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Teriyaki Mahi Mahi

by fireflies Posted 13th Mar 2008 at 9:39 AM
11 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 7 Feedback Posts, 3 Thanks Posts
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Lab Assistant
#2 Old 23rd Mar 2008 at 1:57 PM
I'll test it in my game. could you make it for every BV food?
Test Subject
#3 Old 27th Mar 2008 at 4:38 AM
I tested this in my game and it looks and works great!! I don't have free time or bon voyage. I have uni, nl, ofb, glamour and celebration. Just thought I would let you know and to thank you for creating such a great item!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#4 Old 27th Mar 2008 at 10:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by cessyka5
I'll test it in my game. could you make it for every BV food?

Not sure what you mean by making it for every bv food?
do you mean all the bon voyage foods that are not in the fridge?

Quote: Originally posted by Nicm15
I tested this in my game and it looks and works great!! I don't have free time or bon voyage. I have uni, nl, ofb, glamour and celebration. Just thought I would let you know and to thank you for creating such a great item!

Nicm15, Thank you for testing and reporting back it is much appreciated,
your imput will let others know it is working well for the specified expansions
you have noted, as well as bon voyage and freetime.
Forum Resident
#5 Old 9th Jun 2008 at 9:01 PM
Mmm, I had Mahi Mahi the other day. <3 I'll definitely be putting this is my game!
I'm afraid I have both Free Time and Bon Voyage, so my testing it probably won't be particularly useful. D:
Field Researcher
#6 Old 21st Jul 2008 at 7:02 AM
Wonderful work! Me and my simmians thank you!

Wow, it's beautiful outside. I should probably do something....

Like close the blinds on my window so there isn't a glare on my computer screen.
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 24th Jul 2008 at 10:40 PM
Thanks for this! How many skill points you need to prepare it?

Visit my new site: Sims MX
Mad Poster
#8 Old 4th Aug 2008 at 11:24 PM
Thanks so much. Now my sims can quit bugging me with wanting to learn how to cook these items after their vacation.

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Test Subject
#9 Old 13th Jun 2009 at 6:03 AM
my bff's name is Mahi
Top Secret Researcher
#10 Old 13th Oct 2014 at 4:34 PM
Thank you.
Test Subject
#11 Old 5th Mar 2016 at 7:32 AM
thank you
Mad Poster
#12 Old 19th Feb 2017 at 6:36 PM
Thank you