them for those who would like all of them.

If this is possible for you to do, please consider it. (Not for me, I've already downloaded them individually and this request was born from that experience.)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#3 Old 16th May 2007 at 7:28 AM
Of course, I should have done that in the first place. Thanks for reminding me! It will be done sometime this week, after final exams are over with.