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Life Eyes, In Other Colours

by lovetadraw Posted 11th Mar 2010 at 9:19 PM - Updated 11th Mar 2010 at 9:51 PM by lovetadraw
5 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 4 Feedback Posts
Mad Poster
#2 Old 11th Mar 2010 at 10:13 PM
I'm lovin' the rainbow eyes! Well done!

Angie/DS | Baby Sterling - 24/2/2014
This account is mostly used by my sons to download CC now, if you see me active, it's probably just them!
#3 Old 11th Mar 2010 at 10:26 PM
Yay! They're finnaly up! *downloads* Thank yu
Test Subject
#4 Old 11th Mar 2010 at 10:50 PM
Yay, you made purple eyes! Very beautiful tones too, along with the sweet rainbow eyes.
Test Subject
#5 Old 15th Apr 2010 at 6:03 PM
These are so cool, thank you!
Test Subject
#6 Old 16th Jun 2010 at 5:33 AM
I love your eyes. I already have a lot of eyes in my sims 2 game, but I just can't have enough!