20th Mar 2008 at 11:22 AM
Posts: 45
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7 Achievements
Well,….. I’m not going to shoot myself over this
, but I actually found a tiny issue with Numenor’s columns. It’s really tiny so I’m not going to change the upload for this. After spending a week just cleaning, packaging and installing, trying to figure out why some of the Fusion doors/windows persistently kept turning blue, I finally gave up and removed it from the CC included list and advised people to download the (rather large) set themselves.
I had a similar problem with Numenor’s columns that stubbornly kept changing into glass instead of opaque. Just when I thought I had that figured out everything, the set had one more surprise waiting for me today. After putting the complete Wall Window Glass Set back in the downloads folder (temporarily removed for cleaning purposes) the columns suddenly had narrow rings around them. So, I suppose anyone with the full set installed will experience the same thing. Like I said, it’s almost unnoticeable but annoying to myself as I intended the columns to be smooth. Anyway, its very easy to correct, just click on the columns with the design tool, choose the white opaque in combination with the white rings and voila! there’s your nice smooth white columns….