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Small Homes- Two bedroom two bath - No CC

by AndreaSim24 Posted 10th Jul 2008 at 1:28 AM - Updated 24th Nov 2008 at 7:26 PM by mike19
2 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 1 Feedback Posts
Coffee, anyone?
retired moderator
#2 Old 11th Jul 2008 at 6:49 AM
This is absolutely adorable! Squeee! Very nice yard with a pond and room to grow. And a special thank you for not putting custom content in the lot. I have all the CC I need and really don't like having to install things I don't want or need ( or having to uncheck all the content with Clean Installer and then having bare walls/floors etc. or worse yet terrain paints that can't be removed :/ )

I'm worried that my latest Salvation Army donation will result in homeless people looking like sluts from the 90s.
#3 Old 12th Jul 2008 at 2:56 PM
This is just tooooo cute! Nice work, Andrea. Well deserved Picked Upload!