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Testers Wanted: Posters & Picture from Matoh's FAKE (CEP recolours)

by viromancy Posted 9th Jan 2005 at 11:42 PM - Updated 9th Jan 2005 at 11:46 PM by viromancy
2 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 1 Feedback Posts
Test Subject
#2 Old 10th Jan 2005 at 2:46 AM
Thanks for thinking of us rabid fangirls. Beautiful work! :clap:
Test Subject
#3 Old 10th Sep 2006 at 4:47 PM
Default Eh?
Love you for doing this but.. - these don't seem to work for me? They appear in the game, but only as blue, plain posters. I have CEP enabled and working, so..?