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Modern Circles Bedding

by Ryazan Posted 13th Aug 2007 at 10:54 AM - Updated 1st Sep 2008 at 10:54 PM by Ryazan
4 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 3 Feedback Posts
Field Researcher
#2 Old 13th Aug 2007 at 7:02 PM
This looks really good. Thank you.
Field Researcher
#3 Old 14th Aug 2007 at 12:34 AM
This is very cute. Thanks so much! The game definitely needs more manly prints on the beds.
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 14th Aug 2007 at 2:01 PM
A nice antidote to all those princessy-themed sets I have been overdosing on lately. Thank you!
Test Subject
#5 Old 27th Oct 2008 at 10:20 AM
Thank you, I've got one like that in RL.