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Updated /w square glass! *By request-Shadowey* Open me Door recolor

by Kimdelee Posted 17th Aug 2007 at 6:19 PM - Updated 6th May 2008 at 9:43 PM by Kimdelee : update
7 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 6 Feedback Posts
Test Subject
#2 Old 20th Aug 2007 at 4:20 AM
Wow, thanks so much.
#3 Old 20th Aug 2007 at 5:04 AM
Yes I would love to have the aquare one too to match your windows. Thanks for making it.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 20th Aug 2007 at 10:08 AM
OK regular laptop has taken a dive, but I will have it done before the week is up.
#5 Old 20th Aug 2007 at 11:00 AM
lovely. normal colour al last.
and OMG I love your avatar. ♥ Lestat ♥
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 4th Apr 2008 at 11:41 AM Last edited by Nohan : 4th Apr 2008 at 12:27 PM.
Thank you so much for these!

They are adorable!

Hmm, Did you add the squared ones? I can't see any? Now I have two versions of the ones with x:es...
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#7 Old 6th May 2008 at 9:52 PM
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 6th May 2008 at 10:15 PM
Thank you so much!

I will download as soon as possible!

My Sims PC just crashed...