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Select your cemetery

by arek_91 Posted 26th Jan 2009 at 8:10 PM - Updated 8th Jan 2024 at 4:13 PM by arek_91 : Fixing grammar mistakes of younger me I can't stand anymore
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#26 Old 24th Nov 2019 at 11:05 PM
Can anyone tell me how this is SUPPOSED to work exactly? I'm trying to test if it works, because I know I once got the message and now I never do, but can't tell if it's supposed to be this way. Will I get it only on apartment lots...? Does it have to be the last sim in the family?
Test Subject
#27 Old 2nd Jan 2022 at 8:09 PM
Thanks a lot! Look is anybody knows that the download of the select your cemetery (all lots) is for apartments too?
Sorry for my bad english. Is that I used the clean template of Pleasantview on meetmetotheriver's site and I killed Bella Goth from her apartment (I sent Nina Caliente to Bella's apartment I put Bella selectable and I just killed her by disease with the spawned box that I don't know and her grave just disappeared... I stayed like...the mod does not work for me?
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 5th Jul 2022 at 10:00 PM
Very good idea, but unfortunately it doesn't quite work like it should, at least on non-apartment lots. While the option to move the grave did pop up when the very last sim in the house died, the game would still carry on normally, trying to leave an urn/tombstone behind on the lot. In one instance, it didn't even go to Build/Buy, and instead the Grim Reaper started watching TV! Thankfully my objects.package files are set to read-only, and I obviously didn't save, but that could be dangerous to one's neighborhood!
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#29 Old 11th Nov 2022 at 2:05 AM
Essential for any Sims 2 player. Thank you!
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#30 Old 23rd Jul 2023 at 9:49 PM Last edited by callutt : 10th Dec 2023 at 3:03 AM.
Default Incompatible files
I had a problem with a loose CC file: HL_Buyable_Gravemarkers.package. It replaces the vanilla gravestones, thus making it impossible to select them for moving (or to mourn). The file made its way into my Downloads folder when I installed a cemetery lot. Just thought I'd leave that here if anyone else runs into the same issue.
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#31 Old 26th Jan 2024 at 3:31 PM Last edited by c00ki3 : 26th Jan 2024 at 5:52 PM.
Looking forward to using this mod for the first time, but probably even more so now just because you fixed a gramatical error from 15 years ago. Iconic!!
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