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An Siopa Peata-The Irish Pet Shop

by PlayJck103 Posted 18th Aug 2007 at 1:09 PM
3 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 2 Feedback Posts
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#2 Old 20th Aug 2007 at 1:24 PM
Thank you
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 22nd Aug 2007 at 2:02 PM
Now that is adorable, and perfect for one of my hoods. Thanks!
#4 Old 16th Jan 2008 at 7:04 AM
Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for for my neighborhood!

What if one little pop could open a world of wonder
So sensory, so satisfying. It's the magic Friskies makes happen every day in so many ways
Friskies, feed the senses. Cat sez eff that, gimme cheezburgers.